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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

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The Isles of Nowhere | Rp (COMPLETED)

#266596 Posted on 2023-02-16 19:22:07

"Alright!" Minette said, she started bouncing away to a nearby spot that Solstice and Eclipsetess could watch the two foals play, whilst doing their own things.

"Come on Nysa, it'll be fun!" Minette said, she did urge Nysa sometime when she wanted to play with her, even waiting patiently as excited as she was, she was also definately more patient thenanything really.

"Yes, Nature will be fine, a little walk around and some shade then she'll be good as new! Unless something is really going on, then Nature would limp extremely bad, but she seems good with the limping." Olymphia told Solstice, Eclipsetess just nipped her as she wanted to say that.

"Ouch! Sorry.. I forget that you were a bookworm once, or twice, by Azulia really.. Hehe.." Olymphia apologized to Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess just sighed and layed her head down, she seemed to be bothered by what the random mare said, even getting to her to close her eyes and want the random mare dead- if she was like that anyways..

"Oh... Sorry for bringing it up then.." Olymphia said, she regretted asking that question, after hearing what Solstice said, Olymphia just tried to look on the better side of things.

"Well at least everything will be fine right?" Olymphia asked, Faith just sat in a corner and watched the mares talk, she then popped into the converation as she was napping from earlier, winning so many toys takes so much energy and some time or more as well.

"Yes everything will be fine Olymphia, Nature's doing her best with healing the Isle and letting it rest, it was like something sparked inside the Isle, losing connection with Nature and taking it's own course, like something told it too.. Though everyone still believes that we live on a floating turtle, what a bunch of- nin-ka-poops really.. Believeing we live on turtles.. Then how do we even have sea ponies? That's the question they dodge, I still hate it, but everyone is believing less in that false accusation. but it was when we didn't know that Sea Ponies existed yet." Faith said, she even brught up the topic about the turtle thing again, everyone forgot about it until Faith just brought it up, she did make more then a few points as she was right and correct about that.

"Yeah.." Eclipsetess agreed, it was like someone took away her joy from her voice and replaced sadness with it, Olymphia still tried to cheer up Eclipsetess, even Faith helped out, then Olymphia and Faith looked at Solstice to agree on their cheering up statements and compliments.

"I don't know.." Eclipsetess said, she was joyless in her voice now, it was dead and it was flat, unusual but Olymphia got up as Eclipsetess got up and walked off to be alone, even if Eclipsetess was doing what Solstice did, Olymphia just went after her until Eclipsetess snapped and yelled, she then flew off into the sky as Olymphia ran back to the group.

"...." Olymphia said nothing as she returned to the group, knowing that they would have questions, and a question related to why Eclipsetess yelled and flew off into the sky, Olymphia was ready to answer those questions and she even prepared herself for them as well.

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#266599 Posted on 2023-02-17 06:46:30

     Nysa looked at her mom before she looked at Minette. At first she was confused, but then she realized Minette wanted to play, and so did she. The filly just barely reared as she trotted around a bit. Solstice watched the two for a few minutes with a small warm smile on her face. Though she noticed Orion was gone. Probably on a small stroll, so she didn't worry. At least not yet. Maybe if he was out too long.

     Solstice then looked at Olymphia, "Well let's just hope some rest is all she needs." she said looking in the direction Nature set off to. Though Solstice then looked at Eclipsetess she knew the mare had gotten to her, but Solstice wasn't sure what there was for her to say or do to help her friend. She just looked down slightly as she thought about things. That mare just kept on reminding her of Skadi. What had come of her?

     Solstice sighed though, "You didn't know..been here for nearly a year I figured.." she said looking at Olymphia once more though, "That's what we hope. There's been some signs of life returning, but it could very well be a few more years until we can return. We don't know. Until then we are just living here. The alicorn king was more then kind to let the three herds stay here.."

     Though Solstice looked up at Faith as she came over, and she listened, "I've only heard of that once, but never once did I believe it." she said shaking her head. Solstice then turned her attention back to Eclipsetess, "Don't let the mare get to you me..I know, but I know your stronger then the mare. Her words don't mean anything." she said trying to comfort her friend, but she had just snapped and flown off.

     Solstice knew that all too well. She'd done that several times, so she knew to give Eclipsetess her space. "Just...give her space and time to be alone. We can try looking for her later if she's gone for awhile.." she said before getting on her hooves looking around, "Where has Orion gone..? I would have thought he'd be back by now.." she said to herself a small bit. Maybe she started to get a bit worried?

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#266604 Posted on 2023-02-17 08:12:38

"Why don't you go looking for him then? Me and Faith can watch over the foals until you return, and don't worry; I promise to act like you if something goes wrong or right, and Faith can handle Minette since she's easier- mostly because of Eclipsetess.. I can tell that much." Olymphia offered to Solstice, she was very eager to watch over and handle the two fillies, Olymphia was right that Minette was easier to handle, she was just too kind like her mother.

