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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#269247 Posted on 2023-05-21 07:54:48

     Nysa nodded. She figured there wasn't going to be much for her to do, but she didn't really have anything to do. The herd didn't always seem as active as it once was, and she could see it clearly. "Very well then," she said understanding Nature. Nysa had grown up to become quite the mare, but that was besides the point. Either way she was a rather beautiful mare. Phoenix would surely love to have her in his herd if he was still on the Isles, but it was a good thing that he wasn't..and neither was Skadi.

     Though Nysa smiled a bit as she listened to Nature, "I'll be off then. I might come back later or wait until tomorrow." she said before a confused look came across her face. Who was Nature talking about? What stallion? Nysa just looked around, but didn't see anyone else there with them. Who was following her? Seemed like her young mind never realized she was being followed around.

     She knew Esmeray followed her around sometimes, but was it him Nature was talking about? That was her best guess. Though she said her farewells before she turned around and started heading back to the herd. At first she started at a trot, but then she slowed down to a walk to admire the Isle she called home. Even if she claimed the Isle of Mountains as her home as well.

     Though when she got back to the herd, Nysa stopped to look around. Her parents spending time together as always. The herd just doing what they always did. She did look over seeing Esmeray seemed to be asleep, so she walked over to him and nuzzled him softly so he didn't wake up. Nysa then just laid down beside him considering she had nothing better to do. Though she just got comfortable beside him before she closed her eyes..

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#269248 Posted on 2023-05-21 12:52:28

As soon as Esmeray felt something touch his side, he immediately moved his head onto the horses back, Nysa specifically, and that Esmeray felt better and smiled as he was comfortable and that Nysa was next to him. Well he was pretty much happy with Nysa but he also wanted her to be happy, much like what Solstice is doing.

Though Esmeray soon put his head back on the ground and stretched out a little bit, he was comfortable and that he may have put a little bit of his weight onto Nysa, but not much as it seemed like he didn't want her to get up and move from Esmeray.

The stallion may put his weight onto some things, but not much at all, instead he did the samething with Nysa; not putting his entire weight onto her, but he wanted to make sure it was Nysa before moving back to his normal position, he was tired and didn't want to open his eyes.

Or well used to be tired since he got up because he was hungry, but he carefully and slowly got up, and that when he did get up he opened his eyes and looked back behind, seeing Nysa as he gently nuzzled her, though he did groom her a bit before going and starting to graze since he was hungry. As usual.

Though Eclipsetess was watching around as she was layed on the ground, her foals next to her and that she was happy and content, the sun rising and lowering made Eclipsetess alone read again once more, this time she only brought out a book or two to read and that she picked the best books for her two foals to listen too.

"I hope you both love to read when your both grown up, meaning I'll be very proud of you both, and that I'll always be proud of you two. No matter the challenge, as long as your both happy. I'll be here to keep you both safe and sound, and protect you from incoming dangers- if there was any.." Eclipsetess told her two foals, today she was just looking around and examining and analyzing every horse, sometimes she got curious of Esmeray's behaviour, but Eclipsetess's attention would be drawn to something else.

But she always made sure to get up that her foals would be adventuring around, even having some mares here and there, Eclipsetess wouldn't mind if her foals interacted now and again, though Eclipsetess let her foals wander around the herd. So that she wouldn't get scared or worried for her two foals.

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#269249 Posted on 2023-05-21 13:56:54

     Nysa just ended up falling asleep even if it was a bit early in the day, but she didn't care. She was bound to fall asleep anyways since there wasn't much for her to do. Well maybe now after Asher, she just felt like there was nothing for her to do...or she was just paranoid. Maybe she got it from her uncle a bit since he seemed to be quite paranoid all the time. That was just how he was since he was young..since he became a brother.

     Though Nysa just curled up beside Esmeray getting comfortable beside him. She always liked his company. His calming presence. Nysa couldn't even thank him enough for everything he did for her when Asher first attacked. When they spent a day or so on the new neighboring Isle. She never expected him to do as much as he had to help her when she was struggling, but she was more then thankful...

