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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

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PRS and HorseGirl PRIVATE RP

#253744 Posted on 2022-03-02 07:39:13

     Nyx nuzzled her father. It was his first grandchild he knew of, and even seen. "No we haven't.." she said with a small smile greatful of the mare's help. "I'm too exhausted to think of a name right now.." she said clearly exhausted.
     "Go get some rest," said Rico as he nuzzled her before she walked to the back of the cave and laid down. The colt following suit. Nyx still had some pain, but most of it was gone. Within minutes, Nyx had fallen asleep. "I'm still in shock," he said, "It looked like I got there not too long after she had delivered." Rico said relieved that she was OK. 

     "Let's just let her rest for awhile. Who knows how long she was out there like that for." he said as she laid down. "Though I'm happy for you two." he said with a smile. Rowan then turned to the mare as Rico walked off, "Now..what was your name?"

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#253745 Posted on 2022-03-02 07:44:50

"I'm Star that's my name". She said nervously while pawing st the ground. "Can I be honest to you about something?" She had asked the stallion. She was kinda nervous that she was about to admitted her feeling to the stallion about how she feels about him. She was also scared too because who knew if he had felt the same way about her the way she did about him?.

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#253748 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:07:15

     Rowan said nothing walking away from the herd indicating the mare, Star, to follow. Once the two were far enough away to have a private conversation Rowan spoke, "What is it you wish to ask?" he said. This mare had reminded him of Agatha in several ways, and he felt as though he needed to give her a chance. Though she wasn't like the rest of them, she born out in the wilderness like the rest of the herd was. 

     "Thanks," he said before walking over to Nyx as he stood beside her while she slept. The foal didn't lay down beside her for long, and trotted around his parents. "You best not wake your mother," he warned with a chuckle. Rico started to get the feeling that this colt was going to be a bit of a troublemaker. Though, he already was.

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#253749 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:12:54

 Star had followed the stallion to a private place where no one could hear them talking.Star was nervous "ummm I don't know how to say this, but the real reason I wanted to stay around here is because I have feeling for you. Since the first day I laid eyes on you, I just knew that I wanted to be with you. I know that might sound cheesy and all, but what I am saying is the truth coming from my heart" she was blushing while she was talking. She looked up at the stallion to see what his facial reactions where gonna be when she admitted her feelings to him

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#253750 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:31:17

     "So I see." he said, "So I'm guessing you lied about why you left your home. I will admit you remind me a lot of Agatha. She always put the herd first, and helped in any way she could. I am glad you finally told the truth." he said not really knowing what to say. Though how could this mare like him if he was always rude to her? Rowan could never really understand some mares, but he just didn't know what to say about this. Rowan didn't think what she had to say was what it was, and it did take him by surprise. 

     His new son had kept messing around trying to run, and get used to his legs. The colt kept going underneath his father and prancing around. Rico hoped he'd be a good father as this foal was already a handful after only 3 hours of life. "Just don't wake your mother," he said trying to keep an eye on the colt as he pranced all around the place.

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#253751 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:38:40

Star was bit nervous on the fact he caught on to her "I'm sorry, I lied to you about why I left my home, but how could I tell you that I had feelings for you, when you had told me that you mate had passed away. I couldn't bring my myself to do that". She looked at him with nervous eyes.

"I mean yeah you have been harsh on me because of several reasons, but you are suppose to do cause you are watching out for your herd, as the lead stallion. I just hope that one day you will have the same feelings I do for me as I do for". She drank fro  the creek that was close to them. And she watched as the creek flowed in the north direction. "Just so you know I'm not trying to replace Agatha at all, but I do care about this herd, and you of course".

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#253752 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:50:01

     "Agatha will never be replaced, but I have a feeling she's in you." he said with a small smile on his face, "Now is there anything else you have lied to me about?" he said before taking a small drink. After they were finished with their conversation, Rowan and Star walked back to the herd. The stallion stopped seeing Rico who looked a bit annoyed and tired as he watched his son. The colt ran into Rowan, and backed up hanging his head down low. Rowan smiled and chuckled, "It's alright young one. Come on let's go back to your parents." he said leading the foal back to Rico, "Seems as though you got your hooves full," he chuckled.
     "No kidding. No wonder why Nyx was so exhausted. Who knows how long she was out there," he said nuzzling his son who calmed down a bit. "Though he's a lot like me when I was young," he chuckled as Rowan agreed. 