Though over with the two fillies as Minette was trying to play nicely, so she started to lightly tap Nysa's nose, which would get into a more playful stand-point, but Minette wanted to be nice until Nysa was a little older so that she could understand how to play better.

More or so, Minette then tried bouncing around Nysa so that she could get into the groove with Nysa, as she was still technically a newborn foal, just a while younger then Minette, but she was being nice after all. So that was nice of her to wait for how Nysa was gonna react.

Though with Eclipsetess as she flew over to a hidden spot, somewhere just in the Isle of the Mountains, somewhere where there was a hidden cave behind a waterfall just outside the Isle, Eclipsetess would never stray too far from an Isle that much, as it was proven that she didn't want to leave just yet, but she also wanted to leave because she couldn't control her thoughts that much.

Eclipsetess wanted some solitude and she was happy to have built a cave inside and actually outside the Isle of the Mountains, she was glad to have also decorated it too, it was homey and lovely to Eclipsetess, different potions from spells being combined, and a living space behind a bookcase as it was her dream home, somewhere where she could be herself..

The home was perfect and all, but Eclipsetess did miss her Isle-home, somewhere she could do that and be happy there, but she only made this home inside the Isle of the Mountains was because she wanted that feeling again, she never showed feelings or emotions, but she at least was homesick like Solstice, she could tell but didn't say anything really.

But Eclipsetess did fly down near a small sandy beach to where she could relax and do whatever she wants, and that was to read again as she had several or more new books to read, and it was a good time to take it now instead of never really, and Eclipsetess took the decision as she layed down and began to read..

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#266605 Posted on 2023-02-17 09:08:05

     Solstice just stretched for a moment before looking at Olymphia, "I'm sure he's fine. I probably just lost track of time..he probably hasn't been gone as long as I thought he was." she said looking around again, "I'll go look in a bit if he doesn't come back..I'm sure he's on his way back." Solstice did try not to worry, and she just watched Nysa and Minette play around smiling a bit.

     Nysa just whinnied a bit as Minette tapped her muzzle. At first she was confused, but she sure was in a playful mood. Especially for being as young as she was, but she sure did seem to have a lot of personality..and curiosity. That's for sure. Nysa just playfully stood watching Minette as she jumped around her before Nysa had done the same. Solstice just smiled happily watching the two.

     Orion was just walking down a beaten path. At first he knew where he was, but then he stopped and looked around clueless as to where he was. Probably just stuck in his head a bit. Though the stallion looked around, "I should just be able to follow this beaten path the way I came..I don't think I took any turns," he said before he turned around and slowly started to trot back. 

     Namir had eventually woke as he got up and stretched even if his body was sore, but he just yawned a bit before looking around. He smiled a bit when he noticed Minette had been playing with Nysa. He looked over at his sister noticing Olymphia. Wait Olymphia? That was a surprise, but he noticed Eclipsetess wasn't anywhere. Though he didn't worry just yet. He knew how she was.

     Solstice giggled a bit when she realized her brother had woke, "Sleepy head," she said to herself before she looked down a bit before looking at Faith as she sighed, "Hey..uh Faith..." she paused almost unsure if she should say anything, "I need to ask you something..." she said looking at her brother again as she went silent for a moment. She was mainly trying to figure what words to say.

     "Ever since the..incident on the brother hasn't been the same..I can tell..but it must have pained him in ways seeing our parents killed..." she paused, " think..he'd be able to see them again..? Oceanus said she sees her mom..that and she met my parents.." Solstice just sighed, "Sure I'd like to meet them, but I think he needs to see them more then I do.." Solstice then looked up seeing Orion return as a faint smile appeared on her face before it faded. She knew Namir never got over it because she knew her brother whether or not he knew it himself.

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#266606 Posted on 2023-02-17 10:31:05

"Hm? Oh for sure! Though Oceanus has her own ways of visiting her mother because I allowed her to have abilities like an angel, but I can allow your brother into the Heavenly Gates, that's where Oceanus's mother- and both your parents are, even your great granddam and grandsire and WAY back then too!" Faith told Solstice, at first she was confused but she then knew what Solstice was trying to say, Faith even looked at Namir.

"But your brother is going in the 5 stages of grief.. First up, denial, secondly, anger, thirdly, bargaining, your brother is currently in the fourth stage, depression, when I take him to the Heavenly Gates to see your parents. He'll be in the last stage, which is acceptance. I can take you there as well if you want! I have time, but I can also take a whole Isle as well- no one knew that-" Faith paused, becuase she was very excited, but she then started to dim her excitment and turned to become serious as the next sentence would be hurtful, and show everything that had happened.. Because Faith all saw it.. She knew the truth.

"Because I did it once to save everyone.. The others hated me.. Before.. Everything.. Before I met you all as friends- Scorn was injured, Pandora was taken to Dra's home, half our army was already dead and coming back with anger and revenge, the wolves stayed dead- for good, then when we were progressing since I joined the Horse Army, Dra had hidden dragons as Oceanus was threatened with her life as the queen had to unleash the dragons for her foal's sake, Oceanus was seven years then- quite young as Sea Ponies can die at the age of 1500- the max age, but Oceanus's mother was 2000 years old, she passed the line of 'maxed out' making her the first queen to keep her rule for 2000 years.." Faith said, she looked up and at Solstice after she smiled at her, she was peaceful, until she had the next sentence ready..

