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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

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Isles of Somewhere | Sequel Rp

#274736 Posted on 2024-07-25 22:13:41

Eclipsetess looked at Orion and Namir as Nysa went off to Apollo, she shook her head before sitting down. If she knew anything she'll let Nysa get to him, she could always get to someone after all. She almost took after Nature, but more diplomatic and focused on others, but still determined like Nature. It made Eclipsetess smile at the thought, it was endearing in a sweet and admirative way.

Crimson was walking around the building he was in, watching all the mares and foals go, he was wearing something that covered his body. Was it.. a lab coat? It looked like one and he had a pair of googles on his head as well to make the outfit work, he was walking down a hallway. His steps having some pep in his steps as he was walking, hooves clip clopping and the sounds echoing as he walked and/or trotted as well.

He was going somewhere, where? No one would know anyways, its not like it could be important or it is but still. Crimson took a turn down another hallway, getting closer to his destination but quite far from it as well. A couple mares looked at Crimson before they went back to walking, a few of the mares that glanced at him but returned to their thing were without foals. The foal-less mares probably had them sleeping in some of the rooms or all of them, it depends if there is a space to sleep in the room, most likely a space as it would be fit for a foal.

Faith was looking at some papers when Solstice came into the meeting, she even stood up and went over to Solstice, surprised but she also expected for the mare to arrive in a dire situation. A goddess always knows, always got that faith and the hunch to prove it. "Solstice? Well, welcome! And before we dive into Crimson.. let's uh.. settle down, okay? We didn't expect you to come in like this." Faith giggled a little nervously, before looking over behind her and nodding to the other gods and goddesses still giving Solstice those looks.

There was some documents floating next to Faith, her magic making them float and follow her, but she put them back down in her little area on the table where a book was constantly updating about information. As words were constantly put into pages, metaphorically and literally as one could watch the words appear and go down into the book itself, though the book was the only thing surrounded by documents and papers anyways on the table.

"But, Crimson.. let me see if there is a few documents on him. I've been getting the entire Heavens working with the births of foals, the funerals for some and all other things in between. It's been busy and hectic. I've even had a Seer see into the future a bit to see if there was anything else happening, and.. I'm not saying about it, but yeah.." Faith walked over to a bookshelf, using her magic to see if there was a book or even a novella about Crimson. Something at least for Solstice to work with, this was Faith after all; the one who rules the Heavens and a friend to Solstice and her group.

One of the goddesses looked from Solstice to Faith, her appearance was unique but fitting, she then looked to one of the paged documents. She stayed where she was with the other deities that had their opinions about Solstice, even though one of them changed her mind and saw that Solstice was a friend of Faith, the ruler, therefore it was no use to be so rude to a mare who wants information about some stallion she didn't even know about herself.

Faith finally grabbed the book she looked for, it was quite small and a lot of bare bones but it should do if Solstice wanted information on Crimson. Faith walked over back to the mare, her friend, the book following due to her magic. Faith let the book open up itself, showing Solstice just the bare bones of the small thing but it should've been enough for her to plan something or find a weakness to use against him. But there's nothing except a biography of his foalhood and adulthood and there was- hold on.. there was a chapter about him doing experiments.

"The chapter reads as "The One Who'll Come Back", hmph.. eerie but alright?" Faith was unsure of the chapter, what did that entail for them? For Solstice? Did that reference Solstice's long-(finally)-dead enemy or Nysa's enemy she had to defeat? What did that mean exactly? So many questions yet there's not much information on it besides just staying "Crimson is-" then cutting off from that point on.

Suddenly the chapter of that eerie page updated information, spooking Faith as this book hasn't been updated in years prior to Crimson's foal- and adulthood. But it was something at least, anyways, the page updated about Crimson using technology and science to bring back the finally dead Dragon Devil. Crimson was making a portal to the Underworld to bring back Dra that was, though to Crimson's unawareness: Dragon Devil had returned himself, the stallion was just using magic to a pointless machine to get some enemy back to the Isles even though Dra had come back himself.

Faith was surprised and shocked by Dragon Devil returning, somehow in some fashion, even though he's supposed to be finally dead for Solstice's sake and technically her sanity as well. Before she ran over the ever-updating book on the table, using it to skim through the pages but finding nothing about Dra's current state or location. Frustrated, Faith ran over to a different bookshelf and took Dra's long-massive text-like book to find out where he currently was and how to deal with him. The book had nothing on Dra's current location, only stating he had gained a new form somehow and that his powers grew since he had been in prisoned by Hades but broke out and returned to the Isles himself.

"Dang it!" Faith shouted, throwing the book to the floor before sitting down and picking it back up and back onto the shelf. "He's supposed to be dead for Solstice and her family and.. the ENTIRE herd, not come back to haunt her." Faith was frustrated as she thought that Solstice had a permanent break after her enemy's final grave, but it was not unfashioned for Dra to just come back and re-haunt her again. However, Solstice hadn't been controlled or really mind-controlled at all to do his.. whatever he wants with her, as Solstice hasn't gotten mind-controlled.

It seems that Dra has no need of Solstice now that he's more powerful than ever when he was in prisoned by Hades himself, at least one God tried to keep Dra somewhere where he couldn't go but ultimately failed in that category. It also explains Hades' absence in the meeting as well. The Underworld God is on the hunt for Dra and trying to stop him, however since Dra has a new form; it'll be extremely difficult to know who is who now that Dra has gained a new form instead of being his recognize-able self. Dra has used his intelligence to be sharper and more unpredictable now, nowhere is safe with Dra out and about and free from the Underworld.

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#274739 Posted on 2024-07-26 09:15:04

     Orion sighed as he watched Nysa for a moment before he looked at Namir and Eclipsetess. He didn’t know what else to do. He didn’t know where Solstice had gone. He just hoped she would be careful and stay safe. Orion knew how she could be, but he hardly recognized her seeing the anger and grief in her eyes. “I just hope that they are both okay…” he mumbled underneath his breath as the stallion looked down. He felt hopeless. It seemed like there was never anything that he could do to help in times like these. Orion rarely used magic since he left his parent’s, but maybe now was the time to start using his magic again to try and find Solstice and Raja. Maybe even Crimson.

     Namir lowered his ears as he looked at Eclipsetess before he looked at Orion. Although Namir was still struggling and grieving Moon’s death, he worried about his sister and his niece. Though he stepped over to Orion and gently put his muzzle on the smaller stallion’s neck hoping to comfort him some. Wait. Namir comforting Orion? Who would have thought. “We’ll figure this out. As much as I worry about my sister..we have to hope that she knows what she’s doing.” He said before he looked around the dome, “First things first let’s try to find a way to bring this dome down. Do you think one of your books might help?” He asked as he returned to look at Orion.

     Orion just looked at him before he looked at the dome. He never really got a good look at it, but he knew it was a different kind of dome then the one that was placed over the Isle the day he met Solstice and the herd. My how much time has passed. “It’s a possibility, but I won’t make any promises. I haven’t seen a dome like this before.” He said before he walked away and went towards the dome to get a closer look at it. After a few minutes Orion summoned some books nd started reading them trying to find anything that could help them. If they could get the dome down that would help the herd relax.

