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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#253783 Posted on 2022-03-02 14:30:55

"I-im not okay" she started to tear up and was facing the river cause she didn't want him to see her like this. She was really missing her dam. Galaxy stars, who was her dam, she was like her best friend. And she really missed her. They would always spend time together and they always had a special bond together, but now she passed away a year ago. She misses her now more than ever. 

Star sniffled and looked at the stallion "I-im sorry I should of not ran off like that. Today is just a hard day for me and I can't get pasted it" She pawed at the ground. The stallion seem to be more kinder to her now.

Last edited on 2022-03-02 at 14:40:24 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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#253784 Posted on 2022-03-02 14:53:36

     "Your fine. It's a hard day for everyone in the herd right also marks one year since well you know." he said. "It may be a day where we miss our loved ones...but it's also a day to celebrate a new life. And I have a feeling you were with Nyx at some point last night I assume." he said trying to comfort her, and he was grateful. "Today I went to a spot that Agatha loved. I hadn't been able to go back there since she passed until today..." he said. "We are all trying to keep ourselves together and carry on, but we have a new hope, Apollo." he said nuzzling her in a comforting way.

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#253785 Posted on 2022-03-02 14:59:42

Star Nuzzled him back "thank you, and yeah I was on my walk when I saw her, and I could tell she was in pain, so I figured I would stay with in case something did happened". She was feeling a little better know that she wasn't alone in this type of situation. 

"Shall we head back? I'm sure you have to check on the herd soon" she walked with Rowan. She was glad that Rowan talked her though that sad situation.

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#253786 Posted on 2022-03-02 15:08:04

     "Your welcome. Sometimes you have to talk instead of running." he said, "Thank for staying with her. She's the only family I have left in the herd.." The stallion looked in the direction of the herd then back at Star, "Most of them had fallen asleep, but I'm not going to make the same mistake I made again," he said mumbling the rest a bit as he started walking back. "If you wish to stay out in the wild, then there's still a lot of things you need to learn," he said.

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#253787 Posted on 2022-03-02 15:13:25

"Thanks for the advice, I will remember that its better to talk then run away from my problems" She smiled at Rowan. " And I am ready to learn what ever you throw at me, I am a quick learner".  She walked back to the herd with Rowan. She entered the den and laid down in the center, this time not in the corner like last time she did.

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#253788 Posted on 2022-03-02 15:33:48

     "Just remember it's probably best to run in some situations. There's more danger out here then there is with men," he said before walking up to the cave. Rowan made sure everyone was there before walking in, and positioning his weight to sleep while standing. 
     The next morning, and Rowan woke up early. No missing mares, and some of the snow had started to melt. The stallion walked over to the creek getting a drink as he caught Apollo running around. 

     Nyx woke up not long after her father feeling more energized. She saw Apollo running out of the cave as she sighed, and walked out of the cave after him. "It's too early in the morning to be doing this Apollo." she said as he came up to her. The two nuzzled, and Nyx saw her father.
     "How'd you sleep?" he asked as she walked up to him as Apollo tried to nurse which took Nyx by a bit of a surprise. 
     "Good," she said still a bit tired. "If only this one wasn't so full of energy at this hour." she said pretty much feeling like her own self.

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#253789 Posted on 2022-03-02 15:50:05

   Star had woke up and stretched her body feeling her comes crack from sleeping in a funny post it on last night. 

   "Good Morning Rowan & Nyx, I see someone is full of engery early this morning" she chuckled and laughed. "You know I can play with him you want to run off some of that engery for you?" She smiled. 

    She shooked her body making all the dairy and dust go flying off. She was in a good mood this morning, and she doesn't know why. She is feeling really proud of her self today.

Last edited on 2022-03-02 at 16:51:38 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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#253791 Posted on 2022-03-02 17:51:01

     "Good morning. That'd be great, but good luck. Rico said he had nonstop energy yesterday even for being a few hours old." she said with a small chuckle at the end. "I guess I was just given a colt that was a handful for a first foal," she chuckled being more herself.

     "Good morning Star." he said glad that his daughter was back to her own self. "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have to check my territory. You know how some herds trespass this time of year." he said nuzzling Nyx before galloping off. Rowan checked the river first this time staying off the ice.

