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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266669 Posted on 2023-02-19 18:21:48

Eclipsetess woke up as she brushed off some vines that were healing her, then she woke up Minette as the two left the vine nest, and Death lifted his head up and got up as he started stetching, the cracking of his bones were.. Uncomfortable, but they were relatable as it felt better to stretch.

"Hey, what up! I made a promise to Faith that I'll guard you!" Death shouted to Eclipsetess and Minette, Eclipsetess paused for a minute with the cracking of Death's body, but she then started moving as Minette stayed with her mother, she did get Eclipsetess to stop as Death caught up with her.

"Just because it's a promise, doesn't mean that much really, it's hurtful to break one. But some always need to be broken in order to have a better relationship with your friend, mate or your foal(s)." Eclipsetess told Death, as he stopped when he caught up with her, she was really dead on serious as she sounded like an Advicer.

"A promise is still a promise, whether or not it's important. And it's important to Faith, and that also means I'm supposed to your friend as well, I have made sure to pick out a spot to watch everyone." Death told Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess was about to raise her hoof when Death wrapped his hoof around her's from slapping him, and being intimadating, which caught Eclipsetess off guard.

Though Minette was there as Eclipsetess apologized to Death, but she then told him to watch Minette as she trotted off to Namir and help him in anyway, but Death did what Eclipsetess told him as Minette shook her tiny-medium length tail as Minette smiled happily.

Not after a couple of minutes and Death was careful-playing with Minette as she ran to the playground, when Death stepped up on the wood but it started rotting, and the grass he layed in and walked around on, were also wilting and Death didn't like that but he was still thankful that the grass resets itself with healing, even the wood.

"Come on Death! I wanna play around the playground!" Minette whined a bit before yelling, Death laughed as he stepped up onto the playground, some mares were giving him looks but with Minette there then he didn't care as he began playing with her as a father, but he knew that Minette wasn't a demi-god like Nysa, so it pained him to touch something near Minette as she could die from it, but he tried to keep up the laughter and the happiness.

Though Eclipsetess was walking up to Namir to see how he was doing, she tried nuzzling him to bring him a bit more happier as she didn't want to see Namir hurt from what Moon told Apollo, she just wanted everyone to be happy, then she asked Namir if she could talk to Apollo.

Then she walked off to do the samething to Moon as she was determined to talk to Apollo, but she was told Moon the same question that she asked Namir, she then turned around and began walking over to Apollo, everyone was lively but she wanted to bring Apollo more sense into the world with the same feelings really.

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#266672 Posted on 2023-02-19 19:26:52

     Orion eventually woke as Solstice opened her eyes again and looked at him with her tired eyes as she nuzzled him, "Did I wake you..?" he asked her as he nuzzled her in return. Solstice shook her head saying she was already up. Orion smiled softly as he looked her over seeing a few small bruises. Though Solstice just nudged him softly to make him focus on something else.

     "It's just a few bruises..I'm sure the vines will take care of them in a bit," she said quietly nuzzling him again. She ignored everything else and just enjoyed the moment with Orion while Nysa slept and the herd was waking. At least until she heard some shouting as she looked seeing Eclipsetess and Death talking. Something seemed a little off about Eclipsetess, but Solstice just thought that it was just her still recovering slightly.

     Orion sighed, "What were you thinking Solstice? I could have lost you yesterday..both of you..what was I supposed to do if I did loose you?" he said unable to hold it in him any longer. He wasn't okay with her actions and words the day before, and he just had to talk about it..he couldn't keep quiet. "Your a mother now Solstice..I don't want the same to happen to Nysa to what happened to you when you were a foal." he said worriedly.

     Solstice just looked down and pinned her ears a bit, "I was thinking about you and was better off if I let him take me instead of me putting you two in danger. I couldn't run.." she said not bothering to look at him until she heard what he said next, "At least she would have had her father." she snapped a bit before calming herself, "I was trying to protect you both.."

    Orion only looked at her. He didn't know what to feel at that point. After a long moment of silence, he placed his muzzle on her neck for a moment, "We are a family Solstice..Nysa needs both of her parents." he said going silent once more as he thought. "I guess we never really made it official...being a family..mates.." he said unsure of what to say at that point in time.

     Solstice just looked at him before pressing into him a bit, "Because we didn't need to." she said with a small smile before looking at Nysa as she slowly woke. Solstice nuzzled her softly before she started nibbling on her little mane and grooming her as a mother should. She just wasn't going to let Nysa stray from her side too much after the day they just previously had.

     Namir was already awake as he saw Eclipsetess making her way over. He greeted her with a nuzzle glad to see her well rested. Namir was sore, but he continued to ignore it. Almost like his father used to do all the time. Though he did looked over at Apollo every now and then. He said what he said to the colt, and there wasn't anything else for him to do, so he stayed away from the problem.

     Though he didn't mind if Eclipsetess went to him. He watched her go over to Moon. She was up, but she was just laying down with her head lowered. She didn't even want to look up at Eclipsetess, "Do as you wish...he hates me.." she said clearly hurt. Her one and only son. The only foal she would have. It pained her that he hated her. Moon was a bit depressed..which was odd for her.

     Apollo though was off standing by himself. It was clear that he was mad since everyone stayed away from him. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Though he noticed Eclipsetess coming over as he turned away not wanting to face her, "What do you want? If your hear to say something that Namir or my mother said I don't want to hear it..she lied to me this entire time. I'm not going to talk to her." he said facing away from Eclipsetess.

