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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#72563 Posted on 2016-10-19 13:28:43

Taken aback slightly, she shook her head. "Oh. No. A newly mother who's former mate left her for another is hardly attractive." She said, though she couldn't help but feel a warmth inside at the thought of having a mate again. And he was a king too! Of course, he more than likely wouldn't accept any of her newborn cubs to be his heir! But that was if they even became mates. "But uh...can I stay with you and you're pride? At least until I can survive on my own? I will cause no trouble. Hunt for !myself and everything. I just need some shelter. Oh and my name is Toxic by the way."

(Duuhhh duh duuhhh! Also, hould I bring Kion back in? Maybe he disappeared because he got lost for some years, but found his way back home?)

Missing, Nafsi followed Cali, watching as lioness drew around the new member. "Should introduce myself, or do you and your pride have some required ceremony? I'm terribly sorry, I just am new to this whole...pride thing."

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#72579 Posted on 2016-10-19 15:23:42

"We don't have any formal way of introducing new members. Everyone is curious about new pride members, so expect a lot of lionesses to say hello." Cali smiled, suddenly started running, and leapt into the pool with a huge splash.

Karzai shrugged, "Whatever you want to do. You are welcome to stay with us. Ah! Here comes my mother." Tarzi trotted up, even though she was older, she was still full of energy, and smiled with glee at the new little ones. "Awwww.... they are beautiful. What's your name little lioness?"

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#72587 Posted on 2016-10-19 15:43:32

Nafsi was about to reply to Cali when she took off, jumping into the pool. This pride was so different from family back home. Walking to the pool, she slowly slid herself in, it immediately cooled her coat, and she could feel her tight muscles relax and felt so much better. "This does feel quiet good, Queen Cali." She said with a nod of approval that it was relaxing.

Toxic looked up, seeing another lioness who was older, but looked very similar to Karzai. "Oh, you must be Karzai's mother!" She said enthusiastically, smiling up at the older lioness. "My name? I'm Toxic, name after my mom's childhood friend who left in search of a mate when i was just born." She said, before returning her gaze to her cubs. "Aren't they just?!" She said with adoration in her voice.

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#72590 Posted on 2016-10-19 15:53:39

"Tox.... Toxic? Funny, a long time ago, in my family's pride, there was a lovely, but deadly lioness in our pride by the name of Toxic. Fiercest fighter, loyal pride member, great hunter, and good mother I ever knew. One of her daughter's is my nephew's mate and Queen." Tarzi smiled with fondness of the feared lioness she had known so long ago.

Cali scrubbed herself with her soaps, washed it off under the waterfall, and then climbed out to shake off and relax in the sun on her preferred rock.

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#72601 Posted on 2016-10-19 17:18:05

"Wow, must just be a coincidence." Toxic said with as shrug, still smiling brightly. "So do you think you could help my carry these little guys to your home, since Karzai so generously allowed me to stay with you for the time being." She said, turning a thankful glance on the princess before turning her gaze back to Tarzi. "I also need help naming them." She said as she tried standing on her shaking legs.

Nafsi watched Cali, repeating what she did. Scrubbing her ginger-red pelt with the soaps, before washing out her coat under the waterfall. Jumping out the sat beside the Queen, but not on the rock, as she was sure that was seen as a sign of disrespect, as it was in her homeland. "So, what is life in a pride like?"

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#72603 Posted on 2016-10-19 17:25:42

"It can be hard sometimes, as everyone is different, unique in their own ways, have their own personalities, and sometimes Kali and I have to break up fights between the lionesses when their quarrels get out of hand. But, everyone does respect each other, and work together well. Many of the lionesses are great granddaughters of the lionesses who served my great great grandfather Herex many years ago. Others have come from horrible conditions, running away from their home prides who had been killed by rogues, or were rogues themselves before coming to us." Cali smiled at her and relaxed in the sun.

Karzai and Tarzi gently picked up two of the cubs and led Toxic to their den a short distance away up in the rocky cliffs.

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#72609 Posted on 2016-10-19 17:52:59

Nafsi nodded, listening carefully. "So you mentioned you are at war with the Doles?" She said, feeling like she needed to know more about it in order to help with it. "How long have you been against them? How often do they attack the pride? Do you ever attack them or raid their territory?" She said, not wanting to flood Cali with questions but wanting to know more about it.

Toxic picked up the last to cubs and followed the two lionesses to their den. Setting the two cubs down beside the other two, Toxic laid down beside them. "So is your mate" She tried to phrase it carefully, nor wanting to trigger any emotions from either lioness.

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#72613 Posted on 2016-10-19 18:41:32

"He's.... he's been gone for a long time. I don't know where Kion is. I miss him." Tarzi sighed, going to lay down on her soft pelt in the corner near the entrance, and staring out the entrance.

"For almost a year. I hate those things. They are merciless. Kill without mercy, have attacked us many times, but we don't dare attack them, for they're many, about 300 strong, and have had to ally with the hyenas. I honestly don't like hyenas, but they respect us, so we respect them. Respect is key to have peace between animal species. They are the same size as hyena's, but are much more fierce, and don't hunt alone. Many have been killed on both sides, thankfully not us, but we have been injured. Ah!! Here comes my cousin Kali. She can tell you more." Cali smiled, but then lost her smile when she saw the look on Kali's face. "We are doomed. I don't know what to do!!!" "Kali?" Cali stood up fast, frightened, and Kali looked at her. "That pup, the one Assassin grabbed, told me everything. He said, '""We deserve it, not lions. We are going to wipe out their food, then hyenas, an ally. And the you. Lions don't know a single thing about tactics, or how to rule, that's why Doles are here. The Golden Kingdom will be ours before you..."' And then Assassin slit his throat before he could finish his boastful threat. I just don't know what to do!!!! I wish my father was here. He could stop this."