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#253753 Posted on 2022-03-02 08:56:03

"Of course not, that only I have lied about" she wasn't proud about it either, but what choice did she have?. Star walked with Rowan to the den. 
  "Oh yeah, he gonna be a troublemaker, for sure Rico" Star has always wanted to have a foal, but it just never happened to her. She was still living the dream of having one though, and hopes to have her dream come true. 
   "You know Rico, if you wantedI can watch over him for a bit if you want me too while you take a nap? I don't mind at all. I love taking care of foals" she said with a smile on her face.

Last edited on 2022-03-02 at 09:44:49 by 💜Pheasant Ridge Stable💜

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#253755 Posted on 2022-03-02 10:12:21

     "I think I can handle him for now. I'll give Nyx a hour or two to sleep. She needs it more than me." he said looking down at her. "I'll just take this little one out of the cave, so he doesn't run into anyone else." he said walking past Rowan and Star as his son pranced behind trying to catch up. The colt tried running around getting used to his legs, but it was difficult with the snow. Rico helped his son get up after falling, and carefully threw a small amount of snow on him. The father and son did a small little snowball fight.

     Nyx woke up shortly after Rico went outside. She stood up, and slowly walked to the entrance of the cave seeing Rico and her son having a good time. "I hope I didn't miss anything," she said with a smile. She nuzzled her son as he trotted up to her before he got a drink. "What should we name him?" she asked as his little tail flickered back and forth.
     "Nothing really. He's just a handful. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" he said nuzzling her as their foal nursed.

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#253757 Posted on 2022-03-02 10:27:31

Star kinda had foal fever, but she knew that it would be quite some time before she could have her own foals. She needed a mate first and who knows when that will happen. Star walked of the den and let the breeze of the wind let it flow through her mane. She was happy with her wild life now, and ready to take what life handed to her.

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#253765 Posted on 2022-03-02 11:23:38

     Rowan watched Nyx proud of her, and remembered when she was born. Though, she had the foal early, and the it was still quite awhile until spring. The stallion looked at the rest of the mares and thought a couple of them should be foaling in a week or two. "Rico. I don't mean to keep you away from your son, but I need to be somewhere. Could you watch the herd while I'm gone?" he asked.
     "Yeah. I don't mind," he said spending a few more minutes with Nyx and his son. Rowan gave a nod, and galloped off. This day had marked 1 year since Agatha passed, and it now a day to celebrate a new life. Rowan went to Agatha's favorite spot, a waterfall. "What about Apollo?" he said nuzzling Nyx.
     "It's perfect," she said nuzzling him in return, "Our little Apollo."

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#253770 Posted on 2022-03-02 11:29:39

Star was laying a creek near the den, but she accidently fell asleep in the creek. She was really tired and didn't have much sleep last night. And she had been sleeping there for a while. Later that night, she woke up in the creek "oops, I fell alseeep in the creek" she chuckled and walked back to the herd and the den, but she was shivering a little cause it was a bit windy out.

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#253773 Posted on 2022-03-02 11:59:14

     "It's just as beautiful in winter as it is in summer." he said once he made it to the waterfall. The stallion spent some time alone there until it had gotten dark. He headed back to the herd to find everyone there safe and sound. The stallion walked over to his daughter and Rico, "Any names yet?" he asked nuzzling the three. 
     Nyx looked at Rico before answering her father's question, "Apollo." she said smiling.

     Nyx had walked back into the cave as it started to get dark out, "Come on son. It's time for bed," she said laying down still exhausted. Apollo cuddled up right next to her, as he fell asleep rather quickly. Nyx smiled watching her son sleep as she fell asleep once again shortly after her father returned.

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#253774 Posted on 2022-03-02 12:04:30

Star was searching for food near the den, she wasn't looking ahead of her and walked right in to Rowan "oh gosh I'm sorry I guess I'm not right mind set today" she sighed. But little did everyone know it also know that its marked the one year her dam had passed away. So she was feeling down a bit. She looked like she was gonna cry, but didn't want anyone to see her crying, so ran in the other direction before anyone could talk to ask what's wrong with her. 

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#253780 Posted on 2022-03-02 13:48:07

     "It's alright Star," he said. The stallion saw the sad look in her eyes, and was going to ask what was wrong, but she ran off. Rowan looked in the opposite direction making sure the herd was alright before chasing off after her. He eventually caught up to her, "Hey ok?" he asked seeing the sadness in her eyes, "What's wrong?" As of right now the mare was in his herd, and he wasn't just going to let her run off. Rowan got the feeling something was bothering her, and he wanted to make sure she was alright before heading back.

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