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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#64463 Posted on 2016-08-30 15:12:05

Double post.

Last edited on 2016-08-30 at 15:13:08 by Eηcнαηтε∂

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#64468 Posted on 2016-08-30 15:40:07

"I have no idea where the Guard is. I know for a fact they aren't in the Jungle. At least you are okay. A small group of Doles attacked us, but we killed eight of them, and sent the other two limping off badly injured. They can be killed, but are very fast, and go after the belly in a group; which is why they are so hard to defeat." Tali informed her.

Marzipan and Zuberi paced the border, sniffing, and looking around for any signs of Doles. They were hoping Bahari had an idea to turn them back.

Kacy growled with determination, called the pride, and told them exactly what they needed to do. Twenty five lionesses all bowed and raced off to carry out their Queen's orders; while fifteen of them remained behind to protect the ten cubs of various ages at the Great Rock. Kacy and Cali stalked out personally themselves, to see how the herds were doing, and to check on Ginelly's family. Her brother trotted out and informed her that they had successfully detered the Doles with their fierce counterattack, but weren't sure how long that would last. Kacy and Cali nodded to him, "Good job Ganda. Keep up the good work and protect your family." The two Rulers trotted off into the grass and headed to visit with Areli and Sengo. Sengo was one of the strongest males in the pride and he could very well be the key to driving the Doles away.

Areli growled, for she had heard the roar for help, and looked around; sniffing the air. "Sengo, we need to help our family. You are one of the strongest males in the pride. The cubs can hide and we can go fight."

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#64493 Posted on 2016-08-30 17:57:33

Vitani, nodded running away from the pool and towards the Guard's usual place to help. As she only got a mile away from the pride she stopped, hearing the sound of hundreds of hoof beats. Her eyes widened as she sped around, running to the nearest place which was the forest. Thorns brushed against her coat as she ran into the woods, hurrying towards a cave when she tripped, falling over and hitting her head against a sharp rock. Blood trickled down her forehead as she passed out.

"No, Areli. You must stay with them, I won't go if you will not stay and protect them." he rasped rather coldly, his body going stiff. He realized his harsh tone and quickly took her into his paws, hugging her tightly and nuzzling her cheek. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. But you must stay with our cubs. I...I can't lose you, I love you too much." he whispered warmly.

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#64497 Posted on 2016-08-30 18:07:43

"Very well. Come cubs. Time to go hide in our "secret" cave deep in the forest." Areli growled, their young sons following her, slightly stumbling over their large paws, for they had not quite grown into them yet. Their mottled pelts blended perfectly into the mottled forest and soon Sengo couldn't see them.

The stampede of all the herds racing away from the 100 Doles quickly circled back, making a perfect "U" turn, and raced right through the Doles; who scrambled to get out from under-hoof, and yelped in fright. Their Commander watched from a huge pile of rocks with five other Doles, growled with annoyance at their cowardliness as they climbed the rocks, and yelled. "They are the prey!!! You are the predator!!!! Get them you cowards!!! Don't you dare commit Muttiny!!!!!" The Doles fell back from where they had scrambled up to join their Commander, when he barked at them, and they took off to chase down the huge multi-animal herd once more. However, this time, the Doles were sent packing by Marzipan and Zuberi, roaring fiercely, and trumpeting. Zuberi and Marzipan easily swatted the Doles who had dared to go up against them with one swat from paw or trunk, and the Commander snarled but then yelled, "Retreat Troops!!!!" The Dole Army raced off, while the Commander met Marzipan and Zuberi's eyes, all glared at each other, and when he wouldn't back off; Zuberi picked up Marzipan with his trunk and threw him onto the rock the Commander Dole stood on. The Commander Dole growled, but back off, while Marzipan snarled, and forced him off the rocks back into the Nomad's Land.

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#64513 Posted on 2016-08-30 18:45:42

Bahari, Kubadili, and Kifo sniffed along the other edge of the border, and was in view of Marzipan and Zuberi. Gecha was prancing, her nose on overdrive. The leader flicked her tail and the gazelle bolted towards the lion and elephant. Skano and Krebu circled the Savannah, reporting to whomever lion or lioness they could find, along with the occasional hyena.

A dark pelted lion, with a belly of pure snow, stood outside his den, and declared himself part of this war. He scooped his wings and soared down from his ledge. Fanning out his feathers he landed, and the short winged lion padded towards Kacy. "How may I help?" Assassin asked.

Adle, now a thick lion, stretched his one wing, and his legs. He ruffled his dark mane as he stood. His uncle Assassin had taught him all about war, and the act of surprise. His littler sister Nebula, was a pretty, rock hard assassin, and couldn't wait to throw herself into battle. The smol lioness dug her claws into the dirt, waiting for her father to give them the signal.

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#64514 Posted on 2016-08-30 18:48:13

(Pausing Vitani for now Feathered, since she's going to loose her memory and all. I'll post when Marzipan is back at his den.)

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#64515 Posted on 2016-08-30 18:52:18

(Guys, just letting you know, I might not be on as much ad I used to. I just started middle school--moved, getting used to new school-- and I have tryouts for track tomorrow, so EV has been on my ill get to it when I can list. D:)

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#64531 Posted on 2016-08-30 21:01:12


Marzipan roared, showing off his strength, and glared as the Doles retreated to their stolen home. He knew this wasn't the last they had seen of each other and vowed to work with the Lion Guard till they had dispelled this threat. He jumped down onto Zuberi's back and the two friends walked back to regroup with The Lion Guard.

