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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266987 Posted on 2023-03-02 14:31:08

Minette looked at Nysa before Blizzard trotted up to the young filly, Minette sighed but followed behind him as he was curious to see how Nysa would act towards Blizzard and Minette. Though Marrow just looked at Apollo as she was gonna go into depth on something, and that she was gonna tell him. As an answer..

"I don't remember how I only got one wing, mother said that a lightning storm took it, but she also has a single wing like me. So I don't know how I only have a single wing left, I only think its a curse brought by magic of some sort." Marrow spoke up, she was only more negative as the way she spoke sounded like she was at a loss with how it happened.

"Mom has a little bit of magic, she was a unicorn- well alicorn at one point, but she lost one wing and her horn by a ferious fight. Before the kingdom was even made perfectly, so she can only summon orbs to guide anyone that is lost, she can also turn into a bright light that resembles a horse. Mainly to guide the lost and the lost souls back to where they are and went, she's a very sweet mare, I can tell since your mother reminds me of her, but I lost her after I was born. Most of us rarer foals are staying at the Adoption Center, that's where Minette was staying until her true mother adopted her, King is less the same but he lives with his grandparents and parents, Blizzard is just an energetic foal. So his father is taking care of him."

Though King looked up at a mare as she was trotting over with two foals, Eclipsetess smiled as it was Grey Cloud and she was curious of what was happening, but the group was quite adorable together, King just went wary as Marrow smiled at her grey coat with those dun-looking grey legs.

"Come on Roulette and Silhouette!" Grey Cloud called out to the twins, Minette looked at her as Roulette and Silhouette were both adorable twins, the two did look completely different but Grey Cloud only sighed and huffed as she layed down but she did face the group.

"Next time if we see twins, I am not helping.. I'm already training these two on not to nip each other anymore, it's going great so far! I'm just waiting to see if they'll nip each other again.." Grey Cloud said, the chestnut foal walked up to Grey Cloud before laying down, the other foal looked like Scorn a bit except for the blanket on around his bum and the two socks? Stockings? On his legs- much like the chestnut twin, except he made four socks? Stockings? Though the two did have the same face marking, albeit the black foal's face marking was above his cheek and the cheekbone but under his mouth.

Albeit again, the black foal had Grey Cloud's brown eyes while the chestnut foal had Scorn's green eyes, the two were still very adorable in deed! But Grey Cloud was a chestnut as seen by the twin, if her name wasn't for Grey Cloud then she would be very different! But at least her name signals a grey gene..

"The foals just shed- their coats? I've been busy, but I think both cuties have grey in them.. They'll be mini me's soon.. At least not until they are older, still- they should be about a month- or so apart from Raven, and Esmeray whilst Moonlight is a bigger difference in age. And with more foals running- we'll soon be having so many differences.. If they follow us that is- which is not likely.." Grey Cloud huffed again, the chestnut foal got up and stretched as the black foal was already up and about.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention one more thing: Roulette is the chestnut while Silhouette is the one like Scorn- at least they share resemblences, so your not the only one Moon- well if they didn't have reversed stars on their foreheads.. You can tell where the stars are; the forehead, its cool and cute but just a little weird. Nothing big at all, Scorn already knows that I named the twins, we both realized that they are colts.. Oh boy.." Grey Cloud smiled, Roulette was the first to walk around a bit more as he was curious of Nysa while Silhouette was the more silent and secretive as he sat back and relaxed, but both twin colts? That'll be a time then..

"Hm, well we're here to help, that's why motherly experience is better to learn from! At least what I took note of when Marrow was talking as she stated that Blizzard had only a father, right?" Eclipsetess asked, Blizzard looked up and nodded, though he did trot off when a stallion was trotting up to the group until he stopped and collected Blizzard, the stallion was like Blizzard- if it were not for his black marking on his leg, he must've been a smoky black with leopard coating on him with few spots as well.

Then another horse walked up at Marrow got up happily, she was right, Marrow's mother had a broken horn to where a star formed in it's place; normal for stars to take place from where horns used to be on a unicorn's head, though the mother did outstretch her only wing, the other side was just nothing but emptiness as the only wing was the right one. No bones or scars from where the left wing used to be.

Oh and King's parents jumped out as they looked so unique and cool, King's mother looked more like a Sea Pony with a frill around her bottom neckline, and that she had scales all over her as the same with King, though his father looked like an underwater snake- much like the friendly snake mare, but with a scaly body too. I guess scaly bodies were normal for King as both parents had scales, even his grandparents stuck their heads out as King trotted up to them, then they left back for the ocean..

"Well that happened, but at least we got to see Blizzard's father, Marrow's mother, and King's parents- with the exception of his grandparents watching out with their heads sticking out a bit, but we know what they look like at least!" Minette said positively, Grey Cloud just smiled and laughed as the twins whinnied before trotting around together and around everyone. Minette just laughed as watched them before shaking her coat and seeming to want to play with Nysa- if she wasn't already with the twins- you never know!

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#266990 Posted on 2023-03-02 15:57:53

     Solstice seemed to be acting like nothing had happened. Like she never saw Skadi, but she was fine. Nysa just stood there flicking her little foal tail around, but she seemed to always be doing that. Though she looked over at her mother a bit unsure. She didn't know most of the foals or other horses in the group that seemed to have formed. She did get a bit more unsure of things as all the others foals came over to her.

     Solstice just smiled a bit, "You're alright Nysa." she said calmly before she rolled around in the grass some to get a spot on her back that had been itching her, "Yep that's the spot." she said to herself as it felt good to be able to get the spot. Let alone just roll around a bit. Once she was finished she had only shook some of the grass out of her mane and feathers ignoring the looks she got..if she got any.

