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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#267052 Posted on 2023-03-04 21:35:14

     Solstice just nodded. She seemed to have been doing better with dealing with things like this. Like she matured in a way I suppose, but she didn't want to break down like she has several times before with Nysa. She didn't need to see her mother weak like that. Solstice would feel more then bad about it if Nysa would have to see something like that...or even go through what she has. Solstice didn't want any of that for her daughter.

     Orion had only positioned his body in front of Nysa preventing her to see what was going on because she didn't need that silhouette. Luckily he had moved quick enough, that she didn't see it. After things seemed to have calmed down, Orion just stood beside her. Solstice was about to talk to the mare, but she had already been heading over to Orion and Nysa. Solstice decided to stay back for a moment.

     Nysa had looked at the mare a bit confused, but she noticed the large scar on her face. Though she could tell there was something different about this mare. She didn't know she was least not yet. Nysa did listen to this mare though. Being a good listener seemed to run in the family though. Orion listened as well, but he noticed Solstice standing away at a bit of a distance. She was just giving the mare some space, and was just thinking about some things quietly to herself..even if Minette was still there.

     Orion hadn't known that Azulia had wings before. Solstice and some of the others did. From the day Solstice joined the herd to the first fight against Dra. Though Nysa ended up looking down a bit until the mare mentioned wings. She just glanced at her back for a moment before looking back at the mare. "Guardians?" she asked looking at her father unsure of what the mare meant by what she said. "Who's Faith?" she asked. Sure she met Faith, but she didn't remember it. Orion just told her they'd tell her later.

     Orion did look at the blind mare feeling a bit bad for her, but he knew he couldn't have said anything to make her feel better though. He did bid her farewell before she left. Solstice greeted her as she came back over, but she wasn't sure how to feel about this FAGA thing. "Thanks for letting me know...guess me and Orion would have to talk about it.." she said before walking over to Orion and Nysa nuzzling them both.

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#267059 Posted on 2023-03-05 10:14:29

Eclipsetess walked over to get Minette as Marrow was playing with Minette's groupmates, so the filly ran off to see how Blizzard and King were doing as Marrow was just having fun, Eclipsetess just watched Minette run off happily as she looked back up, she was already alerted to what was happening.

Though as the blind mare predicted, Faith came down from the heavens, this time more gently as two other god's followed her down, it seemed like the FAGA agreement was already up and running, though Minette wasn't paying attention until she spotted Faith and ran over to her.

"Faith! It's very nice to see you again!" Minette excitedly yelled, Faith smiled at the filly and nuzzled her happily, Minette just giggled before looking at the two other horses behind Faith as they were looking around everywhere until the God on the right spotted Minette staring at him.

"It's very nice to see you too, oh and these two god's are Titanus and Snake, brothers actually." Faith giggled, but she was pretty happy that the two god's volunteered to help the Ruler of the Heavens out, very nice and kind really!

"So what's happening?" Minette asked Faith, the filly was already curious as to what was going on, though the mares with their foals began trotting and the foals keeping up with their mothers, okay well maybe not Solstice as Nysa was too young still.

"Oh me and these two are doing our yearly- or annually- FAGA agreement picking!" Faith told Minette, the foal was so confused on what the FAGA agreement is..

"... The FAGA agreement is short for The Foal Age Guardian Agreement, it's where we pick out the best experienced foals so far to train in the Guardian School, it's where your mother started out as she was picked to be a Guardian- she was soo excited actually, it was adorable!" Faith remembered but aso told Minette, Eclipsetess then trotted over with embarrassment on her face.

"Did you really have to tell her? I know Azulia says it sometimes, but hearing it from another God is embarrassing really.. And I don't think Minette would be comfortable to be a Guardian, at least not ready yet." Eclipsetess butted in without warning, Faith smiled before giggling.

"Aww why? Telling your past is the most funnest part of having your foal know who you really are, well the past self.. But you were already ready to become a Guardian at Minette's age, we just have to see since we gotta set everything up for the agreement.. Gotta have fun! But we also do courses since it's how we pick out our best foals to become a Guardian, and the Guardians in the Guardian School already graduated from there and are going to go see their best friend forever!" Faith was bummed out before being herself, happy, though Minette wanted to try it out as Eclipsetess noticed Minette wanting to participate in the agreement's courses.

"Minette if you feel like joining the courses, then I won't stop you, Azulia or Scorn never stopped me from achieving my dreams- so I'm doing the samething to you, but does the courses also come with flying?" Eclipsetess asked Faith at the end, Minette was gonna fly soon?

"Fly High 1 2 3 and 4! But there's Fly High Prep 1 and 2, sadly 3 couldn't be in since it broke the fun in the courses, so I didn't include it- mostly because foals get aggressive with each other, so I didn't want that to happen with the Fly High Prep 1 and 2 and the actual courses." Faith answered Eclipsetess's question, Eclipsetess sighed with relief and then Faith looked at the two god's as she nodded to them.

"Step back Minette.." Eclipsetess whispered to Minette, the filly did as what her mother told and she stepped back and stayed to where her mother was.

"This'll be fun! I just know it!" Faith said aloud, then she raised her hoof and brought it back down as several courses appeared out of thin air, the courses were the samething Faith invisioned about and they held up greatly, but they were a little smaller since they would take up the Isle of the Mountains if they were normal sized..

