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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

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Geronimo High (Human RPG) \No Sign-ups\

#110553 Posted on 2017-06-21 15:06:31


The moment Alex started crying, Wes felt terrible. He was still irritated, yes, but Alex's tears made him feel guilty. She scrambled through the passage and disappeared and he was left looking blankly into the darkness. He'd probably have to crawl in there after her just to find out later that she had the power to see in the dark.

Oh boy.

"Alex," he yelled. "Alex, wait!" Wes wasn't going to apologize, not yet. Instead, for some crazy reason, he scrambled into the tunnel, after her.

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#110556 Posted on 2017-06-21 15:24:03


Alex muttered under her breath as she crawled forward, her tears making it hard to see... but it wasn't like she wanted to explore anymore anyway. "Stupid... why did I say that... I should have just stayed in English class... why did I tell them everything?" she scolded herself quietly. Oh well. Who cares? I sure don't. At least... I wish I didn't.

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#110557 Posted on 2017-06-21 15:28:44


Wes didn't know if he could catch up with Alex. Why am I trying, anyway? If I get stuck down here, I die. If she gets stuck down here, she teleports.

The crawlspace was cramped, especially for someone as large as Wes. He assumed the floor was some type of stone or concrete--it was cold to the touch, and slightly rough. He crawled forward for what seemed like forever, his knees getting sore. Alex, where are you?

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#110559 Posted on 2017-06-21 15:36:01


In a situation like this, most people would probably wish to be somewhere safe and above ground. Not Alexa. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a corner or cavern-like area where she could hide down here. She didn't know if there was any place like that in these tiny halls, or what was down here at all for that matter, but she didn't really care.
The girl felt herself slowly start to feel lighter, and when she opened her eyes, she was in a small, dead-end passage somewhere deep in this maze of tunnels. She sat down, leaning against the wall for support. Burying her head in her hands and pulling her knees close to her body, she started to cry harder.

Last edited on 2017-06-21 at 15:38:49 by Raptorfang ฮฉ

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#110561 Posted on 2017-06-21 15:42:15

(Oh, shoot, who knows where she is now? Poor Wes :P)


Wes thought he was doomed. There still wasn't any light, and there still wasn't enough space for him to stand up, and hardly enough for him to stoop. So, he just continued to crawl.

Something scrabbled ahead of him, something that sounded likes claws on concrete. He was hoping it was his imagination, but as he continued crawling, the sound of several claws scraping concrete reached his ears. It was too late to go back. His heart was in his throat, but he kept moving forward.

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#110567 Posted on 2017-06-21 16:04:39


Alex eventually realized that hiding herself was a mistake. Eerie sounds echoed throughout the walls, and she could have sworn that she heard water dripping somewhere, but she couldn't be sure. Besides, water didn't really fit the musty environment very well... but it scared her nonetheless. I should have to face my consequences. I deserve to be stuck down here. There's no way that I'm going to teleport out of here. Nope. Absolutely not.

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#110570 Posted on 2017-06-21 16:12:39


Wes felt something soft brush against his fingers, and he pulled his hand back as if he'd been burned. The thing squeaked. It brushed against his hand again. Terrified, he grabbed the creature.

A soft snap echoed off of the walls of the dark hallway. The rat squealed and went limp.

Wha-what? He had hardly touched the thing. Shaken, he tossed the rat's body somewhere in front of him, hopefully where he wouldn't step on it.

"I want out of here," he said to anybody who would listen, but no one was there.

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#110589 Posted on 2017-06-21 18:00:33


What Wes didn't know was that Luna was right behind him. Alexa had gone down a different passage. "I'm right here," Luna said. "And I'll get you out." Luna knew she had to, so she teleported him back to the entrance. She then looked for Alexa.

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#110660 Posted on 2017-06-22 07:05:50


Alex finally ceased crying, and instead tried to figure out where she was exactly and how she got there. She would need to get out somehow, ans she'd already decided not to teleport. Thinking about her powers reminded her of one important detail from earlier that she had almost forgotten about - before she ran into the passageway, before she and Wes got upset at each other... Luna had said that she could feel that they had powers. But how? I couldn't 'feel' anything. Wes didn't seem like he could, either... or could he? I can teleport, but that's it. I'm not a magician or a witch or anything. What is Luna not telling us?, she pondered. None of this makes any sense!

Last edited on 2017-06-22 at 07:06:38 by Raptorfang ฮฉ

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#110666 Posted on 2017-06-22 08:07:08


Luna didn't really know if Wes really had powers, or if he just was good at picking locks. But she knew about Alexa. Luna's parents were magical beings, and she was born with the ability to move things with her mind. She knew her way around this maze of crawlspace, she had sent mini drones with lights in there before. But right now, she needed to find Alexa. She tried to 'feel' where Alexa was, but she couldn't. She could hear Alexa crying for a while, and followed her voice, but she couldn't hear her now.

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#110917 Posted on 2017-06-23 10:43:39


Wes felt a little dizzy and disoriented. He found himself sitting on the cold floor, with the door in front of him. What? What just happened?

He looked around for Luna or Alex, but didn't see anyone. A great wave of nausea hit him, so he pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face in them, waiting.

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#110921 Posted on 2017-06-23 10:49:28


Luna remembered her pets. She knew that the bunnies had followed her downstairs, and were probably bothering Wes at the moment, but she still had her hedgehog. She set it down, hoping it would find the way.

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#110926 Posted on 2017-06-23 11:45:52


Alex slowly crawled forward, working herself out of the corner she was in. She heard the sound of claws scurrying across the ground; the sound seemed to be coming closer. Of course, it was hard to tell with the echo. She sat back on her heels are sat still as she listened.

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#110929 Posted on 2017-06-23 11:50:28


Luna's hedgehog scurried away, and Luna followed it. It seemed to know where it was going.

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#111063 Posted on 2017-06-24 09:41:06


Wes was still alone. He had the feeling that someone--or something--was watching him, so he lifted his head and looked around. Luna's bunnies were sitting on either side of him, their noses twitching as they watched him intently. He reached out a tentative hand and petted the one on his right--the black rabbit. The white rabbit hopped closer and stretched towards his other hand and he petted it too.

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