The Dole Commander growled angrily, for he had allowed himself to appear weak before his Troops, and as such; glared at everyone, backed some down, and was in an overall bad mood.

"Perfect. You can attack from the sky. Where's Aussie? She's one of the fiercest lionesses I have in the pride." Kacy smiled with glee when she saw Assassin. Aussie was resting in their den, their two 6 month old cubs resting beside her, looked up, and sighed. She knew that she had to fight and was worried about her and Assassin's youngest cubs. They needed both their mother and father. Their two older children were trustworthy, but they didn't know how to care for their younger siblings, so it was important for Assassin and Aussie to survive.

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#65310 Posted on 2016-09-03 13:00:15

The dark female swiveled her ears as her brother and the elephant approached. "Good," she spoke, "you're back!" Bahari turned to look at them, her eyes filled with confusion when she saw the gazelle wasn't it's them. "Where's Gecha?!" She questioned. "I sent her to you!"

Assassin nodded, and Adle, using a fake wing that his uncle Orbit had given to him, and Nebula dove from the sky, skidding to a stop next to their uncle. "And me troop." His smiled faded as they took off the patrol.

Meanwhile, doles snarled and drooled as they gazed at the prized gazelle, and began to circle her. One cackled, sending shivers up her neck. Skano and Krebu circled overhead, but there was nothing they could do without being eaten. Gecha screamed as one grabbed her leg, and the rest engulfed her as she hit the earth.

Last edited on 2016-09-03 at 13:01:53 by MysticMemories{Lilac}

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#65324 Posted on 2016-09-03 13:40:20

"Gecha?! We didn't see her!!!!!" Marzipan said in alarm, Zuberi sniffed the air, smelling fresh blood on the wind, and trumpeted. "She's in trouble!!!!!" He ran towards the smell of blood and sound of wild yelping. Marzipan growled and raced behind his friend.

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#65518 Posted on 2016-09-04 16:34:01

Bahari and the rest of the Guard followed, tearing across the Savannah. When they spotted Skano and Krebu, the leader watched as the Doles ran off in the distance. She told everyone to stay there, and padded towards the scent of blood, and gazelle. What she found actually surprised her, Gecha, bloodied and torn, but alive. "Gecha!" Tears pricked at her eyes as the gazelle looked up, "B..Bahari??" She rasped. "Zuberi!" The lioness called. "Pick her up, carefully, we need to get her to Malka!!"

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#65525 Posted on 2016-09-04 16:52:38

Zuberi ever so gently pushed his trunk under her body and gently lifted her up to place her on his neck. Marzipan then was grabbed rather roughly and Zuberi ordered him, "Keep her steady and control your craving for meat buddy." Marzipan rolled his eyes and gently steadied Gecha. "Don't you worry, I wouldn't eat my fellow member of the Lion Guard, despite what Zuberi said. Besides, I ate a couple hours ago." Zuberi gently walked towards the Great Rock where Malka would meet them.

The Doles had failed in their attempt to get rid of one of the members of the Lion Guard and their leader knew it. He immediately slapped each of them and ordered them to get back out there to disturb several herds to separate the Lion Guard so as to make it easier to get rid of them one-by-one.

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#65700 Posted on 2016-09-05 18:37:17

Gecha slowly looked up at Malka, and slightly nodded. She closed her eyes and fell asleep to the rhythmic thumping of Zumberi's feet.

Bahari gazed after them as they made their decent. "Lion Guard!" She growled, lashing her tail. "We need to keep close together, and always be with a partner." Kubadili nodded, she didn't want to end up like poor Gecha.

Malka had received the message of Gecha's injuries from passing birds, and by the sounds of it, he didn't think she would survive. He shook his head, clearing his mind. He began to set up a small cot for her, his paws shaking.

Assassin flew high above the Savannah, Adle and Nebula not far behind. He noticed Skano and Krebu flying away from what looked like a lone pup, or cub. As he lowered, it came to be a Dole! He must have been on look out, they must start training early! Assassin steadied himself on the breeze, and raised his paw, signaling his niece and nephew to stop. The siblings rested on a low hanging cloud, while their uncle swooped, snatching the pup. He squirmed, but was no match for the adult lion, who adjusted the pups scruff in his jaw, and glided towards the Great Rock.

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#65703 Posted on 2016-09-05 18:52:53

The other Doles were heading back out and the Dole Commander headed towards the edge of the Savanna to start marking his territory with claws and urine. However, the Warriors snarled, and drove him away when he began to mark in the Savanna. They then responded by clawing over his marks deeply and spraying like crazy. "How dare they!" He snarled and stalked off.

Kacy spied Assassin and his niece and nephew coming back, with something squirming in Assassin's mouth, and then growled when she saw that it was a Dole pup.

(Okay Mystic!! :))

Last edited on 2016-09-05 at 19:55:37 by ♥ Feathered Gold ♥

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#65704 Posted on 2016-09-05 18:56:02

(I have to go! My wifi has a curfew. At ten my time it turns off. :()

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