"O-kay.. She might be too excited.." Eclipsetess muttered to herself, Minette was surprised but excited as Marrow ran up to Minette with so much excitment, then Faith stood up and summoned a clipboard before getting a megaphone, now this was advanced for sure!

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#267062 Posted on 2023-03-05 11:15:19

     Orion had nuzzled Solstice in return as he glanced at the blind mare, "Did she tell you?" he asked as she have a small nod. Nysa looked at them both confused wanting to know what was going on, or what the mare meant by guardians and everything else. Orion looked down at her before he looked back at Solstice, "I think there's some explaining to do.." he said as Solstice agreed.

     Though before Solstice could start explaining things, Faith and what seemed to be two other gods had arrived as several mares and their foals rushed over. Nysa watched what was going on, "What's going on? Who are those horses?" she asked before looking at both of her parents. Solstice just glanced at Orion for a moment. Though Solstice seemed to get curious as to how many gods and goddesses their were.

     That was besides the point though. "Faith. Ruler of the heavens. You probably wouldn't remember her since you met her at only a day old...she was the one who suggested your name. Not all foals are named by the ruler of heavens." she said before nuzzling the filly. Solstice then looked at the two gods with her though, "I'm not so sure about the other two, but my guess is that they are other gods." she said.

     Nysa looked at her mother then what was going on, "Really?" she asked as both her parent's nodded. Though Nysa wanted to know more about what was going on. She got excited, and ran over before her parent's could even realize she had. The filly just carefully made her way throughout the mares and foals until she managed to get over by Eclipsetess, Minette, Faith, and the other two gods. She listened in a bit on what they were saying, "I want to try!" she said excitedly.

     Solstice just watched her, "Nysa wait!" she said trying to get her to stop, but it clearly didn't work. She just looked at Orion before she followed after her with Orion behind her. Though Solstice just found it easier to fly over the mares and their foals, so she did just that. "No you won't Nysa." she said once she carefully landed. Solstice then looked at Faith and the others lowering her head in respect even if she didn't need to, "It's always good to see you again Faith." she said before looking back at Nysa.

     Nysa just looked at her mother as she snorted a bit, "Why not? I never get to do what the other foals get to do." she said, "It's not fair!" Orion had then arrived, and seemed to have found Namir. Though Nysa just looked at her mother, "Why can't I ever do anything? I just want to be able to do fit in more." she said unhappily. Orion kept quiet..Solstice had to handle this one.

     Solstice only sighed, "Your younger then the other foals Nysa. At one point they were all younger then everyone else just like you are." she said understanding where she was coming from. "Nysa I had to grow up outside of the herd I was born in. I wasn't accepted into the herd. I had to be raised by my brother..your uncle." she said as Nysa looked at Namir as he gave a nod.

     "I was the youngest, but what made things worse is that I had to sit there and watch foals learn their magic or learn to fly. When I grew up and there were other foals younger then me, they learned their magic or how to fly even if I was older." she said pausing for a moment, "Nysa I'm trying to give you a better foalhood. The one I never had. Once your of age you can start to learn, but your too young for this..."

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#267077 Posted on 2023-03-05 13:31:59

"Agreed, not every foal is allowed to try, the more you know about magic or learning to fly, then I'll accept you into the FAGA courses. But even I have to reject a young foal, and I was always told to not accept any foals your age Nysa- not after what happened so many years ago.." Faith agreed with Solstice, Faith did mumble the last part to herself though and Solstice could tell who it was- when he joined the FAGA course, but she was right about everything, wait- Faith used to let in foals Nysa's age at one point? Okay then..

"Snake and Titanus, why don't you start picking foals and getting them into some lines? It'll take awhile before I can post anything about who's joining and who's getting rejected, oh and I have setted up a lampost for you all to see who's joining the FAGA courses, I'm sure Minette would be the very first!" Faith giggled but she did point to the lampost that was just sitting there alone, though it was more a lanternpost since it had a lantern instead, ones that Death would use in a foggy night or day.

"But when does it start?" Minette asked Faith, the filly wanted to know but Faith just said the answer that Minette was curious about.

"Minette.. When I decide that your able to join then you'd see it on the paper when I get to the lampost- well really lanternpost.." Faith corrected herself at the end but she told Minette again, at least to make her understand that she might be rejected and not participate in the courses..

"Oh.. Alright, I'll wait until I'll get picked!" Minette perked up, Eclipsetess smiled at her and nuzzled her happily but Minette only giggled happily as Faith just continued to smile before walking off to see that most foals are in line already..

"Hm? Oh Minette, you might get into a line, just wait though." Eclipsetess told Minette, when Faith walked away that was when that Eclipsetess saw that most foals are in line, and then Snake- a rather good looking stallion picked Minette and had her walk up to a line at the front- the very first one actually.

"Well she did definately get picked.. Did not know she would be placed in the first line, ah well- maybe Nysa would get placed in the same line when she's older? Who knows.. Though it's actually fun to see Minette all happy, at least from an understanding point.." Eclipsetess said, she tried not making her happiness sound like bragging, for Solstice's happiness and everyone's happiness.

