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#182686 Posted on 2018-08-06 10:43:52

Skye bit her lip. "Happened more than once on my end. It's never good."

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#182688 Posted on 2018-08-06 10:46:59

"I was expecting it. Besides, I have security guys working at my house right now so hopefully I can avoid that again. While I knew I could easily handle him it's not the best feeling having a gun to your head." Ash shrugged and stood, scooping up the now empty box. "You seem a little anxious. Is everything alright?"Β 

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#182689 Posted on 2018-08-06 10:53:21

"Well, um... not quite."

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#182690 Posted on 2018-08-06 10:55:43

He paused, not expecting the reply. "What's wrong?" The house seemed to be fine for all he knew, but then again he wasn't familiar with it.

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#182692 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:05:20

Skye combed her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair before she answered. "Sylvia isn't back yet and she never leaves without a note or something, and she never leaves the door unlocked because I have a key."

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#182695 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:07:53

"What does she look like? How old is she? We can submit a missing persons report and get people looking for her."

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#182699 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:17:59

Skye shook her head. "I can't. If anyone finds out- I'm not supposed to be here. According to the authorities I don't exist! There are too many questions they'll ask that I can't answer."

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#182700 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:22:32

"Oh." Ash thought a moment, absently setting the box back down. "Okay, what would she normally be doing around this time? And it would still be helpful if I know what she looks like."

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#182704 Posted on 2018-08-06 11:57:41

Skye nodded. "I have a picture somewhere," she said, getting up to look in a drawer and finding it.

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#182787 Posted on 2018-08-06 14:53:59

He glanced at the photo and then looked back up at Skye. "You're either dodging my questions or very distracted. Has she done anything like this before? What would she normally be doing at this time of day?" Ash had already asked the latter question. He wasn't sure if she was trying not to answer or if she was very worried about the missing person.Β 

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#182788 Posted on 2018-08-06 14:57:50

Skye shook her head. "She's usually here. And no, she hasn't disappeared like this before. What if-" she got in trouble for letting me stay here- if someone somehow tracked me here and then-

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#182789 Posted on 2018-08-06 15:07:09

"We'll find her." Ash leaned against a wall, thinking. He shook his head. "I need more information if we're going to figure out what happened and where she could be. Without filing a report I don't have access to resources that would make this much easier, and the people who work those areas won't let me borrow them unless I have a permit given to me."Β 

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#182793 Posted on 2018-08-06 15:16:04

Skye nodded exhaling slowly in an attempt to clear her head. "What information do you need?"

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#182794 Posted on 2018-08-06 15:19:01

She finished her carving and studied it. Not bad at all. She could maybe sell this. She inspected the craving, which consisted of a howling wolf. She slipped it into her pocket then pulled out a notebook and quickly jotted down the routine of the guards.Β 

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#182795 Posted on 2018-08-06 15:23:07

"Places she might go; if she ever has moments of forgetfulness; any enemies she might have; friends who might be in trouble, causing a hasty exit; anything like that." He paused, thought a moment while simultaneously studying her, and then spoke again. "Maybe you should get something to drink - preferably hot - and sit down before we get into all this."Β 

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