     Nysa watched her mom for a second before looking at the other foals. She did get excited when she saw Minette though. She knew her best. Apollo was still sitting down, but he looked over at Nysa. Hadn't really been near her or really seen her. Only got a glimpse of her when she was born. Though he stayed where he was and looked at Marrow knowing she was about to say something from the look she had.

     He listened though. "It's not bad being born with one wing..." he paused looking down for a second before he glanced at his mom, "At least I don't think.." he said unsure, but he just kept listening. He just thought of his father, but he didn't dare to mention him again. Moon was still keeping quite the eye on him since he had ran off not so long ago. Apollo knew this. He knew his mistake, and he wasn't going to make it again.

     Though Solstice looked at Marrow for a moment when she mentioned a curse before she looked at Moon, "When I was born my birth herd thought I was cursed. Was born sick when I was I'm told, but that's not why they thought I was cursed." Moon looked at her before looking down, "My eyes. Their strange color, and the fact that I have no pupils. When I met Eclipsetess...I learned I wasn't. Your special in a way. You'll learn soon enough young one."

     Solstice then looked over as Grey Cloud came over with her two foals. She smiled, "Nysa is so much smaller then everyone..well is the youngest by a lot, but still." she said looking at Nysa for a moment then at Grey Cloud's two foals. Wasn't often that she saw them though which wasn't a big deal. "Well you surely know how to handle those two..Nysa seems to like being by my side more then anything...just want her to have a different foalhood then I did."

     Solstice was enjoying herself though. Nysa was just trying to get used to being around everyone. Though Solstice had looked up when the foal's parents and families seemed to bring them to their homes. " least they have good homes it seems." Solstice said. Nysa looked at the twins a bit curiously since she knew she hadn't seen them before, but she just looked back at Minette wanting to play with her. She seemed to like Minette most, and Solstice just smiled as she looked at Eclipsetess.

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#266992 Posted on 2023-03-02 17:31:25

"Hm, foals be foals, and everyone is themself." Eclipsetess said, she giggled but Minette then used her paw but only lifted it up to be playful, she was careful with Nysa but she just wanted her to relax a little bit more since she was in a group, Eclipsetess then decided to graze a little away as she knows that the foals would run around soon..

I mean it was a relaxing time around the herds, the king was just doing what he was doing, Eclipsetess, Solstice, Moon, and Grey Cloud were hanging around in a group together, Azulia was off napping- as she should be for a tired mother, though Cronsi was there to give her some leverage.

Esmeray and Moonlight were off walking around together as good sibings would if they wanted to be good, Trickster- haven't seen her in awhile- was off grazing normally since the day she turned into a wolf, which would probably still haunt her, but everyone else was off doing their own thing..

Little time skip, which would make Esmeray, Moonlight- well Moonlight and Smoke a bit older, Smoke would be an adult by now since it has been a year and some months, Moonlight is just under that but still getting there, making her mature in a yearling- or so.. Esmeray and Raven the samething but still 9 months, if that's the case, Minette.. Probably the same age as Apollo since- yeah.. Though Blizzard, Marrow, and King would be near Raven and Esmeray's age a little bit but in the same range for Minette and Apollo, the twins = A little older since they are still pretty young, but they should be a month old, which is pretty young still. Grey Cloud, Eclipsetess, Azulia, Trickster, Carrion, Scorn, Olymphia- who's disappearing, the snake mare, and SO ON! Would be a month older too, by the correct ages, Grey Cloud is A LOT older then Eclipsetess and so on, but the same age as Scorn- which places her near the 30's limit? No.. I don't remember when I said that Scorn was young, let's just say they are all much more knowledgeable but still in their prime youth..

So, in the time skip, Minette had a little longer mane, forelock, and tail, but her feathers were also ready but Eclipsetess was showing her some basic tips on how to fly better, though Marrow was watching and participating as she flexed her wing in some of the tips, she really wanted another wing to fly with..

Eclipsetess could tell and so could Minette, but they knew- well Eclipsetess knew that wings were much more complex on to summon for foals, much older horses were easier to deal with, like with Solstice! But foals would need to manage with their new attached wing, and sometimes the wings wouldn't work right for the selected foal, making them forced to take off the magical planted wing by another source of magic.

But Minette promised to find a spell that could make a wing fit perfectly for a foal, Marrow smiled but she knew Minette wouldn't find one by what Eclipsetess said, but her other wing was a good example for uses by other things that horses needed!

"Why don't you flex your wing more?" Eclipsetess suggested, Marrow was gonna say something but Minette told her to flex her wing more, which Marrow did as Eclipsetess smiled at her before giggling..

"Perfect, now I can do this," Eclipsetess closed her eyes as Minette was gonna watch her mother do magic, but Marrow was confused on what Eclipsetess was doing until she started glowing, the older you are for a horse with much more magical capabilities that could do something, the more a circle will appear under you. Unfortantely Solstice won't see a glowing circle until she masters other spells, besides the one Eclipsetess could do as it was the same spell Solstice conjured up during the first fight with Scorn, she just didn't realize that..

But after Eclipsetess opened her eyes, Marrow blinked a couple times as she opened her eyes, but she looked around bluntly confused, she was gonna ask until Eclipsetess told her to flex her wing again. And when Marrow did that, another wing of hers was there; on her left side, she was over joyed but she ran to King as he was watching Apollo but playing with the twins as they were interesting and funny to watch.