"Oh! I just remembered that I learn a spell from Nysa's age actually! It was the first one I made.. And that was the one that I used for July's festival- you should know what I'm talking about, I still have the page for it! Let me summon it so that Nysa can udnerstand better." Eclipsetess was talking to Solstice but it sounded like she was also including Nysa in something, but Eclipsetess did summon the page as it was old- greatly..

"Here you go little princess, it might be hard since some foals aren't usually able to conjure something up like this, but it'll just be tiny sparks from your horn until it fully blooms into fireworks when you mature. It's fun to practice with though!" Eclipsetess told Nysa, she was wary that Nysa might not be able to get a simple and very easy spell casted until she's a little older, but if Eclipsetess kept doing firework magic- then she was able to have fun as well!

"But you should probably have your mother watch you in case something goes wrong, not everything goes right- especially when I lit a tree on fire.. It was an accident though! And one that's already been over when I was a foal!" Eclipsetess made sure that the rest of the mares around understood that she lit a tree on fire- on accident- and as a foal?! Man she had a time of her life then.. Not really as Scorn would be shaming her as a foal though..

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#267094 Posted on 2023-03-06 08:14:07

     Nysa had only looked up at Faith before she looked down and snorted a bit. Solstice just looked at her, "Nysa you have to understand I didn't have anything when I was a foal. All I had was my brother. I had no parents. No friends. I wasn't even offered any of this." she said, "You'll get your chance next time Nysa. You just have to wait. You'll be able to do what everyone else does when your of age." she said in a bit of a rude tone, but it quickly turned back to a soft tone.

     Nysa just gave a small nod as she lowered her ears a bit as she looked down. She said nothing after that, and just stepped over to stand by her father. Solstice just sighed and looked at Orion for a moment before looking at Faith again. Caring for a foal wasn't always easy, and Solstice understood more. She never realized how much Namir had done until she had become a mother. He did more for her then she thought he had.

     Though everyone else seemed to be quiet for some time. Nysa just watched Minette when she was picked and brought to a line. She just looked down again as Orion looked down at her. He sighed and tried nuzzling her, but she had just pulled away a bit. Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess, "Yeah..maybe.." she said as she looked back at Nysa. "Minette is surely following in your footsteps. That's for sure." she said looking back at Eclipsetess with a small smile.

     Nysa did perk up when she heard Eclipsetess talk about a spell she learned at her age, "Really?" she asked getting a bit excited. Solstice only gave her a small look as Nysa calmed down a bit. "Festival? What festival?" she asked looking at those around her. Solstice just chuckled a bit leaving Nysa a bit confused. "What even is a festival?" she asked again looking at them.

     Solstice just giggled a little bit, "A celebration Nysa." she said as Nysa asked what the celebration was about. Solstice looked at Eclispetess, "Well..I guess you. You were born during the start of it. That was not a easy night.." she said mumbling that last bit. "Everyone came to see you the night you were born. Your aunt did a firework show to celebrate after you were born..the same spell on that paper." Solstice said as Eclipsetess gave Nysa the spell.

     Nysa just carefully took the page and looked at it while she listened to her mother. She looked down for a second before looking at her mother. She didn't really know what to say, but Solstice didn't expect her to say anything. Nysa just looked at the page excitedly though, "I wanna start now!" she said excitedly as Orion and Solstice giggled. "Can I mom? Can I?" she asked.

     Solstice just looked at Eclipsetess, "You- set a tree on fire?" she asked before shaking her head, "I guess it's better then when I had to learn my magic...I couldn't focus up in the heavens while I learned some of my magic while you all were down here." she said mumbling a bit though Nysa gave her a odd look, but Solstice dismissed it. Though she looked at Orion for a moment, "I suppose so. You won't stop asking if I were to say no." she said, but as soon as she said that, Nysa had just ran off excitedly.

     Orion couldn't help but laugh as Solstice gave him a small look. "Well...I guess I'll have to chat more later. I know she won't wait on me...when she's ready I guess I'll have to give her my old spell know which one I'm talking about." she said, "It'll be awhile until I give her my mother's necklace though." she said getting distracted for a moment, "I..should go.." she said before quickly cantering off.

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#267113 Posted on 2023-03-06 19:20:40

Eclipsetess nodded before turning her attention back to Minette, Eclipsetess was only happy and excited that Minette was going the same direction that Eclipsetess was, which was only more exciting from there on out, but she did start on thinking what has changed from being a foal to a grown adult from the Guardian School.

Though when every foal of age was lined up, Faith had Snake make the lines shorter as a line divided to the right, making it more easier to judge who can get in and who can't. Making it easier for those to tell the truth in doubles, which is also a bit nerve racking since Minette wants to go in Eclipsetess's direction of things..

But as every foal answered the same questions that Faih began to ask the foals, Minette was last but answered as all the rest since they were the same questions with the same answers, nothing more, but Eclipsetess noticed that Blizzard was off standing alone but next to his father.

So Eclipsetess trotted over to Blizzard as he saw Eclipsetess and got excited but his father looked at Blizzard as he hushed and went quiet, maybe Blizzard was a little young? There are some foals that stayed since they still seemed too young to join still.