"But for Pandora, after the war was finished, Dra was forced into his magma bed, to stay there and not to harm anyone ever again, we had stronger chained magic, something that was like Fenrir's chains- not from Nordic folklore, but from our folklore, we God's have the ability to resurrect, but we also have the ability to make chains so strong that horses are able to be born with it. But we cannot resurrect any horse by request- we have stamina just like many of you all, we are still horses but with limited powers since one enforced a rule that made us have limited powers, but I took it down as soon as I began ranking up until I ruled it- making everyone happy again once more.." Faith said, she was up but she had a cape covering her back and her front hooves as she held it, but she was looking up at Solstice with worried eyes.

"Dragon Devil may be announced and officially dead, but there are far greater horses that could slip out of Hades' realm, like the devilish creature Dra joined in on, that creature was a horse at one point- but it was too dangerous as the horse was a witch with revenge- more of a lich not a witch, but that creature broke out because security wasn't on high as everyone was always chained and caged up- to pay their dues for how many animals, creatures, horses they have killed out of joy, revenge, or just plain sadness.. Death is a serious thing, that all God's even the evil ones take seriously, no one wants to ever see him.." Faith said, she was referring to a horse named Death, they were an immortal God that allowed the living to be selected by him to either go to the Heavens or Hades' realm.

While the story proceeded by Faith, Minette was being a little more playful as she started to nip lightly but even gently as it was more of a tiny little chew that was allowed since it was a type of friendly nipping, everyone knew that with foals since they wean as well, but it's more of a way to wean better without realizing it.

While Minette began getting playful with Nysa, Faith was done with her story, but a horse with clicking hooves that sounded boney to be reporting to Faith, she had another reporter, this time this horse had a raggidy old cloak with holes, but the holes even lead to be black, the horses hooves were pale and seemed like bone, Faith turned around when she heard the first clicking of the boney hooves.

"Speaking of Death, here he comes to report!" Faith said, she seemed happy about to be reported by the horse that controlled the living's outcome when they are selected to be an angel in the Heavens or go be a demon in Hades' realm, which was a bit painful to be a demon.

But as Death was walking up, most of the mares and stallions were getting nervous and scared, obviously a God to be Death itself to look intimadating, would be intimadating as the boned stallion also had a scythe laying on his back like it stuck to his cape with ease, but Death even had sickles on the sides where his ribs would be as the scythes stuck on the outside of the cloak as the ribs would have to be hidden for not to be grossed out by others.

Eclipsetess was reading her book when a fish or two started to be curious, Sea Ponies were nearby to be hunting for fish as some had been near Eclipsetess, but Eclipsetess looked down with soft eyes as the book was near the water but a fish brought up it's head to see Eclipsetess, that was when a male Sea Pony brought up his head as Eclipsetess laughed cutely but also gently, because of the stallion was being playful on a hunt..

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#266608 Posted on 2023-02-17 11:50:01

     A faint smile returned on Solstice's face, "He needs to see them though...he keeps on blaming himself for everything, and even I know it wasn't his fault. There isn't anything that I can say or do to help him I know that, but as much as I want to help him I know I can't. He was still young then, but still.." she sighed looking at her brother as he was just grazing a bit by himself.

     Though Solstice looked at Faith again, "I've always wanted to meet them, but he needs to see them more then I do. Besides it doesn't feel right just leaving Nysa quite yet.." she admitted. She knew he was grieving since the day on the beach, but she wanted him to know it's alright. The only way for that to happen is if he were to see them again. He had done so much for it was time to repay the favor.

     Solstice did watch her daughter and Minette for a moment before she brought her full attention back to Faith letting her speak as she listened carefully. Though she just looked down. The war seemed worse then what she thought it was. She understood why nobody talked about it, but she still didn't get a full answer on what happened to Pandora..well Nature. Not that it mattered entirely. 

     She listened though. Every single word. Even the painful ones. Though she did look down when Faith spoke of Dra. She understood what she meant that they could get out, but she only hoped none of it would happen. Especially with Nysa. Though Solstice tried not to think about the bad. What Faith was telling her was important. She knew that, and she knew that well.

     Nysa was happily playing with Minette until she realized everyone started to get a bit nervous. She looked around curiously until she saw a strange horse, but she just immediately ran to hide behind her mother. Solstice was a bit surprised with how quick Nysa came running over, "Shh...your safe with me.." she whispered to her before she looked at Faith then the horse that had came over. Even Solstice was a bit nervous, but she knew Nysa wouldn't leave her side..even if Death seemed quite the stallion...a scary one at that..