     Nysa did feel him move around a little bit and gently press against her, but she didn't mind. In fact, she liked it. She even laid out one of her wings on her side and the other over Esmeray once it seemed that both of them had gotten comfortable. Solstice had looked up to see the two as she smiled before nudging Orion, "Those two still haven't realized it." Solstice said with a small chuckle, "Oh what it's like to be young." Orion only chuckled as well nudging her as Solstice just gave him a look.

     Namir was just standing around in the middle of the herd just making sure everyone was alright. He may not have been given an official role in the herd, but he did help Scorn with watching the herd and other things. Especially since everything happened. Though he eventually walked over back to Eclipsetess and the foals as he nuzzled the three of them, "Hope the three of you aren't up to something." he chuckled.

     Though Nysa slept for a little while before she woke up yawning a bit from her nap. She didn't always have them, but when she did, she always felt better. Always felt well rested. Clear in the mind. Unburdened, but it never lasted long. She did have her good and bad days. Either way she got up on her hooves and shook off any grass or dirt on her coat and her wings even though there wasn't much before she looked at Esmeray realizing he was awake as she smiled.

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#269251 Posted on 2023-05-21 16:23:39

"Namir.. If we were up to something; you would've come running, but I'm just reading a book to the twins. But you wish that we were up to somehting huh?" Eclipsetess asked Namir, Eclipsetess gave Namir a serious-goofy face to him, but the two foals did seem to be interested in the story that Eclipsetess was telling them, so they weren't paying much attention as they loved the story.

Though Esmeray looked up at Nysa, since he felt like he was being watched, but everyone feels that way sometimes, but he only looked around for Nysa and trotted back over to her, and that he layed down next to her. He just loved her company very much- but he did know what Solstice and Orion knew.

Except that he still acted like himself even though he knew that he loved Nysa, very much but he was just happy to be with her and be her buddy, even though Esmeray remembered that he asked Nysa to be his lead mare for their group, that and because Eclipsetess may have snuck the word to Esmeray on purpose.

"Hey Nysa? I got something important to tell you.. But- would you be surprised of what I told you? I mean, I know you would.. But I'm just curious of how you would handle of what I said to you." Esmeray asked Nysa, he was just curious but of course he knew what Nysa didn't know, and that he had asked how she would handle of what he was gonna ask, before actually asking her the real question. Being safe and not ruining something first.

Eclipsetess turned her head to look at Esmeray and Nysa, then she turned her head back to Namir, the twins were doing fine as they decided to take a nap next to Eclipsetess, but she did love her foals very dearly even Namir, she also cared for about everyone else in their family..

"You know, if Nysa becomes Esmeray's mate. Then he gets to be apart of our family as well as be Solstice and Orion's son-in-law." Eclipsetess pointed out the obvious, and that she was right that if Nysa becomes Esmeray's mate, or Esmeray being Nysa's mate, making them a couple but also having Esmeray the son-in-law for Solstice and Orion. But Esmeray was also happy for Nysa- even if he wasn't apart of her family yet.

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#269253 Posted on 2023-05-21 18:06:28

     Namir only gave her a look, "If you were up to something I would be running away from you. You and my sister seem to love messing with me. You both act like each other sometimes." he said nipping her ear slightly before he laid down beside her. "No matter what answer I give you I know you'll find some way to mess with me." he grinned before he too started to listen in on the story Eclipsetess was telling the foals.

     Nysa just stretched her wings a bit before she flapped them lightly a few times. She was still adjusting to having them, and even trying to figure out how she had gotten them in the first place. Though she did like having them. Solstice even went flying with her sometimes, but it wouldn't be too long until Solstice would start to struggle with flying due to her getting farther along in her pregnancy, but she wasn't too concerned about that.

     Though she looked at Esmeray as he came back over. Just something about being with him eased her mind and her worries. Like she was truly happy when she was with him. Nysa still didn't understand it very well, but she didn't care if she understood it or not. To her it didn't matter. Either way she just started nibbling on his mane a bit just because she was a bit bored, but she just ignored it.