But that was when Marrow and Minette ran over as the mares and foals dispersed but stayed around the courses and when Faith was gonna post them, Marrow was excited to get in and so was Minette, but they both did say that Faith was planning on getting everyone to different divisions so that they would work in the same division equally.

"I'm so happy that your almost there! Can't wait to hear the good news or bad news! I just want to hear that you've at least accomplished something but not all of it if you don't make it in Minette or Marrow. You both are so fun to be around with, so I hope that both of you make it in together." Eclipsetess told Marrow and Minette, both smiled as they heard that Eclipsetess didn't care if the two didn't get in, she just wants to hear that they've at least been close to accomplishing a goal. Which was very sweet of Eclipsetess.

Even Blizzard was happy to hear that from Marrow and Minette, though for Faith; it'd take some time to decide what foals can go to the Guardian School or who doesn't, it's only a matter of time before the announcement is made, and Minette is hoping that she's first- eager and excited foals..

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#267115 Posted on 2023-03-06 19:52:18

     Solstice just cantered after Nysa, "Hold on a minute now Nysa. You can't just go jumping into magic when you don't know what you're doing." she said as she slowed once she got to the filly who couldn't keep her eyes off of the page. Though Solstice couldn't help but to chuckle a little, "Alright now let me see. I haven't learned anything like this, so we'll both have to learn..together.." she said before she read over the spell.

     Nysa just looked at her flicking her ears around excitedly, "But your a goddess mom! Shouldn't you know all the magic there is?" she asked flicking her tail excited to get started. Orion just watched the two from a distance as Namir did the same..only behind Orion before he ended up turning around to go stand by Eclipsetess nuzzling her. Something had definitely been different about him for quite a long time.

    Solstice just sighed and looked at Nysa as she sat down, "Nysa being a goddess doesn't mean I know all the magic there's nearly impossible to have all that magic, but I still have a lot of my own magic I have to learn. Powerful magic can be dangerous. That's why it's best to get control of it so you don't harm others on accident...I've done it before, and I still regret it..even after several years."

    Nysa listened to her mother as she looked down a bit, "Oh..." she said before looking back up at her mother, "What happened..?" she asked. Solstice had a feeling that was going to be her next question. She just looked out in the distance thinking of the best way to explain what happened without Nysa having to know about Dra...she was still too young for that. Solstice wanted to keep her happy.

     "Me, your uncle, Azulia, Scorn, and some other friends were staying in Oceanus's kingdom..her castle. Sea ponies live there. It...was a stressful time, and I had just come back from learning magic in the heavens. Though I left the kingdom...your uncle had come looking for me..that was when he received his find me. He did, but I..lost control and hurt him.." she sighed, "That's why it's important to keep strong magic under control Nysa." she said teaching her a lesson..even if the story she told was a half-lie.

     Though Nysa listened as she looked over at her uncle, but then she saw Minette as she looked down lowering her ears. " Minette going away if she is accepted...?" she asked hesitantly. Nysa seemed to like hanging out with Minette more then she had the other foals. Well Minette had been by her side since she was born, but Nysa didn't want her to go. Not one bit.

     Solstice looked down at her, "I'm not sure, but let's not worry about that now, shall we? Don't you want to work on this spell?" she asked as Nysa nodded a bit. "Alright then.." she said reading over the spell again. "Close your eyes now Nysa." she said as they both had closed their eyes, "Clear your mind and breathe." she said peeking at Nysa smiling as Nysa seemed to be doing well so far.

     Nysa wasn't so sure about what any of this had to do with magic, but she at least did what her mother told her without complaining or questioning things. She always seemed to have questions about something. Though as Solstice cleared her mind and things, her horn started to glow well as her necklace which got Nysa curious since she opened her eyes and saw it, "Mom! Your horn and necklace is glowing!" she said curiously and excitedly.

    "Why yes..they do that sometimes when I'm doing eyes glow sometimes too." she said as she opened her eyes, "Now you must focus Nysa. Focus is important." she said as Nysa gave a small nod and closed her eyes once more as Solstice had done the same. "Just imagine what it is you want to do, and focus on it. If you get distracted it won't work." she said calmly.

     Nysa did just as her mother said, and after a few hard tries, she had quite a few large sparks come from her horn. Solstice smiled, "That was a great start Nysa! I wish I could have started to learn magic when I was your age." she said nudging her softly before she stood back up. "Alright..lets go to the others...I'm sure you want to hang out with Minette." she said as Nysa nodded and trotted ahead.

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#267120 Posted on 2023-03-07 07:23:48

Eclipsetess was grazing until Namir came over and nuzzled her, which she returned the gesture but a bit more gentler as she was happy, while Minette seemed to jump into the air and land down with her wings up and out, she was gliding for sure but not a lot.

"Hm, Minette you should becareful with how you glide, you might hurt someone on accident. And pay attention as well!" Eclipsetess said, ever since Minette was judged she has been excited to see how she would do, her wings and her speed were perfect for a judge to see.

"But- I'm training! Except- a little less reckless.." Minette told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess sighed before shaking her mane and her body for a split second.

"And where does being less reckless get you?" Eclipsetess flipped the card on Minette as she paused to look at her mother, "Fine- I'm sorry.." Minette said as she was trotting up to her mother and father, though she was careful to not say fine as it would be sassy-talk.

