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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

#111098 Posted on 2017-06-24 13:57:05


Luna could hear Alexa breathing, but she was on the other side of the wall. She quickly blasted the wall with a magic beam, then crawled to where Alexa was. Luna, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, teleported Alexa and herself (holding the hedgehog) to where Wes was with her bunnies.

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#111103 Posted on 2017-06-24 14:38:47


Alex was back by the secret entrance, with Luna, Wes, and the three animals. She took a deep breath to clear her head. The girl stood slowly, grabbing onto the rack of clothing for support. She glanced at Luna warily, not knowing whether to snap at her or to be scared.
"Who are you?" she blurted out, a bit harsher-sounding than what she had intended. "You have all these mysterious powers, and... I don't know what to think anymore. Do you know where they came from? 'Cause I sure don't - not about my power, that is."
That was partially a lie. Alex did in fact know that she got her power from her grandmother, whom she lived with, but she had no clue who her grandma got the ability from... so it was virtually useless information. Besides, she wasn't going to tell these people any more personal details.

Last edited on 2017-06-24 at 14:40:25 by τηγανιτές πατ

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#111105 Posted on 2017-06-24 14:55:49


Luna could only move things with her mind, and she could strangely just 'feel' some things, but her grandmother gave her other powers she could use... Sometimes. She couldn't use them forever. Luna wasn't about to tell them who she was, or why she had powers. "Alexa, you got powers from your grandma, didn't you?" Luna said.

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#111108 Posted on 2017-06-24 15:01:58


Alex's face went pale and she stared at Luna, sweating nervously. "H-how did you... how did you..?" she stammered, backing up and knocking over the rack. It made a rather loud bang as it hit the ground, but Alex didn't care at that point. She turned and fled for the exit, but then realized that she only knew of one way to get in and out of there: the trap door... and there was no way to get out using that. She skidded to a stop, panting, even though she hadn't run very far.

Last edited on 2017-06-24 at 15:02:49 by τηγανιτές πατ

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#111110 Posted on 2017-06-24 15:08:01


The trap door had closed completely, as it was supposed to, and it wouldn't open from the inside. Luna's phone buzzed, and she checked her messages. She didn't have to be at science for another hour, the English teacher had made the lesson even longer, and even more boring. And the rest of the day's classes were canceled. Luna sighed, then walked to where Alexa was. Suddenly, the lightbulb went out, leaving them in darkness.

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#111112 Posted on 2017-06-24 15:15:45


Alex jumped slightly as the lights went out. She took another deep breath. She wasn't afraid of the dark... and besides, this place was creepy in a cool way. However, the darkness and musty smell didn't seem quite as inviting as it had seemed before. The blond wanted nothing more than to leave, but she focused her attention on the room so that she couldn't possibly think of anywhere else... or else she'd teleport.

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#111115 Posted on 2017-06-24 16:20:05


Luna stared up at the light, unsuprised. It hadn't been replaced for at least eleven years. She knew that they couldn't see her, so she flew up to the light and replaced it, after switching the switch off. She then turned the lights on, and they worked.

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#111123 Posted on 2017-06-24 17:22:55


Alex blinked rapidly as the lights came back on. She looked around, dizzy, until she stopped Luna. "Just... please tell me your story, or something. You seem to know everything about me, so I don't see how it's fair that you're keeping your secrets to yourself. I feel like I deserve, oh, I dunno," - her voice was laced with evident sarcasm - "an apology, maybe? Some information?"

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#111124 Posted on 2017-06-24 17:28:24


Luna stared at Alexa. "You ran off into that crawlspace." Luna wasn't being mean, just pointing that out. And Luna couldn't tell her who she was. She just couldn't. Luna ran into the room next to the one they were in, scared, actually scared of revealing who she was.

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#111127 Posted on 2017-06-24 17:35:01


"Good talk," she huffed coldly, turning and walking away. She didn't know what direction; she didn't care. They knew everything. She couldn't hide the truth anymore. Luna seemed to know every last detail about her... I wonder if she, or anyone else here, can read my mind. That would be lovely. Just fantastic, she thought to herself, giving her sarcasm full freedom inside her mind.

(OOC: oh, the irony)

Last edited on 2017-06-24 at 17:35:50 by τηγανιτές πατ

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#111133 Posted on 2017-06-24 17:42:23


Luna felt weak. She felt strange, like she was going to die. All of a sudden, there was a blinding flash of light, and the king of her kind was in front of her. Luna felt her rightful powers return to her, and she blasted her magic at him. He obviously wasn't prepared, and instantly returned to the magical realm. Luna took a deep breath. She felt the power leave her... She was safe. But weak. She lay on the floor, trying not to scream.

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#111220 Posted on 2017-06-25 12:24:43


Wes had watched the whole thing sitting on the ground, petting the bunnies. They crawled into his lap and fell asleep as Luna and Alex had some sort of argument.

Wes didn't question anything anymore.

When Luna ran off and Alex started walking away, he put the bunnies back on the floor, got to his feet, and followed Alex.

"Sorry, guys," he told the rabbits. They twitched their noses at him and hopped away.

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#111221 Posted on 2017-06-25 12:33:32


By that time, Alex had sunk to the ground with her back pressed against a wall, forward and left from the trapdoor. She absentmindedly scrolled through her phone, sliding her headphones onto her head in favor of their previous place around her neck. It looked like she was listening to music, but she wasn't. Her headphones were being used to drown out the sounds - her thoughts, movement... everything, really. The female turned off her phone and sighed, dropping it on her lap.

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#111222 Posted on 2017-06-25 12:37:25


"Hey," Wes said. "I'm not sure what's going on here, but it's giving me a bit of a headache."

He slid down the wall, next to Alex. He ran a hand through his hair, nervous. "Don't tell her I said this, but Luna kind of freaks me out."

He studied Alex's face, looking for a reaction.

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#111223 Posted on 2017-06-25 12:45:38


"Oh, she definitely freaks me out. This whole ordeal with our powers really freaks me out as well," she said bluntly, eyeing Wes. Maybe if she acted irritated, they'd all leave her alone. I doubt it.
Alex looked up, watching as the dust was stirred up in the opposite direction of them. She was highly perceptive of dust from living in an old house; that thought got a slight giggle to escape her mouth, before something dawned on her.
"Um, Wes... where did Luna go? Because I just saw evidence of movement over there," - she pointed - "and that probably isn't good."

Last edited on 2017-06-25 at 12:46:38 by τηγανιτές πατ

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