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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266839 Posted on 2023-02-24 09:19:32

     Namir just smiled a bit listening. "Alright alright. Well if your mother is okay with it then I am." he said just before she had ran off back to Eclipsetess. He just watched her run off a bit before he looked around noticing Apollo with Isis. That was odd. He knew Moon wouldn't have let that colt leave her side after he tried running off. Though he figured there was just something she needed to do without Apollo with her. Still a bit odd though.

     Moon had smiled a bit, "Because of you they have a strong bond. Without you they may never have even met each other. Times are hard, and they just have to realize that you're doing what you can when you can. I'm sure you appreciate Namir helping out with things. He's always been a helper..doing what's right while caring for Solstice.." she said sighing a bit, "I would have taken them both in..but well Phoenix wouldn't have approved. Instead I helped them..without Phoenix or even Solstice knowing..."

     Though Moon just glanced at the herd for a moment, "I guess your right...I really thought I was about to loose him again for a moment...he has his whole life ahead of him, and I just don't want him to throw it away because of his father. He already looks like him.." she sighed again. She hated Phoenix with every part of her. All of those miserable years. Though she tried to not think about them as much.

     Moon looked down though a bit because of her scar before she looked at Scorn once more, "Well from what I've learned you've been in plenty of battles..but your doing what you can to give mares a second chance. A second chance at the life they deserve. All of them have you to think...including myself. And Solstice too, but I was starting to loose hope...that it was going to be the rest of our lives under his control."

     Moon was thankful that didn't happen, but she looked up at the sky remembering those they lost during those hard years. Lives she couldn't save. Lives she couldn't protect. She had to live with that. "My scar is a reminder that the mare and her filly are free to this day I hope.." she said looking at Scorn again. Almost as if it was redemption for those she couldn't save..

     De-age? Moon had never heard of it. Though she never thought about doing it not even for a second. "I may be a little old in my bones, but de-ageing would be selfish. I have the life I want. Nothing needs changed. I still have quite a long time until my time comes. Apollo is growing up...he won't need me in a short while as much as it hurts, but he'll grow up and live his own life."

     Moon had nodded though with a small smile on her face as Scorn asked to give her an escort. Just some older horses having a conversation. Though she just chuckled a bit, "I'm sure that colt won't dare to try anything after anything, but you are right. He has a mind of his own...that's for sure." she said hoping he wasn't causing too much trouble. "Best we get back before anything does happen."

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#266844 Posted on 2023-02-24 14:51:14

"Hm, you are right, like everyone else sometimes.. But you act like the nanny I used to have back when I was young and in my home, the mare's name was similar to yours but it was Moonberry, or Moonsweet for a nickname, I think you should have her nickname and her name as a nickname. To honor someone that cared and showed affection to me- I loved her and saw her as my mother." Scorn looked at Moon, he was happy but also happy to have honored Moon with such a sweet name really.

"Anyways I wanna see how that naughty colt of yours is doing, I hope better but still relaxing, like you are. And I'm careful to not get on your bad side." Scorn looked up at the sky before looking back at the herd, it was relaxing to see a herd be themselves and happy, there is more grass though but that's good.

Eclipsetess was relaxing as Minette was looking and examining the book Eclipsetess had, it would've been fun to have Namir there with the two girls, but Eclipsetess does like the quietness anyways, more peaceful but more relaxing with the one that you love really..

"Dad says you can read me the book!" Minette told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess sighed and nuzzled Minette before looking at Namir as she rolled her eyes before looking at the page she was on, she was sure Minette wasn't ready but that filly can take a lot..

"Ready?" Eclipsetess asked Minette, Minette was preparing herself as she got comfortable to prepare, then Eclipsetess got straight into the story..

"It's 1946, a cold mini war struck the Appaloosa Moutains and us- Mini's are trying our hardest to stop the rebellion of Wolves, we have no idea which Isle we are on anymore, the mountains are darted with several wolves everywhere, some wolves are married to our allies- increasing our chances to win as the evil tyrant: Dragon Devil was searching for his lost love, whom is dead by Nature but she foaled as her filly joined in to help us since we had low allies, other allies are resurrecting, and we're winning in the mountains but we don't know about the other Isles and our allies dealing with them. The Sea Ponies are helping as Queen Coral is helping us with our allies from the ocean, many Sea Horses are assassins in the water and are taking down the wolves quickly. Dra is gonna have one tough time for sure!" Eclipsetess recited the chapter, Minette remembered who Dragon Devil was as he chained her instead of Nysa, she protected Nysa but Eclipsetess wanted her back, but Minette had no idea who Queen Coral was, that was Oceanus's mother actually.

"Mom, who's Queen Coral?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess smiled warmily, but she did giggle as Oceanus always mentioned her mother- when she took a break from time to time, Minette didn't realise that though.

Eclipsetess laughed, "Sweetie, Queen Coral is Oceanus's mother, the one she always mentions about, we finally got to know her name at least, Oceanus never mentioned her mother's name though, but it make sense to keep quiet about it though.. Even if Minette never stood until now..

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#266917 Posted on 2023-02-27 06:54:57

     Moon had her usual small but warm smile on her face as she listened to Scorn, "She sounds like she's a wonderful mare. I'm sure you miss her." she said with her usual motherly tone. She didn't even know why she seemed to always have it, but she's had it since she could remember. Even as a filly. Moon could remember some of her mothers words, but that wasn't important right now.

