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T.A.A.S Agency RP

#187045 Posted on 2018-08-27 13:16:29

ย "Oh. That sucks. I forge hall passes, like, all the time. Used to do it more often back in my old school, because there, none of the staff really cared enough to turn me in even if I did get caught, but the people at my current school care a little more."

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#187066 Posted on 2018-08-27 14:23:26

Mari reached the note and studied it. We should be okay to take it. "Do you remember the way back or should I go first again?"

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#187069 Posted on 2018-08-27 14:40:09

ย "I remember."
ย He began picking his way back through the maze of sorts, stepping around a pit and over a few tripwires, dodging or ducking under the bullets when necessary.

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#187070 Posted on 2018-08-27 14:41:34

Mari followed close behind, note in hand. "That wasn't too hard."

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#187076 Posted on 2018-08-27 14:56:52

ย "Nope," he agreed, emerging at the starting place once again.

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#187098 Posted on 2018-08-27 16:10:00

Mari handed the note to Rodger. "What next?"

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#187100 Posted on 2018-08-27 16:13:29

Rodger took the note. "You guys can go back," he mumbled.

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#187101 Posted on 2018-08-27 16:15:08

Mari nodded and went back to the room, as restless as ever.

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#187105 Posted on 2018-08-27 16:24:44

He looked up from the floor when the two returned. He was a little tired of this place - and actually tired, to boot - and ready to go see Rosie. He wasn't sure what he wanted to get as a surprise but he knew that her reaction would be worth it.

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#187239 Posted on 2018-08-28 13:28:58

ย He trailed behind Mari distractedly, taking his phone out of his pocket and scrolling through his music playlist absentmindedly, his finger coming to rest on a song that he'd taught his younger half-brother how to play on the keyboard during one of the few occasions that they'd been able to hang out together. Sometimes I can't help but wonder if- No, Rea, stop it.

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#187293 Posted on 2018-08-28 20:52:06

Shane watched the two come back, eyeing Mari momentarily then glancing over at Reagan. He looked back down quietly and mumbled something in French.ย 

Rodger came in, once again examining papers. "Okay you kids can go home."

Last edited on 2018-08-28 at 21:00:16 by Rainy McFluffies

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#187294 Posted on 2018-08-28 21:04:09

"Finally," Quinn muttered. He brushed past Rodger and slipped out the door, quickly navigating the building and exiting. Where to first? The store, and then to get food. And then to Rosie. Quinn used alleyways and shortcuts he knew well and arrived at a shop in no time. He pushed the door open and entered a world of toys. It didn't take him too long to find a soft plush of a unicorn. He paid the cashier and left, heading for the ready-made pizza place nearby.

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#187295 Posted on 2018-08-28 21:04:35

Mari nodded and started downstairs, excited to go see her family. They would only be in Alaska for a few more days and then they would be on their way to Kansas.

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#187296 Posted on 2018-08-28 21:10:17

Shane sat there for a minute, mentally denying he had to go back. Last thing he wanted to do was go back to his school- getting beat up by a bunch of kids wasn't necessarily the definition of fun. He got up reluctantly and started down the stairs.

Last edited on 2018-08-28 at 21:10:42 by Rainy McFluffies

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#187297 Posted on 2018-08-28 21:21:52

With a hot pizza balanced in one arm and a stuffed unicorn hidden behind his back, Quinn opened the room door carefully. He peeked inside. Rosie looked up and her face split open with a grin. "Quinn!" She was awake. Quinn smiled and stepped in, closing the door behind him. "Hey, kiddo. You ready for some pizza?" "Yeah! How'd you get it past the nurses?" "I guess I just have skills," Quinn said with a small amirk, setting the box down on a table. "Before we eat some pizza, I have something i need to tell you." Rosie's grin faded at the serious look on his face. Quinn brought the unicorn out from behind his back and handed it to her. "Don't do that!" Rosie squealed, throwing Quinn a pouting face that was soon broken by a pleased smile at his gift. "Youre the best brother ever, Quinn." "I guess thats good, because I'm the only one you've got. Now let's eat, shall we?"ย 

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