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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#253822 Posted on 2022-03-03 08:40:12

     "Well thank you. This one has been a troublemaker even before he was born as you know," she chuckled. Nyx noticed her father just like Star had, but she never said anything like Star did. If Rowan wanted to keep quiet about something, then she didn't day anything. Nyx lightly put her muzzle on Apollo to keep him from waking up, though she hoped he would sleep during the night. Though, for him to sleep during the night, he would have to get up soon. 

     "I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." he said sounding a bit serious as he walked outside. He didn't know what was coming, but he had to figure it out before he made another mistake. If anything happened to Nyx, Apollo, or anyone else in the herd, he would never forgive himself. The atmosphere was different, and the snow had been melting. Though, it was only the middle of winter, and it usually didn't melt.

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#253827 Posted on 2022-03-03 08:53:27

Star could totally something was up with him, but she didn't wanna push it, because it would probably make him more mad at her if she did.  She looked at the snow and could it was melting more earlier than usual. She could see the grass starting was kinda starting to grow and turn green. "Hmmm that's seems a little strange" she had said to her self. She then trotted to the creel that was near the cave, and drank from it.

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#253829 Posted on 2022-03-03 08:58:00

     Rowan stepped out and lowered his head sniffing a fairly small patch of green grass. Why is grass growing, and snow melting at this time of year? he thought trying to figure things out. It can't be spring yet he thought. Rowan didn't think about it too much about it then as he walked back into the cave. He noticed Nyx knew something was up, but he just turned away and rested for a little while.

sorry this one is short, my next one will be longer

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#253833 Posted on 2022-03-03 09:23:50

Star was searching for Rowan, when she found him sniffing the grass, and the melting snow. She approached him "I know this is probably a bad time, but I am going for a walk for a couple of hours if thats okay with you , I just wanted to make sure"  
She smiled at him, but she knew something was terribly off with the stallion, but she didn't know what was wrong with him, could it be that the grass and snow was melting was earlier?. " The grass over by the den is starting to grow and the snow is melting way earlier than its suppose too. I think that's odd". She also looked at the grass and the snow melting.

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#253840 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:14:44

     "That's because it is odd," he said looking up at the mare, "Just don't go too far. I've had this feeling that something was going to happen, but I can't put my hoof on it." he said before the mare took off. Not too long later, Rowan walked back into the cave for the evening. Rowan kept watch as the feeling got stronger, but had ended up falling asleep. The stallion was awakened by a small rumble in the ground. Though it got stronger fairly quickly. "Everyone out of the cave! Now!" he yelled as rocks and snow began to fall. "Everyone out quickly! Hurry!!" he said before running out himself. Rowan made sure he was one of the last, but Rico was the last one out. Only seconds after Rico jumped out, the entrance to the cave was blocked.

     Nyx had laid back down as everyone went to sleep. Apollo was still sleeping, and she ended up falling asleep pretty quickly. She had woken up to her father ordering the herd to get out as quick as possible. The mare quickly got up as she started to run out of the cave, but remembered about Apollo. "Apollo!?" she exclaimed barely able to see him. The colt was having trouble standing as Nyx stood over him protecting him from the falling rocks. 
     When all the shaking had stopped, she looked up not being able to see anything. Only a little bit of moonlight peaked through as dirt was flying everywhere. "Come on, let's get out of here before it collapses on us," she said trying to keep her colt calm. Though she couldn't see anything as she ran into the blocked entrance. "We're stuck in here? There has to be another way out, right!?" she said starting to freak out.

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#253841 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:23:07

Star went for her when she felt a small Trimble coming from underneath her "what was that?" She said. The rumbling kept getting bigger and louder. She started to freak out "The cave! And the herd" she ran back to the cave which was gonna take a few choirs to get back there.

After Star had reached the cave, she could see that everyone was out the cave, but 2 horses Nyx & Apollo. She ran to Rowan "is everyone okay? I felt the rumbling and how bigger and louder it got, so I came back. Where is Nyx and Apollo" she was getting worried about them, and Rowan because she knew that nyx was his only daughter, and how special she was to him.

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#253842 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:30:48

     It took a few moments for the dust to clear before Rowan could see anything. He looked at Star, then the herd. His ears perked as his eyes grew of worry. "She was right in front of me..." he said noticing the entrance to the cave blocked, "NYX!" he yelled trying to move the rocks out of the way as Rico joined in.
     "How could I not of noticed!?" Rico said blaming himself.

     Nyx tried looking for a way out as Apollo just stood there frightened, "There's no way out! We're stuck in here!" she said, "We're stuck in here..." she repeated as her voice got quieter. She walked over to Apollo, and looked at what was the entrance to the cave as she gave out a neigh while pawing the ground.

