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"Have Local, Regional and National Arenas available in every discipline!"

Spare Account :: Spare Two

Sab's Real Life Boys








Uther - Gaius




Khaliliana - Saphire




Other Characters

Claire - Marzipan

DC, Lecs,Neo



icon template form StormRyda&BronzeHalo on Devianart


I am an Equiverse Moderator, so I can help you if you have problems, but before shooting me a message PLEASE check out the help section and FAQs located on the right hand side of your menu bar(that big black thing with the white writing). The Game Guides Section of the forums can also be super helpful. In fact I have a few guides there.

If you're having serious issues with a player or a bug I recommend sending in a Help Ticket with all the pertinent information. I'm here is you just need to chat though, or if there's a problem I can help you with after you've searched for yourself a bit.
Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Sales and Studs

See our Forum post For more information.
Any horse in the Studlies division will be up for public stud or general sale. Other Touchstone Horses are available by contract or special only. Contact for details.

Touchstone Designs

Sometimes I do the art thing, it's pretty rare though. I could potentially do the coding thing, but only in about two styles. In either case it would probably be costly, but I could be bribed, I especially like treats.
I have access to many of my old bases so potentially could Throwback Thursday that stuff any time.

My Misspelled Camelot

The My Misspelled Camelot Line is the culmination of multiple Arab lines that all started in 2010. No matter which line they originally came from these guys are all specialized in Endurance.
My Camelot Line was named for people, places, and things from the BBC show Merlin. I started the line when my Real Life Horse AZA Macho Man died in 2010. To help revive the line I started a secondary line with the pedigree of my real life horse Le Fireworks (AKA Opie xD). The Misspelled line was begun when I pulled a few extra horses from the EC to go with Macho and all horses of that line had names that were misspelled in some way.

Shetland Ponies
Ivana's Mix and Match

The ponies were originally named for Ponies from my great Grandfather's farm, where my own two lovely boys came from, as well as random tv show characters. They specialize in Driving.

Ivana's Mixed Bunch

Originally I was going to use all the random disciplined shetlands on the 5dos project on my spare, but since I am rather lazy and acquired too many to keep the nice simple and even lines over there I decided to leave them on this account instead!

Dutch Warmbloods
Dictionary Reference

The line that used to be Swedish Warmbloods. The longest line at Touchstone, they are specialized in Show Jumping and named for random vocab words.

Streets of Starlight

Formerly Olendeburgs, they started with my little castoff, Lucky Coin, who later became one of the top Oldenburgs. The horses are named for variations for famous and random things relating to streets and space, many a noble horse and a scoundrel they vary. They specialize in Dressage.

Trake the Bank

Trakes started after the Recode. Specialized in Dressage their names are all plays on the word take!

Thoroughbreds of Sin
Evil League of Evil

The Thoroughbreds of Sin are named after the Villains in the ELE from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and other television, movie, or book villians. All these guys and girls will be black, like the heart of those in the ELE. They specialize in Racing.

Western Wonders
Bluesmobile & Delorean

Quarter Horses named for movies from the 80s and also plays on Dun. All horses in this line now must have at least one D gene. These kids specialize in western.

Coastal Drifters

Formerly Brumbies these Chincoteague ponies are named for beachy places and things around the world. All of the main line and special ponies will have Sunset beach backgrounds. They specialize in Western.

Dun Been Painted

Paint Horses with Dun genes! They also specialize in Western.

Royal Spots

Appaloosas with old timey names. They also specialize in western.
-discontinued, single horses now available for Stud/Brood each generation.

All About Me

I'm a female player over the big 3-0 from the Western US. I've graduated with a degree in Animal Science and Management and am working in a job that has little to do with animals but at least is in the ag sector. I own one handsome horse (Otis), along with the weirdest weird of a cat (Emrys, aka Warpy).
I've been on EV since I found it from Horseland in November of 2006. I've loved it through every incarnation and hope to be here for a good long while. I have accounts on various other sims under the same name but only actively play on one. My name comes from my favorite of books, Sabriel by Garth Nix.