      Nysa did look at him when he spoke though. It confused her a bit when he said he had something important to tell her. Why would he have anything important to tell her? She did listen to him though, "Well...I can't say if I'll be surprised or not right now since I don't know what it is you're wanting to tell me.." she said as she nibbled on his mane a little more, "I'm sure whatever it is I can handle. I'm not a filly anymore, and if I can fight Asher on my own..I think I'll be fine.." she said reassuring him that she could handle whatever he was going to tell her.

     Namir ended up looking over at his niece and Esmeray when Eclipsetess started talking about the two, "Well those two definitely didn't spend so much time together or even talked much before Asher attacked the first time. They've been very close to one another since." he said almost like he never expected for the two of them to actually like each other let alone fall in love with another.

     Not that he didn't like it, but he did see how close they were with each other even if they were both still young. Nysa probably didn't understand it entirely, but she really didn't. "The herd is our family even if we aren't blood, but it is nice to see some new relationships and soon new lives." he said looking over at his sister as she seemed to be watching Nysa and Esmeray as well.

     At least until Orion just softly nipped her, "Alright let's leave those two alone now shall we?" Orion said looking at Solstice as she just snorted a bit before she just laid her head on his back. Orion only softly and quietly let out a small single laugh as he looked over at his daughter before he started grooming Solstice some more. Not because her coat was dirty, but because he knew she loved it. Especially with the foal.

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#269254 Posted on 2023-05-21 18:31:13

"Heheh yeah.. But Nysa.. Remember that time I asked you to be my lead mare for our group?" Esmeray stopped speaking for a minute or two, only because he needed to rethink his question again, it did bug him that he couldn't ask Nysa his question yet, but only because he truly and really liked her.

"I know this is too early on.. But.. Could you be my mate? I-I mean girlfriend! I- mean love interest- I.. Oh what's the point? I already asked you and I'm acting like a silly colt over here.." Esmeray asked Nysa at first, then he spoke and tried hiding his face from Nysa, and also backed up a little bit so that Nysa could process what she was thinking. That and if Solstice or Eclipsetess heard him.

Esmeray didn't know how to handle himself after he asked Nysa his question to her, and he thought that she would decline, mostly because he was right about their relationship not blooming enough and that the bud wouldn't bloom anymore, but Esmeray gave his question a shot and did it. Which he was brave for doing that. But..

"I- I'll leave before your mom or aunt will come after my hide.. I don't want to get nipped by them, they are cool and awesome, but still.." Esmeray told Nysa, who could've been shocked, so Esmeray took the chance and left to graze, mostly because he left to go inside the herd since he had a better chance at blending in, but also in case if Eclipsetess or Solstice would look for him.

Eventually Esmeray was walking about inside the herd as he was just enjoying being inside a big herd, but he then walked out of it so he could eat more, since he wasn't sure if Nysa was done processing the information and question that Esmeray had asked her, that and because a question like that in an early relationship would be shocking for someone.. Especially a young Nysa.

Though Esmeray did return to Nysa, if she was where Esmeray went to go graze away from, or if she was with her parents or her aunt, but Esmeray went to whever Nysa was and stood beside her, but he did expect the worse if Nysa was with her parents or her aunt and uncle.. But Esmeray would be brave for Nysa, but he knew that he would nervous with being next to Nysa's parents or aunt and uncle, again only if she was next to her parents or her aunt, uncle, and either her two niece's or nephews.

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#269264 Posted on 2023-05-22 10:00:53

     Nysa just looked at him confused seeing that he seemed to be nervous, and she wasn't sure why. Even she was beginning to get slightly nervous about what all of this was about. Though she listened to him letting him take his time. There was no rush, "Yes...I do.." she said as she looked at him, "Take your time..there's no rush.." she said reassuring him even though she wanted to know what this was about.

     There it was. What this was all about. Nysa just looked at him unsure of what to even think. Unsure of what to say. She never expected him to ask her anything like that. Nysa just looked down as she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Not a sound. Not a peep. She didn't know what to do, but the realization did hit her..she really did like him even if she didn't realize it until now..

     When she looked up, Nysa realized Esmeray was already walking away to hide in the middle of the herd.. "Esmeray.." she said managing to mutter slightly underneath her breath. She looked over at her parents and her aunt and uncle before she just looked down. She didn't know what to do. Had she made a mistake by not saying anything though? It took her by surprise, but she wanted to say something. She wanted to tell him something, but she just couldn't..she didn't know how to.