     Moon gave a small nod, "Well it's a pleasure and a honor," she said before she looked at the herd only giving a small laugh, "That colt of mine wouldn't dare trying anything after today." she said before looking back at Scorn, "It takes a lot to make me mad. The last time I was furious like I was earlier was when Phoenix tried killing my son..I may have been the cause for one of his many scars...but I got one in return.." she sighed before they started walking back.

     Namir was just grazing within earshot of Eclipsetess and Minette though he looked up hearing Minette, "I said it's alright if your mother thinks it is!" he said before he looked at the two shaking his head as he went back to grazing while listening in a bit. He wasn't too far from them, but it was good for them to get some time together. Maybe later they'll go do something all together.

     Solstice just rested with Orion and Nysa most of the time so far that day, but she needed it. After a long couple previous days she had, she just didn't have the energy to do anything. Having Nysa, Dra, it was a lot for her even after she spent her days resting before she had Nysa. Though Solstice was enjoying the peace and quiet. Eventually she looked around seeing that not much was going on.

     Though she did nuzzle Orion and Nysa before she groomed the filly a little bit. Nysa was just laying down by her parent's hooves resting a bit until her mother started grooming her. She just flicked her ears and her tail around like she seemed to do quite often. Though Nysa was enjoying the little grooming session while her father seemed to have fallen asleep. Which was rather surprising..

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#266927 Posted on 2023-02-27 16:33:25

Eclipsetess was still reading until the chapter was done, Minette wanted more of the chapters to be read but Eclipsetess wanted Minette to wonder what would happen, so that her ambitions don't get too ahead of her, but Minette will catch up with the other foals sooner or later..

"Hey mom..?" Minette asked Eclipsetess, "Hm? What is it sweetie?" Eclipsetess closed the book and looked at Minette who was thinking and then she looked at some foals who were playing around but one of them were wearing a cute paper crown! Eclipsetess then began getting skeptical.

"Do you- do you think.. That foals will minterpret what I've experienced and everyone else? I mean the older you are you can remember longer, but the more younger you are- the less you can remember.." Minette asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess than began nuzzling Minette as she could tell that she was sad.

"Sweetie, it doesn't matter as long as you are safe, and everyone else. I've been looking out for myself before I could even say 'cupcake'! And that's pretty young! But as long as you remember things, the better. But not the horrid nightmares that keep you up, you gotta look to the future, and other foals will soon do that as well.." Eclipsetess told Minette, Minette moved around as she was trying to get comfortable but Eclipsetess only laughed when she got up on accident as she was still laughing.

"I- I'm sorry sweetie! You just.. Moved around until you got my stomach.. Your cute little mane is so ticklish!" Eclipsetess laughed, Minette was confused until she got up as well, Eclipsetess then began grooming her as well as nuzzle her to keep Minette calm and happy.

"I mean you have a big full stomach of grass, so you were bound to laugh and get up!" Minette said, Eclipsetess sighed and layed down as Minette zoomed over cutely to the other foals, Eclipsetess then seized the moment as she began rolling around until she was comfortable and laying on her side.

"Relaxing.." Eclipsetess fell asleep when she went back onto her back, no one cared except a few mares here and there were confused on when they saw Eclipsetess asleep, though her wings were out and flapping somewhat to show she was just asleep.

With a couple foals that were playing around, Minette was exploring the most groups some foals created, with the exception of their mothers watching over or next to them, Minette then eyed a group as the foals were really different, one with a horn and only one wing, another seeming to be- extremely magnificent, another foal was white but had three black dots on his side as well as a black horn with golden eyes.

"And who are you?" the white and golden-eyed foal asked Minette, Minette was nervous but the group was seeming to be patient as they waited for her to talk.

"I'm Minette, Eclipsetess and Namir's daughter, I think.. That's what mom tells me anyways if I introduce myself!" Minette said, she was cheery like the three foals in front of her, though the white and golden-eyed foal just welcomed Minette in anyways!

"Well I'm Blizzard, the one-winged-horned foal is Marrow, and next to her is King! We're all different just like you! But we love to see what you can do! King is a hybrid of a snake, horse, and sea pony, Marrow was born with a single wing and I was born with three dots! We have yet to know of our past and backstories from our mothers!" Blizzard told Minette, King and Marrow just smiled happily.

When Eclipsetess woke up and got back on her hooves, she was a little dazed since she never really slept on her hooves, but she wanted to find Minette since she left somewhere, though she did quickly take off into the sky and landed down somewhere to peek about.

And that's when she spotted as Minette was having fun with some foals that seemed to have accepted her into a friend group, she did land down as introduced herself as the three foals looked at her as Minette came over and nuzzled her happily.

"That's your mother?! A goddess?!" Marrow exclaimed, her and the other two colts thought that she was just a regular horse, but in secret was a goddess, but obviously they were wrong, but they expected it anyways! And Minette just smiled happily for it. But not be hubris about it, well maybe a little..

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#266931 Posted on 2023-02-27 18:48:45

     Solstice had been staying put with Nysa and Orion. You'd think she'd be the one asleep and not Orion, but he had fallen asleep. Solstice just started grooming Orion a bit as well as nibbling his mane once she was finished with Nysa whom was laying down staying put. Though she just sneezed a bit as a piece of grass had tickled her nose after she tried to nibble on it a bit.

     Solstice had nuzzled her, "Your too young for that Nysa," she said with a soft warm smile. Though she couldn't help but to nuzzle her again, "My filly..." she mumbled to herself happily. Solstice just looked over at Orion once she noticed things were a bit suspicious. "Alright you. That's enough pretending." she said kicking him a bit in his stomach, "Don't think you can fool me."