"There, now you should tell me when your gonna practice, I might help you out a lot. You know I'm Guardian and how I love you as well, so I have knowledge of this very well." Eclipsetess nuzzled Minette as she spoke, she was very motherly to Minette but also letting her have space as well.

"But- you helped Marrow out first before getting to me- she even knows how to fly now and I'm.. Left out of the excitment.." Minette admited, Eclipsetess only was surprised to hear this from her daughter- who she shows how much joy she had put into the foal.

"Minette.. You shouldn't feel that way.. And Marrow only knows how to fly was because she was too eager to learn the tricks and how to handle flying, you already know how to fly by instinct because of me. Marrow wasn't the lucky one to get that feeling at all, so I helped her first by achieving her actual goal. I still love you whether or not I'm with another foal, your my daughter and I care about you and how you feel." Eclipsetess told Minette, she was whole heartedly speaking the truth as Marrow did come back down from flying, but she went to her mother first before coming back over to the family dicussion.

Minette looked down as she heard what her mother said, it was all true and she knew that, but she still wanted to know how to fly whether by instinct or not, but she did smile and look at Marrow as she came back over. She was happy to have Marrow as a friend and someone to care for, but Minette also never forgot that Nysa was her friend as well. Whether by family or not.

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#267127 Posted on 2023-03-07 15:01:40

     Nysa and Solstice had ended up going back to the group. Nysa had went to Minette to see if she wanted to play or not while Solstice stood near Eclipsetess and Namir. So much had changed since she joined this herd. It made her think about how things would have gone if she never met Azulia and everyone else that day. She wouldn't change a thing though. Not a single thing. 

     Solstice did smile though, "Might have a quick learner on my hooves...first try she managed to get quite the sparks." she said happily as Nysa smiled more then she had in awhile...she was definitely happier then she was earlier that morning. Nysa wanted to do more magic, but a little bit here and there was better then nothing. "We'll practice more later. Most foals don't even touch magic at this age.." Solstice said mumbling the last bit slightly.

     Though Nysa just smiled and flicked her short tail around, "Alright!" she said excitedly before she looked at Eclipsetess and Namir, "Mom's horn and necklace started to glow!" she said as she trotted around in a bit of a circle for a moment before she went back to her mother, "Hey mom? Can I wear your necklace?" she asked. Namir's eyes just widened as he tensed...he never got over what had happened on the beach..Solstice was right. It still bothered him just as much as it did the day it happened.

     Solstice froze for a moment as she tensed as well, "No!" she said snapping and yelling a bit accidentally, "You mustn't ever wear it!" she said as Nysa just took a step back and looked down. Solstice had realized she snapped as she let out a deep sigh, "I suppose it's best you learn this now..." she sighed as she too looked down, "Nysa..." she paused not wanting to say this, but she also didn't know how to.

     "This necklace...isn't just a necklace. I don't wear it because I want to, I wear it because I have no other choice." she said as Nysa was confused, "Without the necklace around my neck...I'll die. Goddess or not. It's been this way since I was born life depends on this necklace Nysa. When it is taken from me all of my magic is sucked out of me almost the same second it is taken...I depend on my magic in a mother as well..." she said looking down more almost in tears as she just sat down letting her wings loose as they touched the soft ground.

     Nysa just looked up at her mother for a moment before she looked back down. "I-i didn't know! I don't want you to die!" she said feeling terrible as she had just ran over to her father who was already walking over. Orion noticed the change in both Solstice and Nysa, but he had no idea what was going on. Nysa didn't say anything else, but she just hid behind her father not wanting to be seen..

     Though Solstice just spread out her wings gently and softly, "I-i need a moment.." she said before she flew off. She never wanted to tell Nysa. Even when she would be all grown up, but she had no other choice. How Nysa didn't rely on a necklace, Solstice didn't know, but she was starting to understand...understand more about her mom..her parents. It had to have been something about them that made that previous night feel more personal...more special in a way.

     Maybe she longed to see...well meet her parents just as much as Namir wanted to, but he never thought of himself. Maybe when he wasn't a brother, but since then Namir had put others before himself. Even putting himself in danger in attempt to keep her and others safe without hesitation. Maybe becoming a mother made her realize how much she wished she had known her own. Just to meet them. Hear their voices. Maybe that was what was missing, and Solstice didn't realize it until now?"

     Though Namir just watched her fly off. He sighed about to go after her, but he let her go. He knew she wasn't going to make a mistake she had before..especially when she was now a mother, but he just looked at Nysa who wasn't given much cover from hiding behind Orion before he looked at Eclipsetess, "She'll be back soon...I'm sure we'll be hearing results here soon.." he said as he then looked at Minette.

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#267156 Posted on 2023-03-08 18:30:09

"Yeah.. I agree on that.." Eclipsetess agreed but was silent because of the drama that had happened, Eclipsetess even knew that Minette had watched and was in silence as well, not shedding a tear- mostly because she stayed strong but didn't move as Eclipsetess told her to come over to her more.

Though Marrow was also over but pretended that she didn't know anything as Minette and Eclipsetess begin to realize that Marrow was also over before she and Minette silently left as Eclipsetess layed to breath, and also to relax after what had happened so far..

