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Greek Mythology Roleplay

#183956 Posted on 2018-08-12 10:53:48

"Shh. I'll tell you in a minute." She hissed, pulling Ethel into a spare seat beside her. Ollie stood, the hand supporting her stomach coming to wring nervously infront of her with the other. "Last night, another camper went missing after entering the forest." She winced a little during the awkward period of testing out the volume of her voice infront of all of the campers, but continued, twisting the small silver band around her ring finger and resisting the urge to take it off and read the engraving on the inside of it. "This makes five disappearances, and up untl previously, five missing campers. Thanks to the Ares cabin, we located Sybil and Mika." She nodded her thanks in the direction of the cheering cabin, waiting for them to finish before she herself could. "To this day, we are still missing Kaia Weeks, Marley Frank, and B-" She swallowed thickly, her wandering eyes coming to rest on a few Aphrodite campers. "Beau Jeremiah. We can only assume that they are connected, so to prevent anymore loss, any ground outside the valley is completely out of bounds, day and night, until further notice." She shrunk a little under the sudden uproar, then jumped at the comforting hand on her shoulder, and she turned to smile gratefully at the admittedly handsome son of apollo, Daniel, grinning back at her. "You did well." He mouthed, because she probably wouldn't be able to hear him anyways. "Good job." She flushed, tucking her hair behind her ear as she sat and stared down at her lap, all while beside her Maggie laughed and nudged her with a teasing knowing look on her face. "I was in the medical tent, okay?" She turned to Ethel, running her eyes all over the girl, just to check she was alright. "I would have come found you, but when I was let out I came straight here."

"Yeah, we're definitely late." He grinned, though, and grabbed James hand to hurry the both of them, and they came to a stop at one of the only empty spaces left - standing, by the door. "That's a lot of people."

She sat up a little, listening to the oddly bloodied girl talk and then turned to Mason, eye brows furrowed. "And they didn't think to tell us this- oh, I don't know, maybe as soon as people went missing? How can you let five campers go missing and say nothing!"

Last edited on 2018-09-28 at 13:35:32 by The Gaiaphage

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#183957 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:02:26

She came out of her slumped position when Ollie said Beau was missing. Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. Probably she had been the last one to see him then, while giving him the pup. 

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#183963 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:27:07

He waited patiently, and once everyone had calmed down he spoke. "As you all know, these are very serious circumstances, and this is why we must act with security measures." Chiron had decided not to bring Kronos's appearance to the camp's attention, as it could cause major panic. And he had not yet had a chance to look into that. "We will need to put together two quests. One to pursue Andro and Eudora and find them, preferably bringing them back here. And another to locate Beau and the other missing campers."

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#183964 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:30:02

She listened silently, wondering who would be chosen for the quests. Also she was gonna ask Chiron after if she was allowed to have her pistols in camp. 

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#183965 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:30:51

Kahlen didn't move as Chiron spoke. She was busy trying to keep Kronos away from the crowd of people, which proved to be harder than expected.

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#183966 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:40:10

Floyd spluttered, stepping forwards to call down to the centaur. "Without a prophecy? Chiron, you can't! You'd be sending campers to their death!"

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 11:42:16 by The Gaiaphage

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#183967 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:42:28

She glanced up as a boy stepped forward. A slight spark of interest entered her gaze at the death part. In that case, maybe she did wanna go. 

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#183969 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:45:00

"It's been busy. They can visit the Oracle before they go." It had slipped his mind, thinking about Kronos and all the other things he was working to figure out.

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#183970 Posted on 2018-08-12 11:47:25

Chiron... You need to tell them. We can't defend ourselves against what we don't know is there and I am definitely not going to do it all for them. "If we don't find them first, he will," Kahlen muttered.

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 11:51:24 by ♪ Bandit ♪

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#183975 Posted on 2018-08-12 12:20:37

 Ethel ignored Ollie, focusing all of her attention on Chiron. She began to stand but decided against it, sinking back down into her chair as she considered her options. Track down Eudora. Help Ollie find Beau. Track down Eudora. Help Ollie find Beau. She eventually stood back up (though it had only been a few moments), her eyes narrowed in thought as she faced the satyr, raising her voice so that she could be heard above the crowd. "Who is going to be sent to find Eudora?"

 "Who cares? A quest without a prophecy? This is some uncommon stuff right here," he countered, his eyes sadistically bright.

 Jimmy felt his heart momentarily stop when he heard the news. Beau? He's been here since... forever. He can't be gone. Not him too. Without him and Gavin in the background and Noah and Lilly in the foreground, what is this place anymore?

 "Huh," he mused quietly, glancing up at Floyd before returning his gaze to Chiron. There are a lot of good people here who don't deserve to die...

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#183994 Posted on 2018-08-12 13:17:40

"Without a prophecy, we don't even know where to start looking." Floyd retorted. "The quest could require an abnormal amount of campers, or one gender, or a specific person or parentage. Going without a prophecy is suicidal." 

She ducked her head when she heard the whispers behind her, accusing her of all talk and no action. "She's not even volunteering to go find her boyfriend? Some loyalty." A girl hissed, and Ollie turned around to snap at her. "I'm not volunteering because I suggested the quest. I'm the quest leader." The girl and her friends shut up immediately, and Ollie huffed, facing the front as the murmuring started again.

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#183995 Posted on 2018-08-12 13:23:56

"Okay, that's it," Kahlen hissed. "You want a prophecy? I know Chiron wasn't going to say anything about this, but someone has to. Kronos is back, and he's up to something. He's been here, and not just as a voice in people's heads. If we don't find the missing campers as soon as possible, he will, and I'm sure you all remember what Kronos is capable of. Sure, it's risky, but since when has anything been easy for us? It's in our best interest to find them."

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#184007 Posted on 2018-08-12 14:56:09

 "I prefer to call it 'self-sacrificial', but, given context, 'suicidal' works too I guess," James muttered, trying his best to not betray any emotions as he considered what he was going to do. The quest will fail, since honestly, what do I bring to the table, but at least one of us will most likely die, and I'd rather it be me than- Wait no- Sometimes I really hate you Floyd I mean no I don't but how am I supposed to just not think? Can't a man plan his death in peace?

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 15:06:08 by Raptor

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#184038 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:06:02

He stamped his hoof on the stone and waited for silence. "Thank you, Kahlen, for causing mass panic before I could cover that." Chiron turned to Floyd. "We will get a prophecy, then." Chiron paused, glancing around the amphitheater. "Since you all prefer to have everything laid out to you in a haphazard way, I'll go ahead and say all this. Kronos is back. However, he is not able to yet physically visit the mortal world. Voices in people's heads, etc. are in his capability. The situation is currently stable, and I along with some others are already working on this problem. We were going to approach the camp after the quests left, today to be exact, about the matter of Kronos' return and gather the counselors. So you all will have to wait until that time. Please try not to panic. Secondly, a fabled toy bear has returned to the camp. Please be careful around the cabins. Third, Lilly has passed away. We will be doing a service later today. Now if you will excuse me, I have some prophecies to discover." And he trotted away.

Last edited on 2018-08-12 at 17:11:18 by Oswin

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#184039 Posted on 2018-08-12 17:14:48

She listened silently. She then stood up and went after Chiron following him til their was no one else before saying anything. “Scuse me, sir?” She said. Another thing she had carried on from the west was the respectfulness you treated others with. 

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