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T.A.A.S Agency RP

#190076 Posted on 2018-09-27 19:58:22

Mari noticed a cat not far away from her and studied it for a moment. Beautiful cat. I wonder who's it is?

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#190078 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:00:57

Shane watched Teddy as he pounced on a few dead, orange leaves. Shane smiled, getting up and going over to the cat and picking it up again.

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#190080 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:02:23

He found himself outside the park. With a shrug, he walked inside. It was surprising the amount of valuables people left behind here. But he wasn't here to look for loot or even lift things off people. Quinn honestly just needed a mental break. He'd be lying if he said his lifestyle didn't bother him somewhat. But he'd also be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it. It was thrilling. Quinn shoved the thoughts away and wandered forward.

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#190081 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:03:54

Mari almost choked on her sip of hot chocolate when she realized who owned the cat. "Shane?" She did not expect him to be here.

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#190083 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:09:06

Shane looked up at Mari, eyeing her quietly before nodding. "Hi," he mumbled, walking a bit closer to her.

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#190085 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:17:13

He found an empty bench and settled on it after wiping it clear of any debris and lingering dampness. A sigh bubbled from his throat and left his mouth as he stared at the leaves dancing in the breeze.

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#190086 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:17:45

"Nice morning for a stroll, I suppose, if you like freezing temperatures," Mari replied half to herself.

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#190087 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:19:30

Shane nodded slowly, studying Mari before sitting down next to her. "Is there anything... wrong?" he mumbled quietly, placing Teddy on his lap and rubbing his ears again.

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#190088 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:21:38

"Not much," Mari said, mustering her usual cheerfulness. "Missing Kansas's weather, but other than that..." she shrugged as she trailed off.

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#190089 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:23:04

"Yeah... the weather sucks here," he said, his normal quiet tone proving to not falter.

Last edited on 2018-09-27 at 20:23:20 by Rainy Days Stable

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#190092 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:31:57

A little girl stepped off a merry-go-round and ran after her parents, who had called her so they could leave. Quinn stood and silently crossed over to the small playground set, stooping and picking up a worn teddy bear. Moments later he caught up to the family. The parents saw him first, saw the bear, and knew he meant no harm. Quinn tapped the girl on the shoulder and she turned. "I think you forgot this," Quinn said with uncharacteristic kindness, smiling gently. The girl's face lit up and she took back her toy. The family moved on, her chattering voice drifting back to him. Quinn watched a moment, a stab of longing taking him by surprise. The girl's long hair was the shade Rosie's had once been. He turned, emotions bridled once more, and returned to the bench.

Last edited on 2018-09-27 at 20:35:51 by Oswin

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#190093 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:32:10

"So... how's it going for you?"

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#190095 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:34:14

Shane thought about the question for a moment. "Normal, I suppose," he mumbled. "You?"

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#190098 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:39:11

"A few thousand miles away from normal," Mari replied with another small shrug. "But I've survived this far, so that's something."

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#190100 Posted on 2018-09-27 20:40:54

"Hmm," Shane hummed, watching Teddy as he jumped out of Shane's lap and played in the leaves again.

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