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#266679 Posted on 2023-02-20 09:08:59

"That's how my faily was when I was your age, my father abandoned me when my mother went off to scout for a new place with our big family, I was too young to understand what they were talking about. But don't you think about one thing, that everyone has the same problems, whether or not you understand, I know now that I was supposed to be abandoned long ago after I was born. Your- mother was like my mother, and your father was like my father.. He was controlling, he even hurt my siblings more worse then what I could understand as a two day-old filly, mother kept protecting me, but at the loss of father killing my youngest but older sibling, her name was Moontime, mostly because she loved the moon, she was my twin in a way. I- never wanted a family after that, seeing my twin-like sister killed by my father, so I ran away to another herd, before long I was your age as I found Azulia the same way, her father banishing her off as she wasn't like what he thought, her father wanted a black filly with only sabino on her, instead she was like a paint bomb." Eclipsetess looked at the sky before looking at Apollo, she did control her voice as she whined sadly about Moontime.

"Family is more important, but whenever I was mad, mother saw me as father when he was mad, killing others by no intention, death is something my family wanted, they never asked to be this way. And I acquired a new gene, and that was being depressed about my past, I am only to have one child as I promised my mother before finding Azulia, at fifteen a letter was written to me, my mother was killed by my father for having me with another stallion, two kids he actually made and three that were half-siblings, I was the last one after that- a precious life was destroyed when mother was dead. I only promised the foal, Minette, I promised mother that if I wanted a kid then I'd have one with the one I loved, if I wanted to try and raise an adopted one; mother would still be her grandmother to Minette. Something she won't have because her grandfather is horrible, he was killed off long ago after a storm struck, my half-siblings that survived the storm went and found happy places, I won't be able to see them again or even remember them as they all never contacted each other again." Eclipsetess said, she looked down before looking up at the sky once more.

"You should consider apologizing, not that if you have to right now, but it's better to make it better before it gets worse, and trust me: I have seen worse.. I just can't tell you what until your older then you are right now. But I'll let you have some space now, reconsider the decision, and come talk to me if you need anything, like some advice or need someone to talk too. I'll be right here, in our new home.." Eclipsetess said, she sounded happy and sad but she was trying hard to not cry as she smiled and talked. Then she gave Apollo a kiss on the cheek, to help him decide further, but what Eclipsetess told Apollo, that was a great reason to go back and apologize. And she's right, going back and dealing with the good before it gets worse, that's something that no one wants..

Though Minette was behind Eclipsetess as the foal ran away quietly, Eclipsetess had no idea as she let out a tear, bringing up her family is something she never wanted to talk about unless it had it's importance, and Eclipsetess had her sympathy for another horse, even the ones with greater trauma too.. She was just calm because she could relate to everyone, but no one knew that unless she told someone about it.

"Oh and if you want me to do anything, then I can do it for you, though teleporting to Phoenix is a horrible idea that I can't do, he's not even on the Isles, he's on the Mainland. He was banished before making anything worse further. I just wanted to let you know that only Scorn can teleport you and himself to where Phoenix was or is being kept, mostly because I can't go unless I wanna be roped up, even foals get broken and separated from their mother." Eclipsetess walked over to Apollo to let him know that she can't do anything, and she might've already gave Apollo and idea when she told him what she wanted to tell him.

But then Eclipsetess walked away as Minette sat somewhere quiet and began crying, Minette was gonna ask if she could see her grandparents, but after walking into that nonsense, she didn't want anyone now.. She now knew where her grandparents where, and she had no idea how to get to them..

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#266686 Posted on 2023-02-20 14:29:57

     Apollo didn't even bother to look at Eclipsetess at all. He didn't even say anything as he somewhat listened to Eclipsetess as she spoke. He may have ignored her at the start. What was even the point of all of this? Apollo just wanted to be left alone, but he knew that wouldn't happen for some time because Eclipsetess liked to talk sometimes. Though he did eventually talk..a little.

     "Is that why Death said to look out for you?" he said looking at her for only a second, but then he noticed Minette. His eyes widened slightly as he quickly glanced at Eclipsetess, but when he went to look at Minette again she was already gone. Though Apollo then looked at Eclipsetess. The mainland? Roped? Broken? Apollo didn't know what any of that meant, but he looked down thinking. His father couldn't have been that bad...could he? He didn't say anything else as she left, but he just stood there thinking over multiple things.

     Namir had walked over a bit hearing a small part of what Eclipsetess had said, but he just focused on Minette. He just went after her approaching her slowly. "Minette.." he said in a calm and quiet tone unsure of what to say at first. "You want to see them don't you..?" he asked standing a small distance from her wanting to give her space if she wanted it. "Your grandparents.." he said looking down letting out a quiet sigh.

     "I never met mine..same with my sister..she hadn't even met our parents." he said deciding to lay down, "When my sister was born my mother was sick...her and my father set out hoping to find a cure, but they both sadly passed in a few days. I miss them. Mother's soft voice." he said as it was even a bit hard for him to remember, "We all have someone we miss Minette..but they are always watching over us. No matter what. They may not be with us here, but their in our hearts. They aren't really gone..only if you want them to be."

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#266689 Posted on 2023-02-20 18:23:22

"Mother said that grandpa was in Hades' realm.. Did she- fight him then? She hurt the main one in the eye, did.. that creature and that stallion merged for a reason? Why did she get so mad and start hurting?" Minette asked Namir, she at least wanted to know, Minette knew that she was gonna have to get Eclipsetess to talk about what she asked her father if she wanted answers.

Minette then looked up at Namir before spotting something that disappeared, the thing that Minette saw was only in her eyes, meaning no one else saw the shadow looming over Namir, but it did scare Minette a little as she quivered from the shadow..