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#266609 Posted on 2023-02-17 14:07:20

"Don't worry, he's nice- for being intimadating to the eye.." Faith admitted that she- SHE- was nervous and a bit frightened of Death, the stallion didn't remove his hood as it would disturb and scare everyone to die, he knew that much, but he then made his horn glow dimly since part of his boney skull was shown, then an evelope was passed to Faith.

"Mail or reports? 50/50" Faith joked, Death seemed to have growled as it made Faith open th envelope, though Faith just looked at the letter, Faith did not seem to have smiled at all as it brought a serious face on her, Death then suggested to see how Hades was.

"Yes, that is a much better plan then capturing them all. But we still need to capture them before anything happens." Faith said, Death backed up a bit as Minette ran up to him with curiosity all over her face, Minette wanted to tap Death's hoof but he quickly moved away from her.

"Minette! That's DEATH himself! Your gonna die if you touch him!" Olymphia yelled at Minette, Minette then trotted over to her and layed down next to her, Faith just watched Minette then turned back to Death.

"Let's go, I hope that Dra at least stayed in his cell.." Faith told Death, he shook his hood as a nod, and then he began to walk the direction he came as he disappeared soon, back to the Heavens and to select a horses outcome.

Faith then turned behind her as Solstice was making sure Nysa was calm, and Olymphia just stared at her, "I have to go, I need to make plans for two things, one for capturing and putting every creature back in Hades' realm and planning to see Hades' himself. Something is happening and I don't like it, and I certainly don't want anyone to get into anything. I'll be in the Heavens, but now everything is getting dangerous and I don't work in pressure, so if anything happens I'll be here to stop it, but make sure you tell the Alicorn King of this situation now." Faith said, creatures have escaped and she's not sure/uncertain if Dra is with the escaped creatures.

"And stay in groups! Or your herd!" Faith yelled at Solstice and Olymphia, she then flew back up into the clouds, but where's the air kingdom? That's the thing though, when a pegasus, alicorn, or unicorn fly above the clouds it's the air kingdom, when God's fly into the clouds they are teleported to the Heavens.. Very awesome really!

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#266613 Posted on 2023-02-17 14:42:59

     Solstice tried to let out a small laugh, but she couldn't. Instead she just gave a small nod. Nysa though just stayed as close to her mother as she could. Orion watched from a distance, but even he didn't want to go near that stallion. Same went with Namir. Though Solstice tried to relax Nysa since she was shaking a bit, but she also tried keeping herself relaxed to help Nysa while she watched Death give Faith a letter.

     Though Solstice already knew it wasn't good news. Capture? Capture who? Solstice didn't like this one bit as she just gently used her wing to keep Nysa close. Though Nysa seemed to like her mother's wings as they calmed her more. Solstice was about to say something to Minette once she noticed her, but Olymphia had beaten her to it. "My your just like your mother..." she mumbled to herself thankful Olymphia had spoke up when she did. 

     Solstice then brought her attention back to Faith as her eyes widened. Dra? Did he escape? No. He couldn't have! He was dead! Gone! Solstice's heart rate just elevated a bit before she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths calming herself down. Something she learned to do on her own, but then she looked at Faith worry in her eyes. Why now? Why when she just delivered a foal? Solstice knew that if Dra was loose..he'd be after her. She'd be putting Nysa and everyone else in danger.

     She just listened to Faith as she gave a small nod unable to say anything. She tried to keep herself together. Though Solstice watched Faith leave before she went looking for Scorn with Nysa sticking to her side. "Scorn!" she hollered slightly as she came over to him. It was clear it was important and there was no time for small talk. She just told Scorn what Faith had told her.

     "I can't leave the herd to go inform the alicorn king with Nysa, and Eclipsetess is out somewhere. I'm not sure where, but I don't know if anyone else is out there alone." she said in a worried and urgent tone before she went over to Orion. She needed him...and she needed to explain things to him..if things were to go bad..Though Orion noticed how things quickly changed and he didn't like it.

     Solstice just walked over to him with Nysa as she just softly and slowly wrapped herself around him, "Creatures have escaped Hades' realm...Dra may be one of them..." she paused as her voice was quiet, "If he did he'll surely target me.." Solstice took a small step back from him, "I need you to keep Nysa safe. Whether or not Dra escaped. There's others that did.."

     Orion was unsure what was going on as he felt the change in her as she momentarily wrapped herself around him. He didn't like it, and he didn't like what she was saying either, "No! Don't talk like that Solstice! The herd will ensure nothing happens! Nysa needs both of don't know if he escaped or even if he will target you. I don't want to hear you talking like this..." he said worriedly as he nuzzled her.

     Solstice looked down as she slowly nuzzled him back, "Orion..." she said quietly before she just looked down at Nysa who was still nervous. Even she knew something was wrong. Solstice was starting to fear that Nysa would grow up without her mother which made her tear up a bit.."Stay strong Nysa.." she said nuzzling her filly, "I'll always be here with you..your father will take care of you..I love you.." she said with a hurt tone as she teared up. Orion didn't like the way Solstice was talking, but he just hung his head over her neck closely...

