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...She emerges once more

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...She emerges once more

#236943 Posted on 2021-03-14 18:38:41

Guess who had a moment of guilt and desire to log back on? Muah. 
Good Lordy it’s been awhile.... maybe a year? At least? *shrugs* 

I went on a hiatus when I went to college in 2015, waited too long and my original account was deleted so I made a new one in 2017. Played for awhile and then my life turned to a nightmare for a while and I dropped off the planet. I came back every now and then though until I took another hiatus. 
So what’s happened since then? This girl got her adult pants on and fixed her life up!
I graduated college :D I’m now a registered licensed veterinary technician working at the best clinic!
I’m putting more focus into horse training and turning my already incredible Arabian into more of a unicorn than he already is.
I bought my own car
I got engaged! 

I don’t know how many of the “old” crew still plays these days, I hope some do as I’ve missed you! And to all these new names I’m sure I’ll get to know the new regulars soon.


Also, what’s this pandemic I keep hearing about?? 
<.<      >.>   (Joke question cause man does this suck or what *nervous laughter*)

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#236944 Posted on 2021-03-14 18:41:06

I too got a little guilty and logged in tonight...just gauging how much has changed, and far behind my horses are now lol

Welcome back!

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#236945 Posted on 2021-03-14 18:42:53

Oh my gosh same!! I’m browsing around like ooooo that’s new lol

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#236946 Posted on 2021-03-14 18:52:06

Hi! I joined 3 or so years ago and got a little guilty too. I have been back on for almost a year now though, so welcome back! Oh yes, and congrats on the engagement, car, and job!

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#236947 Posted on 2021-03-14 19:25:16

Welll look at who the cat dragged in! Welcome back! Congratulations on the engagement and the awesome job! Glad to hear your horse is doing well also. 

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#236949 Posted on 2021-03-14 19:53:58

Well I dont think we know each other but hey welcome back 

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#236950 Posted on 2021-03-14 20:20:00

howdy ;D

I played many years ago and recently came back as well ^^

Last edited on 2021-03-14 at 20:24:08 by ᵍ ᵒ ᵃ ᵀ☀

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#236951 Posted on 2021-03-14 20:45:29

Welcome back :)

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#236952 Posted on 2021-03-14 21:47:50

Welcome back and congrats! =) I'm a 2008er here X'D < 3

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#236953 Posted on 2021-03-14 21:55:38

Welcome back!! Think I might remember having seen you around a few years back, but not quite sure. Welcome back regardless, and congrats on all your new life accomplishments!

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#236968 Posted on 2021-03-15 06:49:21

so many familiar names and new ones! 
and so many new things on EV too! Whats new with everyone? 

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#236969 Posted on 2021-03-15 07:30:46

Welcome back!!! ♥ - Congrats on the engagement and graduating! :D Lets see... it seems like life has been so very fast and with this pandemic it makes life more complicated and stressful... :/ I also graduated, I graduated from grade 12, 4 months ago and its hard to believe that I actually did it with having to do my entire grade 12 year online and then somehow I managed to graduate with honours yet! ;D

Last edited on 2021-03-15 at 07:35:51 by Tall Oak

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#236970 Posted on 2021-03-15 08:11:47

Welcome back! Its been interesting to see who the pandemic has brought back and who its caused to leave 

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#236984 Posted on 2021-03-15 12:53:04

Welcome back! I started playing last year because of the pandemic XD Congratulations on all of your awesome accomplishments during your hiatus!

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#237018 Posted on 2021-03-16 00:15:48

Wlecome back. I did similar. I was never one of the big players but have been around since 20010 or so? 
Congratulations on the cool job and the getting engaged. 

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