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T.A.A.S Agency RP

#186265 Posted on 2018-08-23 23:11:11

Shane took out his phone when it started vibrating, silently hoping it was Harper. Unfortunately, like all the calls that came through, it was a private number. He sighed and answered it, greeting the caller in French. He knew there was a 99.9% chance they would hang up if someone French picked up, and once again, it worked.

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#186315 Posted on 2018-08-24 13:43:46

 "I always forge my way out of having to go to gym class, so I'm no good at stuff like this. You lead the way."

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#186317 Posted on 2018-08-24 13:47:40

Marina didn't answer, surveying the obstacles. "Okay. Just... follow me?" She stepped through the first obstacle, then continued, stopping just short of a tripwire. "Tripwire here. Don't step on that tile to my left."

Last edited on 2018-08-24 at 13:50:14 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#186346 Posted on 2018-08-24 17:34:00

Julio somehow found himself in the back of a prison van, his leg chained to the wall. Looking at the driver, he asked quietly "Where are we going?" The driver apparently didn't hear him or decided to ignore him. Putting his head on his knees, he thought "All I did was hack into the school main frame... And this is what I get." The van stopped, and the door swung open.

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#186355 Posted on 2018-08-24 19:36:49

She held back a sigh. Nowadays she almost dreaded going ‘home’. The rooms lay empty save for her’s, dust coated all things. Mirrors hung cracked on shadowy walls that had taken on the colour of the shadows that coated them. The halls hadn’t rung with any laughter for over 5 years. Even mice didn’t like to live there. The only good clean livable buildings on the 10,000 Acres she owned was the large stables.

Last edited on 2021-01-06 at 00:36:29 by Midnight Outlaw

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#186469 Posted on 2018-08-25 06:43:09

 Rea nodded, following her closely. "You seem like you have experience with stuff like this."

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#186480 Posted on 2018-08-25 08:42:33

"Six brothers and three sisters. You learn pretty fast," Mari said, narrowly dodging a bullet. "Hmmm... ah. We'll go under." Mari crawled under the path of the bullet, coming up on the other side.

Last edited on 2018-08-25 at 08:43:22 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#186808 Posted on 2018-08-26 06:41:08

 He winced as another bullet whizzed past above them. "I wouldn't know. I only have one sibling, and I've never lived with him."

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#186811 Posted on 2018-08-26 07:27:55

Mari nodded. "Only step where I step," she said, surveying the floor. "Where are you from?"

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#186857 Posted on 2018-08-26 11:21:25

 "Virginia. That's where my whole family's from, basically."

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#186916 Posted on 2018-08-26 13:30:34

Mari nodded thoughtfully. "Are many people able to notice the differences between what you forge and the original person's writing?" I hope I'm not the only one.

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#186935 Posted on 2018-08-26 15:10:56

 "Not many, no. Let's just say that I've pulled off legal documents before," he replied, choosing his words carefully.

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#186936 Posted on 2018-08-26 15:22:16

"Hm," she said in reply, ducking under the bullets again. "I'm not sure what I'm best at, but I have a photographic memory- anything I see I can recall exactly, and I'm pretty good at memorizing in general."

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#186938 Posted on 2018-08-26 15:32:20

 "That'd be super handy for forging," Reagan commented, dodging the bullet with more skill than the previous times.

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#186941 Posted on 2018-08-26 15:38:40

"Yeah... I've been accused of cheating at school multiple times- I had to prove that I had a photographic memory with tests and other quizzes every time I switch schools or grades. It gets pretty annoying."

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