"I- saw something.. Looming over you father.. Do you think- I'm going crazy? Like mother? Some mares snickered about her when they snickered that she was crazy.. Do you think I'm like her? Even though we're not real family?" Minette asked Namir again, this time she was a bit less afraid as she just asked the question and wanted the answer to it.

Eclipsetess was grazing as she looked up at the horizon when she found a good spot to relax and eat alone, the silence was enough to relax her and kill her as it was just- peaceful.. Eclipsetess did hear something walking up behind her as the grass alerted her the sounds.

"And who's there? I already thought that I knew everyone, guess I was wrong.." Eclipsetess asked, whoever was behind Eclipsetess already stood up as it was time to get up, the horse did stop and pause before deciding on what to say, it was a fragile moment, so it was the best to carefully select more decent words as Eclipsetess's voice was emotionless when asking the horse a simple question.

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#266690 Posted on 2023-02-20 19:51:25

     Namir looked down and sighed unsure of how to answer her questions, "I don't know Minette. We all have things we like to keep quiet about, but it doesn't always end up that way." he said before looking at his sister as she mentioned Dra. A small flick of anger showed in his eyes before it went away. Namir would have gone at it with Dra, but being killing once was enough for him.

     "We don't know what really least I don't.." he paused, "Your mother got mad because he took those close to her. You, Faith, and your aunt...she was trying to get you back to safety, and she managed. Though she was scared..I know I was." he said admitting it even if he didn't want to. Namir didn't have much of a choice. "Don't tell anyone I said that." he said with a small smile as he nudged her softly but also a bit playfully.

     Though Namir was taken back slightly when she started quivering a bit. He looked around seeing nothing. He didn't see anything, but that didn't mean she was imagining it. "No your not crazy, and your mother isn't either. Everyone has their own personality. For your mother...part of that is making sure those she cares for stay safe..which includes you..and me..I'd be dead if it weren't for her." he said with a small laugh.

     Namir did go silent for a moment as he sighed, "We ARE a real family. We may not be blood, but a family isn't just connected by blood. Family is those that looked out for each other and care for one another. This herd is our family..your family, but you do have her protective side...a little too much for your age. I thought I had lost you yesterday.." he said nuzzling her. 

     Apollo had still been off by himself thinking over the last of what Eclipsetess had said, "The mainland..." he mumbled quietly to himself as he looked around the herd seeing Scorn in the distance. Apollo was smart enough to know Scorn wasn't going to take him to the mainland, so he had a better idea. When no one seemed to be paying attention, Apollo snuck off to the beach as he ended up going to the bridge connecting to what used to be his home..which he hardly remembered.

     Though he didn't even look back as he started to carefully crossing the bridge before he stepped onto the Isle. He needed to see his father for himself. He needed to talk to him. He wasn't convinced that his father was bad. Though awhile later, Moon hadn't been interacting with anyone. Not since Apollo ran from her once she told him the truth. She was more then hurt. She felt betrayed in a way.

     Moon did end up walking around the herd looking for Apollo, but the longer she went not seeing any sign of him, the more she started to worry. Eventually she stopped and looked around calling out, "Apollo!" she called out hoping he was near, but he wasn't. Moon was more then worried as she ran over to Namir and Minette, "I-i can't find Apollo! He must have snuck off! What would have made him do such a thing? He'd never run off like this!" she said tearing up as she was now more worried then ever.

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#266715 Posted on 2023-02-21 13:19:55

Minette smiled at Namir, she was happy to at least hear her questions answered, but she did laugh when Namir nudged her and nuzzled her happily, though she did look up to see Moon running over before she said what made Minette open her eyes in wide horror.

"He.. Must be.. No no.. A colt like him wouldn't do it.." Minette said, the realization came over but Azulia sensed the emotions as she came over before Minette ran over the broken but good enough repaired bridge, connecting the Isle of the Mountains to Isle of Dreams.

"I know what he's doing, the exact same thing with my parents, he's going to go and try to cross the Invisible Bridge, though it should be sunken under the water since no one had used it in forever, but Scorn has the key to getting to the bridge in a must faster way, Fast Travel as he says when he was a youngster before being a father to three different kids- but all the same way." Azulia said, she did look over and started to trot over to Scorn as he noticed Azulia before she even knew Scorn was right in front of her.

"I know.. But let's get this over and done with.." Scorn told Azulia, he and Azulia trotted over as Minette ran back over and hugged Namir as she was scared for Apollo, she wouldn't know what direction he was going in, but Scorn looked up before his wings glowed blue as Eclipsetess was flying to him as the group had a white rune symbol before being teleported.

Though as Eclipsetess had fell to the ground as Scorn teleported them to where the Isle seemed to have a bridge that would go from here to the Mainland, but as Azulia said: It had fallen under the water as no one used in so many years, so it would have required a key for it to be hooked up.

"And here we are, where the Invisible Bridge seemed to have fallen under the ocean, but once I get the key placed in it's spot, everyone will be able to see the horror's that our ancestors were curious of, something so horrible and confusing is why they sunk the Invisible Bridge under the ocean for a good reason. Given credit to researching older books I had in my family's kingdom, really great to detail and sums up how you should think about the Isles and it's connection to the Mainland really." Scorn said, he looked at the ocean as it was far below the rocks where the burnt Isle of Dreams lays, though the Isle did give off the illusion that the water was near the edge, which was fascinating to the eye.

"Why does the Isle give off the illusion of water near the burnt grassy edge?" Azulia asked, Scorn looked at her before looking at the edge again.

"To keep everyone safe from the horrors that you would see if the water was really there, Nature knew how make something good come back, but can't blame the god's before them when they made the Isles altogether, not counting Faith's generation though, she wasn't born yet. Not until after the previous god's died and became happy." Scorn answered Azulia's question, he was right, Nature and the god's wanted to keep everyone safe from the horrors beyond-waiting for them.

