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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#59785 Posted on 2016-08-08 17:25:38

Vitani reached the den, she stopped in front of the wooden door, knocking on it lightly.

Sengo heard someone knocking at the door and stood up, going to the door and opening it. He nodded to the lioness, figuring she wanted to see Areli. "Areli dear, someone is here to see you!" he called out sweetly and let Vitani inside.

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#59787 Posted on 2016-08-08 17:27:54

"Well, hello. What can I do for you?" She swatted at one of her rascally sons, who was trying to pull Vitani's tail, and he darted away without getting swatted laughing. Areli growled, "Cubs......."

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#59796 Posted on 2016-08-08 18:13:11

"Speaking of which...can you check and see if I might be pregnant? If you're to busy I can come another time?" she asked kindly, smiling happily at the cubs and watching the male run away with a broad grin on his face. Vitani glanced at Sengo, noticing his scars from all of his years and how there was a few a gray hairs sprinkled here and there. It brought a little sadness to her thoughts, knowing she would never see her father grow old.

Sengo laid down beside his mate, grabbing their son by the tail and pulling him gently into his mane. He played a little roughly with him, to the cub's delight.

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#59798 Posted on 2016-08-08 18:17:58

"I can do that. But Malka is the Healer now. I retired a couple years ago and gave my practice to him." Areli shrugged and gently began to probe Vitani's stomach.

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#59804 Posted on 2016-08-08 18:33:56

Vitani stood still so it would be easier for her, not wanting to make it difficult. "I've had this strange feeling, and I know it sounds silly but I had a dream last night that my late father, showed me cubs in my belly." she explained, though not knowing why she even was telling her this.

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#59808 Posted on 2016-08-08 18:41:39

"Huh." Areli just grunted when Vitani told her that and continued to probe gently. She found her belly was slightly swollen in the area where the womb was, pressed a teeny bit more, and felt resistance; like a tiny kick. Areli nodded. "Yes. There's at least two cubs in there." She smiled.

Trooper sneaked really close to where the Doles were holed up, settled herself down in a hollow, with the tall grass above her head, and the wind blowing away from her. The Doles were talking with their leader, who was grinning, and eyeing all the land. "Soon troops. We shall have possession of ALL the land. Minus that accursed Desert, but this land, the Savanna, the distant Ridges to the left of us, the Forest, the Jungle, and the far away Mountains shall be ours. No one stands a chance against us! If they try to rise up against us, they shall be torn to pieces!!!!" The Doles growled and nodded in approval. Trooper grew pale in her face when she heard that and sneaked away to tell her sister what the Doles were planning.

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#59810 Posted on 2016-08-08 18:53:30

Vitani smiled and looked down at her paws in happiness. "I must go tell my mate, thank you so much!" she told Areli quickly, running out of the den. She ran as quick as she could back to the pool, once she reached it she saw him no where. I sighed, disappointed, but a grin still gleamed on my face. My heart raced with excitement, I couldn't wait for him to come home.

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#59815 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:17:06

KJ was relaxing in the big tree that shaded the doorway to the main den, heard Marzipan calling for him, smiled, and jumped down. "Hey cousin. What's up?" KJ greeted Marzipan and the two cousins bumped heads. "Nothing much. Just wondering what you are up too." Marzipan replied. "Wanna go hunting? I'm bored." KJ asked, but Marzipan smelled Vitani near their den, and said, "Come on. Let's get Vitani first. She probably is hungry anyway." KJ nodded eagerly and the two males trotted back to get Vitani.

(They're both in Vitani's sight)

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#59816 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:25:39

Ava was lying near her younger brother and cousin, and stood, padding after them. "Mind if I come?" She asked, glad to be away from her cubs.

Marrana glanced at Tarzan, biting her lip. "Guess what baby," she cooed. Tarzan pricked his ears, ruffling his fluff. "More babes are on their way." Tarzan smiled. "Ohh, more? I couldn't believe all our Cubs are grown, I can't wait for these new ones."

(Would either of you like to join my RP, posted in the under 13 board?)

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#59818 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:30:17

"Your more than welcome Ava!!!" Marzipan smiled and winked at her.

Trooper quickly informed Mabaya what the Doles were planning, Mabaya turned pale as a ghost, and looked over the entire land on a tall rock. "No one is safe. Not even those crazy crocodiles. Those Doles are a threat to everyone. We must inform Kacy!!!" She called for her war council and all raced to the Great Rock.

Kacy roared and looked straight at Trooper. "You're sure?!" "Affirmative. I heard it with my own ears." Trooper said, standing at attention, and confirmed. "Oh no.......... this is not good at all. TARZAN!!!!!!!!" Kacy roared for her Uncle.

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#59819 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:30:20

Vitani noticed a lion trot beside Marzipan towards her, most likely one of his buddies. They might be coming to tell me they are going out hunting, she concluded. I don't think I should go, for the cubs' safety, but I did want to make a good impression to his friends.

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#59820 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:31:53

"Hey sweetie. This is Kunar Jr. one of my godcubs. Just wondering if your hungry and wanna go hunting with us." Marzipan smiled at her sweetly, while KJ looked away to give them some privacy.

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#59821 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:33:26

Tarzan's back fur spiked. His eyes grew wide as he stood. He raced towards Kacy, glancing at the hyenas. "W..what's wrong?!" He growled.

Ava smiled and padded along side them.

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#59822 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:34:39

Vitani greeted him while a nuzzle on the cheek, debating on whether to go or not. "Sure, but I can't go out hunting all day, as I have something to do, later." She smiled, brushing her shoulder happily against him for a brief moment, but then stood aside, not wanting to embarrass him again.

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#59823 Posted on 2016-08-08 19:38:40

"Simple. The hyenas have returned, but they found these strange dog-like creatures called Doles, which aren't native to Africa living in their ancestral home. Sadly, several of their clan were murdered while trying to drive these Doles away, and bolted to ask for help. I told them only if they found out their plans would we help. Well, Trooper here did, and it's not good. The Doles are plotting to take over EVERYTHING. The Nomad's Land, the Savanna, the Jungle, the Forest, the Ridge Country, the Snowy Mountains, and possibly even Queen Sassy's Enchanted Forest!!!! They don't show mercy and are relentless. Nobody is safe. I need you, the Lion Guard, and all our of our pride to help the hyena's defeat these Doles. Do you still have the Roar?" Kacy informed him.

"Okay. What do you want to hunt? Oh and just in case you haven't met her; this is my Aunt Ava." Marzipan quickly introduced Ava to Vitani.

Last edited on 2016-08-08 at 19:40:15 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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