      Nysa continued to lay down with Apollo. Neither one of them said anything. Well at least until Apollo spoke up, “Where did your mom go…?” He quietly spoke as he eventually turned to look at her. Nysa only looked at him for a moment before she looked at the herd noticing her father reading a couple of books at once. Then she looked down. Apollo frowned as he looked over at Orion wondering why he was reading multiple books at once before he looked at Nysa again, “I’m sorry….I guess you don’t want to talk about anything either..” he muttered as he looked away and went silent. Apollo was usually energetic and a nuisance at times, he’s never been like this, but he did loose his mother.

     After a few momentsNysa spoke up, “We don’t know where she went or what her plan is…all she said was that she was going to get help,” she said in a slightly quiet tone. Though she eventually turned to look at him, “Last time things were like this, I lost her..” she said admitting why she was so worried, but then she quickly realized what she said, “I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to ring it up or seem selfish….” She said as she looked down. After another moment or two Nysa just stood up, “I’ll just go…I need to do something to distract myself..” she said before walking off. Apollo knew she didn’t mean it like that, but he just let her go while he stayed put where he was.

     Solstice looked at the gods and goddesses in the room. There was a few she had met before, but she didn’t know who any of the others were. Though she looked at Faith knowing she had her back unlike the others. “You want me to settle down? My daughter was taken from me! The herd is trapped, and I don’t know where my daughter is.” She said unable to just relax and think. She knew Faith wanted band was trying to help, but she couldn’t help herself. Though when Faith had mentioned the future, Solstice had only feared for the worst. Even she knew there was something worse coming besides what Crimson was planning.

      Although most of the gods and goddesses still seemed to not accept Solstice, there were a few that did. One was a mare. Her coat was black with hues of green almost like her coat was the galaxy as she had star like markings all over her body. Her hooves were teal, and her eyes were like Solstice’s only they were an even lighter blue color than Solstice’s. She also had some white markings on body. Her mane and tail wee long and black. She wore some silver jewelry including a silver head piece. Her name? Ariadne. Goddess of the stars and weaponry. This was the first time she had seen the new moon goddess, and she didn’t understand why the others were against her. S far as she knew Solstice had done more for the Isles than any of the rest of them had.

     Solstice looked around the room again before she looked at Faith and the book she found regarding Crimson. She looked over the book, but was disappointed to see that the book was very small. At least until the two mares stumbled across one of the chapter’s in the book. The title of the chapter was concerning enough, but when there was more information that appeared right in front of them, Solstice grew more worried. The more she read the more her demeanor changed. Dra. Solstice just stood there as she took a moment to gather herself. She tried not to let Dra get the best of her, but she knew he was going to get to her for the rest of her life.

     Solstice just stood there trying to keep herself together while Faith rushed to find the book on Dra. He just looked at her friend, “I’m not who I was back then Faith, but I can’t keep doing this. Not when I have a family. I need to find my daughter before Crimson does anything to her. You sensed her power…if your feather falls out of her mane then…” she couldn’t finish that thought. “The herd is trapped inside the dome Crimson had made, and with Dra they’re sitting ducks…” she said as she looked at Faith worried. 

     “What do we do? If Dra is out there in a few form, the others won’t know it’s Dra if he ended up going to the herd.” She said. The herd didn’t seem to notice that there was a strange horse hanging around. Could that horse be Dra? Solstice didn’t know what to think or even what to do at this point. There was so much that needed to be done, but what needed done first? “Crimson didn’t just take Raja though…he took most of the other foals in the herd and even our lead mare. Who knows how many other mares and foals he’s taken…” she said worried.

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#274751 Posted on 2024-07-26 14:25:58

Eclipsetess looked over when a strange stallion trotted over to her, she had been laying down again for the second time but she stood up when the stallion walked over to her, being oblivious as if its just them two and nothing else in the world. Weird. Eclipsetess took caution and backed up to not let the strange-looking stallion get so close to her, she wasn't even sure who this was at all but she suddenly didn't feel like trusting him. A chill ran down her spine from him.

It felt, to Eclipsetess, lime the world faded away into blackness with the stallion walking up to her. She didn't know what to feel besides caution and wariness for him, she also felt a little familiarity but that couldn't compare to the caution of having an unknown stallion walking up to her like nothing before. She was approached by a stallion years ago, that was even before the fire happened - probably. But she still didn't want to be near his presence if she was acting like this to him for no reason other than the most obvious reason; discomfort.

"Hello there." The stallion spoke to Eclipsetess, greeting her with a certainly deep and calm voice out of the blue. She was just surprised by the sudden voice, also not realizing the fangs he had, but nothing that she could be discomfortable with. The deep and calm tone and voice was a surprise but Eclipsetess still took wariness with the unknown stallion. "I know who you are, you might not see it, but its good that you don't know me." That was an eerie message, Eclipsetess's stomach dropped from the way the stallion had spoken to her. There's no way the stallion could know who she is, besides Solstice's legend but he shouldn't know her.

"Who are you? What do you want? Comply with me!" Eclipsetess ran up to the stallion, her face in front of his. She demanded him to tell her by complying with her by force. The stallion was only calm, he leaned his head back and took a deep breath before exhaling in her face. Making Eclipsetess lean her head back as well. She put her face in front of his so she should've expected he'd do that to her face, but she only wanted to know who he was and what he wanted with her or anyone else she knows.

"Only one thing, I know one of your friends. She's something important to me, even after all this time.. she'll know who I am. Just by the way I'll talk with her." The stallion was tense but also relaxed, he cooperated with Eclipsetess and told her the only one reason he was here. Just one, not a whole bunch. He only wants a mare and that was it, his love and nothing else now that he's here and was searching for her. To come back to him really.

"What's your name then? I've gotta know who you are." Eclipsetess asked and then reasoned at the end, the stallion chuckled before smiling. She still didn't know he had fangs until his smile, it had malicious intent, but as he smiled her eyes widened when she saw them. Backing up, backing away a little more from the stallion as she had saw the fangs. She didn't know this stallion had any fangs until she realized it, surprising twist of fate but also unique as she doesn't know anyone else that had fangs, maybe herself when she's feeling a strong aggressive emotion, and maybe the Snake Mare that comes for when its important but that's all she knows about.

"It's Dhieus, meaning for "God of Storms" you know." "Dhieus" told Eclipsetess his name, for her she doesn't know but for him it's just a name and with a meaning. But the stallion unfolded his wings from his sides, revealing bat wings but more of bat-like and not the other way around. Eclipsetess was reminded more of a stallion she knew, the familiarity was strong but Dhieus was.. unique and different, he said that he was the "God of Storms" and that was something important. But she didn't trust that name, if he was a God then Faith would've known him.

"What are you? For who you are, for my knowledge, for me to know you." Eclipsetess got on defense now, "Dhieus" chuckled loudly at her before shaking his head. The chuckle was warm and hearty, full of emotion and not the other way around, but Eclipsetess would not give in to the stallion's ways of who he is. She just wants to know what Dhieus was so that she could know him better than just some unfamiliar stallion. At least a little bit more so that no one tries to attack him.

"Well, I'm an Alicorn X Bat. Simple as that really." Dhieus told Eclipsetess what he is, it explains why his wings were more of bat-like and stuck to where his shoulders were and they could even be used to help balance by walking around; bat wing's have the little fingers on the wing bones after all but these wings had a little grey claw on them for better support and more easier maneuverability and he could even fly when running with the wings supporting him running and then flying.

