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#183682 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:12:42

"I uh..." She winced a little, more out of embarassment than pain. ".....I fell asleep in the forest?"

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#183683 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:13:15

 "You gonna move, then? You're in my way. Can't get up until you do." James sat up a bit more, tilting his head at Floyd.

 "...You might wanna get help from someone else. One time, I got tasked with putting a little kid on a miniature pegasus, right? I ended up dropping the kid, and the pegasus spooked and almost stepped on their head. It was probably traumatic."

 You know, if you'd've just sucked it up and left your shirt on, it would've dried faster. Fabric dries faster when it's not bunched up and slung over a petty loser's shoulder. Whatever. I refuse to be one-upped by a seven-year-old.

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#183684 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:17:35

She scoffed over her shoulder. "My 'eighth' birthday was less than a month ago!" 

"Hmm." Floyd mock pondered, deciding on flopping back down onto the bed. "Nah."

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#183685 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:19:06

"Oh, okay." She handed Ollie a blanket. "You okay if I redo your stitches quick?"

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#183686 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:25:00

 "Well excuse m- I said that out loud?," he asked, cutting himself off mid-retort. "...No, no I didn't."

 "This shirt still has my dead sister's blood on it. Can't you let a kid change?," he demanded jokingly.

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#183687 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:43:16

She watched Kahlen and Auberon enter, Kahlen going and talking to Chiron before going back and finding a seat. She held back a yawn. Okay, maybe she should have gotten some sleep. 

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#183690 Posted on 2018-08-10 13:51:35

"No, you didn't." She replied a little too cheerfully, eyeing a small clear spot in the seats, grabbing Mason's hand and half pulling him and half phasing through the crowd up into the spot.

"Yeah, sure. I might go see what the announcement is after, though."

Floyd rolled his eyes, but hopped out of bed and quickly changed into fressh clothes anyways, pulling on just a camp shirt and new jeans.

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#183691 Posted on 2018-08-10 14:03:18

 "How-?," he started, stumbling after her. "Explain yourself, Kaylee. Now."

 "Oka- Floyd!," he squeaked, hastily trying to figure out how to hide his blush but coming up empty. You didn't just see him shirtless nope wait actually yes aaAAHHHHHH how do you forget something that you kind of don't want to forget?

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#183692 Posted on 2018-08-10 14:09:17

"Just be careful," Ariel said as she finished Ollie's stitches.

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#183694 Posted on 2018-08-10 14:24:34

"Thanks! I'll try." She ventured outside the tent, letting herself be moved towards the amphitheatre by the movement of everyone else, stumbling to a stop when she reached a clear spot where she could see everything, scanning the crowd for both Ethel and her cabinmates. She was definitely a sight - perfect hair, bandaged ankle and ad bloodstained shirt, shorts and hands.

"Hm?" He raised a brow quizically, turning to face James. "What?"

"Well, Mason, I used my eyes and saw a clear few seats, and hurried up here because I want to sit down."

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#183698 Posted on 2018-08-10 14:56:52

 He huffed in annoyance, pulling his hand out of hers before sitting down. "Not that. Explain how you read my mind, which is probably not a very good place for a seven- Sorry, eight-year-old to be."

 "Oh, don't act like you can't read my mind," he mumbled in response, slowly getting out of the bed. Just relax you're fine cALM DOWN calm down James you're fine.

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#183701 Posted on 2018-08-10 15:25:31

She spotted Mason amongst the new tide of campers coming in, but no one else she knew. 

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#183709 Posted on 2018-08-10 16:38:42

She stared at him with incredulity, realising after a while that he wasn't joking. "....Mase. I've always been able to. You know this."

Floyd was quiet for a second, until he too flushed red. "O-Oh. Sorry."

She spotted Ethel sitting alone, and took a step in her direction, freezing once she has clicked to where she had been going. She cast a forlorn glance in the girl's direction, debating whether to approach or not after last night, snapping out of her trance with a yelp when she was grabbed by Khal and dragged with the rest of their cabin to the lower seats, settled into a spare seat between Maggie and Khal as they fussed over her, scolding her for not returning last night. Guess that decision was made for me, then. She brushed it off, Ethel probably hadn't even seen her anyways.

Last edited on 2018-08-10 at 16:43:24 by The Gaiaphage

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#183729 Posted on 2018-08-10 17:34:14

A satyr looked questioningly at sleeping Denver. Ariel approached and whispered, "Um, I'm supposed to clock anyone who tries to wake him up," she said timidly.

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#183731 Posted on 2018-08-10 17:57:03

"Okay. Are there any medics around?" Freddie paused and then said, "Never mind. It was a dumb idea. I'll stay here, and you can tell me what's up when you get back."

He glanced at Kahlen when she returned and then resumed gloomily staring down at Chiron. "Chocolate?" he muttered, pulling the homemade sweet from his pocket where it was wrapped in clear clingwrap. 

"Alex?" Jade poked him in the side. "I don't want to be late, this could be important."

She glanced around as people streamed in, eventually returning her eyes to the centaur at the center. She had never seen a centaur before, but to be honest she wasn't too surprised. She had seen monsters before, and it was probably about to get worse from here on out monster-wise. Nikkol really needed something to do here to distract her or she would go insane thinking about it all. 

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