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A little confused? [issue w/ auto-show?]

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A little confused? [issue w/ auto-show?]

#168154 Posted on 2018-04-23 06:57:12

So I had some horses turn three yesterday (which normally means they compete really well because of that sudden 50+ stats they typically get). 

They competed at a L4 level yesterday but had R1 Stats. And they lost most of their shows? He only placed in 1/10 shows. I'm very confused as to why he would loose these shows?

gotham's finest show results

who lost to:
this horse
this horse
in his first competition (as well as other horses). 

This happened to 8 horses, so it's not a one-off. 

Is it the difference in training, or maybe a result of Abbey's recent tinkering with shows? 

Anyone have any theories? I'm truly perplexed by this, as I've had many 3 yro foundation who dominate competition after they finish training as well as pre-recode horses but these are suddenly performing much worse than anticipated. 

For comparison this foundy placed in 7/10 of his first 10 shows.  

I just realized that most of my poorly competing horse have glitchy tail guards or splint boots, I think that is causing the problem I'm noticing!!! So excited to have found a possible solution to this very frustratingly elusive issue!

That doesn't appear to be the problem after all. I'm going to report it to Abbey still since it is a bug. 

My horse icy grave competed yesterday (shows ran this morning) on tack that wasn't buggy and still didn't place even once. In the show he placed the highest in he lost to a horse with 200+ less stats than him. Even if that horse had full training (which it didn't) I feel that icy grave should've been able to beat him. I can't figure out why with so many more stats than the grade he competed in why he wouldn't place at all. I'm still showing my horses, but it frustrates me that I don't know why this is happening. 

5/2/2018 Update:
I'm now wondering if auto-show is buggy or possibly broken in some way? I ran a mini-experiment with two of my horses g. gold and c. tea. G. gold was entered into shows using Auto-show on random whereas C. tea was entered into shows by hand. G. gold didn't place in a single show whereas C. tea so far has won 7/10 shows. I will conducted a larger scale experiment soon (most likely this weekend, when I have the time/energy to hand-show a few 100 horses). If anyone else wants to experiment, please feel free to let me know any results you find. 

Last edited on 2018-05-02 at 11:11:00 by insomniaglet

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#168156 Posted on 2018-04-23 07:02:27

I'm not sure about the foundies, but i did notice the other horses you linked have higher training levels then yours, which would increase the luck factor. 

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#168157 Posted on 2018-04-23 07:07:36

Yeah but just two three weeks ago this dudette competed in a very similar situation and trounced her competition (beating horses which were fully trained), which is why I was so startled when I saw their lack of results. 

You could be right of course; but I really wonder if Abbey's change (which I don't fully understand) might've changed something a little. 

Last edited on 2018-04-23 at 07:13:39 by insomniaglet

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#168160 Posted on 2018-04-23 07:20:03

my assumption is that whatever tweak Abbey made to the showing formula is the cause, as i've noticed similar results.

The update mentioned that non-spec stats would be be taken into account when determining show placement, and all the horses your horse lost to have much higher non-discipline stats. 

it's unfortunate that we aren't aware of what that tweak to the formula is, because now there's no way to know what does/does not make an excellent show horse. 
prior to the tweak it was low non-spec stats and being at the top of the division in terms of stats. now...who knows?

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#168167 Posted on 2018-04-23 09:01:00

If that tweak is strong enough to make a low non-spec horse loose when it has 50 more overall stats than it's competitors that worries me a little. 

I mean I don't expect my horses to always win or anything, but when they are that much better statted it makes it hard to know what would make a good show horse?

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#168176 Posted on 2018-04-23 10:20:28

I think it must have to do with training level. That’s happened to me before, even before the tweak. Sometimes horses just won’t perform. I showed this guy today and he won all of his classes, he has about average non-specs. I think it might just be a case of bad luck, unfortunately.

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#168178 Posted on 2018-04-23 10:23:22

It was 8 horses though?

Hopefully it was just bad luck though and tomorrow will be better. c:

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#168180 Posted on 2018-04-23 10:32:59

These days my horses rarely place top 3, and it’s not very strange. When I look at show records, I see that even horses with higher non-discipline stats, but with less overall stats, place better than my horses.  Training level has not been a factor.

I feel like all the time and effort I’ve put into breeding show horses have been wasted with the new tweak. Why bother if the results are going to be random?

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#168184 Posted on 2018-04-23 11:15:46

I have noticed my horses doing much poorer in shows the last week or so as well. I always show them when they are within 2-3 stats of hitting the next level unless they have super low non specs - then more like 10 within - but still they have bene doing poorly. I am considering just switching back to riding schools all of the time. 

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#168245 Posted on 2018-04-23 17:44:30

I really don't understand what is going on here. 
It's happening again with  this horse a show the horse competed in who is nearly 100 stats higher than the horse in first place. (So far it's place 9th in one show and placed lower than 10th in the other two that have run; still waiting for 6 shows to run)

I really wish I knew what was happening here. If it's the tweak working as it's supposed to that's one thing, but I wonder if it's working as Abbey intended?

Last edited on 2018-04-23 at 17:47:39 by insomniaglet

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#168254 Posted on 2018-04-23 19:18:44

I pulled all but my foundations and four Trakes into holding, and the foundations are tearing up the competition--but I also don't know why. They're "lowish" non-specialty as compared to standard foundation stock (57 or less), but they're definitely not what I'd have considered stellar competitors in general. I wonder if there's some sort of boost to foundations right now seeing as many of the winning horses are foundation? 

EDIT: I might add that I had a QH mare with 3 non-spec that I was having similar problems with. I gave up and locked her about a week and a half or two weeks ago. But my low non-spec Trakes are fine, perhaps because they're competing at a level where most would be equipped with similar non-spec?

Last edited on 2018-04-23 at 19:22:46 by Sonoma

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#168260 Posted on 2018-04-23 19:29:55

My foundations are also doing abnormally well (but I thought it was because most of them are Racing horses and that is a less popular discipline), but maybe not?

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#168351 Posted on 2018-04-24 13:15:56

Given that Abbey's tweak was only to attempt to level out the playing field between precode stats and postcode ns stats, I don't see why it should be making a huge difference suddenly. Especially when it was in place for a little bit before it was announced. She also said it wasn't a tweak that made concentrating stats into ns stats worth it, so by that reasoning there shouldn't have been much of an effect. Perhaps the showing entrants have changed? 

My foundation mustangs were doing well until they hit L1, where, for some reason, they have no competitors other than themselves no matter what time of day I enter them. I would love to continue showing them, but I can't justify the stat loss by competing against myself. I have this problem with non-foundation horses too, where there's simply not enough people showing with horses that would do well. Otherwise my horses have been showing perfectly fine other than a few profit loss days where I suspect this thread made people pull out of showing. 

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#168357 Posted on 2018-04-24 13:30:05

I didn't mean to scare people away from showing (I'm still showing my horses), but I still believe something has changed in an unintended way. When I have the time I'll try to figure out when it changed; I just noticed yesterday but maybe it has been going on longer. 

it happened to this horse today who has 70 overall stats more than the winner this competition (is is possible that Abbey made training a little more weighty in determining winners?)

Also if it is all working how Abbey wants it to then I'll re-adjust how I show; but I'm worried that there is an issue somewhere?

Last edited on 2018-04-24 at 13:32:32 by insomniaglet

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#168358 Posted on 2018-04-24 13:31:49

^^^^ yess!!

I've began showing my morgans recently. They all did pretty well but I've losing stats lately because there's not enough entries DX If I have same problem today, then I am seriously considering switching back to riding school :(

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