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"—cool cool cool"

Layout by UlyssesBlue (#60734)
> info on the player

Quick Factz:
> #79219 ✥ Raptorfang / Raptor / Rap
✥ guy he/him

> ENFJ-T ✥ type 4
✥ chaotic neutral ✥ Capricorn
> Listography 
 Johari Window

Who Am I?:
Greetin's, I'm Raptor, formerly known as Raptorfang or Twin Oaks Ranch if you're an oldie. I'm an absentminded dude who likes watching cartoons and starting a variety of art/writing projects that never end up getting finished. I used to own a TWH and a miniature donkey.

And in case you've ever wondered, it's Raptor as in the bird, not Raptor as in the dinosaur, though I guess they're related closely enough for either to work. I do realize that the '-fang' part is kind of contradictory to it being the bird, but you'll have to ask the younger version of me who came up with the name originally about that.

Art Stuff:
status: CLOSED

rules: these were discussed prior to order confirmation, but here they are anyway:

1) do not use my art in any sort of hateful or negative way

2) do not remove any of the credits present on the image

3) if revamping a design by me, credit me as the original designer on all future references [my credits will be on the image, so this should not be hard to do]

4) try to PM me before reselling/giving away so I can make note of who the new owner is

5) do not resell for real-life currency

6) do not resell/give away offsite, though you may use offsite

7) do not resell/give away tags/sigs/custom character drawings on their own; they must only be resold/given away with the design depicted in them

8) do not repost my art to your DeviantArt or any art-sharing sites of a similar nature [ is fine of course]

Spare Accounts:

> info on the ranch

horse(s) for sale: no

horse(s) for stud: no

horse(s) for brood: no

boarding: yes, 65 stalls @ $10/wk

arena(s): yes, Regional Racing, 10 slots @ $60

riding school: yes

clubs you should join:
The LGBTQ+ Assoc., The Kindness Club

A Brief History of Twin Oaks Ranch:
Twin Oaks Ranch, or TOR, started out back in 2015 as a ranch with no specialty or purpose, one that took in horses of all breeds and disciplines, but eventually shifted to just a Thoroughbred racehorse housing and breeding facility. After a short hiatus in early 2016 where no progress was made, the ranch shifted focus again, downsizing significantly and adding a new objective to the agenda: color. Still a racehorse ranch, its horses now sported rare coats as their main claim to fame. Over the years, more breeds were added, each bred mainly for color but with a small focus on stats pertaining to their respective disciplines as well. Today, though not very bustling at the moment, the farm is still clinging to life, having held that same agenda for quite some time with no plans to change course.

TLDR; Raptor has spent literal years of his life intermittently trying to breed a smoky cream RbRb frame overo Thoroughbred without the use of any sort of coat-altering items - with no luck.

TOR Lines of the Past and Present:
Original Thoroughbred Lines

> Established 2015, ended 2016.
No name theme.

"Flames Of Ambition" - Color Thoroughbred Lines

> Established 2016.
Fire or crime-themed names.

"Hurricane Season" - Color Chincoteague Lines

> Established 2016.
Natural disaster-themed names or names of hurricanes.

"Weather Report" - Color Arabian Lines

> Established 2016, ended 2018.
Weather-themed names.

"Misfit Toys" - Color Shetland Lines

> Established 2016.
 Song title or lyric names. Originally "Guilty Pleasures" until 1/4/19.

"Talentoso" - Stat Thoroughbred Lines

> Established 2016, ended 2020.
Names tend to reflect greatness or success.

"Ghosts Of Emotion" - Color Trakehner Lines

> Established 2018.
Edgy names.

"Weather Report II" - Color Paint Lines

> Established 2018.
Weather or news report-themed names.

"Retro Kids" - Color Welsh Lines

> Established 2018.
Retro-themed names.

"Finality" - Color Clydesdale Lines

> Established 2018.
Names have something to do with endings or leaving.

"Euphonic Cenotaph" - Color Akhal-Teke Lines

> Established 2019. Names are the first name of a deceased artist of any kind.


яғ - horse was either bred or created by Twin Oaks Ranch

-%- - horse was part of its line's founding pair (in respects to my color lines)

Account Information
Member Name Raptor
Member ID 79219
Account Type Deluxe (139 days left)
Joined January 18, 2015
Last Active 2025-02-02 11:21:35
Member Information
Money on Hand $1,237
Money in Bank $51,460,062
Player Level 17
Horses 24 / 90

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 0
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 99950
Show Winnings
Yesterday $0
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $25,257

Member Level
Level 17 Experience 83359 (9%) EXP Required 883006 EXP Left 799647

Raptor's Horse Divisions
a [Flames Of Ambition - Color Thoroughbreds] LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
b [Hurricane Season - Color Chincoteagues] LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
c [Misfit Toys - Color Shetlands] LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
d [Weather Report II - Color Paints] LOCKED 6 horses
Not trained today
e [Ghosts Of Emotion - Color Trakehners] LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
f [Retro Kids - Color Welshes] LOCKED 2 horses
Trained today
g [Finality - Color Clydesdales] LOCKED 4 horses
Trained today
h [Euphonic Cenotaph - Color Akhal-Tekes] LOCKED 4 horses
Trained today
i [LOCKED Until Ready] LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
j [Miscellaneous] LOCKED 3 horses
Trained today
xxx [Don't Fear The Reaper] LOCKED 0 horses

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Specialists Extraordinaire

Coloured Horse Club

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Elite Racehorse Registry

The EV Art Club

I Own Too Many Characters Group

Equiverse Color Association

The "I Dare You" Club

Akhal-Teke Club

Trakehner Club

The LGBTQ+ Association

Equiverse Pony Association

Racing Club

Shetland Pony Club

One Man's Trash

Welsh Pony Club

Paint Horse Club

High Stat Horsies

Paint Horse Association

Palomino Association

The Breyer Club

EV Jump! Guild

Grade Horse Society

Grade Horse Association

Bay Is The Way

Leopard Lovers

Breyer Balooza

Before the Recode - Old EVians Unite!

Rare Colors Club

Show Jumping Association

Remarkable Coat Lodge

Equiverse Thoroughbred Club

Sabino Horse Society

Sport Horse Association

Western Paint Horse Association

The Trakehner Society

Pinto Horse Federation

Thoroughbred Club of Equiverse

Welsh Pony Registry

Doodle Gang

Preferred Specialties
ChincoteagueShow JumpingColor
Shetland PonyWesternColor