"King! King! I have another wing!" Marrow yelled, King looked up as his name was called but he saw that Marrow had two wings as she crashed into him, knocking the both over as they hugged adorably, Marrow did have the same wings now. But she tried fluttering a bit and it worked for her.

Minette came running over as she stopped and drifted to the side in a cool way to halt, though she did grass up the twins as they shook off the grass from their coats, though the twins noticed that Marrow had another wing and that she was happy and overjoyed!

"Well as long as you have another wing, your mother will recieve the samething, you two are mother and daughter after all." Eclipsetess said as she stopped when Marrow was gonna hug her, she just hugged Marrow back but her mother did come running over as she had two wings now.

"Marrow honey! Oh you have another wing like me!" Marrow's mother said, Marrow ran up to her mother as they hugged, now King was happy but jealous and hurt that she would leave his side, he had known Marrow for the longest before Blizzard tagged along in their group, and now Minette was there.. She was just like Blizzard..

Oh and speaking of Blizzard, he and his father went to the market for awhile as Minette was doing practice with Marrow and Eclipsetess as they went back to the edge where they would practice before flying off and landing down safely, though that wasn't until they felt prepared.

"Well thank you Eclipsetess, and know we have met, so are we friends? If so, then mind if I join your group? I'm terribly lonely sometimes when no one wants to talk to me, so might as well join a group right?" Marrow's mother said, she did thank Eclipsetess as the two did tell each other their names as Eclipsetess introduced Marrow's mother to the group too.

"Hm, well Minette's groupmates still have to introduce me to their parents yet, and Blizzard's father is next is that's correct?" Eclipsetess asked Minette was sleeping but she did wake up! Though she did lay back down to sleep once more as King was the same.

"Foals.. So tired sometimes.. Well it's naptime then, I'm taking a nap." Eclipsetess said, she was tired but it was somewhere near dark, but the foals were taking naps, and most of the herds with foals were doing the same, well except Mesa as she was still single.. Poor mare can't find love.. Anyways, everyone else with foals were already sleeping like I said, but the blind mare was grazing before looked up and around..

She then looked around as Buckwheat was napping- in his all huge self, though most of the mares of his herd were sprawled about- much like everyone else that was also sprawled out, though some mares were also grouped up but still sleeping like everyone else..

Though the blind mare then began walking around, carefully in the grass, to no disturb anyone that was sleeping but still awake, she just wanted to walk around.. To know how it feels to walk around but not in knowing fear that someone is gonna give you a scar on your face, the blind mare was remembering that bit and it haunted her as she stopped but was crying when someone moved a bit in their sleep..

But when the person was still sleeping and in their happiest pose, the blind mare kept moving until she maybe was going through and around horses, maybe she tapped Apollo's ear on accident but she did run away quick and to the bridge that was burnt and still rotting and breaking away, the same one that kept the hold of Isles of Dreams the Isle of the Mountains together..

The blind mare then turned around as she was looking down, but she then looked back up but paused as someone was looking at her and made the mare freeze into place, the horse in front of the mare was watching her as they walked up and stopped as the mare was nervous and scared, that's why she gasped a little by the fright the horse gave off from the blind mare..

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#266998 Posted on 2023-03-03 06:20:25

     Everything seemed to go back to normal. Wait. What was even normal for that herd? Well herds. There was always something happening. Well..maybe not always. Though Solstice enjoyed every second of it. Dra was finally no more. She could live her life how she wanted. She had everything she wanted. A family. Friends. What more did she need? If there was something, she didn't even know it yet.

     Though she had just been grazing enjoying herself. She let Nysa roam the herd a little more, and Orion was probably doing something near the herd, or probably just walking around a bit. No matter. Solstice was just enjoying herself. She felt the best she had ever been. The happiest she had been. It was almost weird in a way even to Solstice, but who cared? It was a good thing.

     Nysa had just been running around a bit having a small burst of energy. She always loved running around the herd. Though her mother was quite protective of her in a way. Nysa was still quite young heck she was the youngest, but she didn't remember anything that happened shortly after she was born. She was just a happy filly. Though she eventually just ran over to her mom before she noticed Eclipsetess and Minette, "Hey mom? What are they doing?" she asked looking back at her mother.

     Solstice just looked up watching Nysa for a moment before she had ran over. Solstice smiled before she looked over at Eclipsetess and Minette, "Looks like your aunt is teaching Minette to fly...or at least giving her some tips." she said before  she looked back down at Nysa. My how much she had grown in so little time. Seemed like yesterday she was born. "Why?" she asked before she groomed Nysa a bit.

     "Momm stop that I don't need you grooming me all the time," she said with a small huff as Solstice only rolled her eyes with a smile. Nysa just looked back over at the others, "I don't just..curious I guess.." she said looking down a bit, "Why don't I have wings like you?" she eventually asked before looking up at her mother, "All I have is a dumb horn," she said snorting a bit.

     Solstice just looked at her letting out a sigh as she sat down, "I didn't always have wings Nysa. Same goes for your uncle Namir. We were both born unicorns, but when I met your aunt Eclipsetess she had gifted me these wings, but I guess they just became a part of me in a way." she said pausing for a moment, "Nysa your horn is a part of who you are. When your older you'll understand that. Plus, when your old enough you can start learning how to use your magic. I'm still learning mine you know. There's a lot of things I have yet to learn."

     Nysa just looked down before she looked up at her mother, "Really?" she asked as she nodded. Though Nysa wasn't very aware of what her mother had been through. Way too young to know those stories, but Nysa at least knew who her mother was. A goddess. Nysa never said anything, but she knew she could never follow in her mother's footsteps. Though she was still quite young. She didn't have to worry about any of that right now.

