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NYC High School

#189495 Posted on 2018-09-17 13:33:08

 He noticed the note being passed around well before it reached him - a skill he'd learned back in the day. He peered at Em with a quizzical expression, tilting his head slightly, before taking the note from the kid closest to him. He opened it up and read it quickly before flipping it over. He grabbed a pencil off the ground and started writing a response on the blank side. "Note passing? You don't seem like the type to do that. But, in response to your question, no. And yes, it is connected. 1786." He handed it back to the kid, who started the chain of getting it back to Em.

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#189501 Posted on 2018-09-17 13:49:11

The note reappeared in front of her and she skimmed the reply. The guy next to her wordlessly passed another piece of paper. She refolded the first note and tucked it into the cover of her history book. "I try not to make a habit of it, but I do it when whispering is not realistic and I need to say something." She paused to open her history book to the correct page that the teacher instructed before returning to the new paper. "Do you have a strong aura or whatever that attracts more monsters? I can't go to the camp myself, but my brother does. He's nine and not very good at defending himself." The kid next to her - Sam if she was remembering correctly - started the note on its journey to the back of the class.

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#189502 Posted on 2018-09-17 13:58:37

 Once the new note got to him, he started another response, flipping the book open to a random page with his other hand. "How do you think I managed to stay alive this long? No, I don't. Though I'm not really a demiGOD, so that kind of explains it. I've got my own parent-specific issues to deal with, though. Doesn't mean my life is easy." He handed it to the guy close to him, who glanced at him with a joking smile before beginning to open the note. "Do it and I'll deck you, punk," Mason growled quietly, giving the kid - who at that point had lost his smile - a hard glare. The boy nodded, quickly shoving the paper into his friend's hand.

Last edited on 2018-09-17 at 14:00:15 by Raptor

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#189503 Posted on 2018-09-17 14:06:35

Sam handed it to her and she said a quiet thanks to him. She read it and breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She just had to ask Kahlen and Auberon about theirs. The elementary was across the street, which meant Em was always concerned when demigods showed up at either school. Young kids at the elementary were more concerning than at the high school, but if it was someone with a really big pull then Louis was in danger. She put that note into the cover of her history book as well and turned her focus onto the teacher.

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#189515 Posted on 2018-09-17 15:22:03

 He listened to what the teacher was saying (shocking, isn't it?) as he finally turned the book to the correct page.

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#189520 Posted on 2018-09-17 15:31:37

The teacher started talking about England during the years building up to the colonization of North America. Em half payed attention, reading the page in the book that talked about the same thing. She tried to avoid reading ahead in class because then she had to sit through the same stuff later, but sometimes she couldn't help it. 

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#189528 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:19:27

Auberon darted out of the way, barely missing the empousa. He cursed under his breath and glanced at Kahlen, then returned his gaze to the monster.

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#189530 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:22:05

Kahlen glanced down the hall past the empousa and cursed in ancient Greek. There was another one leaving a classroom not far from where they were. "Back downstairs!" She said, darting for the nearest staircase.

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#189531 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:23:04

Auberon nodded and darted after her.

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#189532 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:26:01

Downstairs had been a bad idea. Another emerged from a hall not far from the stairs, and there were already two after them. "Found the third one!" Glass shattered not far from where Kahlen was standing and she flinched.

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#189537 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:31:10

Auberon spotted one of the monsters, playing a small game of omigosh im so scared before managing to kill it with one throw of Chicken Slayer. 

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#189539 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:34:14

One down, three to go. Kahlen ran past the office into the cafeteria, dodging a chair that was thrown in her direction and pausing to fire an arrow at the offending monster.

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#189542 Posted on 2018-09-17 16:36:54

Auberon followed Kahlen again, turning himself into Loco and bounding after her before stopping beside her and glaring at another coming monster.

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#189548 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:03:23

 Mason had always enjoyed learning about the colonization of America, mostly because he hadn't been there. I just hope none of this ends up conjuring up some unwanted memories.

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#189551 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:06:32

Kahlen glanced down and almost had a heart attack. "I forgot that was a thing. We're going back upstairs."

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