     Orion was asleep, but he ended up waking up. Though he pretended he was still asleep until Solstice got suspicious. He surely didn't expect for her to kick him. "Ouch!" he huffed looking at her snorting a bit, "Didn't have to kick me." he said pouting a bit. Though he just shook his mane and got back up on his hooves, "Anything going on? Seems quiet around here." he asked before he looked around seeing Eclipsetess fly off somewhere.

     Solstice had just noticed Eclipsetess had flown off, "Not really. Everything's been really quiet since yesterday.." she said before nuzzling Orion as an apology. Though Solstice seemed to have the itch to use her wings, but she also didn't want to leave Nysa. Not after the previous day they had. What was she going to do? She hadn't done something for herself in such a long time, but now Nysa was the only one who mattered.

     Orion had noticed the way she watched Eclipsetess, and he saw that she wanted to do something. "Want to spread your wings don't you?" he said before looking at Nysa who was still laying down, "But you don't want to leave her..." he said understanding the look she had without her saying a word. He just thought for a moment, "I can watch her for a little bit. We'll be need to get away and do something for yourself." he said nuzzling her before he started nudging her away, "Go on..go." he said.

     Though Solstice had just looked at him before she looked down at Nysa, "I can't leave her..she's only two days old..after yesterday.." Though she just looked back up at Orion nuzzling him before he started nudging her, "Orion..." Orion wasn't letting her stay. Solstice just gave them both one last look before she just spread her wings and took off heading for the direction Eclipsetess had went in.

     She surely had to get back to work on her flying though. Eventually she spotted Eclipsetess with Minette and some other unique looking foals. Though she just carefully landed..not perfectly, but she just had to get back into it. "Don't ask. Orion didn't give me a choice but to leave...I couldn't really just Nysa, but he made me.." she said pouting a bit before she looked at the foals a small smile returning on her face, "Well hello there." she said happy to see Minette had made some friends it seemed.

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#266935 Posted on 2023-02-27 19:38:53

"Hm, it's fine Solstice, as long as you know Nysa's safe she's fine anyways. And you'd be hurrying off to her if something happened anyways, no bet on that!" Eclipsetess said, she did laugh but Blizzard seemed to be happy that Solstice showed them a little curious.

"Hi! I'm Blizzard, I'm the one that made the group that Minette found! And the two quiet foals over here is King and Marrow, Marrow's the mare with the one horn and wing- don't ask her about it, it's sensitive.. And King is a snake, horse, sea pony hybrid! He came to me and Marrow when we were just talking, nice to have two other foals here." Blizzard said, Marrow looked down a little bit as she was sad when Blizzard brought up that Marrow only had a wing and horn, King seemed to take Marrow's side and be next to her.

"I should go, mother is probably already worrying about me if I'm not next to her, I'll be back tomorrow, promise on that!" Marrow spoken up, her grey coat with black legs was something, maybe the sun washed her coat out to be white when she was tanning, though King excused himself to do the samething as well, his parents would be more furious anyways.

"Well.. It was interesting.. Until they had to go home.." Blizzard said, Minette trotted up next to him as she nuzzled his head as he returned the gesture, Eclipsetess was about to move until she couldn't, she did growl as she was really protective of Minette with colts now.

"Mom, I'm fine! Blizzard is a nice colt, you saw and know that! Why not go and relax while auntie, me and Blizzard talk? We can update her on everything that happened so far!" Minette said, Eclipsetess looked at her before sighing and walking away, she knew Minette would say that but she was also right with the updates with what's happening.

Eclipsetess didn't take a breath more as she left, making sure she was near and that the three were in sight, Minette only sighed and mumbled before Blizzard nudged her and began talking with Solstice to update her on everything, Minette did smile at him, which only made Eclipsetess growl a bit more.. Yeesh- so overprotective..

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#266943 Posted on 2023-02-28 06:51:00

     Solstice only gave Eclipsetess a small look, "She's only two days old..I shouldn't be away from her, but Orion insisted.." she said wishing he hadn't. Though it was just new mother anxiety. She was new to this, but the previous day's events seemed to make unwilling to leave Nysa even more. Hopefully Orion knew what he was doing. That or Namir didn't take the chance to go after Orion. 

     Orion just watched Solstice fly off noticing the change in her flying before he looked down at Nysa. What had he gotten himself into? He didn't know what to do, and he surely wasn't going to ask Namir for help. Though Nysa just tried calling out for her mother to return, but Orion had only softly nuzzled her, "She'll be's just you and me for right now.." he said trying to figure out something to do.

     Solstice looked back in the direction of the herd, but she just sighed and looked at the friends Minette had made. She smiled a bit listening to the one named Blizzard. "Well it's nice to meet you all." she said glad that Minette made some good friends, "I'm Solstice. Minette's aunt." she said trying not to worry about Nysa. She noticed that the foal named Marrow had looked down, but there wasn't anything to be ashamed of by having only one wing.

     Though she didn't say anything. Maybe next time though. "Farewell then." she told Marrow with a soft smile before she looked at Eclipsetess, "Is this why my brother is always worrying about me? I can't stop thinking about Nysa and Orion...I sure should they're both okay.." she said mumbling the last bit to herself. Now she understood why her brother was the way he was. It wasn't easy caring for a foal.