     Before they both knew it, they heard some excited shouting. They looked at each other before seeing what was the cause of it. "It seems like Eclipsetess figured out how to give Marrow her other wing." Solstice said smiling before she looked over and saw Orion walking over, "Hello dear." she said nuzzling him softly. Everything was perfect. Solstice finally had everything she wanted. She had never been happier.

     Though Moon seemed to be doing her own thing like always. Apollo near her half the time unless she let him venture off a little more. Though he had been close to learning how to fly. He could get himself into the air, but sometimes it was hard for him to stay up there. He was determined to be a better flyer then his father, but how bad was Phoenix when it came to flying? Though he noticed that Kind seemed to be watching him a lot which made him nervous. Apollo was a part of the herd..King wasn't, so why was Apollo the one being watched?

     Wisteria hadn't really joined the herd, but she stayed in the area popping in every now and then. She was still grateful for Solstice scaring Skadi off, but she was now more cautious of others. Though her marking on her shoulder was very strange. Some might think it was a marking, but Wisteria was the only one that knew it was actually a scar. Wait. A oddly shaped scar that glows sometimes? That's more then odd...

     Though Solstice just watched the herd a small bit. Seemed like everyone was starting to fall asleep since it was getting late, but Solstice didn't even realize it until now. "Alright Nysa..bed time for you." she said as the filly snorted a bit, "Nysa your too young to stay up. Your going to bed." Solstice said a bit more demanding, but not by much. Nysa just nodded and laid down as Solstice nuzzled her. Orion had laid down as well, but he knew she wasn't going to be heading to bed yet.

     Solstice did lay down with them until Nysa had fallen asleep though. Orion had nuzzled her side softly, "Your going to stay up aren't you?" he asked in a whisper. Solstice just nodded. Something felt different about that night to her. Namir seemed to feel it too a bit since he seemed to stay up a bit. Solstice had no idea why, but Namir had a feeling. He just didn't say anything.

     Though Nysa had ended up falling asleep and Orion did as well. Solstice just carefully got back up and spread out her wings as she flew up towards the moon a bit. She could feel it more then ever. The night had never been so calm. She just closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Eventually she opened her eyes as they had been glowing, but Solstice focused on the moon. 

     What she didn't know was that her mother was watching her, "My sweet daughter...oh how I wish I could have been I wish to be able to meet my granddaughter.." she said from up above. Though Solstice felt the moon more and more which each minute. Soon she could feel the dreams around her, but she couldn't quite picture them yet. It was a start for her new abilities as the moon goddess, but she had finally managed to create that link with the moon some time before. She was discovering herself more then she had before.

     Learning more about her powers and her duties as the moon goddess. She was back to staying up during the nights, but she wasn't up the entire night most nights. Except for this one night. It seemed different, but in a good way. She just hovered there for hours as Namir watched her for a bit before he too went to sleep. After a long while though she eventually went back to the ground. To her family. As she softly laid back down with them for the rest of the night.

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#267010 Posted on 2023-03-03 14:40:07

The next morning, Eclipsetess got up really early in the morning as she nuzzled Minette to get up as well, the two were up until they saw Marrow coming over with excitedness, but she remained quiet so that everyone could sleep in a little more, but the three were ready to fly- well maybe if their feathers are ready to feel the wind.

"Ready?" Eclipsetess asked in a whisper, Minette and Marrow nodded at the same time as the foals turned around as Eclipsetess trotted in front of them.

"This is how you quickly take off." Eclipsetess whisperedly said, she demonstrated how to take off very quickly if a threat was coming or already there, but she landed down quite quickly as well.

"Now for a more relaxed flight to ease yourselves in." Eclipsetess spoke quietly, Minette and Marrow nodded as they watched Eclipsetess run and then take off into the sky, that was a more of the running taking off side, though she did come in for a quiet landing.

"Now your turns, Minette and Marrow, be prepared and take your time, it's your first flight after all." Eclipsetess whispered, the two fillies nodded in understandment as they were ready to fly in the sky, wind flying through their short but now growing manes.

"I'll go first so Marrow has an idea on what to do." Minette said quietly, Marrow stood back as Minette looked up before turning and running as she used her wings to flap and flap until she was flying in the ground, though Eclipsetess teleported Minette back as she was beginning to land down safely onto the ground.

"Alright me next!" Marrow urgently said, she looked up at Eclipsetess before doing the samething as Minette, but she flapped her wings quicker and had the more energy to continue until she felt ready, but before she even knew it: She was already soaring into the air, and then Eclipsetess teleported her back onto the ground, the same way Minette was doing.

"Alright great jobs! Your first flight was fantastic! Better then me even!" Eclipsetess said happily, Minette and Marrow blushed but they did smile, their little wings were now tired and sore from the flight, something they'd get used too in no time though.

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#267011 Posted on 2023-03-03 16:10:16

     Solstice slept for the rest of the night, but she was awake before Orion and Nysa were. Surprisingly she wasn't even tired. Well maybe a little, but she felt fine. Solstice just smiled looking at Orion and Nysa. She always thought Orion was adorable whenever he slept, but Nysa was just curled up like a little ball beside her father. She smiled softly before she had a small look around.

     She woke up a little bit after Eclipsetess and Minette, but she soon noticed she was giving Minette and what appeared to be Marrow. Solstice smiled seeing the joy in Marrow. Flying was a form of freedom for Solstice. Something that made her fall in love with flying, but it wasn't the only thing. Though after a few minutes of laying there and watching, Solstice decided to slowly and quietly walk over not wanting to wake anyone.