     Nysa at least knew Eclipsetess and Solstice wouldn't go after him. If they were going to they would have gone after them once they saw how much time they had been spending with each other. Solstice just seemed to be grazing again beside Orion as he was reading one of his many books least Solstice started messing with him as he started to do the same in return.

      Nysa looked over at her parents letting out a small smile. She always loved watching them play around with each other, but she then looked over at the majority of the herd. Still no sign of Esmeray..oh how she wished he hadn't left. Nysa didn't want him to, but she also couldn't form the words to stop him. Nysa just stood up on her hooves and sighed. She didn't know what to do..she was lost.

      At least until she looked up to see Esmeray walking back over before she looked back down lowering her ears some. Even closing her eyes for a moment or two as she tried to say something, "Esmeray..." she said softly and quietly, "I...." she paused as she looked at him unsure of what to say still, "I'm sorry I didn't say anything..." she mumbled, "I-it just took me by surprise..I wasn't expecting it.." she said before going quiet for a moment..

     Nysa sighed still trying to put together her thoughts so she could say something, "I..I...I didn't understand how I felt whenever I was with you..I'm..happy when I'm with you..but I didn't understand why until now.." she said looking down for a moment, " you..Esmeray.." she muttered still trying to figure out her thoughts, but she just looked up at him, " realize it now.."

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#269266 Posted on 2023-05-22 13:17:16

Esmeray just softened and nuzzled Nysa, comforting her, but he knew that she was gonna be surprised that much at least, but he then stood next to Nysa this time, putting his head on her back. Even grooming her some and making sure she was clean in his eyes, at least not much grooming as he did pull on some of Nysa's hairs for a bit.

"I love you as well Nysa.." even though Esmeray was late on saying something, he just had to say it and that he continued trying to mess with her a little bit, but also while still grooming and comforting her, she needed it and that he knew that Nysa needed all the comfort that she could have.

"At least I'll stay next to your side forever, that is a promise no one would ever break, and not even I, Esmeray, would break. Unless something had come up to split us up, but that will never happen, not while I'm here protecting you. Nysa." Esmeray vowed, he may have caused a little attention to himself, but everyone knew what a stallion's vow was and that it had to be looked upon the herd, everyone looked at him and smiled, because he had vowed his love to Nysa.

"Well vowing for your love now, hm?" Eclipsetess giggled, she came walking over as Scorn was confused on what the vow was, but now he knew what Esmeray vowed his love for, and that he smiled and went to back grazing, though Eclipsetess only began welcoming Esmeray into the family, only silently until Solstice and Orion came over.

"We'll keep this a tiny secret you two, unless Nysa's parents come over to see what the vow was, but I'm sure they would welcome you into our family Esmeray, just like the herd will always welcome foals and anyone actually. And even foals that belong to another stallion, but were abandoned or banned. But that will never happen until we see for ourselves in this herd." Eclipsetess told Esmeray, and then Nysa, and then Esmeray again before including Nysa at the end, Eclipsetess would always include someone or their mates, because Eclipsetess respected a horse and would/will always include mates no matter the situation, though her foals shortly caught up with their mother as they realized that she wasn't there, but Eclipsetess knew that they would come over to catch up.

"Hm, certainly adorable foals you got there. Uhm. Eclipsetess?" Esmeray told Eclipsetess, she only giggled and agreed as her foals were cute, and that they were very happy to hear that. Smart ones as well, maybe they did get more from Eclipsetess then what it seems like.

"Oh and you can call me aunt Eclipsetess or whatever feels natural to you, I don't mind if you do, since you are apart of Nysa's family now. Making you my nephew-in-law, I think that's how it goes?" Eclipsetess said, she hadn't really researched about family much and that she's quite forgetful when she does get to it.

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#269270 Posted on 2023-05-22 15:17:20

     Nysa didn't know what else to say as she looked at him before she looked down her ears still lowered some. Even her wings were slightly lowered to the ground as well. She just let out a soft sigh since she was still trying to process it all as well as think about it all. She was still trying to understand it all, but she at least understood it more than she did earlier. This kind of love. She knew what love was, but not this kind of love. Either way she just wanted him to say something..anything.