"So what is the Mainland for real? What creatures does it contain?" Eclipsetess asked Scorn, since the bridge wasn't up yet, no one could cross the Isle, unless they wanted to jump off and become surrounded and brought back by the Sea Ponies from them forcing the horse to go back to their Isle.

"Full of animals that are extinct here, except for Fenrir that is still alive- well should be dead as he's a god's son.. Much like the dire wolves we fought, and there's also these small creatures called 'humans' they are extinct here as well, but I do not have enough information about them yet, father burned those books so many years ago from me discovering the real truth. And dragons are extinct on the Mainland only horses, other creatures including wolves, and these 'humans' all thrive on the land mass. I at least know that much.." Scorn answered, Eclipsetess had her eyes wide when Scorn mentioned that there were 'humans' inhabitating the giant land mass, but she then connected her dream.

"I.. Dreamt-about these 'humans'.. But they were riding on the Neon Streaked horses, and then the group were actually real.. I- can't seem to remember their names now.. Maybe they weren't joking when they were oracles.. Because we haven't seen them anymore after the fire that happened, but I do remember the two sisters and that the dark blue neon sister was walking to our herd in my dream.. But 'humans' were on her back, and then when she left my dream for a tiny bit- more of them appeared and that's when the group came.." Eclipsetess perked up, Scorn was surprised- heck, he was astounded to hear such a dream being connected to the Mainland before.

"Incredible! You can collect Oracles in your dreams, and yet you are also a night unicorn, I cannot remember the name but a night unicorn guardians are also known to be Oracle Collectors, collecting important events and remembering them.. We should at least stop this conversation for right now though, I know Apollo wants to see his father. And I'll have to give him that chance since I know two horses that were banished to the Mainland before Phoenix, so I knew them as great friends once, and that'll get us some protection! From the 'human' creatures that they let ride on their back." Scorn said, he did want to do something nice as he knew that Moon would disagree with that, but he wanted to do something nice for once besides being a random stallion at times..

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#266719 Posted on 2023-02-21 14:05:14

     Namir just smiled enjoying the moment with Minette until Moon had come rushing over. He let her speak before he said or did anything. Once he heard her words, Namir just quickly got up on his hooves. He looked out for that colt much like Moon looked out for him and Solstice. "What on earth is that colt thinking...he'll get himself killed if he manages to find that bridge.." he snorted looking around just for good measure.

     He really did go. Though Namir looked down at Minette letting out a small sigh, "I'm afraid he did Minette..." he sighed unable to stop her from running to the bridge. Namir was thinking until Azulia came over, "Doesn't matter. That colt won't be going to the mainland. Someone has to stop him...wherever he is right now.." he sighed looking at the Isle of Dreams. He just sighed as Minette ran back over to him and hugged him. 

     Moon just looked around hoping her one and only son..her only child...would just run off in search of his father. She tried running over to Scorn and the others, but she wasn't quick enough. She was starting to get old, and she wasn't as active as she used to be, but she still had a long while until she would come to her end, but none of that mattered now. Apollo was the only one that mattered.

     She snorted as she couldn't get to them in time, "I'm going after them! I don't trust them, and I can't just stay here doing nothing." she snorted before she turned around and galloped off. Some of Apollo's small hoof prints were in the sand, but most were blown over. She only slowed down on the bridge unsure if there were any boards loose. Moon didn't want to fall in the water.

     Though Solstice was still resting a bit with Orion and Nysa until she looked up seeing everything happening. She was worried, "Why would Apollo run the mainland even...?" she asked mainly to herself. "Unless..." she paused looking down a bit, "Oh dear...he knows about his father..but if he's going to the mainland....that would mean that Scorn sent him there.." Solstice wanted to go after Moon, but she knew she had to stay where she was.

     Apollo just walked around on the Isle looking around. Quite the fire it was. Though he didn't really know anything about this bridge. How was he to find it? Didn't matter he was determined to find it. After some time he started to hear voices. That was odd. The Isle had been abandoned since the fire..why would there be voices? Apollo cautiously went to check it out as he soon realized who it was. He snorted angrily, "You guys were just at the herd! I'm doing this whether or not you like it. It's my choice." Quite the colt he was.

     Though Moon kept running looking around and listening to anything that would lead her to her son. Eventually she came across from fresh tracks. She came to a halt as she came across Apollo and the others. It was clear she was mad and worried. "No it is not! Your father tried killing you once. I'm sure he'd do it again." she said in a angered tone. What had happened to Moon? She was always so kind to others..never mad. Not even her tone.

     "You go to the Mainland you say goodbye to the Isles forever. Your wings gone." she said only focusing on Apollo before she looked at the others angrily..mainly Scorn though, "You will NOT give him that chance. I am his mother, and I don't want him to be killed. He's just a foal. What makes you think it's okay for him to see his the Mainland? You know what Phoenix has done. I'm sure he hasn't changed."

     Moon just nipped Apollo's hindquarters a bit as she turned around ears pinned. Apollo just snorted his ears pinned as well as he looked down refusing to look at his mother, but he knew she would not let him move away from her side. Moon was clearly mad, but she had a reason to be. It'd been years since she last got mad, but she'd calm down later..even apologize in the future, but for now that wasn't going to happen.

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#266730 Posted on 2023-02-21 20:27:46

"I thought so, would you really think I'm going to be that incredibly stupid enough to let a small colt go off on his own? Heck no! You can give me plenty of nips later Moon, let's just- go back.." Scorn assured Moon, Eclipsetess sighed and rolled her eyes, only Scorn was able to act this dumb sometimes.