     Solstice smiled watching both of the fillies have their first flight, "You both did really well for your first flight. You both should be proud of yourselves." she said before looking at Eclipsetess with a smirk on her face, "Certainly better then my first flight. I sure hope you don't do that to any of the foals. I sure won't forget that day, but how could I not? Quite the eventful day that was.." she said loosing focus for a bit.

     Though Nysa had woken up and looked seeing her father still there only asleep, but where was her mother? Nysa perked her ears as she looked around seeing her with auntie Eclipsetess, Minette, and Marrow. Nysa just got up on her hooves, and ran over. Solstice would have thought she would have still been sleeping, "Oh Nysa. I thought you were still asleep," she said not expecting Nysa to run over.

     "Well I was, but now I'm not." she said flicking her little tail around. Solstice had only smiled and nuzzled her, "Dad's still asleep though.." she said glancing back at Orion as Solstice only giggled a bit. Though Nysa ended up looking back at her mother, "Were you doing something last night? I heard you leave.." she asked almost like she was hesitant. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess for a moment before looking back at Nysa.

     "I guess I kind of did something last night, but I'm awake during most nights Nysa. I am connected to the moon. I can feel it day or night, but it's stronger at night. Nothing to worry about. Just me doing what I normally do during the nights." she said in the smallest explanation she could work up. Solstice just didn't say anything that went into detail. Something was different about last night, but she didn't say anything about it. Namir knew it too, but he had more of a idea on why it was different for the two siblings.

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#267022 Posted on 2023-03-03 17:32:59

"Hm Solstice is right after all, first flights are always amazing! Though I had to teleport you both back to my side once I saw you both landing, hence why you two were ready to fly. Just not away from your mother Marrow, I know how she longs for flying- can tell- from Solstice and that flying is great." Eclipsetess said, though she noticed that Nysa was over here, but she only nuzzled Minette as the filly flicked her wings a little bit to get used them being sore.

"Oh and soreness can happen, it's just getting used to it when gliding is better, but we'll get to that when we feel like it, for now; we're just sticking with how to fly better, and that you can glide-land for a better landing. I just don't think your auntie knew that Minette." Eclipsetess teased Solstice, though Minette giggled as her mother was funny when she said that but she did go quiet since she knew that Solstice would nip Eclipsetess- it was a tease, but a 'very funny' one at that.

"Mom.. Auntie Solstice already flies her best, she doesn't need tips or teasing to get her to fly any better, she's perfect as the way she is." Minette protested sweetly, she was quite nice with her words and decessive thinking, Marrow was just silent but she did want to fly again.

"Alright alright.. I know I shouldn't be saying that even.. But a tease is just a fun little thing to do once in awhile, Azulia did it once and most mares and- possibly foals are doing it as well.. But most adult horses are doing it." Eclipsetess said, she let Minette have the say as she was right, but Eclipsetess wanted fun once in awhile.

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#267023 Posted on 2023-03-03 18:01:34

     Solstice just shook her head, "Or sometimes they're terrifying," she said mumbling a bit. "Your lucky I just haven't done anything since you did that, but I don't know what'd I do without my wings," she giggled before looking at the two fillies, "You both are on a good start with your flying. I'm happy to see how you both improve." she said while Nysa just looked down a bit. She felt left out. Not having wings. Solstice noticed from the corner of her eye, but she just wasn't sure what to say at that moment..instead she just nuzzled her.

     Solstice then nodded agreeing with Eclipsetess, "I used to fly all the time. Until there were some events...and then I had someone else to take care of, but before all of that I flew quite a bit. Sometimes so much I couldn't fly any longer," she said with a small laugh before giving Eclipsetess a bit of a look, "Yeah yeah. I'm the same flyer as I was before. I just needed to get back into it." she said enjoying herself..well she almost always was anyways.

     Though Solstice looked at Minette as her smile just grew larger, "Aww Minette. Thank you." she said nuzzling her before she looked at Eclipsetess, "Well your mother was the one who gave me my wings. She taught me to use them...well at least how to hover and land. Your father helped me after that. Even if he didn't have wings then, but if I remember correctly you said I was the best flyer?" Solstice said almost with a bit of pride, but she was just messing around having fun.

     Solstice then looked back at Minette, "You want to know something about your father?" she asked before looking around cautiously as if she was about to tell her something that she didn't want Namir to hear. "He's scared of heights." she whispered only for the group to hear once she made sure the coast was clear. "You should of seen him when we forced and taught him to fly." she giggled.

     Though Nysa looked back seeing Namir slowly walking over, but she just took a small step to the side knowing he was being sneaky. Namir just had a smile before he took another small step behind Solstice, "Just what I thought. I knew I couldn't trust you two." he said scaring Solstice a bit. She hated it when he did that. Ever since they were foals, "And I am not scared of heights!" he huffed trying to deny it.

     Solstice just jumped slightly as she looked back at Namir, "I hate it when you do that Namir!" she said a bit loud as she looked at him. Though she just rolled her eyes, "Oh please 'Mr. Tough Guy' doesn't exist when your in the air. When was the last time I've seen you use those wings of yours?" she asked him, but he just rolled his eyes giving no answer, "I'm right and you know it!" Namir seemed to regret coming over.

     Nysa though had just watched a bit before she just slowly and quietly walked away. She didn't go back to Orion who was still sleeping. She just went to a spot within the herd that gave her some space. The filly just stood there looking down. She didn't like being the youngest, and it seemed like most of the other foals had wings. She wanted to be like her mother, but she couldn't be.....or could she? Plus the other foals were learning how to fly or how to use magic, but she couldn't do either of those things..even if she had a horn. She was too young for it.

