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A little confused? [issue w/ auto-show?]

#168679 Posted on 2018-04-26 07:47:29


I don’t have any pre-recode horses unlocked at the moment that have competed recently. I will in the next few weeks, but right now I’m waiting so my herd can be around the same age when I unlock everyone.

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#168680 Posted on 2018-04-26 07:51:11

@ Royal Storm : she is old enough that she would have competed before this issue started for me. 

@ CNS: totally understand that

@ anyone else: Do any of you have pre-recode lined horses or pre-recode + post recode horses that turned three and competed since Monday morning @ ~ 6:00 EV time? or have you seen a sudden drop in the competitiveness of other pre-recode horses (or mixes) since Monday?
for the record I don't think this is an issue of pre-recode vs. post recode horses, I'd just like to see if there is something there that I'm missing. 

Last edited on 2018-04-26 at 08:01:05 by insomniaglet

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#168689 Posted on 2018-04-26 08:38:52

Black Soul had a poor showing right out of the gate, but he's still been being beat by some of the same horses and I didn't track his stats so no real idea what's that different Also he somehow only has 4 R5 shows  in his records so I dunno what happened, it's possible I slid him in some riding school maybe? Actually looking at the date I don't think this was after Sunday, but I'm ten shades of messed up right now.
Grettir is a second gen that just aged up today and was entered in Highest Entries for his bracket.
I've got a few others aging up in the next 2-4 days, including a huge contingent of Western QHs that I'll probably enter on Random instead of my usual Highest Entries to keep them spaced out. if I remember by the time they age up I'll record their stats also.

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#168692 Posted on 2018-04-26 09:02:26

@ Sab: most likely Black Soul place 11th-15th on those "missing" shows as the game only records placings 1-10 even if 15 horses compete. (Abbey mentioned this somewhere I'll see if I can find it) 

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#168694 Posted on 2018-04-26 09:07:52

butting in, I'm having major problems too.

Usually my show winnings are 50-100k, now I'm making not even 20k.

this horse who consistently places 1st-3rd no matter what his stats are at, is not placing at all/placing very low. 

I have no idea what's going on, but I think I'll just be showing my foundies in the meantime. All of those seem to be okay, but my poor show horses are flopping HARD 

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#168847 Posted on 2018-04-27 06:08:53

I have no clue what's happening but I'm seeing a similar pattern. Consistent horses are flopping and I'm hemorrhaging money on show fees. I'm not even making half of my show fees back in winnings. 

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#168848 Posted on 2018-04-27 06:13:06

@ Bellzabuls what is your showing method?

i.e. do you auto-show? show by hand? do you show all horses or only some? if you only show some which ones do you show?

Depending on your showing method there may be a way to help you loose less money (I don't have a cure for poorly showing horses; but maybe there is a way to help you loose less when you do show)  

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#168877 Posted on 2018-04-27 10:45:29

This guy aged up to 3 two days ago as R3 and then R5 after discipline stat gain, he won every one of his shows (and stat points so he was competing against other horses) although I have had some not do as good as I might expect but for the most part they do very well, that boy did exceptionally wel

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#169196 Posted on 2018-05-01 17:47:33

is this still going on? i don't want to show until I'm sure I'll actually make more than I'm spending xd 

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#169198 Posted on 2018-05-01 17:57:45

I'm still having issues. 
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other horses too, but these are the ones I remember specifically.

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#169204 Posted on 2018-05-01 18:36:48

dang :( I truly hope this is just a bug and not the new showing system. I cannot for the life of me figure out what makes a horse a winner, and I'm also out a lot of money trying to see who actually does well D: 

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#169205 Posted on 2018-05-01 18:39:04

^I agree. If it is the new showing system; I'd just love to know how it works so I can breed for good competitors. 

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#169209 Posted on 2018-05-01 20:50:42

Im sorry. Newer player here. Wasn't doing well before new show system. Doing really well now. Most horses I buy off rc. I train everyday. Best tack. My horses are doing great. Really happy with it. I don't understand all the  pre code/post code stuff but i am doing ok. Wish others were too.

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#169215 Posted on 2018-05-01 23:36:13

Before, you could expect to do well with a horse having low non discipline stats. I had a consistent string of 100+ that would place no lower than 3rd any show they were put in. 

Buuut now those same horses aren't placing, and being beat out by horses w/ higher non discipline stats, as well as 1/5 tack. 

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#169222 Posted on 2018-05-02 04:23:08

The worrisome thing to me is that even my horses with foundation level non-spec aren't competing very well. If the tweak was supposed to take into account a certain level of non-spec stats I assumed (dangerous I know) that it would take into consideration of max of 55-65 non-spec stats, but if that were true my foundation level non-spec horses should perform as well as foundation horses (and they don't seem to be). 

I'm also starting to wonder if maybe horses born after the tweak are some how at a disadvantage due to a coding issue? It would seem to fall correctly into the timeline of when I started noticing an issue with my 3 year olds since they would have been born right around the time the tweak took place. this seems unlikely to me though

I've also be wondering if it is an issue with the auto-showing tool somehow? Since I almost exclusively auto-show my horses. I might test that this weekend when I have have the time to hand-show my horses. again I think this seems unlikely, but I'm kinda grasping at straws right now trying to figure out this issue.

@ Mega There are two reason you might be doing better showing now that come to mind. One is that due to showing issues less people are entering their horses into shows so you have less competition (which means you're less likely to get stats when your horses place in shows) or you have a lot of foundation horses which do seem to be showing better since the tweak. 

I'm testing some hypotheses right now concerning showing, will up date you all when the results come through. 

Last edited on 2018-05-02 at 05:06:20 by insomniaglet

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