"Well if we're going back, I'm escorting Moon, to help her look after Apollo this time. Scorn- just teleport back to the herd, they'll give you a nipping of a lifetime, maybe Moon will be included? Who knows, but I want to make sure that Moon has the help." Eclipsetess said, Azulia was quiet but she trotted up next to Eclipsetess to help with Apollo.

"Yeah.. To be honest.. Scorn sucks to be a great leader, it's like we don't know him at all, and yet; he acts like a younger version of himself somehow, he never acts this dumb to anyone, nor even everyone. He always was so much different from before.." Azulia said aloud, she was right, no one liked Scorn except for his two foals, his daughter, and Grey Cloud. Most- or every horse see him differently now, it's just- dumb.

"Wha-? Alright then.. I'll just go back to my mate then.. I'll see you all back at the herds, cheers for me not being included to try and switch sides.. I love you- my adopted foals; Azulia, Eclipsetess, I'll see everyone as a mature horse again then. Bye.." Scorn said, he was hurt by what Azulia said and it's sad to see that Eclipsetess agreed with her, which hurt his feelings by what the mare said- his adopted daughter, even her sibling defending her..

After Scorn went back, Azulia looked at Eclipsetess who looked at Moon before looking back at Apollo, she wanted to say something and Azulia caught on as she nodded to Eclipsetess, and Eclipsetess nodded as she looked at Apollo again and she sighed..

"We all know you wanted to see your father, but he was banished for a reason, and that you already knew about. But we also wanted to protect the other Isles from Phoenix's grasp and grip, in case he would've made a more hurting herd then your mother's, you would've seen how terrible he really was if he did stay on an Isle, even the Alicorn King would have daily fights to protect those in his Isle if Phoenix went onto it. And I know your mad, we all do but we want to keep you safe, to keep you protected, Death promised to help when he promised Faith and yes that was the reason he wanted to look out for me, but Death was also a good stallion as he is a softie like Namir, but he's worried to even show that as other stallions would've challenged him- he would've been.. Bullied, a God being bullied? You know they were regular horses right? Not all horses are destined to be a God, some don't even want the title. Others- are like what Phoenix was doing; wanting control, those were the things Faith wanted to destroy, the previous god's didn't even allow Faith to be seen as a God until she started increasing her rank, and that's a hard thing to do.. And not every horse comes back down alive if they have fought a higher ranked God, not even the god's fighting each other would survive.. And that's what we're working towards; a better future, so.. Leave your past and questions behind.. Look what's on the brighter side; a loving mother, a loving and protective herd, even Minette would do the samething to herself if you were in Nysa's hooves, that would be horrible as experiencing pain is the worst, but you have no idea how that feels for anyone.. Everyone is in pain, no matter how hard they hide it, even Death is in pain as he doesn't want lives to be killed by something or someone, he tries to be protective as the God of Death and being that; it would be much more painful then feeling what I've felt.. So.. Don't look for any way to go see Phoenix, you have everything here to be happy about, and if you were like Solstice; so many adventures happening, but we finally destroyed something plotting to take revenge and the Isles over.." Eclipsetess told Apollo, she had more of a story being told as Azulia smiled, Eclipsetess ws telling Apollo about pain and grief, and how hard it is to cope with it, and every and anyone has grief..

"It's what makes you who you are Apollo, pain can make you learn your mistakes, but ours are our scars, why does Solstice have none? I mean look at my side! I have a nasty scar.. Yet it's something to learn from, it's my mistake that I made, and I was punished for it, and that's called Karma and it hurts, so we also try and shield you of Karma, so that you don't experience the mistakes we did, and having to learn from them.. Minette doesn't even know who her two parents are as her real father is there, standing away as he guards the entrance, but Minette was happy to be adopted and even see Namir as a father, a figure, a role model, and a superhero to her. If Eclipsetess didn't- then she would feel something much more then that.. Much more then grief.. But we all want to be happy and Eclipsetess is doing her best to keep Minette happy, she punched a literal creatures eye for Minette, Eclipsetess would never do that! But they are family, something to be happy about.. Much more.. Memories of both bad and good are what keep us alive, and what teaches us to learn then scars, so.. Take our terrible advice and be; happy.. For all of us.. Moon is even sad, worried, and angry at you, but your still learning.." Azulia added on, what she and Eclipsetess said are all true, and everyone can be happy in the future, experiencing memories helps us survive and it's good we have that.

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#266733 Posted on 2023-02-22 08:58:43

     Not another word came from Moon. She was mad enough..almost scaring Apollo in a way. The last time she had gotten this mad was when Phoenix had tried to kill Apollo. She had done so much to keep him alive for quite some time. Apollo wasn't understanding how much he had hurt her. Though she didn't appreciate the others just leaving like they had. Instead she had to go after them. She'd definitely be feeling it later.

     Though Moon just kept her ears pinned as she walked making sure Apollo had stayed at her side. Moon barely even acknowledged the others as she walked. Well maybe she listened to what they were saying a bit, but she didn't do or say anything about it. At least until she heard what was said about Scorn. She knew just how much it had hurt Scorn hearing those words.

     Moon used to be lead mare. Some of the mares still respected her with that title, but as soon as Phoenix was gone, Moon had taken the chance to just get rid of it. She was forced into it, but she understood what it took to be a leader. Surely not a easy job. Not all leaders could be great. Not all great leaders could be great all the time. She knew that well. Even when she was lead mare, she couldn't do much to help the mares suffering.

     Though things were quiet for some time. Moon and Apollo hadn't said a word, but Moon knew Azulia and Eclipsetess were with them. Apollo was mad at first, but once he realized just how mad his mother was, he didn't dare to look up at her. He now knew the big mistake he had made as he looked back at Azulia and Eclipsetess a bit. He understood now. Who his father truly was..