But in the sea, Mint was actually grabbing and collecting things for two reasons, but I'm not spoiling anything as she was literally grabbing shells that crabs no longer need, she was also collecting seaweed, pearls, fallen scales from sea ponies. And so many other things..

Mint was actually really excited to be making these, even her friend of the sea came in as well, but left as she needed to tend to business but was pretty happy that she made a pearl necklace, for Mint, she was making a very pearlescent necklace with only rare pure white pearls from albino oysters and albino mussels.

When Mint finished her two pearlescent necklaces, she engraved them with Amarillo's name since she did know who Oceanus was as she let Amarillo become a Sea Pony whenever, which is rare but new sea ponies are needed sometimes to help out with the population.

But as Mint finished her engraving with Amarillo's name, she started working on Pa'li's pearlescent necklace, but she hid this one as she wanted it to be a gift for him, at least a special gift as Amarillo's pearlescent necklace was also gifted into a present the same as Pa'li's, so that- IF they ever met again- or say once (I forgot when they met or even if they did) or never.. Mint was able to give them the same thing as something special.

"Let's see.." Mint grabbed a book that she took from the library and went to her small shelled home to make the necklaces, so Amarillo was the same as well if she left, but as Mint gifted the two gifts up- so she started to go swim to Amarillo's shell as, but before she did that; she started reading the book that she had gotten.

"Ah yes; Chapter 190, title: Pearlescence and it's necklaces meaning.. When albino pearls are made from albino oysters, and mussels; their pearls are the most valuable as they shine like a clean slate of your favorite color, when white pearls are made they are called pearlescence or pearlescence as they are shiny white pearls, but when in necklaces its the samething: Pearlescence/pearlescent, but as the pearls are made into a necklace and gifted- some mistake it as a romantic thing and the reciever give their gifter a rose- but others assume that its also just a friendship thing as well." Mint read aloud the book in her empty home, she did loosen her smile and it became a frown- did she have someone with her before?

No matter, because Mint already left as she closed her front door and started swimming to Amarillo's home, Amarillo was home but was taking a nap until she heard Mint knock at the door, as she got up and answered it. Mint grabbed Amarillo and took her to a spot that Pa'li was usually at.

"And why are we disturbing a stallions peace? Just leave him alone already, he even doesn't want to see you after what had happened as well.." Amarillo asked in a defensive way, she protected Pa'li and wanted him happy, but instead- Mint's over here trying to earn friendship.

"Because: I want to do an apology, and for.. Everything.." Mint replied to Amarillo's defensive toned ask, Mint was always happy but Amarillo had gotten skeptical about her apology and why she was carrying two gifts on her back just for one horse.

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#267158 Posted on 2023-03-08 20:05:32

     Solstice had only flown around pretty high up..higher then she normally did. She felt bad about how she snapped at Nysa, and the way she had flown off, but what was she to do? How was she going to make things right? It was clear Nysa would have rather of been with her father, but after some time, she had flown back to the herd. Well not entirely. Solstice had just stayed in the sky where she couldn't be seen as she watched Nysa and Orion letting out a sigh.

     Orion just directed Nysa away from everyone a little bit as she had only kept her head down, " mom going to die...?" she asked hesitantly. She seemed to always be asking questions, but she wanted to know things...she was curious of things as well. "Did I....make mom mad..?" she said asking another question as she looked at him her ears lowered quite a bit.

     Orion looked at her before he looked up in the sky, "If I know anything about your mother is that she's a fighter. She won't stop fighting, and she won't give up. She's strong...and your like her even if you don't know it yet, but your mother isn't going anywhere anytime soon..neither am I." he said nuzzling her when she had asked her second question, "Of course not. I don't think she could ever be mad at you..." he paused, "Besides...I've only seen her mad once or twice.." he said reassuring her Solstice wasn't mad.

     Though Solstice still wasn't sure how to fix things, but she eventually just flew back down softly in no rush. She stood in front of the two a short ways looking down as her ears were lowered. Nysa just looked at her, and before Solstice did anything, Nysa had slowly walked over. "I-i'm sorry mom...I didn't mean to make you mad.." she paused looking down, "I never wanted to hurt you.." she said in a saddened and quiet tone.

     Solstice just smiled a tad bit as she used her wings to pull Nysa close, "I'm not mad Nysa, but I shouldn't have snapped at you like I had..." she said in her usual soft voice, "I'm a terrible mother for doing so.." she sighed, "At least now you know..but as far as I know me and my mother are the only mares in our family that rely on a necklace...for some reason you don't, but I guess it's a good thing.." she said before she looked up at Orion.

     What did Pa'li do on a daily basis? Not much really. Sometimes he walked around on the beach, but it was rare. Some sea ponies liked land like Oceanus, but Pa'li didn't like it so much. Though right now, he was in the deep waters a ways out from the Isle of Mountains. He liked swimming around and breaching out from the surface. Swimming in the waves. It was quite fun, and he always enjoyed doing it.

     Though he soon had to start going back to his home. He had to make sure he had plenty of energy for the swim back. It wasn't too far, but it was still a ways. Pa'li didn't mind though. Wasn't long before he was near the rocky shore he was normally near as he started heading in that direction when he heard two voices. Sometimes he hated his larger ears as he picked up more sounds more easily.