All About the Stables
Touchstone Stables

Touchstone is the name of Sabriel's husband in the books, but since there are no husbands in the game I adopted it as my stable name. Our home stable is mostly Private, but both spare accounts are open to the public.
Touchstone Arenas currently have International, National, Regional, Local and Novice Arenas of all disciplines available at the lowest respective prices. They are ordered by number into their respective grades. All arenas have over 100 spaces with plans to continue expansion.
Touchstone Stables also boasts a premiere Riding School, offering three types of lessons, Paperwing Private Lessons, Seven Bells Group Lessons, and Trail Rides Across the Wall.
I try to Create shows everyday in the places where it is needed most. I use the names of my Arenas as show names. Holehallow Dressage, Clayrs Glacier Driving, Ratterlin Endurance, Belisaere Racing, Ancelsiterre Show Jumping, and High Bridge Western. I used to use Cloven Crest Conformation for conformation shows before the recode.

Account Information
Member Name Sabriel
Member ID 84
Account Type Deluxe (169 days left)
Joined January 01, 2008
Last Active 2023-03-18 22:51:44
Member Information
Money on Hand $302,270
Money in Bank $49,838,111
Player Level 30
Horses 190 / 400

This member has not progressed their account yet today.

Player Points
Yesterday 5228
This Week 0
This Month 0
All Time 145427063
Show Winnings
Yesterday $14,454
This Week $0
This Month $0
All Time $63,612,835

Member Level
Level 30 Experience 50466382 (100%) EXP Required 3339605 EXP Left -47126777

Sabriel's Horse Divisions
*Studlies 2 horses
Not trained today
Arabians-Misspelled, My Camelot 0 horses
Bluesmobile & Delorean LOCKED 22 horses
Trained today
Coastal Drifters LOCKED 12 horses
Trained today
Dictionary Reference LOCKED 56 horses
Trained today
Dun Been Painted 6 horses
Trained today
Ivana's Mix and Match LOCKED 13 horses
Not trained today
Ivana's Mixed Bunch 1 horses
Trained today
Streets of Starlight & Trake the Bank 2 horses
Trained today
Thoroughbreds of Sin LOCKED 30 horses
Not trained today
zy. Youngstock LOCKED 14 horses
Not trained today
zz.Locked LOCKED 4 horses
Trained today
zz.Retired 0 horses
zzz1. Endurance (19yo Arab) 0 horses
zzz3. Driving (3yo chinco stallys) LOCKED 7 horses
Not trained today
zzz4. Racing (Shetlands 20&1) LOCKED 8 horses
Trained today
zzz5. Show Jumping (3yo Shetlands) LOCKED 1 horses
Trained today
zzz6. Western (19&1 Chincos) LOCKED 12 horses
Trained today

Club Memberships

Cream Horse Society

Equiverse Dressage Federation

Specialists Extraordinaire

Equiverse Performance Association

Friesian Club

Quarter Horse Club

The Kindness Club

Equiverse Driving Association

Show Creation Coalition

Equiverse Thoroughbred Association

Appaloosa Club

The EV Art Club

The Tennessee Walking Federation

Equiverse Quarter Horse Association

Top Conformation Club

Equiverse Color Association

Akhal-Teke Club

Arabian Horse Breeders Association

For the Well Conformed

Trakehner Club

The Coding Club

International Pintaloosa Horse Registry

Save Our Sales

Racing Club

Shetland Pony Club

One Man's Trash

- Clydesdale Society -

Arabian Club

Equiverse Endurance Association

Elite Foundations Club

Palomino Association

Paint Horse Club

Miniature Horse Club

EV Jump! Guild

Equiverse Trainers Association

Grade Horse Society

Endurance Club

Dutch Warmblood Club

Jigsaw's Galore

Contest For the Better

Rare Colors Club

Show Jumping Association

Pintaloosa Association

Equiverse Appaloosa Club

Sabino Horse Society

Perfect Paints

Dutch Royalty

Western Quarter Horse Association

Dutch Warmblood Association

Sport Horse Association

Western Paint Horse Association

Quarter Horse Show Association

The United Racing Thoroughbred Breeders Club

Welsh Pony Registry

The Show Horse Society

Preferred Specialties
Shetland PonyDrivingStats
Dutch WarmbloodShow JumpingStats