"Hm. Alright, I'll give you a partial of my trust but not all of it." Eclipsetess told Dhieus, he smiled again and nodded his head. He knew trust was important to keep, breaking it would hurt the mare more than he'd liked to know. But he'll plan on keeping it for awhile or until he tires of her partial trust, though for now he'll just keep it and not break it for the mean time or at all for the mare's delicate state. The feeling of like there was but them and the blackness had faded, Eclipsetess took a deep breath that she had been holding in and the stallion backed up before trotting away and letting the mare relax after their encounter.

"I know, I know, Solstice.." Faith thought for a moment, she flapped her wings before she got a thought, an idea. A smile on her face. "If I could sense Raja's power, your daughter, then I should do the same with Dra. If he's back, with more power, then I should sense it just like when Raja was born." Faith had a fantastic idea, if she could feel Raja's power much less sense it the first time ever, then it shouldn't be that difficult to do the same with a stallion of stronger power. Right? Can't be that difficult at all.

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#274766 Posted on 2024-07-26 21:32:11

     Namir had ended up making his way around the herd checking on several of the mares and other herd members. He hadn’t seen Isis or even Scorn in awhile, but he tried not to think on it too much. Though he was also hiding his grief from Moon’s passing. The stallion had continued to look around the herd expecting to see her, but he quickly realized that she was gone. After awhile Namir had ended up approaching Apollo again after the young stallion was given some space for some time. Apollo though still didn’t seem too thrilled to see Namir had come back. “You never can leave me alone can you?” Apollo mumbled as he pinned his ears not even bothering to look at Namir.

     He only looked at the young stallion as Namir let out a small sigh, “Because I made a promise to your mother. The same one she made with my mother.” He said knowing that caught Apollo’s attention. “Your mother was like another mother to me after I lost my parents. I was young when they passed, and my sister was just a newborn. I couldn’t take care of her all by myself.” Namir said as he decided to lay down while still giving Apollo his space. “She made a promise that she would always look out for us, and she kept that promise until her very last breath, and I will too. I owe it to her after everything she did for me and my sister.”

     Apollo still didn’t bother to look at Namir, but he did listen. Namir knew he was listening. Though after a few moments, Apollo finally looked at him. When he did, he saw the grief in his eyes. Namir wasn’t lying about any of it. He had never seen Namir like that before. Ever. Though eventually Apollo had looked down. The two stallions were silent before Apollo had decided to speak up, “When did you make that promise?” He asked as he returned to look at Namir. Though he then spoke again, “How long did she know that….” He paused, “that she didn’t have much…longer..?” he eventually asked. Apollo just wanted to know. He knew she was older, but he still wanted to know.

     Namir sighed as he looked at the younger stallion. “The day the rest of your father’s herd had joined this one. Your mother was worried that you wouldn’t make it, but she wasn’t in the best shape either.” He said before taking a moment to just pause. After thinking for a moment, Namir had decided to answer the young stallion’s second question, “Awhile….but she didn’t let it stop her from well being her.” He said as they both went silent. Namir had decided to take a look around when he noticed Eclipsetess had been talking to some strange stallion. There was something that Namir didn’t like about him, but how did he even get inside the dome? Unless the dome was built to let horses in, but prevent them from getting out.

     “Stay here.” He said before getting up and heading towards Eclipsetess and the mysterious stallion. Though by the time Namir got over there, the stallion was already walking away. After everything that had been going on the past day or so, Namir wasn’t going to take any chances with anything or even anyone that seemed suspicious. He looked over Eclipsetess making sure she was alright before he looked at the stallion who had walked away, “Who was that? He wasn’t here before the dome was made, so he must have been able to walk through..” he said hoping Orion was close to figuring out a way to tear down the dome.

     Nysa was just standing around before she eventually went over to her father who still had more than one book open. As she approached, Orion looked up at her knowing they were both thinking the same thing, “I can’t keep on just standing around…I’m worried..scared…” she said as she laid down beside him. Though there wasn’t much any of them could do for the time being, but none of them knew of the danger they all could possibly be in. Orion took a moment to look around when he noticed the strange stallion, but he said nothing not wanting to worry Nysa more. He didn’t want to loose Nysa. Though Nysa looked at the books her father had out, “What are you trying to find?” She asked.

     Orion just nuzzled her, “I’m afraid it’s the only thing we can do at the moment. I just hope your mother comes back soon…” he said as he was just as worried and scared as she was. Though he looked at the many books he had out as he sighed, “Trying to find a way to take down the dome, but haven’t found anything yet. Crimson must have really not wanted us getting out of the dome..” he sighed. Orion did let her take a book or two so he had some help trying to find anything, “Here’s something you can do to help, and to keep yourself distracted for the time being.” He said. Nysa nodded as she got to reading…she did take after her dad at least a little.

     Solstice just looked at Faith, “It’s worth a shot, but I can’t stop Dra and get my daughter at the same time…” she said knowing she would have to choose. As far as they knew Dra was more of a threat then Crimson was at the moment, but how much longer would it be until he used Raja for what he needed her for? Solstice was struggling, and it was easy to tell. Not to mention Solstice had just gotten back to her old self after delivering Raja and the sickness she had. Now though with Dra on the loose, the herd could still be at risk. Especially since they were trapped. Solstice only hoped that things weren’t going to get any worse, but they usually do…

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#274769 Posted on 2024-07-26 23:48:22

Scorn was lightly and gently pawing a flower out of boredom. He doesn't have his mate, he's worried about everyone, but he was lightly and gently pawing a flower out of doing something. He has to watch the herd, but there's not exactly much he can do in the situation of leading the herd and trying to do something. He's just on the sidelines for much of the duration of the time, he knows he can't do much so he's doing something that isn't exactly interfering with the herd or anyone.

Esmeray, he was talking with another stallion, he's trying his best to sympathize with the stallion and trying to make it better for the two of them. Esmeray looked over to Scorn, seeing the lead stallion pawing a flower was.. questionable but productive in a way at least, he then excused himself from the conversation with the stallion. Whom the latter followed Esmeray over to Scorn and the stallions begun talking within their stallion group for the meanwhile, to try and talk things about something else other than the current times at least.

Eclipsetess looked at Namir when the stallion was off elsewhere, she then smiled at him. "His name is Dhieus and it means "God of Storms" but I don't trust him. He's.. a unique case, he's no God or else he would've said he was a friend of Faith's or one of the many god's and goddesses that are in the Heavens. Or somewhere affiliated with the Heavens. Plus.. doesn't he look like someone? With the wings and coat of his? I can't place it but the mane, fur, feathering, and tail is making it hard to define who he reminds me of. But we should keep a wary eye on him." Eclipsetess explained to Namir, she had gotten this much out of a single stallion. Forced complied or not, its valuable information to them now. And Eclipsetess can't figure out who Dhieus reminds her of as the mane and tail isn't helping at all.

Eclipsetess looked back over to Dhieus, she doesn't trust him but she has to give him some slack, albeit mysterious and all. But he didn't make a grand entrance nor looks evil, even if his presence is a little unnerving but he seems like a nice fella, but Eclipsetess doesn't think like that about another stallion; she has Namir to love. Wait Eclipsetess just remembered that Dhieus was looking for some mare that he's finding. And Eclipsetess had just remembered that now only when the stallion had gone off elsewhere.

