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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#59318 Posted on 2016-08-06 17:53:04

(If I go all of the sudden the internet might have went out.)
Sengo jumped up with joy and yelled "Cubs you're going to have more siblings!!" He grinned proudly, snatching Areli into his arms and hugging her. He held her tight and nuzzled her cheeks, all the while purring constantly.

Vitani began to gnaw on her meat, eating it slowly. "Marzipan, if I ever had cubs, could you take off work for a few days?" She asked.

Marzipan knelt beside his mate, keeping his whole body low.

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#59319 Posted on 2016-08-06 17:53:04

(If I go all of the sudden the internet might have went out.)
Sengo jumped up with joy and yelled "Cubs you're going to have more siblings!!" He grinned proudly, snatching Areli into his arms and hugging her. He held her tight and nuzzled her cheeks, all the while purring constantly.

Vitani began to gnaw on her meat, eating it slowly. "Marzipan, if I ever had cubs, could you take off work for a few days?" She asked.

Marzipan knelt beside his mate, keeping his whole body low.

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#59321 Posted on 2016-08-06 18:01:43

"Careful dear. You don't want to hurt the little ones." Areli gently scolded him with a big smile. Their cubs looked up, ears pricked, smiled, and went back to eating their gazelle.

Whisper sneaked forward, eyeing the lame member, stopped, and got down low when the member limped towards them. "You stay here. I'm going to be the catcher. You chase it towards that brush patch to the right. Wait five minutes then charge Munar." She whispered into his ear before slinking off.

"Depends on Bahari and the others. I can't guarantee it, but will do my best. I do want to be a father one day." He smiled at her, mouth full of gazelle, and then went back to eating his breakfast.

Last edited on 2016-08-06 at 18:02:46 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#59325 Posted on 2016-08-06 18:14:58

Sengo nodded, letting her go reluctantly and setting her carefully back on the ground. "My queen.." he purred, rubbing his head against her and wrapping a paw around her neck.

Munar nodded, counting up in seconds until he reached 300 seconds. He jumped up out of no where, unlatching his claws and chasing it towards the brush patch.

Vitani nodded, wondering how long it would be before she was pregnant. "Marzipan, what did it feel like when I left?" she asked curiously, leaning against him and resting her face besides his face as he ate.

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#59332 Posted on 2016-08-06 18:25:33

"I thought I could never have a friend like you again. You and I grew closer together as friends in just three days than I ever did with any of my other friends in the pride. Speaking of which, have you seen my godcubs? King Kunar's and Princess Toki's last cubs???? Shawari raised them and they are doing very well." He smiled broadly at this, for KJ, and his siblings had grown up well. Kunar Jr. was the living image of his father and everyone adored him. He was super loyal to his sister and cousin's reign, had become one of the warriors, and was extremely fierce just like his father; Kunar.

Areli purred against Sengo, "And you are the King of my heart." She twirled around him, tail tickling his nose, and acting very sweet.

Whisper waited a second more, while the herd bolted in every which way, though Munar was doing well to chase their quarry straight towards her, got down lower, shoulders twitching, and then pounced! The Bushbuck grunted when he was taken down, hit the ground hard, his neck hitting a rock, breaking it, and killing the Bushbuck instantly. "Wait to go Munar!!!" Whisper grinned with delight at her mate.

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#59340 Posted on 2016-08-06 18:44:28

"I'm don't think so. Marzipan, if something happened and I had to leave again, would you be alright?" she asked seriously, gazing into his eyes. Vitani always was one for finding out things before anything went further on.

Sengo sneezed, tickling her belly playfully in turn. "I'm so happy you're mine, and no one else's." he sighed lovingly, looking into her eyes.

Marzipan smiled, happy to make her proud. "You don't know the half of my secret talents." he purred, giving her a sweet but brief kiss.

(Has Dollu had her cubs yet?)

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#59347 Posted on 2016-08-06 18:54:00

(That's your decision. :) Oh my stomach, ate too much loaded baked potato soup, ice cream, and orange juice. I got a stuffed tummy. D:)

"I can't promise anything. What if some sort of emergency happens and I am called with the Lion Guard to help out? You never know when something might happen." Marzipan reminded her.

"I can hardly wait to find out what they are. But first, let's eat. Then go find our families to receive their blessings for our marriage." Whisper suggested, before going after the soft belly, and the hind quarters for herself.

A new group of animals arrived in the Nomad's Land, a relentless group of wild dogs that didn't stop at killing everything when it came to hunting. They had been in shipping crates to be taken to a zoo in the United States, but while traveling in the Indian Ocean on the way to the the Suez Canal, a massive storm came up out of nowhere, throwing all the crates of animals off the ship, and the ship sank. The crates had washed onshore, near the Serengeti, the pack of animals got loose from their crates, and ran off together. They are the wild doles of India, very fierce, and killed every animal that dared to cross their path. They ran right through the Serengeti, causing death and destruction, and then ran right up the forbidden pass. When they reached the top, a huge Desert greeted them, but they found that it was possible to run on rock instead of hot sand along the mountains, and reached the dry brown grass of the Nomad's Land. The rogues living in the caves were forced out, though they did not go without fighting, but when two rogues got torn to pieces, all five remaining rogues bolted in terror, leaving their caves to the wild doles. They made themselves at home and plotted to take over all the land that was as far as the eye could see.