     Solstice did nothing the exchange going between Eclipsetess and Minette about Blizzard. She only giggled and softly nudged Eclipsetess, "She's growing up Eclipsetess...she'll be a mare before you know it. I can already see how much Nysa has grown in only two days...growing up means being around colts. Remember when she met Apollo? She had a crush on him...even if she doesn't remember it." Solstice giggled.

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#266945 Posted on 2023-02-28 10:17:41

"Yeah your right, I gotta stop being so protective of her now.. Don't I?" Eclipsetess agreed with Solstice, Minette was growing up to be a mare soon, so she would be making her own decisions soon too.

"I'm just curious now; what happens if Minette catches two crushs when she's a mare? That would be a show, but she knows Apollo and she's understanding Blizzard, so- yeah, I basically sumed it up but still.." Eclipsetess said, she was curious of what will happen with Minette if she has a crush on Apollo and on Blizzard, but that was far into the future now..

Though Minette began getting excited as Blizzard was curious of her, like a usual foal would, but he did try being more calmer as Minette's feathers seemed to be fully ready soon to fly, Blizzard was curious of the wings and how fast they grow with Minette.

"Hehe! Mom says I can be a fast and an intelligent mare with strong abilities in the future! At least by my wings.." Minette said, Blizzard was in awe but the two started playing like regular foals, except when Eclipsetess notices that they were started to nip each other is when she intervened.

"I can understand, my mother is usually overprotective of me, so I know how it feels when she goes beserks to only keep you safe, but it can make herds safer- getting rid of the exploited that went a different path, and getting banned. That's how some mean horses were until they were exposed to us foals." Blizzard told Minette, she was doing a little dance while listening as Blizzard joined in on the dancing.

"Nice dancing kids!" Eclipsetess shouted, the two foals giggled and laughed, it was a fun time for sure! Minette even fluttered her wings a bit to get better before trying them out when they are fully developed, which is soon..

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#266953 Posted on 2023-02-28 15:07:29

     Solstice just shook her head, "I didn't say that. Just said that she's growing up. We're supposed to protect them as much as we can for as long as we can." she said with a small smile, "Just like you won't stop saving me." she said with a small laugh as she nudged her friend a bit playfully, "She'll just start making her own choices...she may become distant, but she'll learn that she'll always need you. Trust me..I tried running away plenty of times when I becoming a mare..Namir made me realize that I was better off in the herd then alone..that and he knew what was best for me.." she said looking down for a moment.

     Though she took a moment to look around, "It's normal for foals growing up. You just have to be there even when they don't want you there." she said as if she wasn't a mother of that of only two days. Maybe she learned more then she thought she did from her brother. What was he up to anyway? Probably just doing something within the herd like normal. Nothing special. 

     Solstice did end up watching Minette with this colt though, "'ll all depend if she still likes Apollo like when she did when they first met, but I'm sure neither of them remember that since they were a lot younger then what they are'd just have to play out if she does end up liking more then one stallion..we'd have to let them handle it until or if we have to intervene, but that's nothing to worry about for right now."

     Orion had just been with Nysa like he said he would. The filly had just stayed put for the most part, but she attempted rolling around when she saw Namir do it. Orion looked down at her chuckling a bit as she seemed to get a bit stuck. "Quite the observing one you are," he said softly nudging her side to get her back right side up. "There you go." he said as she just let out a small whinny and got up on her hooves.

     Though the two were near the edge of the herd. Orion nor Nysa noticed a figure hiding in the shadows and trees behind them. A mare. Quite the beautiful one. Though she was quite nervous, and was trying to figure out what her next move was. She looked behind her when she heard approaching she was being followed. Eventually she got nervous and ran...running into Orion on accident and almost Nysa..

     Orion wasn't expecting to be ran into especially since there wasn't anyone behind them least he thought. It took him by surprise, but Nysa just ran a few strides away spooked before she ran back to her father's side. The mare quickly realized her mistake as she backed up, but she was clearly nervous and scared. "Oh my gosh...I-I am so so sorry...I didn't see where I was going..but I should really be leaving now.." she said continuing to look back behind her before she started to quickly leave.

     Orion looked at the mare once he made sure Nysa was alright, but she just looked up at her father nervously. Then he put his attention on the mare, "Hey..wait up a second." he said trying to get her to stop. She did, but she was very hesitant and nervous something must have spooked her. "What's got you so nervous? There's nothing that you should be running least that I know of.." he said confused.

     That was until another voice had spoken from the trees and the shadows. "We meet again Orion," a mare's voice rang before she had stepped out revealing herself. Skadi. "I'm just here for her..that's all. We'll be on our way now. What's with the filly anyway?" she said in her normal rude tone as she looked at Nysa while Orion blocked Nysa from her view. His ears pinned as he snorted tensing up.

     "The filly is my daughter." he snorted before he looked at the other mare who seemed to slowly hind behind him. She hadn't even noticed the small filly until she was spoken of. She felt even worse. She could have trampled over a filly...a small one..didn't take long for her to realize she must have been that of a few days old. Though Orion just turned back to Skadi, "I suggest you" he warned.....

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#266954 Posted on 2023-02-28 15:30:16

"Hm?" Azulia was off grazing when Cronsi stopped playing with Raven when he noticed a subtle change in Azulia, something was wrong and he could tell just by Azulia flicking her ears madly, not has he even- ever seen Azulia so careful with flicking her ears around, though that was when the two noticed something.

"Oh a mare, two actually!" Cronsi said, Azulia pinned her ears before running off to help Orion, Cronsi looked at Raven as he nodded, then the two started galloping to her best as Raven tripped when Cronsi picked her up when the two were next to Azulia who was next to Orion.