     She felt relieved once he said something. Nysa's body just eased as he placed his head on her back and groomed as well as nibble on her mane. A small soft smile had come across her face as she just nuzzled him softly. Nysa didn't pay attention to anything else. She forgot about the herd. Even her parents. All of her focus was on Esmeray. Nothing else. No one else. Like it was just the two of them in that moment.

     Though she looked at him when he started speaking again. She just smiled blushing a bit before she nipped him a bit hard, "Does that mean you won't go on any more suicide missions? I spent that entire day running even when I couldn't feel my legs." she said letting out a snort, but she wasn't messing around about this. Nysa didn't want him doing anything else of the sort even if it was to protect her.

      Nysa was so focused on him that she didn't notice her aunt had come over until she said something. Her ears just perked up as she looked at her aunt before she looked down using her wings to try to hide her face as she was a bit embarrassed. Even trying to hide a bit beside Esmeray. Nysa looked over at her parents before she looked back down. Maybe she was a bit scared about what they would think.

     She just listened to her aunt as she remained quiet, but she did perk up again when she saw the two foals. Nysa loved spending time with them, but she was still excited to become a sister. To have a younger sibling. She knew that day was a long ways away still, but she was still excited about it. Either way Nysa just seemed to get a bit distracted with her cousins that she didn't realize her parent's had started to make their way over..

     Orion just ended up nipping Solstice playfully before he got up and started running. Solstice just gave him a look before she started chasing after him, "Now this ain't fair!" she called out as she huffed before she ended up slowing down, "I'm carrying your foal y'know!" she called out again once she came to a stop. Orion only chuckled as he slowed down before he turned around and cantered back over to her. 

     "What? I can't have a small win? I can never keep up with you." he chuckled as he nuzzled her. Solstice only rolled her eyes before she nipped him a bit. Though Orion looked over seeing Eclipsetess and her foals with Nysa and Esmeray. By the time he looked at Solstice, she was already trotting over to them to see what was going on. Orion just shook his head before he cantered after her.

      Nysa just looked over once she realized her parents had come over. She just tried hiding behind Esmeray again, "M-mom..d-dad..." she said quietly and nervously. She didn't know what to do now that her parents had come over. She was scared about how they would react..what they would say. It was a very rare occurrence when she was scared of her parents..and this was one of those times.

     Solstice just gave Orion another look before she looked at Nysa seeing how she reacted when they had come over, and with how Nysa seemed to try hiding behind Esmeray. Solstice was worried even a bit concerned about why her daughter was acting like that, "Nysa what's the matter? You don't have to hide from me and your father. We were just fine a few hours ago?" Solstice said unsure about why Nysa was acting the way she was. 

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#269271 Posted on 2023-05-22 15:35:18

"Nysa.. It'll be fine, I'm right here, be brave for me? And of course I won't go on anymore suicide missions.. I just wanted to say that at least.." Esmeray very quietly told Nysa, he then nuzzled her affectionately as he was right there, ready to help her out. Even when she was scared, he was gonna be there for her. For Nysa.

"Hehehe- I'll be going now, but I'll be around if any of you need me, but I better get these youngins' to take a nap. This ain't something they'll understand." Eclipsetess told the group, she did giggle nervously at first, but she did nudge her foals over to somewhere for a nap, did they seem to be bored of standing and running to the spot that they were supposed to be would be a refresher for the two foals.

Though Esmeray watched until Eclipsetess was really out of sight, then he gulped before nervously putting a leg out on accident and then putting his leg back to the position he was at, he now felt how Nysa feels with her parents sometimes. But he did stay beside her, even if he was nervous.

Esmeray did back up a little bit so that Nysa could speak to her parents clearly, but still next to her so that she could put her head wherever she needed to put her head on Esmeray's body, whether the shoulder, or his back, or even against or under his chin- it didn't matter as long as Nysa had someone to put her head onto.

Even if it was scary to see how well Esmeray and Nysa weren't prepared to tell Nysa's parents, but it was a good time and hour to do it now, whether now then later as they say! But Esmeray did put his head down a little bit as he felt overlooked by Solstice and Orion..