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#267026 Posted on 2023-03-03 19:48:22

Eclipsetess giggled when Solstice jumped, Eclipsetess then looked at Minette as she was confused before looking at her wings in confusion still, Eclipsetess smiled at Minette before she decided to lay down, it was a relatively quiet time to hang out..

"I wonder where the others to Minette's group is, I haven't seen Blizzard nor King in awhile, I know that Marrow is usually with us- I'm starting to worry for the foals, it's not usually this quiet for a group to not regroup after yesterday.. Nor this common either.." Eclipsetess spoke out, she was worried and Minette could see that as she saw her mother worry for other foals besides Minette.

"Maybe they were tired and slept in? Or they could just be handling things themself in their families, we know that Blizzard is energetic as always- so he doesn't show up? So what? He might be just selling things for fun or something.. We also know that King is probably very busy underwater- considering his family, he's not a Sea Pony- rather a variant. And we can see that." Minette spoke up, she could be right as the two colts could be very busy and just don't have the time right now for any group related activities.

"Hm, yeah, but it doesn't stop me from worrying about your friends Minette, and ones that aren't in our herd.." Eclipsetess agreed but added on, she was a good mother much like Solstice, Moon, and Grey Cloud.. Always worrying for others as a mother would be.

"It would be fun to just go on one adventure- but I know that something would go terribly wrong, and all heck breaks loose.. Oh that reminds me! We haven't seen Death since- well everyone could see why.. Probably busy, as the Grim Reaper should be, but I actually liked his company. Even though he promised Faith that he was gonna watch me, but he knew that Namir would take over if he got jealous.. He's still such a softie, I think.." Eclipsetess paused, she smiled when she got the thought under control as it was a smirky devilish face.

"I know this is insensitive, but I think Faith should go on a date with Death- that makes no sense as it's his name, but it's kinda funny.. Going on a date with Death, but he'd probably enjoy the company, I know that two horses like Faith and Death wouldn't last- I saw that from a previous couple the same way as the two, but I think they would last a little longer. At least that's my thought.. No one has to agree, but it's quite cute as well!" Eclipsetess giggled to herself, though she just put up a ship right in front of everyone- well at least a thought, but it sounded like a ship that she just said out in the open.

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#267029 Posted on 2023-03-03 20:30:05

     Solstice only gave her brother another one of her looks before she nipped him. He had it coming, but she made sure Namir couldn't nip her in return before she turned her attention back to Eclipsetess. "Foals are foals. I'm sure their fine. The herd is waking. If anything we shouldn't worry just yet." she said learning a thing or two from Namir from when he had raised her.

     Though Solstice just gave Eclipsetess a look, "You better be careful saying things like would be very easy for the both of them to find out you said that." she said before she thought about it for a moment. Namir took that as his chance to get out of that conversation before he was dragged into anything any further. Stallions. Always wanting to stay away from the mare gossip.

     "I mean maybe...Death doesn't seem like one to really make friends or whatever, but you never know." she shrugged watching Namir for a moment as he left before she looked back at Eclipsetess letting out a small sigh, "I still think he needs to see our parents much as I'd like to meet them as well as you, Orion, Nysa, and Minette, but I really think he just needs to see them the most.." she said in a quieter tone.

     Solstice glanced at her brother a second time, "He seems to be doing better, but I'm not entirely convinced. He was still young when..." she paused for a moment being careful with what she said with Minette right there, "Last wasn't like normal just seemed different in a way, but I know Namir felt it too...he might know more then I do, but I'm still figuring out what I can do since I made that link with the moon a little bit ago. I certainly feel dreams in a way...just haven't been able to figure out how to see them yet, but I'm getting there." she said loosing focus.

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#267039 Posted on 2023-03-04 12:43:37

"Hm, it seems you are getting there. But the more you can feel it the sooner you can Dream-Link, I saw it happen in the Guardian School. They were teaching us foals and yearlings on how to dream link- I was a late bloomer, but with immense control- sort of.. Though I do remember that the first time we saw it was when our teacher told us that Guardians can Dream-Link as soon as- you probably know the rest by now.." Eclipsetess smiled, she was happy that Solstice was near the dream-linking stage- where she could almost invision dreams.

"Oh and I noticed that Buckwheat's herd was missing a mare, the blind one, the blind mare as they called her. I haven't seen her when she's supposed to be sleeping, I'm actually worried since Buck could get worried and that would not be good.. As lead stallions don't do well with missing horses- well Buck would cry- by the way he acts.. Not being rude or anything!" Eclipsetess said, as she looked at Buckwheat's herd, some of the mares were still sleeping as Buck was probably enjoying a dream.

"Maybe she was just not tired?" Minette suggested, a normal mare wouldn't just get up in the middle of the night and wander off somewhere that no one has an idea where, but there are mares that do that- just rarely though.. Eclipsetess then had gotten skeptical again.

"I'm getting skeptical about that, I'm starting to believe that more- much more different things are happening and we don't just see it yet." Eclipsetess said aloud, Minette was confused that Eclipsetess didn't believe her in what she suggested or said really..

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#267040 Posted on 2023-03-04 13:55:52

     Solstice just smiled a bit as she sat down. "Just takes time to learn." she said perfectly okay with that. Though she just looked at Eclipsetess, "Is there anything you can't do?" she giggled before she looked up at the morning sky. The sun was rising, and the moon was setting. Over time she had been feeling the moon and the connection stronger then she had before. She couldn't even explain it, but the night meant more to her now then it did before.