Eclipsetess looked back to Namir, having an adorable expression on her face due to remembering something. "Dhieus also said that he's looking for a mare, who's like him with the black coat but she wears an amber necklace. Is talking about Nature? When did she get a boyfriend? Probably just some other mare though, there's a bunch of different mares here after all so he's gonna have to look around and check who he's looking for." Eclipsetess informed Namir that Dhieus was looking for a pretty black mare with an amber necklace, she isn't sure if he's looking for Nature but it sounds like her. Although she doesn't really were the necklace sometimes, just on ocassions. But it does still sound like Nature, though Dhieus didn't say what eye color but Eclipsetess just assumes its nature based on the description of the mare.

"I'm aware, but we'll have a basis of where Dra is so we can worry about him later if he's not near the dome/herd or not." Faith nodded at Solstice, then she took a deep breath and focused hard on where Dra's magic is coming from. Focusing past the magic in the current room, focusing on the Isles and then the selected Isle itself. And then.. she sensed Dra's magic, it was powerful and it was emitting from an Isle somewhere, until the magic was lost on Faith but she guessed he was in Golden Valley, Isle of Dreams, just alone just from where it was coming from the direction.

"He's in Golden Valley, which is Isle of Dreams. I can't feel the power anymore, he must've hid it somehow without my feather, but we have a foundation of where he is. Though it didn't feel like he was using his magic at all, much less just doing his own thing. And he's within the dome, but like I mentioned; he's not doing anything and just minding his own business." Faith told Solstice the coordinates, Isle, and place. Unfortunately it just had to be where everyone was though Dra wasn't doing anything like Faith mentioned twice. Just doing his own thing and minding his own business, weird but he's in a different form so he's blending in without much notice to him other than Eclipsetess and Namir.

Grey Cloud was wandering around the building, looking around for an exit besides the one she passed awhile ago, that was until she spotted a mare walking to somewhere and she began following the mare in distance but keeping her in Grey Cloud's vision. There wasn't much to do, besides following a mare out to somewhere else in the entire big building that it was. The mare stopped at a door, poking her head in before going into the room, Grey Cloud followed into the room.

Grey Cloud was looking around the room, a meadow of comfort really but still lacking the good essentials really, Grey Cloud watched as the mare from before chatted with another mare. Adeline and Phanta. The two mares spotted Grey Cloud as the mare was walking over to Raja, as she had found one of her herdmates and Solstice's foal that needs her. And in urgency as well. The mares just watched as Grey Cloud went over to the foal, Raja, and the girls went over to the two silently.

"Do you know her?" Adeline asked Grey Cloud, she and Raja haven't really left the meadow room since they got there. But if Grey Cloud knew the foal Adeline and Phanta was watching then that'd be great for the mares, and Crimson in general as well but he already probably knows the filly's name. "Well, she's my daughter, and I'm Grey Cloud; the lead mare of my herd before I was here." Grey Cloud, having the responsibility of watching over Raja, and having to care for her as Solstice wasn't here for her foal, responded back to Adeline's question, Grey Cloud looked from Adeline to Phanta as she hadn't recognized them at all but they were new just like the place she was in since she began wandering around for quite some time now.

Adeline controlled herself but she nodded at Grey Cloud's answer, without hesitation, Adeline introduced herself and Phantasia to Grey Cloud. The three mares looked at Raja before they looked at each other, with Adeline getting an idea but she didn't want to disturb the little filly's sleep and ruin her rest and her dreams. Though she did wanted to do something just for Grey Cloud and Raja now that Adeline was barely familiar with the lead mare and a foal the lead mare knows.

Adeline looked at Phantasia, the two mares stared at each other for an uncomfortably long time, before Adeline looked at Grey Cloud and then Raja. Adeline used her magic to gently and carefully pick up and place Raja on Grey Cloud's back, if the mare knew the foal than she doesn't have to wake up the filly at all and she can just be resting the whole way, then she pointed to the door before trotting over to it.

Phantasia followed Adeline, having worked with her, and she motioned for Grey Cloud to follow them. They have somewhere to put Grey Cloud and Raja, nothing bad or terrible, just somewhere if they knew each other. Well, if Grey Cloud knew Raja then they didn't have to keep the two separated from each other anymore or at all. And so, the group walked out of the meadow and left as they walked down a long hallway, it'd be a long while before Adeline turned a corner and trotted over to a door, Phanta following Adeline, and Grey Cloud at a walking pace to keep Raja comfortable and still asleep on her back since Ada placed Raja there on her back after all.

The door opened up to a room, not just any room but a room with a nursery and a place for sleep. Adeline used her magic to pick up Raja and gently place her down on a soft cushion, positioning to how she was when she was sleeping in the corner. Phanta looked at Grey Cloud before turning around and she walked over to the door, Adeline quietly and quickly followed behind Phanta. "We'll be back, we've just decided to help hide you guys out. We've seen the differences of Crimson now and we decided to betray him and hide you in here, there's a lot of rooms so it'd be a lucky guess if he found you here." Adeline told Grey Cloud, closing the door behind herself on the way out.

Grey Cloud was surprised at the revelation before she looked over to a window, she trotted over to it and looked out the window, there was not much to do on a high floor and risking it is no easy feat. She growled quietly before looking over at Raja, she had a silent strong feeling that Raja belonged to someone she knew and she won't let anyone, much less Crimson, get near Raja ever again. If Grey Cloud came to Crimson's place to take care of foals then Raja was here in a similar fashion so she won't let anyone get near the foal anymore. Besides other foals.

Grey Cloud then walked over to Raja, carefully getting beside her, and laying down next to the foal. Trying to make the little one as comfortable as possible, as there was not much to do with being locked in a room while the foal was asleep and Grey Cloud watching over the little one. Not much to do. But Grey Cloud will do her best to ensure that everything will be fine, she'll get back to Isle of Dreams and with Raja in tow as she won't let Crimson do anything to the little one. Not once will she let that stallion go near her or Raja. Especially with Adeline and Phantasia saying they'd help Grey Cloud and Raja back home so suddenly.

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#274774 Posted on 2024-07-27 09:41:42

     Nysa was still helping her father as she read a book or two at the time. Unfortunately they still hadn’t found anything useful, but after awhile Nysa looked up noticing Esmeray had gone over to Scorn. It had been awhile since Nysa was able to spend time with him, but she was needed with her family. Though she looked at Scorn who was on the other side of the meadow. Her ears lowered seeing a difference in the stallion since Grey Cloud had gone missing. Everyone just wasn’t the same as they usually were. Nysa hated seeing the herd like it currently was, but she could only hope things were going to get better soon.

     Though as Nysa was looking around, she noticed a stallion. She hadn’t seen him around before which made her nervous. He was a bit of a distance away from where she and her father was, but she could sense that he was familiar to her. Nysa just looked at her father who was still reading, “Who’s that stallion over there? How did he get inside the dome?” She asked as she had gotten nervous again. Orion looked at her before looking at the stallion he had noticed earlier. He knew there was something off about him, but he didn’t want to worry her. Seemed as though it was too late for that since Nysa noticed him, but he tried to get a closer look at the stallion from afar.

     “I don’t know. The dome may be built to let horses in, but not let them out…” he said as he looked at the dome. Well at least that was something that could help them figure out what they need to do in order to take down the dome. Though Orion looked at the stallion again before he returned to look at Nysa, “Just stay away from him until we can figure out who he is and what he’s doing here. I don’t need to lose you either.” He said as he finally admitted it aloud. Nysa looked at her father as her ears lowered. They both wanted their family to be whole again. Nysa just nuzzled her father and told him everything was going to be fine. They had to be.