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#269274 Posted on 2023-05-22 18:49:31

     Nysa just looked at her parents before she looked down again. She didn't know what to say or do. She didn't know what they would think since she was still a bit..both of them were. What about Esmeray's parents even? They weren't around much. What would Moonlight even think about it? Those thoughts just kept going through her head. She just froze for a moment or two. Nysa just didn't want them to be upset or disappointed in her in any way.

     Though Nysa just snapped out of it as Esmeray spoke. Nysa looked at him and slowly nodded. She did give him a bit of a look, "Good." she quickly muttered before she looked at her parents again. Solstice just stepped up to her and nuzzled her reassuring her that whatever was bothering her, she didn't have to hide it. Nysa just nuzzled her mother in return before saying goodbye to her aunt and cousins..

     Solstice bid Eclipsetess and her foals goodbye before she looked at her daughter and Esmeray, "Now..what is it that's got you nervous? You know you can tell me anything Nysa always. No matter what it is. If you're scared about what me and your father will think then you shouldn't be. You're our daughter. Our precious daughter." she said as Orion nodded. Nysa couldn't help but to hug both of her parents after what her mother told her.

     They both just chuckled a bit as she hugged them both. Solstice already had a feeling what this was all about, but she wasn't going to say anything. Nysa had to say it. Though Nysa just stepped back as she looked down for a moment before she looked at Esmeray trying to get her thoughts together. "" she said unsure of how to even word things. "I.." she paused again as she looked at Esmeray for a moment.

     "He asked me to be his mate..and I said yes.." she quickly muttered unsure of how else to go about it. At least she said it. Nysa just looked at her parents for a moment before she looked down, "Please don't be mad at me..I know we're still young but.." Oh what was she even trying to say? Nysa didn't know herself, but she just went quiet. At least until she looked at her parents again when she heard both of the laughing a tad bit.

     "When have we ever been mad at you Nysa?" Orion asked her as Nysa couldn't give him an answer, "We had a feeling this is what this was all about. It was easy to see it was bound to happen with how much time you two spent together. Almost like when me and your mother met. The herd wanted to fight me at first...literally." he said with a small laugh until he remembered the day he first came here. Wasn't the best of days, but he didn't regret it.

     Solstice only gave Orion a look, "Well you were following us." she said, "They would have fought you if I hadn't said something when I did. So much has changed since then, but they were good changes." she said as the two nuzzled before they looked at Nysa and Esmeray once more, "The two of you may still be young even if you are all grown up, but your age doesn't determine whether or not you can love someone. If it's the right horse, you know. Just like with me and your father, your aunt and uncle, and others in the herd. Sometimes it's just meant to be even if you aren't looking for it."

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#269275 Posted on 2023-05-22 19:18:21

Esmeray smiled but was surprise as to what Solstice, but he only smiled brightly as he plunked his head gently on Nysa, he was just too happy to hear what he had said to contain his excitment. But he did eventually calm down since he was going to be next to Nysa for the rest of his life, well to some degree, but not forever, unless he wanted too that is.

But what Eclipsetess had said earlier is what Esmeray thought of, of what Solstice said, and that her words were kinda similar to Solstice's, but only because Eclipsetess basically told Nysa and Emseray that she already knew that they were in love, but decided to tell them differently.

Esmeray didn't say anything to Solstice of what Eclipsetess had said earlier, and that she was happy for Esmeray and Nysa, but even Eclipsetess tried to keep the secret to her more mysterious before it came clear that Eclipsetess had given her blessing to Nysa and Esmeray- even if they weren't technically Eclipsetess's, they had gotten an aunt's blessing, which was very sweet.

Even though an aunt's blessing is the same as a normal blessing, but more special because it was from a very sweet and protective aunt to her family, Esmeray didn't mind as he was just purely happy-go-lucky with Nysa next to him and that he was happy to hear what he had heard..

But he did eventually get re-excited once more and decided to go run around the herd, jump to try and catch butterflies, sniff flowers, and anything else he could do to get the excitment out of him, which is was he was understood more faster. Because he was just like Nysa when being playful, like a colt for Esmeray and a filly for Nysa.

