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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#59142 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:18:12

Marzipan had fallen asleep in the shallow water, his head firmly placed on the hollowed spot of the rock, and quite relaxed.

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#59144 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:29:02

Vitani decided against waking him so she went away, letting her feet dance across the brown grass as she ran. The wind blew through her mane, her eyes extra sparkly today. Her heart carried her farther and farther away from the pride, until she reached this magnificent paradise. My mouth went agape as I gazed at every perfect detail. The air was so clean and fresh, the grass so green with sweetness. And look! There on the tree branches sat the most beautiful birds, their songs sounding like an orchestra of harps. Her heart seemed to stop at this heavenly place, and time stood still for her. Two, pure white lionesses came to her, adorning her with fine oils and beautiful gems. Vitani watched them in amazement as she was treated like a queen, they soon left her, more than sastisfied in accomplishing their task to make her a hundred times more beautiful.

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#59145 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:33:39

(Where in the heck did she go?!)

The evening soon blew in, the breeze bringing a fresh promise of more rain, while the huntresses moved to go hunting before the rain hit.

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#59146 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:36:25

(It seems farther than it actually is. It's about five miles away from the pride, hidden behind a 'wall' of vines.

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#59147 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:40:22

(Huh, must be part of the Jungle. I guess even Zala doesn't know about it. ;))

Sunny stalked the Jungle, eyeing a Okapi who had gotten itself lost away from its herd in the Jungle. She licked her chops, loving the taste of Okapi, but not getting any very often. Suddenly, a somewhat familiar scent came to her nose, she instantly knew who it belonged too, took down the Okapi without any sound, and made it ready.

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#59149 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:45:33

Vitani followed a tunnel, ending up in front of Sunny. She gulped sharply, starting at the lionness who forgot my father. "Where are my father's cubs?" Is all she asked, not brave enough to say anything else.

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#59152 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:49:08

Sunny just looked at her, raised her head, and roared. Within seconds, lots of rustling began, and next thing you knew; two young ones ran into the clearing, stopped when they saw Vitani, and stared. Kuznetsk looked just like Kuizmu while Sun looked a lot like her mother with bright blue eyes. "Mom, who's this????" Sun asked, staring at the pretty lioness.

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#59154 Posted on 2016-08-05 18:56:14

Vitani looked at the male cub especially, holding back tears as he reminded her of her father. "A stranger." She answered, not wanting to tell them she was threi big sister just yet.

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#59155 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:00:57

"You are pretty....." Sun smiled big and then went after the Okapi. Kuznetsk refused to let her get all the good meat and began to shove her aside. Sunny stepped forward, then to the side, to show Vitani her large belly. "I found another male. Prince Keno. King Kunar's younger brother. He and I just worked together to protect the cubs, but just six months ago, after my hurt for losing your father, and my mate; I finally felt healed enough and we became mates. It took me almost 2 1/2 years before I accepted him for a mate. He respected my decision and we are now expecting cubs. It was my fault Kuizmu died, not yours. Please stop blaming myself. I asked him not to tell you, for I wasn't sure if you wanted him to be in love again, and have someone trying to take over as your mother. I never wanted to take your mother's place, just wanted to be a friend to you."

Last edited on 2016-08-05 at 19:01:46 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#59156 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:10:22

Vitani listened, but she ignored the part about blaming herself. "I'll always be guilty in my eyes. I just wanted to visit the cubs, thank ypu for taking care of them and please dont ever leave them out." She answered strongly, turning to leave.

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#59157 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:12:53

Sun and Kuznetsk ran up to her, each with a piece of Okapi, and offered it to Vitani. "Take this pretty lioness and come visit us soon. We like you." The two put the meat down and smiled sweetly at her.

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#59159 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:21:17

Vitani slowly took the meat before running away, going as fast as she could back home. I placed the meat in front of Marzipan's head, letting him have it. I went into his den without anyone seeing me.

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#59160 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:23:30

Marzipan woke up, drooling, and devoured the meat. He then looked around, seeing that all the lionesses had left for the evening's hunt, and got out of the water. He shook off, dried himself by rolling into the dry grass, and walked behind the waterfall to join Vitani. "What's wrong sweetie? Why are you breathing that hard?"

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#59161 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:28:31

"I went to visit Sunny today, the cubs are well and she found herself another mate." I replied, slowly regaining my breath. Vitani hid her emotions well, her eyes appearing to be fine thoigh they begged her to blink so the tears woulf flow.

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#59163 Posted on 2016-08-05 19:41:38

"I know who you are talking about. Prince Keno is her mate. We officially did a wedding ceremony for them 7 months ago. But, three years ago, about a week after your father died, though I did not know it at the time, she came here, seeking a strong male to help protect her unborn cubs, but not be her mate, unless she healed of her great hurt of losing her mate. I had no idea her mate was your father, but Keno stepped forward, and volunteered for the position. It is a noble gesture for a male to help protect the young and a great tradition of our pride. It is good that your half brother and sister accept and like you. Someday, when they do know you are their older sister, they will be even more accepting of you." Marzipan reassured her and hugged her lovingly.

Sunny had to answer many questions about Vitani's visit. "First, your father had a mate before me. She died in a fire, he got separated from their only cub, who was found by one of the son's of Tarzan of the Lion Guard. Soon, your father found her there, they were accepted into the Savanna Pride, but then my father, your grandfather, asked him to help guard the Golden City. So he came, with his young daughter, and they lived here for six months. The young she cub was lonely and missed her friend, Tarzan's son. I had vowed to never have a mate, but your father captured my heart, we became mates, unbeknownst to the she cub, and when she did find out; she was furious and ran off deep into the Jungle. She was comforted by a rogue lioness, while her evil mate plotted to use her to take over the Golden City, but when she refused, he tried to kill her. Your father attacked and the two males fought. While I took on the lioness, but the she cub refused my protection, and sadly, your father was killed by the rogue. He roared in triumph and the rogue mates ran off; leaving me and the she cub to weep over his body. I buried him and then she told me I had to find another mate; to help protect you and left the land for a long time." Here she stopped and sighed. "But mom, who was the she cub?" Kuznetsk asked, Sun already realized who she was, and both looked at their mom. "The she cub was the lioness who came to see us today. That is your older half sister. But, do not say a word to her when you see her again. She will tell you when the time is right. Now, eat." Sunny stopped talking and the small family went after the delicious Okapi.

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