     That wasn't what caught his attention though. One of them was slightly familiar. Pa'li was almost to the rocky shore, but he knew he couldn't get out of this. Not with this mare...and her friend. He just dove back underwater gently and swam to the two before slowly popping his head up from the water while keeping a distance from them. He wasn't the happiest to be seeing Mint.

     "Come to cause more trouble? If so I'll be leaving now." he said making it just how clear he didn't like the fact that Mint was even there. "I'm not going to the kingdom either. I won't be going there for a long time...or maybe never again because of what everyone thought of me. An outsider. Outcast. Liar. Wannabe." he said. Pa'li was just already ready for this to be over. He would have swam away then and there, but he knew Mint would be the type to follow after him, plus he could have used a little bit of rest.

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#267166 Posted on 2023-03-09 06:51:02

"Oh I'm not here for any of that, nor even try to convince you to go to the kingdom, I let you have your space after- what happened. And I wanted to apologize for what happened, so I made these two gifts, well one for you and one for Amarillo." Mint spoke up, she sounded.. Respectful to Pa'li, she knew what had happened and wanted to leave him alone after what had happened, but she did at least want to gift something for him.

"I probably should know that you don't like to wear jewelry- I mean most Sea Ponies I have seen reject jewelry, even the free ones, but I see that they wear jewelry from their mates- but I'm offtrack, because I was actually collecting some albino mussels and oysters." Mint told Pa'li, Amarillo sighed at Mint but continued to look at her since she didn't want to stare at Pa'li on accident.

Though Mint did grab the first gift off from her back and looked around the packaging as it was the correct one, she then handed Pa'li the gift as she giggled, Amarillo just grabbed the second gift and looked at it as Mint was pointing out where to open it best.

But as Amarillo opened the gift it was a pearlescent necklace, Amarillo was confused on what was happening since she didn't know if it was friendship or.. Courtship.. But Mint was a friend to her, so it was friendship when she thought of it, but Amarillo just nuzzled Mint friendly since she liked the gift.

"You had collected albino mussels and oysters just to make a pearlescent necklace? You know how rare they are?! Do you know how valuable necklaces like these cost in our waters?!" Amarillo calmed down once she realized that she was yelling, she looked away before apologizing to Mint and Pa'li.

"You should get some rest, you can open your gift when you wake up, which would be whenever that is. So come on Mint, let's not bother this stallion any longer, I'm sure he's already exhausted enough." Amarillo called Mint, which she did swim next to Amarillo, the mare did look back at Pa'li before looking at Amarillo at the sametime, but she had something else in plan.

"Have a nice nap!" Mint told Pa'li, she had to yell but probably didn't since his long ears could probably hear her already far away enough, but Mint also respected Pa'li's space and left him alone to do whatever he wanted, which was nice since she would cause trouble whenever.

But as Mint and Amarillo were already back at the kingdom, Amarillo looked at Mint since she had a plan smirked across her face and she didn't like that, not a single bit as Mint's smile is usually a plan appearing on her face and Amarillo didn't want that- not at all but she was usually forced into something since she barely does anything.

"What're you planning now? And don't say anything about Pa'li either, he already has enough trouble as it is Mint." Amarillo asked Mint, she also protected Pa'li but still kept her normal voice up as usual, but she did notice that Mint went silent- and she doesn't do that at all. Except on occasions..

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#267169 Posted on 2023-03-09 08:24:08

     Pa'li had only looked at the two with his long ears lowered showing he wasn't happy to see Mint, but he ignored the friend of hers. "Then why are you here?" he asked skeptically as part of his forelock had covered his odd green colored eyes. Most of his coat blended into the ocean water anyway. Just his green hues and odd stripes showed on his body through the water. 

     Though he wasn't sure if she had been telling the truth..or that she was really apologizing. He was primarily quiet though listening to her. Jewelry..? She had to be joking right? He was a stallion that lived by himself. Not so fond of others. He wore nothing. Pa'li had hesitantly looked at the gift though. After a moment he slowly took the gift, but when Mint's friend had yelled, Pa'li swam back a bit. He got distracted for a moment, but he just went back to the distance he was most comfortable at from them.

     He did however look at them both, "You can say that again," he said mumbling quietly underneath his breath. Though nothing else had come from him as he turned and swam back to where he was originally heading. His normal sleeping spot. Once he got there, he just used his two legs to bring himself up on the jagged flat rock. His tail trailing behind, but there was still water on the rock from the waves crashing onto it, so he didn't change into his temporary land form. Instead he just placed the box somewhere before he laid down sprawled out on the rock as the waves crashed onto his back. 

     Though Orion had walked over to Solstice and Nysa as they nuzzled each other. Solstice then had wrapped her wings around both Orion and Nysa. "I'm not going anywhere...and I never will." she said looking at Nysa, "If anyone knows any better..its to not mess with me. For reasons you are way too young to know and understand Nysa, but I will protect you even if I'm not a guardian like your aunt. Everyone here will protect you, but you are my daughter." she said pausing for a moment.