Then as Esmeray got tired and trotted back to Nysa, he layed down quite quickly since he jumped, ran, sniffed, and everything else got quite that it turned to night instantly. And that because he was wanting to burn through his energy like he had wanted to do previous.

Esmeray just got comfortable and decided to groom Nysa before he put his head on her back and went to sleep, he was like Solstice with putting theirs head on their mates backs, but he did groom Nysa first before putting his head down gently onto Nysa's back. Then he went to sleep.. He was tired now after all the things he did.

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#269281 Posted on 2023-05-23 13:29:12

     Nysa just listened to her mother while she looked down slightly. Though her head shot straight up, " knew? H-how?" she asked unsure of how they knew. Either way she just relaxed again once Esmeray laid his head on her back again. Nysa did look at her parents again though, " aren't mad..?" she hesitantly asked since this was all still new to her.

     Solstice just softly chuckled, "How could we not? The two of you were never this close before Asher came along. Hardly even spoke with each other, and now all you two seem to do is spend time together." she said before she nuzzled Nysa a bit, "We can never be mad at you. Never." she said reassuring her, "You're all grown're no longer my little filly.." she said almost about to tear up a bit. It had seemed that it was almost yesterday that she was born, but here soon she would have another foal.

     Nysa just smiled a bit as she nuzzled her mother and then her father, "I'm still your daughter no matter what. Even if I'm not a filly anymore." she said reassuring her mother before Orion softly nudged Solstice telling her to leave the two be. Solstice only nodded as she turned and started walking back to their normal spot. She may have overdone herself slightly when she chased after Orion since she seemed out of it.

     Solstice had just laid down getting comfortable as Orion had laid down beside her. It took her a moment to get comfortable, but she was starting to get to that point, but not quite just yet. Either way she just leaned against Orion slightly before she laid her head down and closed her eyes. Orion just watched over her for a moment before he watched the herd deciding to take a break from his books. He had been reading them a little more then normal, but something seemed to bug him slightly.

     Nysa watched her parents for a moment before she looked at Esmeray as he started running around a lot like a colt would. She just smiled a bit before she laid down and got comfortable loosening up her wings up a bit as well so that they weren't entirely folded against her sides. It wasn't too long until she fell asleep, but she could still hear Esmeray come back over and lay down beside her before he groomed her a little more until he too closed his eyes.

     That night Solstice ended up waking up as she looked up at the night sky. She sighed before she slowly stood back up and stretched her wings before she slowly flew up even if she shouldn't have. Though Solstice just looked up at the moon. It still felt like she was more connected to it with each night. Still learning about the moon and even her magic revolving around it. It was something that would take time, but she was getting there. Changing in the process even.

     Either way Solstice just looked at the moon before she closed her eyes collecting her thoughts. Though she wasn't up there as long as she normally was. Solstice was still exhausted, and even flying was starting to become a small challenge. Not too much later, and Solstice just slowly flew back down before she laid back down beside Orion soon falling asleep once again even if she wanted to stay up a little while longer.

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#269282 Posted on 2023-05-23 14:44:27

(Little time skip so that Esmeray and Nysa's relationship could grow more, and the two get closer, and a little more time to pass for Eclipsetess's twins to grow a little so that they can talk, well barely, only a word- but they would be there.. Maybe if they keep talking. Oh and would technically be a couple months for Solstice and she wouldn't know it? Making her miss the last month so that she'd be ready as soon as you put it in? Just an idea for you, you don't have too if you don't want to do it)

Eclipsetess was trotting around the herd as her foals were tagging along, they were excited to be spouting out words at a time, since they couldn't really talk at all, but if they wanted something then they could say that one word, but their two little brains couldn't really think of a whole sentence yet- they were sqongey like a wolf puppy.

"Moon! Moon!" the twins had shouted, Eclipsetess slowed down and turned to look at the two, then she sighed and started heading towards Solstice, she was the one connected to the moon and the moon goddess now, but Eclipsetess's foals kept shouting the only word 'moon' at Eclipsetess until she told them to stop or else they wouldn't go see their aunt.

