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NYC High School

#189553 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:11:55

She had glanced out the little window in the door just in time to see Kahlen and Auberon go sprinting fast, followed by girls who Em could tell were monsters. Her hand went into the air and the teacher looked up, a slightly irritated look crossing his face. "Yes?" She felt bad for earlier, but the predicament out there couldn't be ignored. "I need to use the bathroom." He sighed and nodded, and she hurried to the door.

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#189556 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:26:12

Loco wagged his tail to show he understood, then bounded back up in the direction of upstairs.

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#189558 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:28:49

She ran down the hall in the direction she had seen Kahlen and Auberon go. Arriving outside the cafeteria, she found Kahlen and the monsters. Em stooped, messing with something down by her ankle. When she stood, she had a small celestial bronze dagger in her palm.ย 

Last edited on 2018-09-17 at 17:32:41 by Oswin

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#189559 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:29:05

"And there's the third one. Come on." Kahlen's senses told her that Em was in the hall and she was right in the path of the third empousa, who had been lagging behind. "Duck!" she called, sending her now sword flying toward the two. Good job, Kahlen. Your first thought is to chuck your only weapon five feet away.

Last edited on 2018-09-17 at 17:30:03 by โ™ช Bandit โ™ช

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#189560 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:30:56

Loco halted abruptly, flattening his ears to his head and baring his teeth at the monster.

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#189562 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:34:03

She did so immediately, standing afterward. "I just have this dagger. Any way I can help?"ย 

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#189564 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:38:21

Her sword took out one of the monsters, clattering to the floor and returning to locket form.ย  Kahlen moved quickly to pick it up, sword back in hand. "First and most importantly, please don't die. Quest repeats is not what I want at the moment." Another chair was hurled at them, and it sailed over Kahlen's head as she ducked. "We need to get them outside and away from everyone else."

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#189565 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:40:10

"I'm not a major target, being mortal. And let's avoid the elementary school, please. My brother's there and I'd rather not put him in danger."

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#189567 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:43:10

Loco rushed randomly about, managing to pick Chicken Slayer back up. He turned back to human form and threw it at another monster.

Last edited on 2018-09-17 at 17:43:34 by Rainy Days Stable

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#189568 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:44:14

"There are a lot of them there. Who's his parent?" A chair shattered another window. "Stop breaking windows, would you?" Kahlen muttered in French.

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#189570 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:46:20

She glanced at Auberon and blinked before shrugging it off. "Hermes. A lot of what there?" A stab of panic slammed into her gut at the realization he could be in danger. Her normal associate in the elementary school was elsewhere today.ย 

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#189572 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:50:48

"Demigods. Found him. He's in what I assume is his classroom, and there isn't any monsters around."

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#189575 Posted on 2018-09-17 17:55:40

She forced herself to take a deep breath. "Okay, thanks. I worry about him." Em smiled at an empousa who had chosen to throw a tray at her. "Wrong move, sweetie." With a flick of her wrist the dagger went spinning through the air, landing in its target. Em stooped to unfasten her spare from her other ankle.

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#189578 Posted on 2018-09-17 18:39:27

That was the last one. "There isn't any more coming as of right now, but it seems we've caused quite the emergency. Someone over the intercom was telling teachers to lock their doors in case of emergency.

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#189579 Posted on 2018-09-17 18:47:08

There was never anyone more thankful than she that monsters turned to dust. Otherwise all three of them would be convicted of murder. Em jogged over and scooped up her dagger, wiping it on a napkin that she then discarded. She bent and quickly fastened both to her legs and pulled her jeans back over them. "I'd hide your weapons before the staff arrive. And maybe we should get away from here before we're caught, otherwise we might be facing some detention time."ย 

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