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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#59166 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:55:33

She accepted his hug leaned slightly against him. "I'm sSorry about earlier I really didn't mean to upset you..." Vitani squeezed him tightly, glad to be in his paws.

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#59167 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:58:44

"Ah, I just figured YOU needed some space. That's why I fell asleep in the pool. Man, you oughta trying sleeping there. So comfy." Marzipan purred harder, pushing her over, and licking her entire body. *fade out*?

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#59169 Posted on 2016-08-05 20:24:50

(Yep. Whisper and Munar or no?)

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#59174 Posted on 2016-08-05 21:16:20

(No, off to bed)

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#59175 Posted on 2016-08-05 21:18:11

(Night! β™₯ )

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#59271 Posted on 2016-08-06 14:22:44

Munar awoke from his slumber, purring when he felt Whisper beside him. "Whisper.." he spoke into her ear, hoping to wake her up.

Vitani just awoke, pawing at Marzipan's cheek to try to wake him. It was a brand new day and she wanted to take Marzipan to the paradise. She licked his muzzle that was lying beside her head.

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#59276 Posted on 2016-08-06 14:36:58

Whisper woke up herself, smelled the remains of a kill, and moaned from hunger. "Great. C'mon Munar. You need to help me hunt. As I didn't participate in the hunt last night, I don't have the right to scavenge the scraps. It is free for the cubs to munch on and then will be thrown to the vultures. If you want to eat, you'd better get off your lazy butt." She groaned, standing up, stretching, and slinking out to find some breakfast.

Marzipan smiled, rolled over onto his back, and blinked her sleepily. "Good morning sweetie. What's for breakfast? I'm so hungry I could eat a whole zebra!"

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#59278 Posted on 2016-08-06 14:47:47

"Probably some gazelle or zebra." She purred, standing up and kissing him briefly. "I'll be back soon my love..." Vitani promised before slipping out of the den and towards the watering hole. She might very well bring him back a whole zebra.

Marzipan mumbled silently to himself, getting up and racing after her. "Why don't you go back and rest while I hunt?" He suggested, nuzzling her cheek as he walked.

Sengo just came back from hunting and placed the freshly killed gazelle in front of his sleeping mate and cubs. "Morning my sweet...." he purred, lovingly nuzzling her head.

Alina woke up a little late today, since she had nursed the cubs a good part of the night. "Star?" She silently called out.

(Do you want Stormfly to have a mate or do you want to save her?)

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#59280 Posted on 2016-08-06 14:57:12

(Save her for later; I got something in mind for her)

Areli purred, got up, and their three young children raced up to attack the gazelle their father had just dropped onto the floor. Two females and one male growling, slapping each other, and began to have a three-way tug of war over the gazelle. Areli laughed when she saw their children fighting over the food and joined in with the tug of war.

Whisper grumbled when Munar didn't follow her, stalked back into the den, and swatted him hard on the butt (claws firmly sheathed). "Get yourself moving!!! I need your help. Oh no...... we forgot to ask for Queen Kacy and Cali's permission and our parent's blessing before we went ahead. Oh man.... If we don't get punished, then we will get a stern talking too."

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#59285 Posted on 2016-08-06 15:06:43

Sengo chuckled as he watched them fight over the meat. He laid down in front of it all, waiting to see the outcome.

Marzipan was prepared for the moment and told her sweetly "No one besides your sister saw us, we will not mention it but still ask for their blessing." He was already walking beside her so the sway was unnecessary.

Areli came back with two gazelles in her mouth, plenty for both of them. "Ready to eat?" She muffled out through the gazelles.

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#59289 Posted on 2016-08-06 15:16:46

(Marzipan is my character and his cousin. Munar is your character. :))

Whisper sighed, "Doubt she'll say anything to anyone." She walked out, still determined to go hunting, and obviously expected Munar to follow her.

Marzipan walked out of his den, went to the pool, and drank deeply. It was fresh water every time, for the pool flowed down into one of the many small creeks that flowed throughout the Savanna. He enjoyed the sweet crispness of the water and licked his chops; stomach growling and settled himself in the shade of his preferred rock to sun bathe on. He looked up when Vitani came back and asked him if he was ready to eat. "You better believe it!!!" He started to drool and followed her sniffing eagerly.

Areli didn't pull super hard, mostly letting their cubs pull, and smiled through a mouthful of fresh gazelle. She then heard her stomach growl, pulled really hard, and ripped off about half of the gazelle to share with Sengo; leaving the other half for their three children to devour, which they didn't hesitate, and began to eat on the other half. Areli laid down beside Sengo, put the half of the gazelle she had ripped off, and began to eat.

Last edited on 2016-08-06 at 15:29:20 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#59291 Posted on 2016-08-06 15:24:04

(Oops guess I brain farted. I meant Munar in the earlier posts. And when I said Areli I meant Vitani. )

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#59294 Posted on 2016-08-06 15:43:47

(I changed my post. Wanna answer?)

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#59305 Posted on 2016-08-06 16:47:49

Vitani dropped the gazelles inside of his den, setting aside his gazelle for him. She smiled at him, nuzzling his cheek as she guided him to his breakfast.

Munar followed obediently, not wanting his mate to be disappointed. "Whisper, everything will be alright." He promised, kissing her cheek sweetly.

Sengo nuzzled her cheek before digging into his meat. "I'm so proud of you. .." he purred after finishing his meat and watching their cubs.

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#59316 Posted on 2016-08-06 17:44:46

"I'm proud of me too. Such as, we are going to have another litter." Areli smiled so broadly that her face was almost completely hidden by it.

Marzipan leaped onto the gazelle and began to literally wolf it down. Devouring the still-warm meat and enjoying every morsel.

Whisper got down low, for they were near the Bushbuck herd, and began to stalk a lame member.

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