     Apollo didn't say anything, but he listened to what Eclipsetess was saying. Moon had eventually spoken up, "Phoenix wanted control..power..and valuable mares like me, but that fool's wings were always too withered to keep him in the air. Never a good fighter anyway. Only reason he had us mares was because we were forced to stay with him and were too scared to leave." she said still quite mad, but after that she was silent once more.

     Moon was in the herd longer then anyone else. She went through more then the other mares. She had to stand witness what was being done, and not be able to help. There was little she could do even as lead mare. Apollo just hesitantly looked up at his mom, but she glanced at him causing him to looked back down before he looked at Eclipsetess and Azulia as Eclipsetess spoke a bit more.

     Neither of them noticed that they were practically back to the herd. Solstice saw the group and got up overhearing parts of what Azulia said, "I had scars from your father Apollo, but Eclipsetess made them go helped me move on and look at my future...well at least before things got bad, but I'll always be in a better place then I was." she said to Apollo as Moon took a few steps away.

     Solstice noticed how mad she seemed, and she was cautious around Moon since she was never mad, "They are right though. I was there the day your father was banished. I brought you, your mother, and other mares to our herd to heal. She took the punishments so that you weren't killed. You should really apologize to your mother Apollo, but that is up to you." she said before turning away going back to Orion and Nysa since she was now awake.

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#266737 Posted on 2023-02-22 10:00:45

Scorn was off pouting by himself while Grey Cloud was starting to teach their twins on how to be a little nicer to each other as she's been getting with how annoyed she is when trying to get them to play when they are just aggressively nipping each other's ears instead.

"Alright you two, I've been thinking that I should play with one of you at the foal playground, and I can switch to help separate and make you two more calmer and not nipping each other's ears, that's just a bad habit I needed to get you two to stop about. Your siblings, and yet.. I have to stop your ears from bleeding *strawberry syrup* when you two get sore about it.. But that's your two's fault anyways!" Grey Cloud told her twins, she was aggressive with how she talked to the twin foals, but she was correct with them still nipping each other, it was annoying if you've been around the twins long enough.

"Ackh- I still haven't thought of names for you two.. Your both gonna be nameless if I don't name you two soon.. But I have no ideas on what to name you both since you two act like each other all the time, making it difficult.. But my lighter grey shade with your father's black coat would make it easier- but somehow you- on the right, inherited my chestnut coat under the gray." (not sure if that's correct since I forgot about the twin foals coats already) Grey Cloud said, she looked up at the sky as she sighed, but she was still happy to have two foals with Scorn since Smoke was a good filly- well, is a good filly.

"I'm not even sure if your supposed to have chestnut, I was born double gray with hetero chestnut, but also born with my mother's white coat would allow me to have a slight hint of red- I guess that's why you have a chestnut base coat with slight white hairs showing- you got it from your grandfather.. I'm still curious about your sibling having a smokier color of your father's coat, quite adorable! But you do also show a bit of black hairs with your legs and hair a bit, and around your body sum." Grey Cloud pointed out, but she also made sure to correct herself as the twins looked at each other before looking back at their mother, she took a breath and smiled as the foals whinnied happily in a little high pitch, Grey Cloud just smiled happily.

"Well I should stop nit-picking you both, before you two start nipping each other again, and also coming at me aggressively when you two are older.." Grey Cloud said, she was laying down when pointing out the twin foal's coats, which is something she usually spots on a horses coat, making them unique in an aggressive comment.

Eclipsetess was off grazing as Minette was beside her, Eclipsetess picked up her head and nuzzled Minette as the filly started wagging her adorable tiny - medium tail, she was certainly getting older then if her tail continued growing from medium to long, indicating mature age was coming. And Eclipsetess wasn't ready for a yearling yet as she felt like she met Minette yesterday.

"Mom, why do some mares act aggressive to others? Like that one mare nipping me as Olymphia told and scared the mare off.." Minette asked Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess brought up her head instantly when she heard that, her daughter getting nipped? She didn't want to believe that, but she knew it was true if it came from Minette then..

"WHAT?! MY daughter getting NIPPED?! Which mare was it?" Eclipsetess angrily said, Minette smiled and Eclipsetess looked at Minette's ears nefore Minette started to point out which mare did it, and that was when the same mare that nipped Minette's ears was agrressively- hurting a foals heart as the mare said some pretty mean things.

"That mare then?" Eclipsetess asked deeply, Minette nodded scaredly but Eclipsetess was beyond angry as Azulia stopped grazing when she felt some angered energy, and that was when she noticed Minette quivering as she slowly but surely followed behind Eclipsetess- who was walking up to a mare nipping and hurting a foals feelings.

"Oh no.. She's being protective snake momma again.. Uh- code orange Grey Cloud!" Azulia shouted to Grey Cloud, Grey Cloud looked at Azulia when she heard code orange, and that was bringing the two's attention, but that also brought some mares attention as they knew what code orange meant.

"Someone's being protective~!" a mare said, "I hope there's a fight, we need more entertainment!" the crazy mare said, "I just wanted to relax, but watching a protective mare fight an aggressive one is entertainment!" another said, the code orange word has spread out incredibly quick as Azulia and Grey Cloud cantered off to where Eclipsetess and the aggressive mare were.

Though Eclipsetess was already up and next to the mare as she continued to bully a young foal, then the mare looked at her sides as she jumped when she saw Eclipsetess, but she then saw how angered Eclipsetess was, and the aggressive mare knew Minette was Eclipsetess's foal, but the aggressive mare was standing next to the foal that was sitting down and crying until he ran behind Eclipsetess as Minette looked the youngster over.