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#253792 Posted on 2022-03-02 17:59:45

"I will take good care of him, and make sure he comes home tired" she chuckled. She played with the colt for what seem liked hours, she was having fun with the little colt. They played tag although she made she to walk slowly for him. Only then did she see him yawn after playing with for hours. 

"I brought him back he seems pretty tired right now. Hopefully he will sleep good for you Nyx" she smiled. She really wanted a foal of her own now. Having that play time bond with Apollo, made it realized she wanted to be a mother.

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#253809 Posted on 2022-03-03 05:44:58

     "I know you will," she said nuzzling Apollo before heading back into the cave. Rico had woken up shortly before, and the two of them just relaxed for a little bit. The new mother and father had talked with some of the other mares in the herd for awhile taking advantage while Star played with their son.
     "Hopefully." she said with a small chuckle as Apollo nursed. "And by the way, thanks for everything." she said with a smile on her face. Once Apollo was done nursing, Nyx led Apollo to the back of the cave as they both laid down. Apollo got all snuggled up beside his mother as Nyx nuzzled him.

     Rowan continued to check his territory making sure no one was trespassing. The stallion got a unfamiliar scent, and followed it. A bachelor stallion. "And what do you think you are doing in my territory?" he said standing tall. 
     The young stallion quickly turned around to see Rowan glaring over him. "I uh-" he said not sure what to say. Rowan reared and chased the stallion off of his territory nipping at his flank. 
     "Now stay off my land!" he exclaimed as the stallion kept running away.

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#253810 Posted on 2022-03-03 06:51:50

"You're welcome anytime Nyx" she smiled at her. Star trooted to the grazing field she had found eariler in the season, which wasn't to far from the den she currently lives in. She started to graze on some lushy green grass. And she saw Rowan watching the terriorty and she didn't wanna bother him so she stayed where she was in the field. She could tell he was in serious mode because its the season where bachloer stallions like to trespass on territory. 

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#253814 Posted on 2022-03-03 07:50:21

     Rowan stood at the edge of his territory until the young stallion was out of sight. He gave a snort, and went back to patrolling. He had to chase off a few other horses including a couple mares. Rowan wasn't like most stallions. He wouldn't just force a mare to stay in his herd until their last breath, and only accepted a few every now and then. After checking his territory, Rowan went back to the herd. "Somebody needs to teach those young ones to stay off other's lands," he said with a snort as he often got annoyed when others trespassed.

     "Oh come on father. Their young, and it's a harsh winter. They are only trying to find food and water. Give them a break," she said trying to get him to stop being serious. Nyx's attention went from her father to Apollo's little snores. "I guess he was tired," she chuckled quietly. 

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#253815 Posted on 2022-03-03 07:56:39

Star watches the pretty view of through field she was at. The sunlight glistens across the snow, making its very pretty. She loves how the sunlight reflects off the snow making it all glittery. Star trotts back to the cave, after having some alone time to think about something's. 
"Good afternoon Rowan" she said with a smile on her face. She then looked at Apollo and sees him snoring "I see her very tired right now" she chuckles "Guess I wore him out very good" she smiled.

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#253818 Posted on 2022-03-03 08:06:11

     "They should still know better," he said getting less serious, "Good afternoon to you as well," he said before checking up on some of the other guards. Rowan had started to get a feeling that something was going to happen, but he didn't know whether or not it would be good or bad. The atmosphere had seemed to change in a small way, but enough to where Rowan noticed. Though, he kept quiet not wanting to worry his herd.

     "I will admit I didn't think you could actually get his tired," she said as she carefully got up without waking him. "Let's just hope he sleeps tonight," she chuckled quietly. 

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#253819 Posted on 2022-03-03 08:10:25

" I have a way with a foals, and to get them tired when they have a lot of enegry like that. I used to watch all the foals sometimes. And hopefully he seems pretty tired" she chuckles. 

Star could tell something was off about Rowan, like he wasn't him self. She approached him "is everything alright?, you seem a little off today Rowan" she said quietly so no one else heard her. She looked at the stallion.

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