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#187256 Posted on 2018-08-28 14:45:07

Chewing happily on a carrot, Nyla crawled back into the "secret cave." Jonah was still flipping blissfully through his space book. He had probably not even really noticed her absence. I wish there was a way to show him the stars. Real ones. But I don't have time for that. I can try and start paving a way toward that outcome, but I'll probably be gone before he sees them. But maybe someday he will.

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#187395 Posted on 2018-08-29 16:34:29

John smiled weakly, putting a gentle hand on Mason's shoulder. "I know." His tone showed that he remembered more than expected; He remembered Thomas, remembered himself before. "But she'll be alright, wherever she's going."

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#187542 Posted on 2018-08-30 13:36:03

Jackie check the clock. 9:00. One hour left. she grabbed her shawl and headed out. It would take a while to get to the meeting spot, but that was fine. Jackie always did enjoy a nighttime walk.

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#187585 Posted on 2018-08-30 15:05:11

 His initial reaction would've normally been to step out of John's reach, but, for an unknown reason, he didn't, allowing the other male to keep his hand on his shoulder. "'Alright' is a relative term," Mason commented.

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#187587 Posted on 2018-08-30 15:08:17

She listened to Jonah talk about all the cool pictures he'd seen so far in his book. "What happened to the stars?" he asked, staring at the starry night sky photograph on page thirteen. "I don't know," Nyla replied after a pause. 

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#190027 Posted on 2018-09-27 14:29:10

Skye slipped into an alleyway, dodging the path of the next patrolman. If they haven't gotten the memo that I'm no longer a wanted fugitive, this could be difficult. 
Desiree collected her things and clocked out of the security office, exchanging a few words with the person scheduled to take over the next shift. 

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#190028 Posted on 2018-09-27 14:46:37

She and Jonah read in comfortable silence for a while, sometimes being broken by a small gasp or excited string of words when Jonah saw a stunning starry photo. Nyla finally closed her book and crawled out of the room, straightening in the closet. Socked feet barely made a sound on the floor as she walked to the family room, where Jonah's mother was waiting. Jack shook his head from where he sat reading a book, mumbling something about marrying out of his league. Jill rolled her eyes and turned to Nyla. "Ready to go?" Nyla nodded, a little excited. The two left the house together.

A little alarm beeped quietly, telling him to head out for his next shift. He stood from his chair and stretched. Ash made sure to prime the security system and then locked the door as he headed outside. Where was his next shift at? Ash pulled out a little rectangle and tapped it twice, opening a small holographic display. A little red dot ran in a loop around the same sector of the city, leaving a glowing line behind it. Ash nodded, tapped the unit once to turn it off, and started off for the area.

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#190029 Posted on 2018-09-27 14:59:24

Skye waited until the man had passed and then continued, weaving her way through back streets and alleys and between businesses.

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#190031 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:02:41

He was almost to his sector, with a few minutes to spare still, when something caught his eye in his peripheral vision. Ash turned slightly, searching the shadows between one building and the next. He ducked into them and, quietly and quickly due to his long legs, moved forward. Finally having caught up to the person he was following, he started to reach for their shoulder but drew his hand back. If it's not them - and, honestly, even if it is -that would be embarrassing. "Skye?" 

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#190033 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:05:41

Skye froze for a millisecond before debating whether to- it's Ash, you idiot. You're fine. She turned to face him. "Um, hi," she replied, unsure how to explain what she was doing this time, if she even did that at all.

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#190037 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:09:47

"You don't have the entire law enforcement chasing you down anymore. There's no need to slip around like a fugitive." He glanced at his transmitter, the volume still low from his time at home. Ash looked back up at her and raised a brow. "Unless, of course, you somehow already got yourself into trouble again."

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#190039 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:12:00

Skye opened her mouth, then changed what she was going to say. "You never know," she replied, a smile tugging at her lips.

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#190040 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:14:19

"I'll assume you haven't, since you didn't run away immediately. Anyway, I'm about to go on shift, so try not to do anything illegal. I'd hate to have to drag you back in." 

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#190041 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:18:48

"Right. Have fun, then." Don't do anything illegal, he says. Stay of trouble, he says. And that is exactly what I'm not going to do. What an exemplary citizen.

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#190044 Posted on 2018-09-27 15:22:55

He bit back his retort, instead choosing to say something else. "Where are you going, if you don't mind my asking?"

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