     "Even your aunt has saved me countless times. I was young when I met her meaning I made some...awful decisions and mistakes, but I learned from them. You'll do the same, but I'll be here with you even if you don't want me here. I am your mother...that's my job. Your father's too." she said as Orion nodded and said something similar to what Solstice had said. "Your young..everyone makes mistakes when they are young. The best thing you can do is learn from them."

     Nysa just looked at her parents listening to both of them when they spoke, but she eventually nodded. Solstice just smiled softly as she wrapped her wings around the filly again like it was a hug. Though after a few more minutes, Nysa just went around looking for Minette. Maybe Marrow too, but she wanted to know if they were leaving or not. She didn't want Minette to leave, but if it came to it, there was nothing Nysa could have done to prevent it.

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#267182 Posted on 2023-03-09 17:32:56

Minette was grazing with Marrow since their excitment vanished into thin air, the two were actually grazing near the herd since it was safer then alone, who knows what types of stallions are there wandering in secret? Anyways, Minette was happily grazing until Marrow nuzzled her as some foals seemed to have began walking over to the pole that Faith had pointed to.

"Let's go check it out." Marrow urged Minette, Minette smiled happily as she followed Marrow over to the pole- like the rest of the foals did, but Faith must've had help if she was this early into getting the sheet out for everyone to see who was in or not.

Though there was some whispers, foals looking around, and others getting out of the group to celebrate that they were picked, Minette and Marrow looked at each other nervously as they began walking up more to the pole as some foals began looking at the two.

"Minette! I'm the second one in!" Marrow excitedly said, she nudged Minette up to see who was the first one to get in, but it was another foal that was in, then Minette began getting nervous and scared until she saw the last foal in..

When Minette saw the rejected foals she saw.. The top one.. Was her, she was rejected first? But why? Minette ran out of the group as Eclipsetess was grazing away in a fresh patch of grass, but she did see that Minette had tears of sadness as she felt Minette hug her tightly.

"Minette why are you sad? What happened?" Eclipsetess started asking Minette questions, but she only wanted to hug so Eclipsetess got straight into the shushing phase as Minette only cried and cried, it was a sad sight.

But Marrow did go after Minette, until she stopped when she saw that Eclipsetess was calming her down, Marrow started to walk up to Eclipsetess as she joined in the hugging, she at least and Eclipsetess wanted Minette to calm down so that she could talk.

Eclipsetess then saw that Minette was wiping her tears away carefully, "Now tell me what's wrong, I want to know so that I can help you." Eclipsetess said lovingly and caringly, Marrow nodded and looked at Eclipsetess.

"I-.. Got rejected to be a Guardian.. I was the first to be rejected.." Minette told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess went into a bit of shock but then got mad, her ears pinned and she carefully let go of Minette and Marrow but ran off to go yell at Faith and the two stallions that accompanied her.

"Mom wait!" Minette called but Eclipsetess was already off, but Marrow sat down as Minette did the samething, the two then looked at each other before hearing Eclipsetess yelling off in the distance..

"Wanna go graze or go find your aunt's foal?" Marrow asked Minette, Minette got up and started looking for Nysa, but she then spotted her quick and ran over to her.

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#267185 Posted on 2023-03-09 18:54:47

     Solstice was resting a small bit with Orion as she listened to the peaceful sounds around her. Though something was bothering her a bit. Something she couldn't get her mind off of. That previous night. She knew Namir knew something, but she just didn't bother to ask him about it yet. Instead she just went to lay down as she pulled out her old spell book. For old times sake. Orion had only looked at her, "What's that you got there? One of Pandora's journals?" he asked as he laid down beside her.

    Solstice only smiled nipping his ear a bit, "No. This one isn't." she said before she looked at the old book..even if it was a copy, it was still a bit old. Just in good condition. Though she could tell Orion was curious and interested, "This is the book Eclipsetess and Azulia gave me the day I met them...I was..originally going to have a pop quiz, but then Dra happened.." she said pausing for a moment, "I was always reading it that whole time, but haven't touched it in awhile." she said with a faint smile...maybe there was some good in that whole mess?

     Though she had looked up when she started to hear some yelling when she knew who the yelling was coming from almost immediately. She only sighed as she got up on her hooves, "I better go see what this is about..." she said before she flew off to where she heard the yelling when she saw Eclipsetess had been yelling at Faith. Wait. Why would Eclipsetess be yelling at Faith?

    Solstice did, however; gently land as she brought her wings to her sides. "Eclipsetess? What's got you mad? You were alright a little bit ago." she said calmly just trying to figure out what had happened, and she hoped to have put this argument to an end. There were foals around as well...quite a few of them. "I'm sure whatever it is can be fixed. Maybe it was just a mistake?"

    Though Nysa had just been walking around a bit by herself. Everything was quiet until she noticed all the other foals gathering around the post. Nysa had only sighed. She was about to head over, but she stayed back and sat down. She was the only one who couldn't participate. Though she soon heard yelling as she noticed her mom flying over to the source, but Nysa stayed back.

    She ended up looking to her side noticing Minette and her friend Marrow had ran over. "Oh hey..." she said as she got back up and flicked her tail around a bit. "Shouldn't you two be checking the list..?" she asked looking down a bit. She at least wanted to participate, but she knew she wouldn't be allowed. Nysa then just looked at Minette, "Your probably leaving anyway.."

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