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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

#110507 Posted on 2017-06-21 12:32:46


Alex rummaged around, pushing aside the clothes and kicking at some discarded shoes that were underneath the rack. She eventually pushed the whole thing aside and crept behind it, observing the tight space.
"Whoa..." she breathed, getting down on her hands and knees to investigate a small door. "Guys... look what I found..."

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#110512 Posted on 2017-06-21 13:08:07


"Alex, I wouldn't go behind that if I were you... No one knows what's back there, and the teachers always warned against going in there." Luna didn't know Alexa very well, and, annoying or not, she didn't want her to get hurt.

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#110514 Posted on 2017-06-21 13:28:52


"But I wonder what is in there, after all?" Alex questioned, not facing the other girl. She fiddled with the latch, wanting badly to open the door and explore the mysterious location. "C'mon, it might be really cool back there. The teachers probably said not to just because they don't want us kids in there... it was most likely a threat rather than a warning," she added, laughing slightly.

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#110520 Posted on 2017-06-21 13:48:50


"Alex! It might be unsafe, this theater is really old. All the other crawlspaces except for one have fallen in on people, and the fire department was going to demolish this theater, but the school got built around it. I wouldn't even try." Luna knew what was really back there, but if a human went back there,Β they wouldn't see the hole going down, down, down.Β Luna's parents weren't human, and she wasn't either.

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#110526 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:08:33


Wes watched Alex try to open the mysterious door. "Is it locked?" He asked.

He wasn't sure that they should go. Who knew what was in there? Luna could be right about it being dangerous. Wes removed the hat that he was wearing and tucked it safely in the trunk. He walked over to Alex, and crouched next to the small door.

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#110528 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:13:17


"Yeah? Well, so is my house. Built in the early 1800s; somehow still standing - basement and all. Just... please? I just want to check it out a bit. No harm in that, right?" Alex basically begged Luna, finally shifting herself to look up at her. The truth was, she knew that there was indeed plenty of 'harm in that'. However, the thought of an old, abandoned place buried underneath her school intrigued her. She was tired of living a normal life... and she vastly preferred the past to the present anyhow. Even if she was thinking about going to some ancient place - for example, Rome - she could only teleport to the modern-day location, so even her powers were useless for this desire of hers.
"Uh... let me check. Yes, it is locked," she concluded, changing her focus to Wes, who was now beside her.

Last edited on 2017-06-21 at 14:17:33 by Raptorfang Ξ©

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#110530 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:19:08


Wes looked from Luna to Alex. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

He grabbed the handle to the door and opened it. The door swung out freely, the hinges not even creaking. He couldn't see anything past the door, except darkness. Truthfully, Wes was afraid, but he agreed with Alex--it might be old, but it wasn't necessarily dangerous. Even though he told himself it was okay, he couldn't bring himself to take the first step.

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#110531 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:19:50


Luna could sense that these two had powers, just like most other magical creatures could. Just like what happened with Landon. And while she didn't know Alex's powers, she knew that the door Wes opened was 100% locked. She didn't want to reveal her powers, but maybe it was safe.

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#110532 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:23:25


The dark, narrow passageway in front of them was incredibly creepy, quite honestly. But Alex was more concerned - and confused - about the fact that Wes had just unlocked a locked door... with nothing but his hands.
"How did you..?" she gaped, stalling rather than starting off down the crawlspace.

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#110535 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:25:41


Luna had to tell them, there was no other way that she could save them. Some humans had powers, and some mythical creatures didn't. But she felt they were humans with powers. "Wes has powers. And you do too, Alexa." Luna then looked her straight in the eye. "Is that right?"

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#110538 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:27:18


Alex's gaping and Luna's accusation made him uncomfortable. He decided to ignore Luna's direct question and said instead, "It wasn't locked, it just stuck a little."

He turned his attention to the narrow passageway in front of them. "Does anyone object if I go first?" He wished they had a light, but he crawled around in the dark earlier and had survived. He figured he'd survive now, too.

Last edited on 2017-06-21 at 14:28:55 by Amaris (PR Moon Stables)

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#110541 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:32:55


"Well... yeah..." she whispered, looking at the ground and clearing her throat before continuing. "I can, um, teleport myself to any location that I want to... not objects, by the way, just myself and anything I'm holding or wearing. Whatever you do, do not ask me stuff like 'why didn't you teleport when that happened?', or 'can you take me somewhere?'. The answer to the first one is because I didn't want to, and the answer to the second one is no, I'm not powerful enough to teleport any other living creatures... besides myself of course."
Alex inhaled shakily.
"Go ahead..." she mumbled to Wes, watching as he headed into the darkness.

Last edited on 2017-06-21 at 14:34:39 by Raptorfang Ξ©

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#110544 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:38:55

GTG for tonight

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#110548 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:45:31

(See you later, Luna!)


Wes stood up straight and put out his palms. "Wait, wait, wait. You're saying you can teleport? Magical beings? What is going on here?"

Wes tried to keep his voice down. "Alex, I thought you might've been hurt, but you're saying you could've teleported out of this room? You mean we didn't have to stumble around in the dark risking our own necks, but you let us anyway?"

He ran his hands through his hair and paced. "There's no way I'm going in there now. Why don't you just teleport to wherever it leads and tell us what's there?" He didn't even bother hiding the sarcasm in his voice.

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#110552 Posted on 2017-06-21 14:57:51

(OOC: I know I'm going out of our recently-established order, but yesss... this is what I've been wanting ;D)


Alex felt rage bubbling up inside her, and tears burned at the back of her eyes, threatening to fall. Her face flushed red as she clenched her fists, hands shakily slightly. It would be impossible to keep her composure now.
"What did I literally just say to you?" she hissed, gritting her teeth. "I don't like to use my powers. I absolutely hate them. And why are you blaming me, exactly? I shouldn't have had to teleport anywhere if a certain someone hadn't opened the trapdoor!" she continued, turning her head to glare at Luna. "And you know what? Maybe I will teleport back there. Good luck finding me." Alex finished; by this time she could feel tears falling down her cheeks. She wasn't sobbing, but she was definitely crying.
Truthfully, Alex could only teleport to places that she already knew about and could picture in her mind, but she wasn't going to tell them that. She scrambled headfirst into the passage entrance, not looking back.

Last edited on 2017-06-21 at 15:39:09 by Raptorfang Ξ©

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