Cronsi was more focused on the newest mare that was behind Orion, Azulia only nipped him as he apologized to her, Raven was also curious of the new mare, she was beautiful as ever and that only made Raven interested in the new mare even more!

"Well hello there, how are you?" Cronsi asked the mare, he was careful to not sound so snooty or so mean, cruel was probably the right word but that sounded too much to say, and Raven only got interested in Nysa as she began checking her out to see if anything was wrong.

Azulia looked at Skadi before looking at Orion, she knew her by Eclipsetess and by seeing her the other time as she ran off, Raven then stepped up in front of Azulia as she only focused on Skadi again, Minette also could sense the mood changing as she pointed out that something was off by the herd.

"Lets go then, Blizzard your coming with us." Eclipsetess said, she did not like the sound of the mood changing as she looked at Solstice like someone returned again, "Skadi.." Eclipsetess whispered to Solstice. Minette and Blizzard were already off as the two seemed to joke around before stopping as Raven stopped the two. "Come on, we better see what's up- I can taste a new horse is here- how? I do not know.." Eclipsetess admitted, she could taste new horses? Huh? That makes no sense! At all!

But she was already off as her wings were only open at the sides like shields, it was cool of Eclipsetess to do that, but also a little worrying as wing bones don't do that as well, but Eclipsetess made sure her presence was known as Raven began getting happy as Minette giggled before calming Raven down.

"Well.. I never expected a demi-god to befriend a snow-white colt, new things always appear.." Azulia sighed, Blizzard then began trying to growl at Skadi, he could tell no one liked her but Minette was also trying to talk to the beautiful mare behind Orion as Cronsi nuzzled her as a greet to each other.

"So.. You returned.. Don't think so- At least that I know of." Eclipsetess said, her voice was dead and flat, signaling she did not want things to go down hill, and Minette could tell as she looked at her mother when she agreed and said "Yeah!" which was cute but could also get her nipped by the mare in front of her.

"Blizzard- your not like the snake mare, or me- somehow I can manifest a growl but it's more of a hiss when I get very sensitive of something, including your friend/my daughter Minette, now stop before your voice is ruined." Eclipsetess told the white colt with the black horn and the three black dots on his thigh, he just smiled before going silent but he did stay next to Minette.

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#266961 Posted on 2023-03-01 08:00:26

     Orion didn't really acknowledge Azulia and the others as they came over. His eyes fixated on Skadi. Skadi only. Though she had that same cruel look in her eye. Why was she even like this, and why would she be after this mare? A rather gorgeous one at that. Though Skadi only chuckled, "Of course she is your daughter..." she said rolling her eyes, "So..where's the mom?" she grinned knowing what she was doing.

     Though the mare just watched this stallion with the mare whom had been chasing her. It seemed like they knew each she didn't know. "J-just leave me alone!" she called out to Skadi, but she quickly regretted her choice and looked down before she jumped slightly as there was another voice. She looked to see another stallion, mare, and a foal. She didn't know how to answer this stallion's question. How was she? This mare had been chasing her. "How am I? I was being chased by that mare!" she said clearly nervous and scared still.

     Nysa wasn't sure what was going on, but she didn't like any of it. She just stayed beside her father away from Skadi. Though she looked over seeing another filly obviously a lot older then her. Nysa never seen her before, but she seemed curious. She just wouldn't leave her father's side. Orion wouldn't let her leave his side, but he was fixated on Skadi. Not what was behind him.

     Solstice started to enjoy the time she was having until she started to get a odd feeling. She knew something was wrong when the others sensed it. Though she looked at Eclipsetess when she whispered Skadi's name. She only gave her a confused look, but Solstice just spread her wings and flew off back to the herd. Eclipsetess was right. Skadi..and some other mare. "I'm right here Skadi!" she said as she landed just in front of Orion and the others keeping her wings out as she stood right in front of Skadi.

     "What took you long enough?" Skadi grinned, "I don't fear you Solstice..just because your some goddess now doesn't make you any different then before you met this pathetic herd.." she said. Nothing seemed to change the way she thought about everyone. No wait. Nothing changed about Skadi. The only difference was the slight color change in her coat from where she had that burn.

     Solstice snorted in Skadi's face, "And I don't fear you. At least not anymore Skadi." she said taking a small step toward her as Skadi took a small step back, "Oh? Your not afraid of me? Is that so?" Solstice said knowing Skadi was lying to herself. Solstice took a larger step towards her as Skadi took a even larger one away. Solstice kept on doing it seeing Skadi change...showing fear...exposing her. 

      Eventually Solstice's eyes started glowing as well as her horn, "Whatever this mare did to cause you to chase after her, it doesn't matter. You won't hurt her or anyone else. Especially not my daughter." Solstice said in angered tone. She knew she shouldn't have left. Though she momentarily looked back at everyone making sure they were okay. In that moment Skadi went and thrust her horn into Solstice as she was taken back by what Skadi had done.

     Solstice just looked down seeing what Skadi did after she pulled away. She just froze for a moment before she looked at Skadi. Orion's eyes widened as he couldn't have done anything. Solstice only stood there for a moment as Skadi did as well. Both were silent, but not for long. Solstice had just flapped her wings as she flew up a small bit before she looked up at the sky before closing her eyes. Even if the moon wasn't there...she could feel it. Every single piece of it...she felt it all in that moment.

