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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#56867 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:23:56

"Alina, you can cry all you want, but the pain won't go away. It will ease over time, especially when you have your other cubs." Areli told her, Kito left them alone to check on Aziza who was sitting by the den, and trying to have a conversation with Sengo. "Wanna find a place to live? I want to stay here." He smiled at Aziza and nodded politely to Sengo. Kito wondered who he was and what was he to his mother.

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#56870 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:28:23

Sengo listened to them but said nothing, he politely left the conversation, going over to his mate and wrapping her with his mental blanket of warmth. "You've had a long day, you need to rest." he spoke softly, licking her muzzle and barely leaning against her.

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#56873 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:32:51

"Wait. Mother, who is he? Is he my father???" Kito asked before he let her get away, for fear that this was only a dream. Areli looked at Kito and smiled. "No Kito. This is not your father. This is my mate Sengo. I shall take you to visit your father later on." "But, if he isn't my father, then where is my father? Why do I have to wait to see him??? He could move somewhere else while you are resting and we are setting up housekeeping!!!" Kito protested, but quickly apologized when Areli got a pained look on her face, and sighed. "Very well. Come." She nuzzled Sengo and led Kito to Mojo Nyguvu's grave. "This is your father. Now. I shall see you later." Areli told her son stiffly and went into the den cuddled into Sengo's side. "I.... I didn't mean to hurt her...." Kito whispered, staring at his father's grave, and sighing. Aziza nuzzled him and they walked off into the deeper part of the Forest to find a den to call their own.

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#56878 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:43:20

Sengo wrapped himself around Areli, acting as her own personal fur or shield from harm. He whispered comforting words into her ears as he licked and groomed her tenderly. Sengo loved her with a passion, and his love grew at every moment he got to comfort or nuzzle her.

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#56883 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:50:02

"The one thing I don't miss about Mojo is his stubbornness. He always insisted in doing something right away. Kito is just like his father, but he'll learn how to think before he insists on something." Areli grumbled, loving the attention Sengo gave her, and then sat up. "Hey, where's that gold necklace you showed me when I first met you??? I would like to have it now if you still want to give it to me." She shyly smiled at Sengo and purred.

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#56889 Posted on 2016-07-27 20:58:05

Sengo grinned, pulling the necklace from under the furs, he had moved it once again. Carefully he took the necklace in his paws, wrapping his paws around her neck and clipping the necklace on. He rested his head on her shoulder, nuzzling her neck and jaw bone.

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#56891 Posted on 2016-07-27 21:04:04

"I like it..... Where did you ever get such an exquisite piece of jewelry???" She purred, enjoying his attention even more, and loving that nobody could ever force her away from the one she loved again. That was the one thing she hated her father for, for killing Mojo, and for taking her cubs away.

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#56892 Posted on 2016-07-27 21:07:01

"I made it, for the one I love. And that is you, my beautiful, kind, wild Areli." he purred rubbing his face against her and licking her cheeks. The last secret his mate did not possess was something, he wasn't sure if he should tell her. It wasn't a terrible secret, actually a good secret. Sengo shook his thoughts away as he nuzzled her neck again, kissing her snout sweetly.

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#56894 Posted on 2016-07-27 21:16:21

Areli sighed and laid her head down on the soft furs. She couldn't be happier and purred deeply as she fell asleep; the cubs gently kicking her sides.

Kito and Aziza kept looking for the perfect den. They had already crossed three off their list and moved further into the Forest. However, they crossed the border between the Forest, and the Jungle; the Kingdom of King Zala, who quickly let them know that they weren't alone. "Yikes!!!! Easy there big fella. We don't mean any trouble." Kito startled, Aziza hiding behind him, and peeking out at the big male. "Okay, but state your names, and why you are on my land." "I'm Kito, son of Areli, and this is my mate Aziza. We are only looking for a place to live." Zala grunted, "Okay, but you are not going to live here. Only the future King of Africa is allowed to step foot into the sacred Golden City. I'll show you a place where you can live. Nobody has lived in it for years. Now, move along!" He growled, stalking ahead, and Kito with Aziza glued to his side followed. Sure enough, the cave that Zala led them too was right by the river that flowed out of the Savanna, with easy access to the main trail to and fro from the Savanna, and lots of game roamed this land. "The monkey's are easy meals, if you can catch them on the ground, or on low branches! You are welcome here, but stay away from where this river flows into a deep valley. That is where the Golden City dwells, for trespassers die a horrible death until after the cheetah dies, and the King of Africa takes his place of power." He warned them and disappeared into the Jungle. "Wow, I think we better heed his warning." Kito and Aziza said to each other, nodding, and beginning to set up their new home.

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#56902 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:07:04

Dollu pranced towards the part of Nomad's Land where the fire hadn't touched, smirking at the rouges who gaped at her beauty as she passed. She grinned, showing her long, sharp teeth to them so they wouldn't get any ideas. Her tail swished in the air as she made her way to the pond. Once she reached it she lowered her head, closing her eyes and drinking some cool, water.

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#56903 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:11:22

The one who had been scared for life and blind in his right eye decided to go hunting. But the only food around was in the Savanna and he had no intention of getting into a fight with the warriors that always were patrolling. So, he headed towards the part of the Nomad's Land that lay just beside the Forest, when he spied her....... "Oh my stars. That has got to be the prettiest lioness I have ever laid my eyes on."

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#56904 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:18:23

Her head lifted up, water droplets trickling down her chin as she looking up at the sky. Dollu took in a deep breath, her chest rising up as she did so and a small smile gleaming on her face. She was going to start a whole new life, forget everything about Sengo...well not everything. Part of her hated him for rejecting her.

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#56905 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:21:00

"Hey there. What is your name? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours...." He winked at her, before putting his head down for a drink of water, and waited for her to answer.

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#56907 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:26:42

Dollu smirked, prancing over to him and circling around him for a moment, looking him over. "My you're strong!" she giggled, padding a little bit away from him and standing there, looking at him. "Dollu, but my close friends call me Doll." she spoke in her very beautiful voice.

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#56911 Posted on 2016-07-27 22:37:45

"Well hey there Doll. I'm Teferi. It means One feared by his rivals. I am feared by all and will rule this land yonder. Though, I need a Queen to rule my side, and produce me sons." The male said truthfully, quite infatuated by Dollu, and looked fully into her eyes. He was a normal colored male, sandy brown pelt covered with scars from many fights, with brown eyes, and a dark brown mane.

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