Last edited on 2016-10-19 at 18:42:11 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#72617 Posted on 2016-10-19 19:14:22

Nafsi nodded, before Kali rushed into the conversation. Approaching the pair, Nafsi coughed to get their attention. "I'm sorry, pardon me. But I couldn't help but to overhear." She said, before continuing. "Send me to the doles. My homeland is allied with the hyenas. I know the leader well. I'm sure I would be accepted among the doles. I can learn their plan and we can destroy them from the inside." She sighed as she finished, looking from Cali and Kali, then back to Cali.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss. He must've been an amazing lion. But at least you have your son. So strong and handsome...he must be an amazing King." Toxic said as she looked down at her cubs. "I know the pain of loosing a mate. These little guys' father left me when he found out I was expecting. And for my best friend." She said, sadness taking her voice over briefly. But as soon as she spoke again she was bright and cheery. "But these little ones need names."

Uru, a very striking lioness now, lay inside her den, her belly rising and falling as she took a light nap. Things had finally settled down and she had a chance to rest. Her and Ahadi's cubs, who were adolescents now, were restless and annoying as ever. They had still not chosen a heir. Not that they needed one anytime soon, because they had had cubs so early on. Two litters, one of which was born before the couple was crowned, and Uru wanted yet another, but decided against asking her mate, doubting the worrisome King would want another few mouths to feed.

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#72620 Posted on 2016-10-19 19:24:06

A sky colored lion was swept from the sky by the wind, crashing into the bushes near the pool. Snarling, the young male pulled himself through of the prickly vegetation. His black half-mane was windblown, blood trickling from his nostril. A deep scar ran down his leg, one he had received fighting a dole. His feathers on his one wing were ruffled as he unstrapped his prosthetic with his teeth. Turning and hiding under a bush, he then shook. Bowing to Cali and Kali, he slid into the pool, smiling at an unfamiliar lioness.

"Malka?" Sounded an all to familiar voice, and woke the sleeping healer. Startled, he shook, scattering some large leaves off the body of the dead gazelle, Gecha. Standing, the tanned lion peered from his den, "Tarzan, c..come in..."

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#72623 Posted on 2016-10-19 19:39:38

"What?! Are you kidding me??? Those Doles won't accept a lion as part of their pack, if you could call them that. They'll kill you before you could say a word. It'd be better for you to live with the hyena's and sneak in to find their pup den; which will make them weaker." Kali screeched with alarm, but a lioness roared, and a small party of a hyena's came into their midst. Led by Mabaya, the fiercest hyena of all, whose one brown eye looked kind, her red eye gleamed with her fierce personality, and everyone could tell that she was the strongest hyena that ever lived; fiercely protective of her clan and her family. "Mabaya can determine the best way for you to get into the Dole's territory. She may look scary, but she's sweet once you get to know her. She's just worried about her family and their future." Kali told Nafsi.

"Good day to you. And how are you doing?" The lionesses all greeted the sky-colored lion and the hyena's. Mabaya growled, but nodded curtly to the lionesses, and stepped forward to talk with Kali and Cali.

Last edited on 2016-10-19 at 19:41:20 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#72625 Posted on 2016-10-19 19:51:59

Adle turned his ears, "I'm good, but I need to speak with Kali." He replied, dragging himself from the pool. He stepped away and shook out his mane, fur, and feathers. He stepped towards her, keeping his head low. "Many a Doles are headed for the Golden Kingdom, it's unguarded." He whispered, keeping his eyes on the sky. "Nebula is keeping watch, but she is much too small to fight alone. I need an army." The thick blue lion pleaded with his eyes.

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#72626 Posted on 2016-10-19 20:03:28

(Gotta go for the night, sorry!)

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#72627 Posted on 2016-10-19 20:03:48

"What?!?!?! I swear, if they dare to step one foot into that sacred city, I'll.............. Wha?!?!?!" Kali screeched with fright, all the lions and lionesses gasped, as a bright light filled the place, and when all were able to see again; the ghostly figures of King Herex, Queen Isa, King Kalumvi, Queen Kalex, King Kunar, Queen Toki, and Mufasa himself stood before them. "Take heart. The Doles will perish if they step foot into the Golden City. Remember the curse? Except for the one who is to rule, all others who desire to rule will be turned into stone. However, you must be ready to fight. Get your pride together. Hide the cubs. This is the day of the Last Battle. King's Koki, Solo, and Queen Sassy are already on their way with their prides. All of your fates will be decided on this day. No matter what happens, you have done well, and will forever be in the stars for generations to come to tell of this Last Battle." Mufasa finished talking, the Great Kings and Queens of the Past suddenly became shining stars and moved along in the sky.

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#72705 Posted on 2016-10-20 14:20:26

Adle turned and roared, before strapping on his prosthetic wing. A sleek, pretty lioness came soaring on a current, wobbling as she drifted out. She slowed, and landed beside her brother, and began talking. "The Doles have surrounded the golden Kingdom, around 23 have been turned to stone." The lion nodded, "How many are left??" The young lioness sat, "About 89." The two quickly kicked off into the sky, towards the direction of the Great Rock.

(Who should I bring in?? Lumvi now?)

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