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#266615 Posted on 2023-02-17 15:59:01

Scorn watched as Solstice walked up to him with Nysa, but he just nodded at what Solstice said to him, though he looked at Nysa as she was with Solstice, made sense, but he was careful with foals to see if anyone was hiding something, but Scorn just watch Solstice walk away as Solstice was going over to Orion with Nysa along.

Scorn then began thinking of what Solstice said to him, Scorn escaping? He would never.. Scorn thought, he then began thinking of the many different possibilities of evil creatures that could do something to hypnotize or just take him with them to terrorize others..

Eclipsetess was off reading when something bubbled, then the bubbling stopped as an unknown creature raised it's head, Eclipsetess watched as the creature also had chains, it must've been one of the very many creatures escaping, though it did have a shiny pendant on the middle of it's chains, directly where the heart was.

But Eclipsetess screamed as the creature yelled, it was high pitched as it sounded different, Sea Ponies were also fighting other creatures in the water as Oceanus jumped high into the air until she was infront of Olymphia, and that signaled something dangerous.

"GROUP! NOW!!" Scorn yelled, the Alicorn King joined in forcing the herds up as they gathered, the pale colt was even running, but a creature with wings took the colt into the air fastly, but a pegasus was able to save him. No less as it was Faith, she did say that she was gonna be there to help save everyone.

Though Eclipsetess came falling at an angle as half of her wing was torn off on the right, Nature was using her vines to create dome walls to keep the three herds connected, Scorn teleported the snake mare into his herd as the horses looked at her.

"She's a friend, I can see that, but friends stay in herds that they made friends from, so she joined our herd without us thinking about her. She's fine anyways." Scorn said calmly, Nature made her vine magic seem more powerful as vine armor wrapped all over, creating a scene that made her a warrior with vines.

"What is even happening?! Are we having an armageddon or something?!" the Alicorn King asked in a commanding-scared way, he was scared but Scorn told Nature to increase her dom size as he began teleporting every horse- that wasn't in their homes to be teleported here.

"No, Faith said that some things escaped, she's not sure if Dragon Devil is with them, but it seems like they already arrived. We count if we see chain magic- unlike mine- then it's Dragon Devil's alright, but we haven't seen that yet. And we can't trust him anyways, it's good Solstice never trusted him from when he helped defeat one of the many creatures Faith has to seal, I saw it before we were domed." Scorn told the Alicorn King, he even told everyone else as some grouped up to comfort each other, including the king's own subjects as well.

"Well- that's just darling for sure.. What do we do then?" the king asked again, Scorn just gave him a look before looking at him, he was clearly calm but at least Nature took her time healing Eclipsetess as she was eating some blueberry pancakes, and it seemed to heal her wing quite fast every time she ate one.

"Nothing, until we stop hearing the creatures screaming and SCREECHING their lungs off, that would mean that Faith has captured them all, but until then- we are safe, even Nature seems to have brought healing ailments for anything to be happening." Scorn told the king, both looked over as Eclipsetess's wing was almost healed but she walked up to Solstice to see if she could heal the rest up.

"Oh.. So what happens if we are screwed in like bolts?" the king joked, Scorn and everyone else looked at him madly but they then got the joke but turned confused as the king swore in a way.

"What? Pressure gets me to start swearing in royalty, try being a king or queen next time!" the king told everyone, some foals only looked at him just as confused as everyone else was, the pale colt was taken but Scorn seemed to have teleported him as the colt has some black ink covering around his right eye.

"Your a creature aren't you? Just reborn into a colt's body?" Scorn asked the pale colt, he nodded in shame as everyone gasped, the colt only seemed to cried as his shame got to him.

"I ONLY WANTED TO SEE MOTHER AND FATHER! I DIDN'T WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!" the colt yelled at Scorn, his sister told Eclipsetess and partly anyone else that heard her, Scorn only told the colt to bring his sister back, the colt did without going to the hard way, his sister was brought back from the inky abyss but black goo was just covering her.

"Sorry sis.. I didn't mean to make you act as a mother to me.. Nor even force you to be a mother to me.. I'm also sorry for getting a nice mare to slap you.. I only wanted to see mother and father before he left us.." the colt apologized to his sister, the young mare got up quick but she hugged her young brother.

"I accept it, only because we're siblings and that you can't control your anger.. I know how you feel, you just- want to see our parents, it's understandable, there are some horses that have passed mother's. They know how it feels, but not with stallions abandoning their foals.." the mare told her younger brother, the colt smiled before the ink around his eye disappeared.

"Now.. Let's go relax and think about our decisions, okay?" the mare asked her brother, the colt nodded and the two walked off to a round cornered spot to talk and relax, they were both nice, but Eclipsetess shivered when the colt passed by her.