Which in Eclipsetess's favor, her twins quieted down and followed in silence, since they would turn back if they kept talking, and then being grounded and punished to stay next to their mother for the rest of the week, and they didn't like that as they loved to explore, around the herd, and partly the forest.

But as Eclipsetess neared Solstice, she had nuzzled her but had seen that it had passed of months and nothing really came up, and that the snake mare hadn't shown up either, it was worrying if the foals were actually dead instead of being alive- that would have been a dread that Eclipsetess thought of.

"Solstice..? Uhm.. Are- are you doing alright? Do you need the snake mare to come and check on your foals? To- to tell us- mostly you, on what's going on with your foals at least..? I'm just extremely worried after we saved your life and your foals life.. And seeing how you are.." Eclipsetess asked, she was asking out of worry but also curious and happy that Solstice is gonna foal soon, though she would have to keep her foals with another mare to watch them for her since- if Solstice went into labor then she would keep her foals away.

But Eclipsetess did lay down for the most part since her foals didn't know what was going on with Solstice, so they just said 'moon' together in sync, but Eclipsetess just told with a gentle voice to try and ask Orion if he could do it since Solstice was out for the time being, her foals of course did what Eclipsetess suggested and went up to Orion and asked him for whatever reason was for 'moon', since Eclipsetess made up a new spell for Solstice but didn't say anything yet.. But she didn't or wouldn't say until Eclipsetess didn't have to foal anymore.

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#269284 Posted on 2023-05-23 17:02:59

     Solstice was just on her hooves grazing a tad bit even if she didn't feel like eating that much. She knew she had to at least eat something, but she seemed to be really out of it. Orion was only a short distance away as he kept a close on her, but he was seemed most of everyone was. Though she seemed to get even less sleep than she did when she was carrying Nysa. She seemed to be doing worse in general which concerned everyone.

     Even though some complications were to be expected since she was dead. That time she didn't get so lucky. Though she had probably put her foal at risk by protecting Nysa. Not that she had regretted it. Not even the slightest. Either way Solstice couldn't be on her hooves for long. It wasn't long until she had laid down as her legs gave out on her slightly. She had tried getting comfortable, but she just couldn't. She was completely miserable. More than she was before she even had Nysa. Solstice didn't even think could have been worse then the first time, but every pregnancy was different..and she could have very well hurt her unborn foal.

     Nysa was just grazing peacefully near the majority of the herd until she looked up in her mother's direction. Her ears lowered as she was worried like everyone else, but she didn't pester her mother like her uncle did at times. "I sure hope nothing is wrong with her or the foal..." she sighed as she spoke to herself. Though Nysa realized Eclipsetess and her two foals had started to head over to her mother as she got a bit closer wanting to listen in to things a bit.

     Solstice just looked up a bit not even realizing Eclipsetess and her foals had come over to her until Eclipsetess had nuzzled her. She had just given a small effort to nuzzle her friend back before she looked down, "I can barely stay up on my hooves..I haven't slept in..I don't even know how long.." she sighed as her voice was pretty quiet. Though Solstice gave a small smile when she looked at Eclipsetess's foals before the smile faded.

     "We don't know if I'm having twins or not.." she said remaining quiet, "Though it might be good to see the snake mare or even go to Oceanus...sure I was tired before I had Nysa, but I feel so much worse.." she mumbled before she tried laying her head down as she closed her eyes for a moment or two as it was hard to keep them open, but she just could not sleep. Not one bit. 

     Though Nysa listened in on the conversation a bit before she just worriedly trotted over. "I don't think she can last much longer...we need to know if her and the foal are okay.." she said worriedly as she looked at her aunt. Nysa sighed as she softly placed her muzzle on her mother's shoulder, "Just stay put're not well.." she said. She'd never seen her mother like this, and it concerned her.

     Orion just watched from a short ways, but as much as he wanted to go over there, he just stayed put. He'd more then likely just get in the way. He learned that lesson last time. Though he was a bit surprised to see that Eclipsetess's foals had run over to him. "You two sure are fast and foals normally are." he said with a faint laugh. "Now why did your mother send you two over here?" he asked as Eclipsetess usually didn't send them over to him specifically.

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