     Then she looked down at Skadi again as she backed up. Solstice ignored the blood running down her leg as she flew down towards Skadi whom had started running. Solstice just flew just above Skadi before she flew ahead and stopped her short. Skadi's horn stained. Solstice just kept stepping up to Skadi as she backed up until she couldn't no more. Solstice seemed...different..there was something different about her, but she wasn't speaking. Her wound was slowly closing up too without her doing anything. Was it because of this new necklace?

     Though Solstice looked Skadi dead in the eyes, "This is the end of you terrorizing my family. My friends. I won't let this continue, and you know very well I can do many things that you cannot. This will be the last time I see you Skadi. If I EVER see you again...well we'll just have to see what happens then." Solstice snapped as she scared Skadi Skadi was more then scared. It took a lot for her to show fear, and she was clearly showing it, but Solstice still wouldn't hurt someone..even Skadi. Hopefully she had put an end to it.

     Once Skadi was more then out of view, Solstice walked away a short ways and laid down going silent once more. She looked down at her chest a bit as the wound was almost completely closed up. Orion just looked at her then Nysa as she ran over to her mother. Solstice nuzzled her and reassured that she was fine. Just angered. Though the purple mare hesitantly walked over to Solstice unsure if it was a good idea or not, "T-thank you...really...I don't know why she had been chasing me, but I thank you for scaring her off..." she said looking down a bit as Orion slowly walked over..

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#266970 Posted on 2023-03-01 15:56:29

"Hm, come on Minette." Eclipsetess said, Minette was surprised but followed after Eclipsetess, then she trotted after Eclipsetess as she was galloping a bit then some more as Minette kept up until she stopped when Eclipsetess scared Scorn into the air a bit as he was facing away and grazing.

"Scorn?" Eclipsetess whispered, that was when Scorn jumped into the air and landed down with a shaken body, but he calmed down when Eclipsetess began laughing to herself and Minette giggled as Scorn was funny to her.

"Need anything for today Eclipsetess?" Scorn asked, Eclipsetess was smiling as Minette just watched Scorn, he knew that Eclipsetess wanted someone to be banished, and he could guess which horse from the conflict Solstice settled herself but it was still nerve racking and scary.

"Skadi? Another banishing again? I only did Phoenix since he was a bigger threat, but I guess Skadi is in that range, not to mention the other mare that nipped Minette and was scared off by you.." Scorn said, he was blabbering about the past when he mentioned that mare that had nipped Minette and Eclipsetess was mad by that, but she also saw the colt being nipped by the same mare.

"You know the drill! I don't want no one else to suffer.. So just this once more, nothing else from me unless it is important or I want updates, or to just talk.. You never know Scorn!" Eclipsetess agreed, Scorn sighed and rolled his eyes before looking away as Eclipsetess tried nipping him, but he knew too well by the many nips he recieved..

"Alright alright, since I can banish the banishing will locate Skadi anywhere in anyway, it does not matter as she'll be teleported to the Mainland in her own way of a surprised manner." Scorn said, Minette looked up at him confused but she then walked off as Blizzard whinnied to her.

"I guess I'll go with her then, see you around Scorn!" Eclipsetess said, she galloped up to Minette since she was quite fast for a filly, but Eclipsetess wasn't paying attention until she followed Minette and Blizzard as their group formed once more, Marrow was happier as King was being sweet to her.

scorn looked around before he summoned a circle around him, then the circle went from hirographics to circles and squares as it located Skadi and made her glow, and before the circle caught her, she was teleported to the Mainland as some horses were running around while some bandits on their horses were watching a herd as they saw that Skadi was teleported then they hollered at each other and group before Skadi could react.

A horse yelled as a bandit pulled hard on the reins, another one pulled out a lasso as a third one replicated the second bandits lasso-ing, then Skadi was lassoed as every bandit seemed to be around her in a circle, then the ropes in different places were pulled as it would make Skadi flip onto her side.

"We got another special one! Mark that our 456th horse being special!" the lead bandit yelled, as the other bandits hollered happily and were shouting, the herd behind- or on the side were watching as Skadi was taken down fast, Skadi was like the other horses: normal, no abnormalities no nothing, just a normal horse.

"Now let's take her to the pasture with that other stallion we caught, so wild yet becoming tamed everytime he tried throwing us off. Soon he'll be taken by a buyer from us, or we can keep this mare in case we come up with a stallion for a perfect match?" the lead bandit was talking on, one of the horses was a bay pinto with a grey and green eye, and the horse was posing like a Paso Fino as he had the build for it, but the elegance and beauty of an Andy while having the fiery and stamina as a thoroughbred and mustang.

"Let's just take her to the pasture, she'll at least have that controlling stallion to befriend, good thing we moved him to a separate pasture- made of metal too, hard for him to escape as the fencing goes above his head, and horses can't dig- they PAW the ground." a bandit said, the horse the bandit was riding was like the first horse, except she had an arabian build with paso fino, then thoroughbred and mustang stamina.

"Alright then.. This mare must be already calm, so let's go before Sandra comes after us with her big bulky blackie of a tough stallion, he beat the other to a pulp as all his kids were from the same mares, so might as well before Sandra's stallion goes after this beautiful girl." the lead bandit said, he made his stallion back up before he elegantly started walking as the rope was still attached to Skadi, so she was forced to follow the group to their home.

Though back at the Isle of the Mountains, Minette was playing and chasing after Blizzard like two youngling foals, but Blizzard did dodge a foal and his mother, who were Apollo and Moon, but Minette was looking at how Blizzard jumped over Apollo and quickly went under Moon so that he could escape.