     Though Nysa looked at the faraway stallion again. As she did, she had one of the same flashbacks she had shortly after Asher came the first time. It took her by surprise, but it was a memory she shouldn’t even remember. The day she was born and the same day Dra and the monsters attacked. She saw flashes of Dra and her mother wrapped in chains before it all vanished. It took her by enough surprise that she was shaking and some of her breathes were quick and shaky which had caught Orion’s attention. He looked at her and gently nuzzled her to help her relax, “Nysa? What’s wrong?” He asked once he was able to calm her down enough.

     It took her a moment to get her thoughts back together. “N-nothing. I need to go walk around or something to clear my head…” she said as she had got up and walked away. Orion watched her as he lowered his ears worried about her. There was something she didn’t’ want to tell him, and he had a feeling it had something to do with that stallion. Though after a little while Nysa had spread her wings and launched herself into the air. Although she couldn’t fly off, she still flew around where she could. Like her mother, flying helped to clear her head. Not only that, but it felt nice to stretch her wings since it had been awhile. Nysa also looked around multiple parts of the dome trying to find a possible weak spot, but she found nothing.

     Namir looked at Eclipsetess before he looked at the stallion, “That is no god.” He spoke as he looked at the stallion. He knew there was nothing good about that stallion, and he didn’t like that he was inside the herd at all. Though when Eclipsetess mentioned he looked like someone they knew, Namir realized the same thing which made him more cautious about the stallion. Namir usually didn’t trust unknown stallions, but this stallion was not worth getting to know. He knew that much. Though Namir looked at Eclipsetess as she spoke again, “There’s nothing good about him, especially if he’s looking for Nature. As far as I know she’s not here, and let’s hope she stays wherever she is..” he said with a sigh unsure of what to do.

     Solstice looked at Faith and gave a nod. She watched her as she tried to locate where Dra was, but the more time that passed the more she was worried about everyone. Not just Raja. Though when Faith said he was on her home Isle, Solstice feared the worst. Almost like her heart continued to shatter into several pieces. “He’s with the herd. That’s dangerous enough.” She said as she looked around in the room. Seemed as though most of the gods and goddesses in the room were just ignoring everything going on and didn’t seem to care. As much as Solstice wanted to get her daughter back, she knew Dra was more important and more of a threat than Crimson. “We have to stop him before he does anything…”

     That was when Ariadne decided to step forward, “I’ll go with you. It won’t hurt to have extra help,” she said as she summoned a large silver spear beside her. She didn’t have a horn or wings, but she still had magic. Solstice looked at her and gave a small nod appreciating the help. At least not everyone in that room hated her, but she still didn’t pay attention to that since they didn’t accept her as a goddess yet. Even if they didn’t like her they could still try to help protect the Isles instead of it seeming to always be her. Solstice did try to hide her fear and worry about Dra’s return. Some of the words he spoken to her when he had her as a prisoner still haunt her to this very day. Though she did worry about Nysa hoping Dra wouldn’t remember her and possibly go after her. “Best we go before anything happens..” Ariadne said.

     Raja was still asleep in the very same corner. The only difference was that her head was no longer tucked underneath her small black wing. She seemed to have worn herself out when she tried to run away and hide, but she was also still very young. The filly didn’t even seem to wake when Grey Cloud and the two other mares had approached her or even placed her on Grey Cloud’s back. She remained fully asleep. Even when they were taken to a room and placed on a soft cushion. Though some time after that the filly had slowly started to wake up. Once she did, she looked down realizing she was someplace new when she noticed Grey Cloud beside her. Though Raja had managed to get on her tiny hooves as she walked around the room seeming to have been trying to find a way out of there again. The place was like a maze after all.

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#274776 Posted on 2024-07-27 13:25:46

Esmeray looked around the herd, before spotting Nysa at the dome with Orion, Scorn followed Esmeray's gaze and nudged him towards her. She was busy with helping Orion, yet Esmeray was staring at her. Infatuated like a young colt. Scorn shook his head at Esmeray before starting to trot over to Nysa and Orion. Esmeray didn't think about it but he soon did and galloped to catch up with Scorn and walk with him. Surprised, then his heart started beating when he thought of Nysa and how him and Scorn were walking over to her and Orion.

"What are you doing Scorn?" Esmeray asked the stallion, all Scorn did was give Esmeray that look with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk on his lips. Young stallions won't understand it until they do, and Esmeray was no different but he soon realized what Scorn was doing and had gone done blushed up like an embarrased mess. "Really? I mean, Nysa is cute and beautiful - but REALLY Scorn? You're dragging me over to her when she's busy with helping her dad? Don't you think that's a little rude?" Esmeray questioned Scorn more, the stallion snorted before looking up at the dome when they were next to Orion and Nysa. Esmeray being a nervous mess while Scorn looked at a few books and took his place next to Orion.

"Mind if you got more help on this?" Scorn looked to the dome before looking at Orion, asking him a question. It'd certainly be wonderous to have more help with finding out how bring the dome down, plus the lead stallion was willing to help where he can for now. Somewhere at least. Esmeray was still blushing and frozen in his state, he didn't know what to do since Scorn wants to help Orion and Nysa and he followed the stallion before realizing why he did it besides wanting to try and help the father and daughter.

Eclipsetess nodded at Namir's words, agreeing with him about the stallion being no god and that Nature should stay wherever she was. It was better for the mare anyways, for her safety, especially if one stallion was looking for her at an unconvenient time and place while the herd was dealing with many things happening one after another. "Would be it wrong if I said I had put a little trust into him? Just a tiny pinch of salt kind of trust? It wouldn't change anything, maybe a bit.. I'm not sure.." Eclipsetess aked Namir, looking up at him. Handsome, that's her first thought of anything else in her head.

Faith nodded at Ariadne and Solstice, opening her wings and she plucked out another feather, before duplicating the feather into feathers and giving Ariadne and Solstice the two feathers. "If Dra has already interacted with anyone you know Solstice, take this feather. It is not the same one Raja has on her, this feather is different because I had enchanted it to try and keep Dra's magic concealed better so that he can't return to his original status. I tried my best to find the best spell on keeping him tame after everything he put you through, and it'd teach him a better lesson to never mess with a mom like you. Plus I'm sure his daughter wouldn't let him take his throne back, Molten is a mix between him and Nature so her reason would out way her father's rule over her and because she's the queen as well." Faith told Solstice and explained to her what this new, glowing and enchanted feather does. It'd teach him a good lesson in morals, no magic equals eternal torture of being weak from his perspective - in a twisted way that he sees it.

Faith looked at Ariadne, the one who was given a feather by Faith, there was a pretty good reason as to why a goddess like Ariadne would be given a feather. "Since you're traveling with Solstice, it would be best to hide your powers for now. Dra or anyone else wouldn't know you, besides me and Solstice. Take the feather and put it in your mane, it'll hide your powers until you take it off when the situation is dire enough for you to show yourself for who you are." Faith explained to Ariadne, well there was the pretty good reason explained to the goddess. Faith was just looking out for both mares, especially Ariadne, she isn't sure if Ariadne had been to Isle of Dreams before so it would be best to take caution with the goddess and the unfamiliar land she'll be going on with Solstice.