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#266616 Posted on 2023-02-17 17:27:52

     Orion just kept Solstice and Nysa close. Solstice had wrapped herself tightly around him again with her wing keeping Nysa at her side. They were silent. Nysa just looked at her parents unsure of what was happening which scared her. Solstice tried keeping her calm and relaxed, but she struggled with keeping herself collected. She knew very well that Dra would hunt her again if he got out, but she didn't want to loose her family...her love..her daughter..

     Though Solstice immediately jerked her head up when Scorn had yelled. Solstice and Orion just looked at each other before she looked down at Nysa with a few tears. She already knew something would happen. After everything she has been through, she knew things would go wrong. "Stay close to your father Nysa...don't follow me.." she said to her as those words pained her, but she stayed with her family for the time.

     Namir immediately looked at Scorn before he started running making sure everyone was gathered and accounted for. He didn't care about his sore body. Moon immediately grabbed Apollo and ran to everyone. Namir started to get worried about Eclipsetess, but he was focused on the herd. Isis just stuck to her brother worriedly unsure of what was happening. No one did.

     Solstice's horn and eyes started to glow as she looked up see Eclipsetess falling. "Eclipsetess!" she yelled, but she didn't go to her friend. Instead she stayed with Orion and Nysa. Though Solstice saw what happened to her wing as she didn't know what to say, but she just looked around as Nature created a dome. Solstice did snort though, "Do you really think that everything and everyone except for Dra escaped? He's smart. He knows things, so I wouldn't doubt he's out..." she said ignoring the looks she got.

     She knew Dra. More then she liked, but you learn a thing or two from being hunted by him. It was clear something changed her in a way. She still feared him greatly, but she didn't show it like she used to. She couldn't. Not in front of Nysa. So much for a peaceful day..or peaceful time. Nysa shouldn't have been born into this. "Stay close Nysa..." she said trying to sound calm, but she looked at Eclipsetess as she came walking over.

     Though she still saw her wing was still pretty injured. Her ears lowered slowly as she just looked at the injury. "Eclipsetess.." she said under her breath as her horn and eyes were still glowing. Solstice just lightly pressed her horn on her friend's wing as she closed her eyes. Her horn glowing more as she performed the spell. Once she was finished she just looked at Eclipsetess nervously. She knew things were still going to go wrong.

     Solstice then just looked around ready for anything. She knew something else was going on, and she knew they weren't entirely safe, but she didn't want to worry anyone. Her main focus went to Nysa though along with Orion. It seemed like everyone else had things handled for the time being, so she didn't do anything until she was really needed. Though Solstice just had several thoughts running through her mind...

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#266617 Posted on 2023-02-17 18:49:08

Bang bang, the dome rumbled before it steadied itself as a creature let go of the circular dome, though several screams were roared as it sounded close to dinosaur level, but it then went quiet for the time being, before another scream was this time cut off.

"It may be a bad idea and a horrible time to say this, but Nysa could get survivor's experience from this age on, it could be great for her children- your grandchildren- I shouldn't be saying that, but it's true, survivor's experience makes someone more agile and calm in a typical situation." Eclipsetess said as she broke the silence, everyone just looked at her with angry faces, including Scorn but he just smiled and laughed hysterically.

"You know no bounds with how crazy you are, but you do take it too far.. Unless I deserve nips for that.." Scorn said, another scream was bursted out then cut off as a laugh was echoing throughout the Isle and then it reached the dome right away.

Though some chains pertruded as Scorn used his golden chains to help the dome further, but normal gray chains pertruded from the bottom and made the dome look like it had spider webs but chain versions, and it triggered Eclipsetess as it was too much for her with the chains, she already saw enough and that she backed up into a corner.

Azulia made it to Eclipsetess as she started screaming with the chains, then Scorn yelled out Dra's name in anger, then more chains wrapped around and innerwards in the chains as the chains started lifting the dome.. Nature was doing her best with keeping everyone safe until the dome was lifted, only three creatures were staring at them, only looking at the horses down below as all three herds huddled together in fear..

"Faith!" Olymphia said, Faith was alive, but she was squirming in chains, and Dra was hovering in the air as he looked mad at the horses, he was mad as his eyes were tiny, signaling anger..

"I thought I told you three to leave them alone?! I only wanted them to be fearing a little bit, not taking some random child into the air and start making them into FOOD!" Dragon Devil yelled, Faith was still squirming until she freed herself and Dra just let it happen as Faith sealed the last three into three different sealments before Hades' opened another portal, this time the bodies of the dead creatures were in the bottles making the trapped in their own world.

"Alright Dra, last bottle, time to be trapped forever." Faith said, Dragon Devil looked at her before flying off to go to the herds as Faith, Death, and even Hades' flew behind him until they waited at Buckwheat's herd's edge.

"Wait.. I want to at least apologize first.. Before I am trapped in eternity, and to get slapped five times by the mare I scared to half death- near death.. And for killing a whole group.." Dra told Faith aloud, she smiled at Dra as he turned to look at Eclipsetess who was crying..

Solstice was off huddling Orion and holding Nysa to her side, Namir somewhere between the mix as Dra looked at him, Azulia was off calming Eclipsetess but Dra silently appeared behind her, his black body now covered in a red cape, and his deformed crown on his head still.

