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#184040 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:17:55

He turned and looked down at the girl. "Yes?"

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#184041 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:20:02

“Are we allowed guns?” She questioned, face showing the usual no expression. 

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#184042 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:21:34

He shrugged. "Sure. You may want to visit the forge and get some celestial bronze bullets as mortal bullets won't work on monsters."

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#184045 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:24:51

She nodded. “Thank you sir. Sorry for bothering you” she said then turned and left. She would go retrieve her guns from the mansion then go to the forge and see about making some bullets. 

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#184046 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:25:02

"You're very welcome," Kahlen muttered as Chiron continued. Just making sure we all know what's going on, but yeah, sure. Feel free to hate me if you so choose after that.

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 17:31:36 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#184105 Posted on 2018-08-12 21:08:05

She slipped out of the building and headed for the woods, hoping no one would try to stop her, as it was kinda painfully obvious she should be in the medical tent from her bloody appearance and burned hands. 

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#184116 Posted on 2018-08-13 00:57:21

Floyd nodded to the centaur, steping back and sighing. "Two things, James. One, I'm not always listening, it's more like a constant background chatter, and two, your idea is dumb and so help me, if you even attempted to go on these stupid, sentenced quests I will curse the barrier so you can't leave and don't think I won't."

She turned to Mason, eyes bright. "I'msogoingonthatquest." She managed to squash every word in her rushed sentence together, although she never specified what quest she was talking about.

Last edited on 2018-08-13 at 01:04:00 by The Gaiaphage

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#184173 Posted on 2018-08-13 12:45:19

 "I could probably use my powers to escape, though, because in theory, that would be much like a sort of lock, right? So it probably wouldn't even work," he argued. "And you were listening with enough interest to pick up on what I said."

 "Not gonna happen," he responded without even looking at her, standing up to leave. "I'm not losing another one."

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#184185 Posted on 2018-08-13 13:51:35

"I'm arguing with Kaylee, who also wants to go, so anything about the quest interests me." He grumbled, thinking over what James had said. "I could just curse you instead."

"Wha-" Kaylee faltered, narrowing her eyes. "You can't tell me what to do!"

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#184193 Posted on 2018-08-13 14:18:49

She slipped into the woods, trudging wearily towards the mansion. She looked up as one of the wolf/dog mutations came running to meet her. “Hey Ranger” she murmured, fondling his large head. He walked beside her as she continued. She entered the mansion walls and then entered the door with the dog. She climbed up the stairs to the top level then scrambled up the ladder to the loft and then dug out her guns from one of the trunks. She buckled on both shoulder holsters and both hip holsters. She ran a finger down the designs on the black leather then dropped her pistols in, one in each holster. “I’m comin” she called down to the dog. She put a box of bullets into her pocket. They’d still work fine on people if she needed. She then climbed down the ladder and her and then both her and the dog went thumping down the stairs. 

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#184205 Posted on 2018-08-13 14:55:23

 "Already am," James retorted, his words slightly darker with context.

 "Just did," he shot back, grabbing her arm and dragging her after him for a short ways before stopping and letting go of her. "Listen, kid, I'm only trying to keep you safe, alright?"

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#184210 Posted on 2018-08-13 15:16:54

"Please, James. You just got back."

Kaylee scoffed, crossing her arms angrily. "You can't keep me in here forever! Six years I've been at this camp, and not once have I been outside."

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#184214 Posted on 2018-08-13 15:29:06

She exited the mansion yard and headed back to the camp. She’d keep the sword at the mansion, she might eventually need it yet. “Sorry bud. Don’t think they’d take to you” she apologized to the dog, who whimpered slightly, licked her hand, then trotted off after she’d gave him a good rub. She exited the forest, heading towards the forge.  

Last edited on 2018-08-13 at 15:29:45 by Midnight Outlaw

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#184284 Posted on 2018-08-13 18:39:39

Kahlen glanced at Auberon in her peripheral vision. Okay, time to address this issue. But how to bring it u0 without making things worse...?

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#184286 Posted on 2018-08-13 18:52:53

Well then. Nikkol didn't really know what to do in response to all that news. She didn't know the missing 'campers' and she didn't know anything about a bear. With a sigh, she stood and made her way out of the amphitheater. 

"They're probably done by now, Alex," Jade said, standing at the door of the cabin and peering out. "Oh. Chiron just left. Thanks." 

He mulled over the news. Andro and Eudora? They left? I probably had something to do with it. And Eudora's my sister. I should probably go on this quest if I get a chance. Once the prophecies are announced, I'll volunteer. I wonder why they left? It was possibly my fault, like most things that go wrong. Auberon looked over at Kahlen. "What?" he muttered.

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