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#253843 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:37:13

    Star tried helping find a way out for Nyx and Apollo "what if we try and find the weak spot within the rocks, and if we did that all the rocks would come crumbling down, making the entrance not blocked anymore, it should work" she asked Rowan. She tried looking for the weak spot to make the rocks crumbling down making the entrance unblocked, so they can free the two trapped horses in the cave.
   Star was getting worried for nyx and apollo, and rowan because they didn't another lost, but star was hoping it wouldn't have to come to that. She knew that nyx and Apollo, were stronger than ever. If nyx got through having Apollo, than she can get through this. She think she might of found something " Rowan, Rico! I think I found the weak spot" she yelled, so they could hear her.

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#253844 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:49:42

     Rowan tried looking for a weak spot as well, and quickly rushed over when she had found. "Nyx!?" he said loudly, "Can you hear me !?" he called out needing to know if she was alright. The stallion looked over at the herd as some of the mares comforted their foals from the last foaling season. 

     Nyx blocked Apollo using her body as a rock had fallen from the top of the cave. "Father!?" she said hearing his voice. "There's no way out!" she called out hoping he could hear her.
     "We found the weak spot. We'll get you out of there!" he said beginning to paw at the rocks.
     "No don't! The roof is unstable. If you do that, it'll collapse on us!" she said quickly looking up as smaller rocks fell occasionally. 

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#253845 Posted on 2022-03-03 10:55:43

    "This has to work, there might not be another way to get you guys out of there". She had to think quickly, but she couldn't come up with another idea on how to get them out of the cave. Then something hit her "what if we try digging a big enough hole to get them out? It might be the only way to get them out without through roof collapsing". 

Star had to find a spot that had a little hole, and when she did she started to dig a hole. "We are gonna need everyone help digging this hole, it is gonna take a while, but it might the only way to get them out of there" she said to the herd

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#253846 Posted on 2022-03-03 11:17:21

     " won'," he said with a sigh, "As much as I want to get her out of there, we're...out of options." he said. "Even if we did dig a big enough hole, the rocks could just fall right in it." he said as all eyes were on him. "Our only chance is if someone from the stable could help, " he said not really meaning it as he started to think he'd lose the only daughter he had left in the herd, and his grandson.

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#253847 Posted on 2022-03-03 11:20:59

   "Okay, so what I went search for someone, while you stay behind with the herd? I know this is a very hard decision to make, but it might be for the best" she tried comforting him. She Nuzzled him in a comforting way. "Hopefully it shouldn't take me long to find a stable that is close by" she said to the stallion. She looked at the stallion waiting for an answer, because they needed to act quickly in this type of situation.

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#253849 Posted on 2022-03-03 11:51:10

     "I didn't really mean that, but I guess we could try. I'm coming with you." he said, "Rico you know what to do. Come on I know the quickest route," he said as he reared and galloped. Though not long after they left, a much smaller earthquake had begun. "Slow down so you don't fall," he said slowing to a canter. Soon enough, the mare and stallion had reached the stable. "Hopefully we can get someone to follow us." he said.

     Nyx heard her father galloping off hoping he had a plan. Though when the much smaller earthquake began, Nyx protected Apollo again as some rocks fell onto her instead of him. "Don't worry little one. We'll be out of here shortly," she said to try and calm him and herself. "We don't have much longer!" she called out once it was over. Though Nyx started to get more worried as time passed. 

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#253850 Posted on 2022-03-03 11:58:45

   Star had followed Rowan, but then she felt the small earthquakes as she was cantering, so she slowed down to a trotted "Thanks, I almost did fall" she chuckled. 
  Star and Rowan had reached a stable that was close by, so she tried neighing to get some one attention, so they quickly could get going.

Human (Lilly) 
  "What's going on?" She asked when she walked out the barn, she found two wold horses neighing franticly. She catiously walked up to the two horse, noticing that there was something going on with them and wanted her to follow them "you guys want me to follow you?".
  So Lilly followed then back to the cave, when she found out that the cave entrance was blocked, and there was clearly two horses inside that were trapped inside there. "I'll gonna try and help you guys as much as I can" the girl said to the mare and stallion.

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#253853 Posted on 2022-03-03 13:08:19

     Rowan reared and neighed constantly tossing his head in the direction of the cave indicating the girl he wanted her to follow. The stallion pawed the ground and galloped back making sure the girl wasn't too far behind. The herd moved out of the way seeing the girl. Though they did not run, they just watched. Rowan reared and trying to move the boulders, but it was no use. The stallion put his muzzle on a very small opening hoping the girl can get them out.

     Nyx tried to move the boulders as she put all of her weight against it. Though she looked up seeing another rock fall as she quickly got out of the way. Apollo stayed back as his mother walked back up to what used to be the entrance. She put her muzzle on the same opening her father did feeling each others breaths. "I don't know how much longer until the roof will collapse." she said getting scared.

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