"Eclipsetess, for hurting you and not taking proper care, and because to intimadate my enemy, you have the permission to slap me or more for revenge, I shall take it as a stallion. But I do not guarantee crying." Dra said, Azulia got out of the way as Eclipsetess lunged at him, and did whatever she wished on him, even staking his heart with a tiny sword- which was a dagger.

"Now onto Solstice and Namir, both will haunt your dreams as I will ensure that.. The goddess of the moon does have the ability to give anyone- selected- to get dreams or nightmares, Solstice will have that when she knows by it by her heart when she will sing Nysa a song. It will come to her, I have may snuck one of Pandora's journals to be my little book, until I am done reading it. Sicko.." Eclipsetess told Dra, he took it like a man, like he did say that he would, but Eclipsetess's behaviour did change as she was more sleek with how she stood up like she didn't care, then she layed down by Azulia as Minette ran over to her.

"Get! Dra!" Eclipsetess shouted, Dra was thinking until he got to his hooves and went over to Solstice..

And he had Namir sliding over from his chains as he told them both like what he said with how Eclipsetess used her revenge on him- horrifying.. But Minette loved her mother more as her anger seemed to be depleted..

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#266621 Posted on 2023-02-17 20:20:42

     Solstice just kept on looking around. Her legs spread out to the sides slightly showing she was prepared. Though she tried not to think about the shrieks and roars. Things were harder for her on the inside then she was actually showing it, but she didn't want to completely fall apart in front of Nysa. She didn't need to see that from her mother at only 24 hours old. She couldn't do that to her.

     Though Solstice just gave Eclipsetess quite the look, "I may agree with you if she was older, but she was literally born yesterday evening. She's frightened..and I'm doing the best I can to keep her calm by trying to keep calm myself. I don't want to fall apart in front of her...and it's taking everything out of me.." she said as Orion just stepped up to her and nuzzled her side which seemed to help her a bit.

     Things were quiet for a moment, but Solstice knew things were about to get worse. That was when she heard a laugh. "I know that laugh..." she muttered underneath her breath as she looked up for a moment before she looked back down seeing the chains, "Protect the young!" she yelled knowing just who it was. At that moment the dome was raised as Solstice looked up seeing Faith..

     "Faith!" she yelled seeing her covered in chains. She just pinned her ears and got defensive, but she was thankful that Faith got loose. Solstice's eyes didn't leave Dra as she watched every single move he made. She listened to every word he said, but she didn't trust him not even for a second. Not even when he claimed to want to apologize. Solstice knew he was lying, but she let Eclipsetess go at him first.

     Namir just stood his brown eyes glowing red as he watched Dra just like his sister was. It was taking everything in him to not give that stallion everything he had. He couldn't. Being killed by him once was enough for him. Though Namir wasn't given a choice as Dra forced him over with his chains, but Namir just stood there his muscles tense, ears pinned, nostrils flared.

     Solstice just looked Dra dead in the eyes as she softly nudged Nysa to Orion with her wing before taking a small step to Dra with her wings spread out fully, "I know your not here to apologize Dra, so why don't you just tell us why your really here." she said with a snort while holding her head high. "Let my brother go. None of this has to do with them. It's just the two of us." she said keeping her eyes on him as Orion pulled Nysa back. 

     Though Solstice did take a quick moment to look at Eclipsetess, "She is right. You are the only one able to control dreams." she said even if she didn't know she could control dreams until Eclipsetess said it, but it didn't matter. Her horn, eyes, and even her new necklace glowed. Only her necklace glowed purple because it wasn't her mother's. "What are you really here for? No more lies. No more games."

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#266622 Posted on 2023-02-17 20:39:28

"Oh? I thought you were really gonna come after me, after the countless years being dead, taught me solitude and the usual badness, but when I was put into darkness for breaking out of my cell. Forced chains that weren't my own. Being locked up in obsidian. And driven mad because of the experiments. Do you really think I'd kill another soul?!" Dra said, he smiled but it was out of anger.

"Well your wrong.." Dra backed up and flew into the sky, his eyes weren't normal, they were different shades of magma, even his body was cracked but it was dormant from being broken out, even his body showed that he was dead.

"Well Solstice, this is the final fight, one where he'll be erased forever.. Fight and don't gi-" Eclipsetess was interrupted as Atrium returned, but she was so different... Her feathers barely stood on her wings, and her body showed bone and meat, Atrium was forced to flap faster and harder, but she seemed to be wincing before she spoke- she was in pain from her death..

"Wann do this together? Tag team style once more?" Eclipsetess laughed but asked Solstice, Eclipsetess stood next to Solstice as she was ready to fight Atrium.. She was more then happy to be fighting Atrium once more, but Atrium was treated more of a background character.

"Wanna take on Dragon Devil? I'll fight Atrium again, this time noting her moves." Eclipsetess said, she looked at Minette as she wanted to be next to Eclipsetess, even crying but Azulia held her back so that Eclipsetess could work, but she did look at Namir.

