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NYC High School

#189580 Posted on 2018-09-17 18:53:58

Auberon glared at Em. "Thatnks for stating the obvious," he snapped, a little harsher than intended.

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#189581 Posted on 2018-09-17 18:57:59

She shrugged. "Sorry. I'm used to helping my brother out." Em smiled at him, a genuine one unlike the one she had sent the empousa. She glanced at Kahlen. "Oh, I forgot to ask earlier. How strong of a draw do you guys have to monsters?"

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#189582 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:11:49

Auberons' expression turned to a lightly confused one. He cleared his throat and turned back into Loco to retrieve his dagger.

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#189583 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:23:04

"I can't say anything about my own aura, but Auberon's is pretty strong." And I'm probably especially attuned to it.

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#189584 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:25:06

She sighed and nodded. "Thanks. See  you guys later." She headed for the bathroom closest the history classroom and went inside.

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#189585 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:25:30

Loco pricked his ears and turned his head towards Kahlen, wagging his tail slightly.

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#189586 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:38:06

"That was fun," Kahlen muttered, giving him a pat on the head and fastening the locket chain around her neck. It didn't get caught in her hair this time.

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#189587 Posted on 2018-09-17 19:56:25

Loco turned back into Auberon, fastening his dagger in its sheath and sighing. "I'm gonna be a terrible boyfriend and let you walk to class on your own. I have to go to my locker anyway," he mumbled.

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#189610 Posted on 2018-09-18 12:49:05

 He'd just gotten around to thinking, 'huh, she's been gone for a while', as the intercom crackled to life. An emergency? I wonder if that has anything to do with Kahlen and Auberon or if it's... an actual human threat.

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#189612 Posted on 2018-09-18 13:12:10

She was sitting in a stall waiting for the all-clear when a teacher poked her head in. "Are there any students in here?" Both Em and another girl came out of separate stalls. "It's all clear now, you're free to go back to class." Em nodded, the other girl muttered something under her breath, and the two exited the bathroom. The teacher was already moving down the hallway. Em went to her history room and tried to open the door, but it was locked. She knocked, and the teacher came and unlocked it, letting her in. Em went to her seat and sat down. 

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#189624 Posted on 2018-09-18 15:28:06

Kahlen shrugged. "I'll be okay. See you later," she said as she headed over to her classroom, where she was the TA for French. 
"I got locked out," Kahlen explained when she was let in. The teacher shrugged and continued with class. Kahlen took her seat in the back and started going through student names when she realized that she was bleeding. It's not bad. I'm fine. Just a scratch. Kahlen dismissed it and kept reading.

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#189646 Posted on 2018-09-18 17:34:42

Auberon nodded and headed back towards the lockers, reaching his and opening it, grumbling the entire time.

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#189677 Posted on 2018-09-19 11:20:01

 He raised an eyebrow at Em once she was seated, giving her an inquiring look. What was that about, kid?, he wanted to ask, and almost did, but decided to respect the teacher for once.

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#189682 Posted on 2018-09-19 11:52:54

Sam elbowed her and she glanced over. He leaned down so as not to speak loud enough to get the teacher's attention. "Did you see anything? We heard there was an emergency." Em shook her head. "No - me and some other girl locked ourselves in the stalls and waited until a teacher came and gave us an all clear." Sam sighed, disappointed not to hear a good story, and straightened. Em bit her lip to stop the smile that would probably induce more questions. She was tempted to tell him just to see his reaction, but she managed not to. She glanced back at Mason in time to catch his questioning glance and turned to Sam asking for paper again. She still had his pen, which she did not intend on giving back unless he asked because it was a really nice pen. "Empousa," she wrote simply, folding it, writing Mason's name, and handing it to Sam, who knew the drill and sent it back.

Last edited on 2018-09-19 at 12:12:59 by Oswin

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#189757 Posted on 2018-09-21 12:39:53

 Empousa, he repeated in his mind. Good. Could've been worse. He looked up and Em and sent her a subtle nod, showing that he'd gotten her message without actually having to write out a response.

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