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T.A.A.S Agency RP

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T.A.A.S Agency RP

#189963 Posted on 2018-09-26 17:04:12

Mari stood in the driveway for longer than she probably should have, and she was shivering by the time she went inside and pulled on another sweater. The sound of her bare feet on the hard floor only accentuated its emptiness. "I've got time before school," Mari said to herself in an attempt to alleviate the depressive silence. "Let's- I'll drive for a bit." Get out of this empty house, she finished in her head.

Last edited on 2018-09-26 at 18:02:50 by β™ͺ Bandit β™ͺ

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#189964 Posted on 2018-09-26 17:16:05

The door creaked loudly as his hand pressed against the wood after he had already twisted the key to unlock it. He never oiled the hinges, and not because he couldn't afford to (though he probably couldn't). It was, in fact, because the loud noise would alert him if an intruder tried to get in. Quinn glanced around the small house critically. Home. Or so it should have been. While it was the closest thing he had to one, and was in fact his own house, Quinn had never felt any warmth toward the structure. In no way was it "home" to him in the emotional sense of the word. He shrugged out of his cloak and hung it on a hook before stepping over the noisy floorboard. In the hall he passed two doors, one a bedroom and the other a tiny bathroom. Here was a small room with a table with two chairs, a couch, and a side table by the couch's left side. On the side table was his laptop for school. The small kitchenette was through the opening at the other end of the room. Quinn flopped onto the couch and scooped up the computer, flipping it open and pressing the power button. He couldn't be too long here; he had a meeting that morning.

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#189974 Posted on 2018-09-26 18:07:25

Shane reached the park, stopping only momentarily to think about his life. Teddy scuttles slightly in his backpack, which made Shane smile.

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#189983 Posted on 2018-09-26 18:31:41

Mari slipped her sneakers on, snagged a hoodie from the now-bare coat rack, and walked out to the car, wishing Lassie was there to run around her legs and bark like she did back home. After a bit of driving around, she stopped at a drive through, ordering some pumpkin spice muffins and a hot chocolate. The boy at the window frowned as he noticed her hoodie over multiple sweaters, but rang her up with a shrug.

Last edited on 2018-09-26 at 18:38:08 by β™ͺ Bandit β™ͺ

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#189985 Posted on 2018-09-26 18:41:22

Shane walked about and finally came to a bench, sitting down and taking Teddy out of the backpack. He cuddle the cat in his arms tenderly.

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#190030 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:01:52

Β Rea got out of bed and quickly got dressed in his usual attire. He walked over to a wooden desk, piled with papers and other random belongings, and carefully dug up a bottle of pills from under an old jacket. He popped a couple in his mouth and swallowed then, burying the bottle back under the jacket before exiting the room.

Last edited on 2018-09-27 at 15:02:48 by Raptor

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#190035 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:06:55

He checked a few announcements and started on an assignment before he had to leave. Snapping the laptop shut, he stood to his feet and went to the door. His cloak was on his back again with a satisfying whoosh (Rosie made fun of him sometimes, saying he only wore the attire he did for dramatic purposes), the familiar weight in the pockets comforting. Quinn left the house and hurried through the streets. He finally stood outside of a pawn shop. It wasn't open yet, but he picked the lock and entered anyway. "Hi," Quinn said simply to the astonished worker preparing the shop for the day. "I need to see the boss." He nodded hastily and practically ran to the back - stumbling over himself - where Quinn knew the owner's office was. "He'll see you." Quinn nodded and swept past the kid, entering the cozy little room. "You need better security," Quinn commented, leaning on the door frame.Β 

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#190036 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:09:25

Mari drove around aimlessly for a bit before deciding to stop and eat breakfast at the park. She shivered as she got out of the car - why was Alaska so cold at 6:45 in the morning? - and sipped on her hot chocolate while she found a place to sit.

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#190038 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:11:20

Shane rubbed the cat's ears softly, hearing the small vibrations of Teddy's purr.

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#190042 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:20:40

Jeff sighed and waved his arm as an invitation for Quinn to sit down. "You need to stop scaring my employees. Have a seat." Quinn shook his head. "I'd rather stand, but thanks. I'll stop once you get better security. Someday a criminal is going to break in." Jeff smirked. "I think that just happened." Quinn shrugged, digging into his cloak's pockets. "Haven't gotten caught, so technically I'm not a criminal." He took a step forward, hand extended and clutched around something nestled in his palm. Jeff held out a hand and Quinn let the item drop. It threw rays of light as it spun through the air, landing softly in Jeff's hand. His eyes widened and the man stammered, "Is this genuine?" "Of course it is," Quinn snapped. "I've never given you anything that wasn't, have I?" "No..." Jeff was studying the precious stone. "How much?" Jeff finally asked. Quinn rattled off a figure, and was surprised when Jeff nodded immediately. He had expected to settle for quite a bit less. Of course, he didn't show his surprise, instead waiting patiently as Jeff headed for the safe to retrieve the money.

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#190063 Posted on 2018-09-27 17:26:15

Mari decided to sit under a tree, after much debate. The ground was cold, and a little wet, but it was better than the benches.

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#190064 Posted on 2018-09-27 17:28:11

Shane glanced up, spotting a familiar girl sitting under a nearby tree. He stared at her for a moment, debating whether he should say hi or not.

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#190065 Posted on 2018-09-27 17:37:02

He had other things to sell, but that was the only item he had for Jeff. Jeff's shop was known for quality stones and precious metals, and he knew what things were worth. One pocket in Quinn's cloak bulged slightly, brushing against his shirt, filled with the newly acquiredΒ cash. Outwardly the cloak was just as streamlined, the pockets pushing inward when full rather than outward. A design element he had always been thankful for. The money wouldn't last long, though. Not with Rosie's treatments. Quinn jogged to the secondhand store run by a kind lady named Wilma. He knocked on the back door and it opened, her smiling, wrinkled face greeting him. Quinn offered the slightest of smiles in return, ducking into the back rooms of the shop. From his pockets he pulled a few trinkets. All were relatively valuable, either by material or rarity of the product. Quinn could usually tell when something held emotional value to a person, and it was those things that he never took. Wilma looked over the items and went to fetch some money. Quinn always let her choose a price. She was kind enough just for buying from him, never asking where he got the stuff, though he was sure she knew. But she also knew about Rosie, having seen a picture after it fell out of one of his pockets. Quinn took her payment and handed the stuff over, thanking her and leaving. At the bank he deposited the cash. Having completed those tasks, Quinn now had some time to spend. He would buy Rosie some flowers before he headed to the hospital later, but not yet. He frowned thoughtfully, wandering down the street with no destination in mind.

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#190067 Posted on 2018-09-27 18:29:35

"Why is it so cold here?" Mari muttered as she nibbled at her breakfast, trying not to think that her family was half a country away and that she'd be by herself for who knows how long.

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#190069 Posted on 2018-09-27 18:35:12

Shane let Teddy from his grasp, knowing the cat wouldn't go far. It scuttled away, still very close to him, but very open to other people.

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