"Wanna help with extra moves when we grow tired?" Eclipsetess asked Namir with a smile, but she did fly off to tackle Atrium with her being confused as Eclipsetess would get her on the fly and offensive, which threw off Atrium's battle strategy entirely..

Dragon Devil just hovered as he watched Atrium being tackled, he didn't care but he did show his worry, which was a weakness now out in the open, but Atrium did have ground as Eclipsetess threw herself to the side and did continous barrel rolls without losing her brain as Atriumwas hit on the back, making a very loud crack..

And Atrium made a screamed sound, making herself an open enemy in the air, hovering, which was stupid since Atrium was paralyzed as her back was broken by just a hit on it, but she still moved with knowing the pain instead, Eclipsetess just met Atrium's second phase of attack..

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#266625 Posted on 2023-02-18 07:49:31

     Solstice's ears were flat against her neck as she looked Dra dead in the eyes, "Oh your wrong." she said taking a small step towards him ignoring the look her brother had given her. "I know for a fact my brother wants to tear you apart. Probably more then I do right now, but I can't just attack you. Not like last time." she said not even bothering to look at Orion..or Nysa. She wanted to block Nysa from Dra's view as much as she could.

     She wasn't completely sure if Dra was telling the truth, but due to the past, she had a feeling he wasn't. Or was she wrong? Though she looked at Eclipsetess, "And here I thought the final fight was already behind us.." she said before she noticed a pegasi mare. It took her a moment to recognize her, but then she realized it was the mare Eclipsetess challenged before fighting that horrifying creature.

     "I'm just ready for this to be over.." she said stretching her wings since she knew she'd have to fly. That and the fact she hadn't flown in nearly a year. Why couldn't she just have a nice relaxing fly? Oh wait it wasn't often she got what she wanted like peacefulness. Though she just put that aside as she looked back at Orion and Nysa before she started flapping her wings as she launched herself into the air..towards Dra, "Come on wings..don't fail me now.." she mumbled to herself underneath her breath.

     Nysa tried going after her mother, but Orion held her back much like Azulia was with Minette. Several thoughts and emotions were running through Orion's head. He didn't trust Dra at all, but he didn't want to loose Solstice. Just like Namir. He didn't even know what to think, but he just nodded, "Oh I'd love to show Atrium..or even Dra not to mess with me," he said, but he did want to get back at Atrium for targeting him those months ago.

     Solstice was just getting used to her wings again she was still recovering from having Nysa and she needed to make sure she could still fly well enough to finish this. Though when Dra wasn't paying attention, she circled around and aimed herself towards him. She flapped her wings more as she tackled him with force. "This ends now Dra. Once and for all...hopefully.." she said mumbling that last word underneath her breath.

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#266627 Posted on 2023-02-18 08:48:21

"Heheh.. I'm death.. Who would care I would disappear?!" Dra mocked Solstice, he knew Solstice and that she would throw one more of that bright light to make him disappear forever, and he knew it well that his legacy would be over, since his daughter wasn't like him except her mother..

"God's havoc!" a mare yelled,  which caught Atrium's interest as Eclipsetess knocked her far and down that she landed straight at Orion, and that was when Eclipsetess started flapping her wings to get to her.. And to protect Orion and Nysa.. So that Solstice wouldn't get after her for that..

Though Atrium got up as she was dazed, she wings still torn, ripped and broken, most of her feathers were already gone by now, her body disforming and falling apart more, holes even started to form as she got up since she was undead herself, Eclipsetess just bubbled her and apologized to Orion and Nysa..

"Let's take you away from Orion and Nysa, back into the air for me to go after, thank god's your dazed though.. Or else you would've killed Orion and Nysa on the spot, at least more of your body is going away, unlike you.. Atrium.." Eclipsetess told Atrium, she wasn't happy but Atrium started to recover from being dazed, and that was when Eclipsetess let the bubble pop as she smacked Atrium back into the ground.

The undead mare however got up, but her skeleton started showing, and it was just horrifying, Azulia covered Minette's eyes as everyone did that with each foal so that they wouldn't get nightmares, Azulia then had Minette go over to Orion and Nysa as she helped Orion with covering Nysa's eyes.

Atrium started groaning in an undead way, it was sad and creepy, but she then collapsed as she just took it from Eclipsetess, but she let Faith bottle up the mare, as she was bottled up, but Faith threw the bottle and it broke as Atrium's soul was seen before Faith's soul took her up.

"A new soul is now to be judged by Death later on, I have cured her everyone, if she shall be reborn. She will know love and how to feel emotions once again." Faith told everyone, Atrium's soul was white but with black dots that would be signaled her badness that would make her into a monster again.

"Unfortantely these creatures that are in the bottles that I didn't break; aren't horses anymore, they are forced to stay in these bottles until they show significance signs of becoming their horse-self." Faith said once more, Faith had the bottles out but if she threw them the creatures would come out as they had no souls anymore..

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