"Oh- Eclipsetess! What- brings you here?" the mare quivered, she was cowaring under Eclipsetess as she was beyond mad and she could see that now as Eclipsetess continued to stare at the mare.

"And who gave YOU the PERMISSION to HURT MY FOAL?!" Eclipsetess yelled at the mare in front of her, the two were already grouped around as Azulia and Grey Cloud were helping Minette with the foal as Eclipsetess was already gonna fight a regular mare.

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#266750 Posted on 2023-02-22 12:40:34

     Moon had just walked over to a spot within the herd that gave her some space. She was still quite mad, and Apollo knew this, but he knew she wasn't going to let him leave her side. He regretted what he did..a lot. She'd never been mad at him before, and it almost scared him. Though he stood with his ears lowered and his head down a few feet from Moon. He wasn't so sure what he could say to make things up.

     Namir had watched the two a bit before he turned around to walk around the herd, "She's never been that mad before.." he mumbled underneath his breath. Though he let Eclipsetess spend some time alone with Minette. The mood within the herd had changed, but there wasn't anything Namir could have done about it. He hadn't even seen Scorn in awhile which was a bit odd.

     Apollo glanced at Namir before he glanced at Moon. He opened his mouth, but he quickly shut it. He wanted to apologize, but he had no idea how to do that. Eventually he just tried nervously, "Mom..." he said nervously as he looked up at her a bit more, but Moon didn't really acknowledge him much which he deserved. "I'm sorry I ran off..." he tried to say looking back down, "I-i just didn't know what to do...I guess I just wanted to see him for myself.." he said as his voice died off as he looked down more.

     Moon just stood there without any movement or even without a sound. She did listen to him though. It felt like eternity until Apollo felt her nibble on his mane a bit with her soft nature. Moon sighed, "I know son..." she paused seeming less angry then she was before, "You made a mistake..a rather big one, but you learned from it..I just can't have you running off like that. Horses that go to the mainland never return. It's dangerous there..probably worse then it is here no doubt." she said before she looked at the herd. She thought about finding Scorn, but figured it could wait a bit.

     Though that was when yelling started as Azulia had yelled out some kind of code. Solstice just looked unsure of what was happening as she looked at Orion, but he only shrugged. Solstice already knew it had something to do with Eclipsetess. Though she soon noticed the mares gathering in that of a circle as she walked over to check it out with Nysa and Orion following behind, but then realized Eclipsetess and a mare looking like they were about to fight. "Can we get through one day without a fight..?" she mumbled to herself unsure if she wanted to stay and witness it or go back to resting.

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#266753 Posted on 2023-02-22 13:50:58

"Ah auntie Solstice! You should go rest! At least.. As a suggestion.. The fight will die down quick anyways! You know mom is! And I can see that by now.." Minette suggested Solstice to lay down, at least to ignore the fight, and Minette was right after all; Eclipsetess is a good fighter, and can make a fight die quickly without an excuse.

"Though mom is fighting because I told her that the mare nipped me, but I was gonna tell her that it happened awhile ago! But she's- extremely mad now.." Minette told Solstice again, Azulia sighed as looked at Grey Cloud who stared at Eclipsetess as she didn't move or do anything to make sound, the other mare was getting intimadated and nervous.

"I can't have a tiny relaxation period much like Solstice- can't I?!" Eclipsetess yelled at the mare, she also wanted to defend the colt that walked up to Grey Cloud and Azulia out of curiosity, Eclipsetess went off somewhere earlier as she did want some space before the monsters made it to the Isle..

Though Eclipsetess and the mare seemed to circle before the mare tried attacking Eclipsetess on her first turn as Eclipsetess flew up into the sky, she then flew back down as she bucked the mare's side, no one used magic as it was only strength and brute force, and Eclipsetess excelled at both of those..

The mare was downed but she got back up as Eclipsetess put her hoove on the mares shoulder, as Eclipsetess stood up tall as she was gonna knock the mare out strong with a hoof to the face, though the grouped up mares went quiet as Azulia, Grey Cloud, Minette, and the young colt looked at Eclipsetess as she pounded the mare onto unconsciousness..

"Well as my daughter predicted; I have won, let's go back to grazing in our comfortable spaces, come on Minette." Eclipsetess said, the mares were disbanding quickly as Eclipsetess walked over and had gotten Minette to follow her as the two went back to their spots.

Azulia and Grey Cloud only looked at each other before walking and trotting back to their spots, Azulia went back to reading a book she had and Grey Cloud went back to teaching her twins about the foal playground and what it offers, the twins looked at her before looking at the playground.

As Eclipsetess was grazing while Minette was curious of a bug landing on her nose, Eclipsetess took the moment and layed down as she summoned a book to read, and Minette turned around curiously as she saw Eclipsetess read a book, which she never saw her mother read one before. So she wanted to know what Eclipsetess was reading while the bug on Minette's nose stayed on her nose.

"Hm, curious little one aren't you? This book isn't for storytelling, much rather for adult horses, but I see how you can take a chain to the heart, but you have to ask your father if you want to listen to this story. But you have to tell him the truth Minette, okay?" Eclipsetess asked, Minette nodded as she got up and trotted off to Namir as she wanted to ask him if she could have Eclipsetess read the book to her.

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#266820 Posted on 2023-02-23 18:45:22

     Solstice just looked at Minette before she glanced over at Eclipsetess and the mare she was getting ready to fight. She didn't really want to get involved or even be near it. She only came to see what was going on, and now she knew. "Yeah...I will..yesterday took everything out of me.." she said shaking her short black mane to return it to the side of her neck it laid on since it was everywhere.