Grey Cloud opened her eyes and watched as Raja walked around the room, there was not much to go off from or to escape too, but Grey Cloud let the foal explore as much as she wanted before she'll speak to Raja. It was adorable to see Raja moving around, especially since she's never seen a foal as unique as her but it made her adorable. "You can't escape little one, or at least that's what I think you're trying to do." Grey Cloud spoke up, slowly getting up on her hooves before walking over to Raja and nuzzling the little one. Grey Cloud really adores little ones, evident because she has the twins and Esmeray that she raised up with Scorn and everyone else.

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#274778 Posted on 2024-07-27 15:39:00

     Nysa continued to fly around the dome for quite awhile before she slowly landed. She flapped her wings a few more times before she folded them back to her sides. He got her mind off of the strange stallion and most of what else was going on. Though she walked back over to her father. Orion looked up at her about to ask if she was alright, but he just stayed quiet figuring it was for the best. At least for the time being. “I tried to look for a weak spot in the dome, but I didn’t find any. So far the only way out is the spell mother used, but even if all just teleport out of here, we still need to take down the dome…” she said letting out a sigh. Nysa was starting to get tired, but she knew she couldn’t sleep with everything going on. Not only that, but she didn’t feel comfortable resting or even sleeping at the time.

     Orion looked at her seeing the exhaustion in her, but he still said nothing of that matter. “Yes. I’m afraid I haven’t mud anything yet either, and I don’t know if we will. I’ve read through quite a few books, and nothing.” He said starting to get discouraged. He’s been busy researching for a couple hours by now, but maybe he was also trying to keep himself busy so that he wasn’t thinking on Solstice and Raja too much. Not that he wasn’t worried about the both of them, but he knew he needed to keep himself busy otherwise he would panic. Though a few moments later Orion had noticed Scorn and Esmeray had come over. He was a little surprised to see Scorn, but he figured the stallion needed a distraction like he did, “Of course…could always use more help.” He said.

     Nysa frowned slightly when she heard her father start to get discouraged. She hoped he would find something, but before she could say anything she looked to see Scorn and Esmeray had made their way over. For the first time in a day or two a small smile had appeared on her face when she looked at Esmeray. She figured her father and Scorn had it handled for now, so she stepped over to Esmeray. When she got to him, she stood beside him and laid her head on his back much like Solstice does with Orion. It felt good to be beside him again, and it helped ease Nysa’s worries for the time being, “What have you been up to?” She asked him curiously, but also to keep her mind off of everything else going on.

     Namir looked at Eclipsetess. He occasionally glanced over at “Dhieus” just to keep a close eye on him, “I trust you completely, but be careful. We can’t trust anyone right now. Who knows if Crimson could have sent him here to keep an eye on us or what, but as far as we know he can’t leave the dome just like we can’t.” He said sounding concerned, but after a moment he had nuzzled Eclipsetess. “How are you holding up? With everything?” He asked her knowing everything that has happened has affected someone in some way. Some more than others. Though Namir took a moment to look around the herd noticing Scorn with Orion, and Nysa with Esmeray. He then spotted Apollo who seemed to have finally gotten up and move around a bit, but he still remained away from most of everyone.

     Solstice watched as Faith had pulled another feather from her wing before splitting it into two. Solstice took hers as Ariadne took hers. “Thanks….hopefully it’ll work and he won’t do anything before we get there.” She said worriedly. Dra would recognize some of the herd members, but they wouldn’t recognize him. Though Solstice lowered her ears and sighed, “It’s not your fault Faith. You did the best you can, but you know how he is…he won’t stop trying to come back. I have to live with what he did to me and the ones I love for the rest of my life whether or not he continues to return.” She said knowing it was the truth. No matter what she did she knew she was never going to escape him.

     Ariadne looked at Solstice as she listened to her words. She lowered her ears slightly as she looked down. She knew of what happened, but she didn’t think it had affected the mare as much as it had. Though she then looked at Faith as she took the feather and placed it in her mane right behind her left ear. Before she did, she made the spear made of silver she summoned disappear. “I’ll do what I need to in order to help.” She said before turning to at Solstice, “Best we take off and get there before anything happens.” She said letting Solstice take the lead. After all the Isle of Dreams was her home, and he had barely been on the Isles at all.

     Solstice nodded before she turned to Faith again, “Thank you for your help..I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.” She said grateful for Faith having her back. Though just before the two mares left Solstice stopped, “We’ll be back soon…I still need to get my daughter back.” She said as she pinned her ears for a moment. Then the two mares left. Solstice decided it would be quicker to teleport the both of them, but she teleported them both to the bridge, “We don’t want Dra to spot us right off the bat. It’s best if we walk to the meadow…i hope they are close to taking down that dome..” she said muttering that last part. Though Solstice then looked at Ariadne, “Why did you decide to help me? Most of everyone in that room hates me.” She asked as they walked on a trail leading to Goldehn Valley.

     Ariadne followed Solstice as they headed towards the herd. She was slightly distracted by the Isle and its beauty, but she looked at Solstice, “Because someone has to do something. With Dra back everyone is in danger, and him more powerful then ever you needed the help. Besides I’ve never really been on the Isles.” She said before she paused, “It is unusual for a goddess to live on the Isles, but I don’t really know what their deal is. Besides you’ve done more for the Isles than anyone else.” She said. Though both mares then stopped as they walked into an opening. They arrived at the meadow, and Solstice was worried when she saw the dome was still up. Ariadne looked at the dome, “I’ve never seen a dome like that…whoever did that really didn’t want your herd to get out..”

     Solstice sighed as she looked at the mare, “That would be the work of Crimson, but with that dome it puts the herd more at risk with Dra..” she said before she took a moment to look around before he carefully approached the dome. As always Ariadne followed. Solstice stopped at the dome’s walls as she looked at it. She didn’t know if she would be able to get back inside of it, so she picked up her hoof to test it. She was able to step inside. Just like the others suspected. “Keep a low profile for now…we can’t approach him right now..” she said as she looked around for her brother and Eclipsetess. Luckily she found them and trotted over to them. Ariadne followed.

     “Namir!” Solstice called out in a quieter tone as she approached him and Eclipsetess. She took a look around once or twice to try to see if she could spot Dra. “Did you see a strange stallion hanging around with the herd at all? It’s urgent.” She said sounding worried and cautious. Nysa looked around noticing her mother had come back, but with a strange mare. Even though she was spending time with Esmeray, she couldn’t help but to trot over to her mother, Namir, Eclipsetess, and Ariadne. When she approached, she had asked what was going on. Solstice nuzzled her glad to see that she was still alright, “Nysa please go over to your father. I can’t lose you too and I don’t want you to be a part of this.” She said not giving her a choice. Nysa hesitated, but she knew she had to listen. Though she didn’t want anything happening to her either after last time.

     Namir was still with Eclipsetess when he heard his name being called. He looked over to see his sister, “Solstice? When did you get back?” He asked before he realized that wasn’t important. Then he noticed the mare beside Solstice, “Who is she?” He asked confused about what was going on. Though when she had asked about a strange stallion being in the herd, he was surprised as to how she knew, “Yeah…Eclipsetess spoke with him. Claimed to be a god, but we know he isn’t. Something about him is familiar though.” He said confused as he looked at the two mares before looking at his sister specifically when he saw the concerned look in her face, “Solstice who is that stallion?”