And Minette was going to do that, but she jumped perfectly if Apollo didn't lift up his head as Minette's back legs knocked her down from the jump as she landed under Moon before quickly getting up and seeing if Apollo was okay, Blizzard came back over to see what trouble he had gotten Minette into.

But Eclipsetess was already making her way over until Minette yelled at Blizzard for making get into trouble since Apollo and Moon were minding their own business until she got distracted and probably hurt herself and Apollo in the process, Moon would've felt Minette's two little legs hit her stomach since that's how high she jumped over Apollo.

"My goodness Minette! Baby are you okay? And is are you as well Apollo? Blizzard, I'm talking to your mother after this! You should've told Minette to not do that! It's TOO DANGEROUS for you both!" Eclipsetess yelled at Blizzard, he already pinned his ears before Minette layed down next to Apollo and started licking his head to keep him from getting a headache.

"I'm fine mom, and it was my fault for getting distracted, I knew that I should've went around Moon and Apollo.. But I didn't since I wanted to be like Blizzard.." Minette mumbled at the end, Eclipsetess was just disappointed in Minette and her new behaviour, but Blzzard apologized anyways..

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#266975 Posted on 2023-03-01 18:36:41

     Nysa just ran over to her mother as soon as she could. She immediately looked at her chest seeing the wound healing itself in a way. Though Nysa had never seen anything like it..well she was only a few days old. Though Solstice just softly nuzzled her, "I'll be fine Nysa.." she said softly reassuring her, "She's gone...hopefully that would be the last time we'll have to see her...the last time you have to see her.." she said before looking at this mare that came over as Orion walked over as well as going to stand beside Solstice.

     Solstice's normal small smile had returned though as she nuzzled Orion before turning her attention back to this mare. Though she looked down for a moment letting out a small sigh, "She's from my birth herd..her name is Skadi. As foals she was one of the many who would bully me..but the herd was broken because of the leader. Everyone had changed..except her and the leader..who is gone.." she said more then happy that no one had seen Phoenix since that one day, but she didn't know what Scorn had done.

     Though she looked over seeing Eclipsetess and Minette running off quickly, but she just looked back at the mare. "That mare has many mysteries, but she's no good news. Honestly surprised she showed fear..but you shouldn't have anything else to be afraid of. Your safe if us if you want to stay with us for a couple days." Solstice offered as Orion nodded in agreement, "I'm already met my mate Orion, and this here is our daughter Nysa."

     The mare just listened, but she was still shaken up. Over time she relaxed realizing this mare was only protecting those close to her. "Well thanks anyway...I guess I'm glad that I ran into your mate...apologies again for that..should have been more careful..just glad I ran into you and not your filly." she seemed like a rather sweet and polite mare...a gorgeous one at that. "I'm Wisteria..I've been travelling for some time, but I guess I don't even know why..but thanks for your offer.."

     Orion smiled a bit, "It's nothing really. It's nice to meet you Wisteria." he said before looking over seeing Eclipsetess and Minette chatting with Scorn. He had a feeling on what it was about, but he stayed silent. Wisteria gave a small nod. Her coat was a gorgeous shade of purple with pinkish highlights in parts of her body. She had a few matching dapples on her neck, stomach, and hindquarter. She had a star and a sock on her front right leg. Her mane and tail were a dark shade of purple with white highlights.

     Though she had a very odd marking on her shoulder. She wore a purple robe of some sort with a ring and small light purple gem hanging from it on her chest, but it didn't hide her marking as much as she liked it to. Wisteria was quite the mare. Her personality and her coat. Desirable to some. Some like Phoenix. Though she bore no wings or no horn. From what she knew she had no magic.

     Skadi had just ran away as fast as she could. Stabbing Solstice was the worst she had hurt someone, but there was only one place she went. The beach. The bridge..connected to her home Isle. She missed her home. The only thing she cared for, and no one knew there was anything that she cared for. Her home Isle was the only thing. It was her home just as much as everyone else's, but it was quickly taken from her.

     Before she even realized it, she had been brought somewhere she didn't know. She just looked around unsure of what had just happened when she noticed some odd horses running. Their coats were plain. No splash of color. No wings. No horns. No magic...Skadi couldn't even do anything as something wrapped around her neck. What was going on? Was this a dream? M-maybe she was dreaming?

     Though it was no dream. Skadi just reared a bit frightened as more objects wrapped around her forcing her to fall onto her side. She looked up to see horses surrounding her with strange creatures on their backs. She tried getting up and tossing herself around a bit, but it just made things worse. "My horn! Why don't I have my horn!?" she hollered completely unaware of where she was, but she could only hear these voices. She just couldn't understand them all too well.

     Skadi wasn't going down without a fight though. She tried getting out of whatever was holding her back, but she couldn't do anything. "Let me go!" she hollered unsure if any of these strange horses or strange creatures could have understood her. Though they forced her to get up and follow them, but she fought every now and then. At least there would be a familiar face wherever she was. One face she'd be happy to see.

     Moon and Apollo had seen the entire scene with Skadi though. Moon wanted to walk over there and give it to Skadi, but Solstice had pretty much taken care of that. Apollo looked up at her, but Moon knew the question he was going to ask, "Yes...that's her." she sighed very unhappy to have seen Skadi again..especially chasing a poor innocent mare. Though the two were pretty much just off on their own minding their business.

