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...She emerges once more

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...She emerges once more

#237206 Posted on 2021-03-18 20:04:11

Welcome back! I recently logged back on, been around since 2007ish and started playing again as well. So much has changed both in the game and in real life. It's quite astounding when you sit down and compare.

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#237531 Posted on 2021-03-26 04:57:20

Welcome back! I am in the same boat as most you guys lolz I originally got on here when i was around 12? so ig 2011ish. I'm 19 now about to be 20 (although i feel like im 40 lolz). Life has been so crazy the past few years. I went from being homeless at 16 to being engaged with my own place. def still a struggle during this pandemic but this game helps with the of the main reasons i got back on.

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