     Solstice just pinned her ears slightly, “It doesn’t matter when I got back,” she said almost annoyed, “Her name is Ariadne. I went to the Heavens to get help, and I did.” She said. Though when Namir spoke of the stallion she immediately looked around trying to spot him, but he must have been out of view. Faith was right. He is here. Not that she ever doubted her. Solstice took a moment before she explained what was going on, “That stallion is Dra. He took a new form and is now more powerful then ever. Crimson was going to build a portal to bring him back, but it seems Dra has already returned before he can do so. Dra needs to be stopped before Crimson as much as I need to get my daughter back.” She said. Though when Namir heard what his sister said, he looked in the direction where he last saw Dra. It seemed he was walking around, and when Namir spotted him, he charged. Solstice wasn’t fast enough to stop him from doing anything, “Namir don’t!” She yelled but it was already too late.

     Raja continued to walk around the room still trying to find a way out, but she quickly learned there wasn’t one. When she did, she let out a small nicker as her ears were lowered. She even flapped her wings a little bit which wasn’t normal for a foal her age. Usually it took awhile for a foal as young as her to be able to move their wings like that. Though she had looked up when Grey Cloud had went over to her. Raja was hesitant since she didn’t know her, but something about her was familiar. Though she would have to nurse soon. It had been awhile since she had nursed last, but she was trying to find a way to escape but also to find her mother..

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#274783 Posted on 2024-07-27 20:29:58

Scorn smiled as he took a book and opened it up, flipping through pages while also reading them fastly, a few text of writing here and there made him stop a couple times before continuing to look the book as much as he could. He then re-read the same book, to get a better understanding of it and to see if he could collect any text that made him stop and think about it. He kept looking through the book but he'd be in thought as he re-read the same book for better coverage and an understanding of it.

Esmeray looked from Nysa to Scorn and then Nysa, he let out a short laugh before thinking of an answer. "Just talking with Scorn, trying to help him.. if you notice, he has those tired eyes and body language that says "I can't keep this going". I'm starting to think without Grey Cloud here, that he'll sooner or later disband the herd. He's keep up a facade of acting as his usual self - still mourning Moon - but trying his best to help where he can help. Which is helping your father take down this dome once for all when Crimson put it up." Esmeray nuzzled Nysa, finding comfort in her presence, while also telling her what he has been up to.

"I know and I trust you a lot too." Eclipsetess nuzzled Namir back, sighing before putting her head on his back and relaxing. "It's been tough, though I am starting to feel better. Trying to do this and that, while keeping tabs on everyone and making sure they are alright. But I feel better when you're around, you look like Scorn just a more handsome stallion. Not that Scorn is handsome, he just has.. a lot of scars for a stallion like him, battle scars for sure. I just... really love you." Eclipsetess tried to bury her head into Namir's back, acting like a filly that told her crush how she felt with him, before flapping her wings before folding them to her sides.

Faith nodded her head as she watched Solstice and Ariadne go, putting her attention on everyone else and shaking her head in disapproval. "You can't even like her for who she is, she saved the Isles from certain death by Dra once too many times. More than any of us had done, you're all just like the god's and goddesses before; they were way worse because there's a reason why they never challenged me for my title as a ruler just to make the Heavens better and happier than they had ever done." Faith scorned the god's and goddesses standing before her, reminding them about the previous ones that were way worse than they could ever be. Faith is just trying to make the Heavens better than never, but she can't do it alone.

Faith used her magic to take all her work, all her research, all that she has currently done, and she left the room. Going elsewhere to complete her research, her work, everything she has written down and more. She even took the ever-updating book that never once had stopped, she took most of everything that was on the table. Leaving in frustration to go elsewhere, she was going through a lot and she had to update everything due events happening and just about everything else really that has gone done in the Isles.

Esmeray watched as Nysa left to see her mom before coming back to her father, Esmeray was quiet the entire time, he then walked over to Nysa and sighed before he grabbed a book and started to read. As much as he could because reading was not his thing, even though the book wasn't open and he did not know how books worked. He may not be a magical horse but Scorn shook his head at Esmeray and let out a small laugh from Esmeray's curious on how to read a book properly, he could figure it out but he did look goofy doing it. It's like giving a toddler a toy but they look so lost and confused on how to play with it due to not having ever played with it, in this case its reading a book for Esmeray.

Eclipsetess was surprised, surprised that she talked to an enemy and not even realizing it. It explains why he felt familiar, still it was unlike Dra to not attack anyone like that much less just roam around like any other horse in the herd. Though Eclipsetess' eyes widened when she saw Namir charge off to Dra, that was going to be a fight happening she just knew it. It's gonna get ugly real quick. Though there was no stopping Namir, that's for sure, not stopping him when he's running towards Dra with intent.

Dhieus, revealed to be Dra, quite obviously now, was walking around, minding his own business, until he flicked his ear and looked up to see Namir running towards him. He unfolded his wings, hopped backwards, and took flight. His wings more bat-like in appearance, but he still decided to fly around the dome. He can't escape once he goes in nore can anyone else, though he smiled, a little wicked intent as he had an idea to use on Namir, it's not gonna hurt him just sting him if he touches, before glancing at Namir.

Dra focused his energy as his wing bones started glowing as they were an orange before going into a bright neon orange color now that they were going, from his wing bones to the skin of the wings had started glowing but in a more split-line way to cover the wings better they stayed in the split lines and splitted even more to look futuristic but also unique. Some prey animals use colors, sounds, smells, lights, or even their body for a predator to stay away from them. He was using a sneaky but also a smart method of using his magic like this.

For Dra, he was just using the color orange as his color, but he was also using the color orange because his wings cannot be touched now that he focused his magic into his wings to be untouchable and they would sting if touched by purpose or intentional. So Dra is flying around the dome with untouchable wings, but he also focused his magic not just from his wings but to his entire body as well, lines going from the wings down to split into more lines to cover his body and being entirely by protection.

Grey Cloud looked around before going towards the door, she looked at it before looking at Raja. "We're gonna go home, one way or another. I'll get you to your momma. I mean it little one." She opened the door, to find Crimson standing right there; thunder sounded, it had been raining? Interesting. Though the stallion used his magic to stop the girls from doing anything, Grey Cloud was frozen because of Crimson's magic freezing the entire room by just a simple form of using it. Nothing could move and nothing could escape.

"I came only for the filly, it was easy to find you both since I own this building after all and I know it like the back of my hoof." Crimson told Grey Cloud, throwing her to the side as his magic wore off of her as he needed only the filly for his plans to be in action. Grey Cloud hissed as her front leg and shoulder were sprained from the force of the throw, she didn't know that a stallion like Crimson would hurt a mare like her, less that he'd even do it just for a foal. A sweet and innocent little thing that doesn't understand or deserve any of this.

"You are a monster.." Grey Cloud whispered, weakly getting up from her from leg and shoulder. But Crimson already got to Raja and used his magic to move her frozen body, Grey Cloud started limping over to Crimson, quickly and fastly out of anger. He shut the door on the mare when he got out of the room and Grey Cloud fell against it because she couldn't stop him from taking Raja finally and using her for his plans. His evil plans.