     Though Solstice looked over at Buckwheat's herd, "Maybe she went on a walk...?" she said unsure though she knew that probably wasn't likely since she was fully blind. "Maybe we should go looking for her later if she doesn't show up? But we can't go jumping to conclusions. Even if it does seem like something weird is going on.." she said mumbling the last bit a little.

     Orion had ended up waking up...eventually, but he just shook his mane and bit and rolled around tiredly in the grass for a minute. Though he eventually got up and shook some grass off of his coat before he looked around seeing Solstice with Eclipsetess and Minette, but where was Nysa? She wasn't with them. Orion had only looked around more for the filly only to see her off by herself.

     Orion sighed walking over to her as he knew something was wrong. "Alright Nysa. What's wrong?" he asked looking at her then Solstice and the others. "What's got you over here by yourself? You're usually with your mother." he said looking back at her. Though Orion let her talk..if she wanted to. He just knew something was bothering her. Orion ended up laying down with her while giving her some room.

     Nysa looked up at her father for a moment before she looked back down. "I was..." she said mumbling a small bit before she looked at Orion again, "I feel left out. Most of the other foals have wings...I don't...they're learning to fly or learning to use magic, and I'm not. I hate being the youngest.." she said with a small snort and stomp of her hoof as she looked back down.

     Orion just looked at her before he nuzzled her, "You know your mother wasn't taught any magic until she met your aunt? She was the youngest as well. There's nothing wrong with being the youngest Nysa. Once your of age you can start putting that horn of yours to use. Your not any different from them, and your not being left out." he said before he got back up and softly nudged her.

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#267043 Posted on 2023-03-04 17:02:39

"...You are right, we shouldn't even be jumping to conclusions.. But its good that we'll look for her only if she doesn't come back, staying in a herd is better then-.. Well- um, from a view point actually." Eclipsetess said as she tried saving herself, she really wasn't good with some things huh? Well it's alright!

"Though I think enough time has been taken away Marrow and Minette, we should get back to practicing on flying, and Solstice can watch and help if she wants too?" Eclipsetess asked Solstice, she was happy but she was right that the foals should get back to training on flying more.

"Oh right!" Minette remembered what Eclipsetess just said, Marrow was excited as Eclipsetess giggled at her excitment to fly again..

"Seems like we got a little pegasus! Hehe..!" Eclipsetess giggled, Marrow only blushed and giggled as Eclipsetess was correct about Marrow being more excited to fly rather then being excited for anything else.. It was only sweet.

"Though.. If we don't see the blind mare by the end of the course, then we should get the herd to start looking, that's a better idea then waiting in the dark to find her." Eclipsetess perked up about the blind mare, though when she looked back to look at Solstice she- noticed that the mare was only standing before she started walking back to the herd.

"Oh.. Nevermind.. We didn't pay attention to the broken, and burnt bridge.." Eclipsetess mumbled slightly, she was taken back that the mare seemed to be a little scared of something, even showing short breathing..

"Wait.. Something isn't adding up, she's taking short breaths, that's not normal!" Eclipsetess said as she ran off to see the mare, Minette only realized that the mare was breathing abnormally, and that the herd was fully awake as they watched Eclipsetess calm the mare before talking to her- which was going wrong..

With Eclipsetess and the blind mare, who was beyond frightened for some reason, which was not normal as she was acting normal before acting scared and frighten of everything, Minette and Marrow only ran over to Eclipsetess as the mare started backing up from Eclipsetess..

"Hey.. What's wrong? Everything is alright! See? I'm fine!- Well.. I take back what I said at the end.. But I know you can sense me!" Eclipsetess saved herself, the mare only began rambling but not as bad as what had happened with Schematic's during that time..

"Nothing is alright.. I could see.. But not in a normal way.. I fully lost my sight awhile ago- Buckwheat said I would never lose my sight.. But he lied.. Then as I was walking around and got to the bridge- that's when I saw a horse.. A silhouette that I couldn't make out.. Black eyes- not the ones that we know of.. Someone's watching us, and I can feel it now.. Don't you?!" the mare rambled, she then lunged at Eclipsetess as she backed up and flew to the sky, Minette and Marrow only huddled together as the mare walked up to them.

Though Eclipsetess only back down to stand in front of them as the blind mare backed up, Eclipsetess was hellbent on protecting Minette and Marrow from a mare like her now, though Eclipsetess only calmed down as tried reasoning with the mare, but then she also saw the silhouette much like the one the blind mare described..

But.. The only thing was.. Was that everyone could see the blacked out horse, the black eyes but the-the white scelera showing to show the black eyes and the pupils only blending in, the horse was so blacked out that the many different hairs didn't show shading..

The horse silhouette said nothing and did not move, like a doll not moving, though as the blind mare turned around- the silhouette appeared and reappared in front of Eclipsetess but the blacked out horse only looked and watched the blind mare as she turned around to try and face it again..

"See?! I'm not crazy! I'm being haunted! I just know it!" the blind mare yelled a bit, she was starting to lose it, but the crazy mare only came running with fear and nervousness to a horse acting like her, and that the crazy mare was only acting by her emotions and how she felt..

"I.. See.. You.." the silhouetted horse said in a deep mechanical and spirited way, like nothing anyone has heard of, even the alicorn king came running over as the herds were only fixated by the silhouette, the blind mare, and what was happening.. Eclipsetess only huddled the two foals together..

"It must be a dream, just close your eyes you two.." Eclipsetess said, she turned around to face the blind mare and the silhouette looking at her now..

"I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS TYPE OF AN ADVENTURE! I wanted only a relaxing one! Please leave us alone you unknown silhouette!" Eclipsetess yelled and screamed at the silhouetted horse, the blacked out horse showed an emotion and was confused but also mad that Eclipsetess didn't want this..