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#59351 Posted on 2016-08-06 19:17:52

(That sounds like fun. :c )

"True..." she nodded, but decided to cheer up the mood. Vitani purred, twined her tail with his and kissed his cheek lovingly.

"Whisper, I think I want to travel. What do you think of that?" he asked sweetly. Munar had always dreamed of traveling, but wasn't sure.

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#59352 Posted on 2016-08-06 19:26:20

"Travel? Hmmm... I most definitely think we need our family's blessing and the official marriage ceremony first." Whisper said. "Also, we need to be careful. The land we are living in is magical, we are safe from any humans here. But if we go past King Mohatu's Desert, and down the forbidden pass; we will be at risk of poachers and big game hunters." She reminded him.

Marzipan yawned, his stomach stuffed, laid down, and rolled over onto his side to sleep off his big meal.

The Doles growled and fought each other over the two rogues they had torn to pieces as they devoured the carcasses. The leader snarled, "Troops, soon we will take over all the land as far as you can see. But first, we must rest. We have traveled for a long time and need our strength." The Doles listened to their leader and fell into a stupor of exhaustion. Where the Doles had taken over, the Hyena's used to live there, but had left over ten years before, leaving it to the rogues, though their descendants were starting to come back together, to make their journey back to their ancestral home. When these two groups collided, there would be much bloodshed, and one side would be completely wiped out forever. If the Doles won, no one would be safe, not even Tarzan's roar could save the Savanna Pride.

Last edited on 2016-08-06 at 19:27:14 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#59354 Posted on 2016-08-06 19:38:34

Vitani scooted closer to him, till his back was up against her belly and his head on her paws. She whispered sweetly into his ear "Sweet love." Slowly she dozed off, her head on the cold floor.

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#59356 Posted on 2016-08-06 20:00:18

(I'm off for the night. :) ♥)

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#59358 Posted on 2016-08-06 20:02:12

(Night! ♥ )

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#59777 Posted on 2016-08-08 16:47:00

Marzipan woke with a jerk, having smelled something on the breeze, and hearing furious talking coming from the Great Rock. He got up quietly, as to not wake up Vitani, and slipped out to find out what was going on. What he found alarmed him, growled, but relaxed when he noticed that the animals who were talking furiously to his two aunts were hyenas. He slipped a little closer to hear their conversation. "I mean, with all respect due to your ladyships, those creatures have taken over our land. I just assumed that they would be rogues and with a clan as big as mine; we'd be able to take over our land easily once more. But, these DOLES are different. They don't know when to quit. I lost five of my brave soldiers, including my poor mother, to those monsters who began to eat them while they were still alive!!!! The cries of pain made me want to faint, for you know that we always put an animal out of its pain before we eat it, but thankfully my loyal guards got me out of there before anymore of us could get killed. We were only able to kill two of them before they came pouring out of those caves to attack us. Queen Kacy and Queen Cali. Please help us regain our ancestral home. We already respect you deeply, but it would be nice if you can ally with us, and fight alongside us." The hyena matriarch asked humbly, her soldiers all sitting, whining, some licking their wounds, some with helpless pups, and all looking at the Rulers of the Savanna pleading for help. "Very well Mabaya. We shall assist you. But, in return, you will have to pay tribute, as your grandmother did those many years ago, and always respect the monarchy of my family. If you are half as faithful and fierce of a warrior as your grandmother Shenz was, your clan is in the right paws. Furthermore, you may rest your weary heads on the rocky land just before you enter your ancestral home. But, after this is done, I want the land back, for I am only letting your borrow it." Kacy firmly told her after discussing it with Cali. The entire clan began to laugh, grinning, and bowing deeply to the the Rulers. The hyenas then trotted towards the land she had indicated, found it bordered their ancestral home, and settled in.

After a couple hours, Mabaya called a council of war in the deepest part of the only cave to be found in that area the Hyenas were staying in, and discussed their next move. "First, we need to find out their plans. That's part of the deal with Queen Kacy and her pride. Unless we find out those Doles are planning, Kacy plainly told that they would not help us, and wouldn't risk any of her pride members lives. I cannot blame her. Now, who will volunteer to be a spy? We need to know what those cursed Doles are planning on doing." She looked at her brave war council, some gulped, others shook their heads no, and some just stared at the floor. One finally stepped forward, "I will Mabaya." She looked at her sharply and sighed. "Are you sure Trooper? You don't have too....." "I do Mabaya. For our mom. For our clan." Trooper was Mabaya's little sister and they were very close. Mabaya nodded. "Then go! And may the Kings of the Past protect you!" Trooper ran out of the den and slipped carefully into the Nomad's Land to spy on the Doles.

Last edited on 2016-08-08 at 16:56:11 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#59781 Posted on 2016-08-08 17:17:03

Vitani awoke after feeling a cold brush of air beat against her belly, her eyes fluttered to not see Marzipan beside her. She sighed, figuring he went to go train or work. Slowly I stood up, slipping out of the den and trotting towards Areli's den. I overheard some lionesses talking about her, and how she once was the Healer. She had a warm feeling inside that she might be pregnant, something she had been feeling all last night. Last night she had a dream of her father, it could have been a vision but she thought it was a dream. He laid his glowing paw on her belly, and when she looked at his paw she could see inside her belly, the very, small forms of cubs.

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#59783 Posted on 2016-08-08 17:20:22

Marzipan ran back to their den, raced behind the waterfall, and found Vitani gone. "She must've gone hunting. Okay......" He sighed and trotted to find KJ.

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