Crimson watched the door for a little while longer, hearing Grey Cloud fall against the door, he knew she could not get out now with her sprained leg and shoulder. Much less try to open the door while limping to find him, it was a maze of a mess that the building was, something that not a lot of horses could remember with dealing like a structure like this. Crimson looked to Raja, shaking her a little bit, with him shaking the foal before walking towards where his destination was; the feather Raja had been wearing should also have fallen out with all the movements going on.

Scorn was reading a book, minding his own business, before he stood up and sensed something wrong. Not with what's happening in the current moment, no he knew that Dra was getting chased but couldn't help if it was Namir chasing him throughout the dome. It was an interesting sight between two stallions fighting it out, but he had gotten up before he went to the dome's wall and rested his head against it. "Grey Cloud.." He muttered, he had a connection to his mate like no other horse had with their mates, well, he had a connection with Grey Cloud through their bond. A spiritual bond that linked their souls together, not by magic but by their love they have for each other.

Scorn could feel that Grey Cloud was not alright, just by the tingly feeling in the same leg and shoulder that Grey Cloud was hurt in, he soon lifted his leg up because it had begun to hurt like the same pain that she was feeling. Scorn assumed that Grey Cloud had sprained her leg and shoulder, he could feel her pain through their literal special connection that they had as mates. He tried to lay down and continue reading, a rest might do him some good just to make the pain eased and hurt less. A sprain is a sprain, it just needs some rest and relaxation, and Scorn can continue reading while he can spare his leg and shoulder from doing any walking around or any movements while he's at it.

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#274786 Posted on 2024-07-28 12:05:03

    Nysa just took a moment to close her eyes and relax as she listened to Esmeray. Though what he said seemed to have only worried her, “I think that’s how everyone is right now…they want to grieve, but with everything going on it’s hard to..” she said as she then looked over at Scorn. Her ears lowered as she did so, “I hope that won’t happen…I know he’s older, but I don’t know what the herd would do without him.” She said as she was now worrying about the future of the herd. Though she then looked at her father, “I think my father is just trying to keep himself distracted from everything. With my mother and my sister who knows where..” she said before pausing, “He won’t stop looking for a way to bring down the dome, but he’s using it as a distraction…I can tell..” she said with a sigh.

    Then she returned to look at Esmeray, “I’m just worried about everyone. Mainly my mother and my sister…” she said as she laid her head on his back again. She kept on trying to not think about everything, but she couldn’t help it. Though one thing she couldn’t get out of her head was the odd memory flashback. She had the same one back when Asher was around, but she knew she shouldn’t have remembered anything when she was just a newborn. What she didn’t understand was that she had the flashback when she looked at the strange stallion that had been wandering around the herd. Either way she said nothing about it not wanting to worry anyone anymore than what they already were with everything.

     Namir was still occasionally keeping an eye on the stallion, but he he put his main focus on Eclipsetess for the time being. Though when he thought about it, he hadn’t spotted Minette in awhile either. “I think most of everyone is trying to do the same thing..I’ve tried checking up on everyone here and there..” he said as he took a look around before returning to look at Eclipsetess again. Though he just nibbled her mane, “Well I do spend quite a bit of time with him here and there.” He said with a small smirk, “I may not be covered in scars like him, but I still have my scars.” He said even though they were both messing around with each other. Though he did have a small scar on his chest from the first fight with Dra, and his left shoulder had come discoloration from the time Solstice accidentally hurt him while under Dra’s control.

     Though shortly later when Solstice had returned, Nysa had walked over to her father. Orion looked up to see her approaching when he saw Solstice in the distance with a mare he didn’t recognize. He knew something was up especially since there was no sign of Raja. He forgot about the book he was reading as he hoped Nysa knew what was going on. Which she may have overheard who the strange stallion was. Nysa didn’t want to worry Esmeray or Scorn, so she summoned a small journal and a pen and wrote it out on paper before giving it to her father. Orion’s eyes only widened when he read what she had wrote. Dra had returned once again. When Esmeray had grabbed a book, Nysa just let out a small smile before she helped him. She glanced over at her mother letting out a sigh before she too grabbed a book. She was going to stay put…at least for the time being.

     Namir had charged towards Dra, but before he reached him, the stallion had took flight. Though Namir didn’t think before he too spread his wings and got himself into the air as well. It had been a long time since he last used his wings that it took him a second to get in the air, but even his endurance in the sky wasn’t the best. Despite that, Namir wasn’t happy. “How dare you come back here!” He snorted loudly before he tried to go after Dra again. Though he attempted to go after Dra again. He saw what Dra had did, but Namir didn’t know what it was. Either way he didn’t care. He wanted to end him himself. When Namir came in contact with Dra, he felt a strong sting. Enough to surprise him causing him to go back to the ground for a moment.

     Solstice snorted and pinned her ears as she watched her brother run towards Dra, “My brother is going to get himself killed…again..” she said knowing he knew better then that, but she then spread her wings before looking at Ariadne. “Stay here for now..don’t want to blow your cover right off the bat.” She said almost annoyed before she took flight. Ariadne nodded and watched closely in case she would have been needed. Though Solstice watched what Namir did, but he seemed was fine. Then she put her attention back on Dra as she flew a short distance in front of him, “Why are you here?” She said in an angered yet demanding tone. She still feared the stallion greatly, but she knew she couldn’t show it and coward.

     Raja had looked at Grey Cloud as she had walked to the door. She wasn’t entirely sure what the mare had said, but something told her was going to go home. Though when Grey Cloud had opened the door, Raja froze. Crimson. She recognized him, but she didn’t freeze entirely from his magic. She froze when she saw him because she didn’t know what he was going to do next. The filly’s ears were lowered and if she could her body would have been shaking. She watched the stallion throw the mare to the side as she grew terrified once again. Something about the mare was familiar to her, but she couldn’t do anything even if she could move her tiny little body. 

     Raja couldn’t fight back as he forced her to move as the two had left the room. She heard Grey Cloud’s body hit the door and fall. She tried to call out to anyone, but the filly just couldn’t do a single thing. What made things worse was that Crimson shook the filly which was too much for the small filly. Faith’s feather had in fact fallen out of her fuzzy little mane which only made things worse. Crimson and others would be able to sense her power. Though due to Crimson shaking Raja, the filly had lost consciousness. Not to mention she was slowly starting to grow weak from not being able to nurse for a long while. She didn’t know how long it had been since she last saw her mother.

     Orion tried to keep himself busy by reading one of the books, but he couldn’t help but to watch Solstice. At least until he looked over at Scorn noticing something was wrong with the way he had started acting. Orion watched him walk towards the dome and soon pick up his leg like it was injured. Nysa watched Scorn as well before she looked at her father. The two had gotten up and went over to Scorn, “Scorn? What’s wrong?” Orion asked knowing something wasn’t right. He knew Scorn didn’t injure his leg, but with the way he picked it up, it was definitely hurting. Orion had read about horses having special bonds…mostly with mates..

     Though Solstice was still flying just in front of Dra when she got a feeling. At first she tried to ignore it, but the feeling she had only started to grow worse. “Raja..” she muttered as she looked at Dra before turning to look around. Before long she had slowly made her way to the ground completely ignoring Dra. Namir had looked at the stallion before he realized something was up with his sister as he made his way over. Ariadne had made her way over as well. Solstice looked at the both of them, “I-it’s Raja something’s wrong…I can feel it..” she said sounding completely worried as she looked at the two. Not only because she could sense the filly’s powers, but also because she was her mother….a mother always knows..

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