"Leave! Leave! I want peace!" Eclipsetess yelled again, though the silhouetted horse was gone when Eclipsetess closed her eyes once more, Minette only cried just like Eclipsetess but she stopped when the crazy mare tapped her and then the two hugged.. Marrow only wanted a hug as well..

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#267045 Posted on 2023-03-04 17:44:02

     "Hmm...yeah, but we don't have to go looking for her just yet. Still a bit early in the morning hours." Solstice said before she looked at Minette and Marrow smiling, "Sure." she said stretching her wings a tad bit. "Once you two can fly on your own I'm sure you'll fall in love with it just as much as I have." she said with a smile. "Nothing better then the wind running through your mane and feathers."

     Though Solstice looked over at the bridge as her ears lowered slightly, but she noticed the blind mare. She just glanced at Eclipsetess before she ran over just as she had. Solstice did give the mare some space though. She had forgotten that she had no name there for a moment. "What's wrong?" she asked trying to remain calm hoping it would help the mare to calm down.

     Nysa didn't say anything for a moment or two, but she looked down, "But I am different Dad. What is it they call me? A demi-god?" she said looking at him for a moment before she looked back down. "I will always be different then everyone else...I look like splattered mess too." she said turning away as she slowly walked away with her head down. Orion just watched her unsure of what to do. This was something for Solstice to handle.

     Though they both noticed what was going on with the blind mare. Nysa had looked up and started to run over, but Orion caught up with her and held her back. "Let your mom and your aunt handle this..don't need you getting involved in something you shouldn't." he said as Nysa only gave a small nod. Instead she just watched from before. She didn't even know who the mare was.

     Solstice looked over seeing Nysa and Orion, but she just looked back at the mare then the bridge, "I'm sure there's a way we could find out who or what this silhouette is. We're here to help you." she said remaining as calm as she could before she too saw the silhouette...which was terrifying. Orion quickly blocked Nysa's view from everything once he saw it. Solstice just stood there, "Your not never were.." she said a bit terrifyed.

     When the silhouette spoke, Solstice just felt a cold chill run straight down her spine. Why must this be happening? Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess as she yelled soon realizing the silhouette was gone. She just stepped over to Eclipsetess and the two fillies trying to calm them. "Eclipsetess...we all want things to be peaceful, but it can't stay like that forever..not with our herd. As much as I hate it, we just have to be ready if something is coming. For now...just try to relax. All three of you. We can't get worked up now.." she said from plenty of experience, but even she was a bit shaken up.  

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#267046 Posted on 2023-03-04 18:22:43

"A-alright.. I'll go tend to the others while your here talking to the blind mare, she's- still frightened.. I'm sure you can handle her, Minette can help you if you want her too- she'll just step in whenever.. Marrow you can do the samething too, helping is always the best way!" Eclipsetess perked up, though she was still shaken up just by her voice alone, but she was focused on more work then just lessons today.

"Okay mom!" Minette said, she looked at the blind mare before she looked at Solstice, though the mare followed Minette's head movement- creepily as it was disturbing.. But the mare did loose her focus when she noticed that Orion had Nysa hidden, she felt bad for the two..

So the mare just walked over to Orion, the best she could do with her new sense since it was messed up with the silhouette all over with the other horses staring as well, but everyone was soon getting calmed as Eclipsetess, Scorn, and Grey Cloud got to telling everyone!

Much like with Mesa and Buckwheat, though the stallion did feel horrible for his adopted-daughter to be fully blind, he never knew her anger when she couldn't see anymore.. He was terrifyed but he kept up the bravery as everyone needed it and so did he.

"Hey.." the blind mare looked at Orion, her eyes all fully greyed out now, it was sad but being blind makes your other senses more usable and helpful, but the grey tone of the blind mare's eyes just- seemed so different then an average grey eye or two..

"Hello there little one.. Your terrified and so is your father.. Everyone knows fear just by when something goes wrong.. I've felt that burden more then once before I met your birthherd, it's more of a wonder to just be here with other mares with the same experience- or rather close to something.. You know your aunt's sister used to have wings right? She's always been telling her half of the story; adventure and absolute freedom in the sky, everyone can tell that she wants it again- but she doesn't want to leave her foal alone with her foal's father.. She's just too cautious and kind. Maybe that's why your aunt and your mother are like that- but it's just a theory, and everything can be disproven.. Whether or not you like it.." the blind mare mumbled at the end, Azulia did have wings- I guessed that everyone forgot since everything has been going on.. But to just tell a story alone with adventure and freedom? No wonder why Azulia is happy; to keep the ones she loves happy..

"But that doesn't mean you don't have wings- sure my theory can be disproven, but there's more then one way to earn wings- well one or two actually.. You won't know the other option until your an adult, most foals about Minette's age go there relatively early in their lives anyways- oh! That reminds me! Faith should be coming down for the yearly Foal Age Guardian Agreement! Or also known as FAGA!" the blind mare said, she wanted Orion to know that Nysa was only some months away from that- or years.. Who knows? Anyways..

"I just wished that I had a foal.. Life never goes your way anyways.. Not by your stupid father anyways.." the blind mare mumbled to herself that much, wait- she wanted to have kids? But Buckwheat never allowed that? Oh wow.. That's sad.. But she probably wasn't interested until now, well she can't anyways..

"Well I should go and tell Solstice, Eclipsetess and many other mothers, see you and your daughter later!" the blind mare smiled, she was jolly now- mood swings then.. But she did trot off to go and tell them, which she told Solstice first and then the others were told about the FAGA agreement.

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