     "Be careful," she said before turning away as she softly nudged Nysa. She just walked back over to where she previously was. Orion followed the two as he went and stood beside Solstice as she laid her head on his back like normal. Solstice just tried to ignore what was going on. She didn't have the energy for it. That or she just wasn't really interested in a fight. She was only into them when she had to fight..other then that she stayed away from them.

     Apollo tried to squirm through the mares to get a better look, but Moon just caught him, "You really think I'm going to let you watch a fight? Especially not after today." she said as Apollo only looked down a bit understanding..well he mainly just didn't want to get in trouble again as he just walked back over to his mom. Though he was more quiet then he normally was since what happened.

     Namir wasn't too concerned about what was going on. He kept his distance from the mares knowing Eclipsetess had everything under control. He wasn't worried. Not one bit. He knew it was better for him to stay away though. After awhile things were quiet again as Namir was grazing a bit until Minette came over asking about a story. "Well..I guess it'd have to depend on the story.." he said.

     Moon had asked Isis to watch Apollo for a bit as she had ended up looking for Scorn. After a short while she ended up finding him. She was still a bit mad about earlier...but not even close to as mad as she was. "Scorn.." she said as she approached him while giving him some space, "I..thought I should apologize for earlier..." she said letting out a small quiet sigh.

     "I got close to loosing my son once..I just didn't want to come close to loosing him to his father again.." she said unsure of how to go about this, "It's not much of a excuse for how I acted, but it was hard being the lead mare of my old herd when there was nothing I could do to help the mares I was supposed to look out for. Being the leader can be hard..I know that. Times have been hard lately...for us all.."

     Though Moon had paused for a moment, "We all struggle. It's hard at times. We just try to do what we can. Even as lead mare it was like I was just another mare in the herd. I wanted to help...tried to..but..." Moon had paused a second time. She hesitated for a second before she shook her mane so that it went on the other side of her neck revealing a very jagged and quite the nasty scar...she never showed anyone..almost like she was ashamed of it in a way.

     After a moment she just shook her mane again to hide the scar. As she sighed, "Don' anything about it..don't tell anyone's a reminder..I had tried to get a mare and her filly out about a year or two ago..they got out thankfully...but I got this in return.." she said looking up at Scorn, "Do what you can when you's never easy being a leader.."

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#266821 Posted on 2023-02-23 19:15:18

"Oh.. Well mom is pretty relaxed about the story, but I could tell that she was a little nervous about sharing it.." Minette mumbled at the end, Eclipsetess could just being pressured by everything and trying to take it slow for the day and relax everything off for the time being.

"The book also had a blue cover- all around it, but.. I never got a chance to see the name of the book or who wrote it.. It does seem like mom used to read it- I can tell because of the white bookmark that's still relatively fresh. I'll go ask mom about the book's name and then I'll come back and ask you again." Minette said, but as the foal that she was- she already ran off to Eclipsetess, though Eclipsetess caught Minette as she was gonna trip on her hooves again..

As Scorn was hearing everything being said, he wasn't mad at Moon and he knew that, he was just disappointed in himself for letting down Azulia and Eclipsetess, he always wanted those two to do right and be happy, not- go on these adventures that could make everyone worry about them- or anyone else..

"I know Moon.. I'm just disappointed in myself for letting down Azulia and Eclipsetess, and as Azulia always brags "Me and Eclipsetess are adopted sisters" they were always right, acting like siblings to each other no matter what, that's what made me even more happier: Knowing that happiness is there by your side, but I should return to the herd now.. But it wasn't your fault for anything, you were just being protective like how a mother should act to her foal, but all mothers are different but still respected.." Scorn told Moon, he did get and walk over to her before gently putting his face up close to her's so that she doesn't feel any other feelings beside happiness.

"And I know how scars are reminders, most mares in my herd- before yours- ex's leader's herd came, was just other tyrant stallions that were trying to steal my mares that wanted to stay in my herd, and I protected them throughout time, I mean.. Look at all my scars around my body, and Eclipsetess has already gotten all of them gone by now.. She didn't want to fnd any fresh scars set by the fire, so I'm using an illusion to show you how many scars have been healed over by Eclipsetess." Scorn said, he took down the illusion of him having scars as he smiled and looked at Eclipsetess was she was reading a book as Minette came over to ask her what the book's title was.

"Your not alone Moon, we all have something to live by, but- it's more free-er if you get your scar healed up, you'll feel alive again, I can promise that.. Even the other mares have been healed up already, Eclipsetess works fast but she even respects scars that some mares don't want to give up- just yet, but Eclipsetess can also make yu de-age to which age you want to be at that's perfect for your son, you don't have too- it's not a choice, but a suggestion if you ever thought about it, and what I said about the suggestion to go see Eclipsetess and get that scar healed, I can that those nasty types of scars can get infected in some way, and you'll just need to heal it anyways as it would be too irrating- but I'll you be on that." Scorn said, he was right about- wait Eclipsetess can de-age horses now?! Since when?!

"Now, do you want to be escorted back to the herd?" Scorn asked Moon as he knew that he would get a nipping if he said that and looked at Moon as he raised and lowered his eyebrows in a funny way.

"I still don't know how Grey Cloud finds me attractive to keep up with everything going on, especially how I'm acting, but I at least wanted to make you cheer up a little. Be a little more lively to how much lively you want to be. Now come on, I'm sure Apollo is trying to escape Isis or something, you never know what that colt is gonna do!" Scorn ushered Moon, but he was relaxed by using how he spoke to Moon, he wanted to make sure that Moon was comfortable enough to walk to Apollo, and Scorn just wanted her to be cheered up some so that she isn't a bit or more angry..

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