     At least the foals had either ran underneath Moon or jumped over Apollo which took them both by surprise. Apollo looked at them confused and surprised realizing one of them was Minette. Though he looked at Eclipsetess, "I'm fine." he said before looking at Minette and the other foals..ones he hadn't seen before. Foals. Moon just shook her head a bit saying that it was alright and that they learned their lesson.

    Apollo just flapped his wings a bit stretching them a small bit. "So...who are they Minette...?" he asked her unsure of who these other foals were. Though he knew they weren't from the herd. That's for sure. He was a bit curious of these other foals, but he also just didn't know where they came from. Not that they were bad or anything. Mainly curious..maybe a little confused as well.

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#266976 Posted on 2023-03-01 19:14:45

"Well the white foal that I was running with is Blizzard, actually a very fun colt!" Minette perked up, Blizzard walked up to Apollo curious of him but he did see two wings on him which made him more curious then he could be, but he backed away when Minette saw him getting a little too close which she intervened with.

"Still a more rather curious colt.. Can't even realize personal space, but he's fun and there's the other two.." Minette said, Blizzard ran over to Marrow and King- the two were bound to be something else, but Blizzard wouldn't know and Minette is still fresh in their group.

"Then there's Marrow, a very silent filly, she actually has one wing and a single horn. The colt- or rather unique colt is King, I think Blizzard said that King's full name is Kingfisher, but he likes King better since it's a cute reference to the Alicorn King and just a name in general." Minette said, King nudged Marrow over as the two walked over, Minette was right that Marrow only had a wing, which would be surprising if Eclipsetess didn't know.

Though Marrow put her head down as King walked around her before finding a nice spot to lay down next to her, the two are the cutest together anyways, Blizzard did offer the two space as he trotted back over to Minette's said as he started nipping her in ticklish places.

"Blizzard! I'ma getcha'!" Minette called out, Blizzard then began running as Marrow sighed and stretched a little bit before walking over to Apollo since he had two wings, and that she was mostly curious of how he had gotten two wings instead of one.

"So, how did you get two wings? Magic- Maybe not, but how?" Marrow curiously asked, she was definately curious of how he had gotten two wings, but red? She was also curious about Apollo's wings being red, but King did walk over and lay down as he was protective of her. But he also tried being intimadating to Apollo but Marrow just nipped him on one of his soft scales on his face.

"Ow!" King whinnied in pain, "Hush, I wanna hear this colt's answer." Marrow aggressively told King to hush, the poor colt just rubbed his scale as it stopped being inrrating to him.

"Oh, Marrow, King, and Blizzard, this is Apollo and his mother is the one Blizzard ducked underneath perfectly.." Minette's voice died at the end as she giggled, Blizzard seemed to be extremely happy as he nuzzled Minette cutely, though Eclipsetess was getting skeptical but calmed as Minette heard a noise from her mother and looked up at her before looking back down at everyone.

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#266984 Posted on 2023-03-02 06:25:36

     Apollo just looked at Minette listening before he looked at the foals she was introducing. He was curious about them since they weren't from the herd. Where were their mothers? Though he just sat down and flicked his ears around some. Moon was still there, but she just went back to grazing while listening to the foals a bit. Maybe she was still keeping a close eye on Apollo..well she always did.

     Apollo glanced at his mom before he looked at Minette and Blizzard then King and Marrow. Though he watched as Marrow came over to him checking out his wings. He thought it was strange, but he noticed she really did have only one wing. Apollo then just looked at King a bit unsure of things as he just lowered his ears a bit. Though he just spread out his wings a bit looking at them then Marrow unsure how to answer her question as he glanced at his mom again.

     "I was just born with them..." he said putting them back to his sides, "Aren't most pegasi born with two wings?" he asked pretty sure no one would answer him, "My father was a pegasus, but I guess I just look like him.." Moon immediately looked up at Apollo when he mentioned his father and she snorted a bit. Apollo looked at her before looking down a bit lowering his ears a bit more, "Sorry mom.." he mumbled.

     Moon just sighed, "It's alright Apollo...your father just wasn't anywhere near a good stallion.." she said glancing at Eclipsetess before she looked at the foals stepping forward a bit. Phoenix was a bay tobiano pegasus, and Apollo seemed to be very similar to that. His coat was just a rich reddish bay color. "Yes it is true that your father was a pegasus, but he wasn't a good flyer...with all the fights he's been in.." she said mumbling that last part.

     Apollo looked at her before looking down a bit again. He knew how much she hated him, "I don't mention him again mom..." he said as his ears were still lowered. Though Nysa was still with her parents and Wisteria when she kept looking at the wound Skadi had given her mother, but it was now healed. Like nothing happened. Solstice only smiled and nuzzled her her in a way to say it was alright.

     "You'll learn magic soon enough..." she said before looking over at the other foals as Nysa did as well. Solstice just got back up on her hooves before she started walking over to them. "I remember when Smoke was the only foal in the herd.." she said with a small laugh like nothing just happened. "I just thought Nysa would like to get to know some more foals, and play a bit. Don't trust bringing her to the playground just yet. She's only a few days old, so be careful." she said softly nudging Nysa towards the foals even if she didn't want to. 

     Solstice wanted her to make some friends...even if she was just a few days old. She wanted Nysa to have a different foalhood then she had, and Solstice had the chance to make sure she wouldn't go through what she did, so she took the opportunity. "Go on Nysa I'm right here..I'm fine.." she said as she laid down again near Eclipsetess and Moon watching the foals.

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