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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#52932 Posted on 2016-07-14 22:12:48

"I am so glad that you are here!!!!" Areli suddenly grabbed Alina in a big hug and nuzzled her baby girl. Her purring filled the room and made everything seem perfect for a few minutes. She fell asleep with her paws still wrapped around Alina, purring quietly, and feeling relaxed at last.

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#52935 Posted on 2016-07-14 22:18:38

Alina felt nervous at first, never experiencing this kind of physical contact with another lion. But I enjoyed it, probably because she was my mother and I was very close to her, despite we recently just reunited. I looked at Areli, a soft smile on my face as I noticed her gray hairs sprinkled here and there. This was my mother, she was so wonderful like an angel.

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#53183 Posted on 2016-07-16 10:26:59

Areli continued to sleep, even though her heart still was sad, she felt better knowing that her daughter was there. DAUGHTER. What a strange word, she thought in her dreams, but knowing that she was home made it all seem right, and almost made her forget the horrible thoughts she had thinking of her little cub out there, all alone, no one to care for her, and what predators could do to her without her mother's protection. However, it was alright, for Alina had survived somehow, and had come home at last.

Kacy and Moyo curled up together in their den, still very upset about losing Kunar, but knowing that the fate of the Savanna Pride lay in her paws. The rest of the pride had settled themselves down where they had been crying, still very upset, still in mourning, but thankfully their mourning hadn't effected their appetite, for the water buffalo that Alina had left them for was nothing but a pile of bones.

Koki, Tori, and their lionesses laid in their den, thinking deeply, and wishing that Kunar had never died. "I barely got to know my father again and he's gone. I hope I can be the king he wanted me to be." "You will baby. I believe in you." Tori smiled as she put her front paw on his. He smiled back and nuzzled her. Aussie and the others were thinking about something, quite down as Kunar had forgiven them for treachery, and had allowed them to stay for as long as they wanted too.

Solo and Chula were very down, for Kunar had been a great friend, and role model for Solo; who had the tendency to go down the road of evil, like his biological father, but Kunar had helped Chumvi with guiding him, and he had turned out to be a strong, wise, proud, kind, fair, and just king for his subjects. As well as a loving mate and father to his family. Shula and Cholo had barely known Kunar, but often heard their father and mother talking about him, and Shula wished he had been allowed to get to know Kunar even more.

Zala and Sully shared a den, each on opposite sides of the den, but politely talked to each other. They were both kinda rivals, both wanting all the land each other had, but Kunar had asked them to keep the peace between the two lands, for if an enemy used their jealousy against them, their lands and families were doomed. They had sworn they would do their best and were trying to mend their friendship as it once was.

Kopa and his family settled down into a shallow den at the very bottom, thinking, and wondering. "He and Kali were the last living grandcubs of Kalina and Herex. How will I ever find out what that will said? If I cannot take my place as the King of Africa yet, I like to at least see the ruins of the Golden City, and perhaps find the necklace that been worn by my grandfather King Herex and the crown that had belonged to my grandmother, dear Queen Isa."

One little problem with that, the only piece of jewelry that had belonged to Queen Isa, was a exquisite crown, made of the finest gold and silver, with gorgeous gems set into the finely made crown, and no longer was in the "ruins" of the Golden City. For, when little Princess Jarkia came, she had found the necklace worn by King Herex, and the crown worn by Queen Isa; besides one of the crowns worn by Queen Kalina. Those lovely works of art were now hidden in a little cave just a few feet from her family's den, on some pedestals that she had put together, and with three little beams of light that came through the ceiling. Jarkia said to herself, as she stared at the lovely stolen crowns and necklace, for they seemed to be talking, in whispers. "These are too pretty to be worn, by me anyway. I think these things are trying to tell me to return me to the Golden City." She listened closer to the whispers, heard what they actually were saying, and gasped with wide eyes. "The Cheetah to rule is WHO?!?!?! But, but, but, but........ he's part of the elite group that protects the Savanna!!! How can he rule?" She demanded of the jewelry, but it no longer whispered, for it had relayed it's message, and said no more.

Last edited on 2016-07-16 at 11:06:52 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#53195 Posted on 2016-07-16 10:55:26

That night, not only did the powerful Kunar pass, but his best friend, Sky, did also. River had come to Kacy, dragging her old self up the Great Rock. "Queen Kacy," she wheezed. "Sky has passed. May Sky and Kunar find peace." With that the old lioness turned to the Savannah. She lifted her aqua wings and the clouds glowed a soft tan, and they morphed to show Kunar's face. She carefully tipped her feathers and the clouds turned a shade of royal blue, swirling into the soft furred Sky. River, slightly out of breath, watched as the clouds turned to a shade of her fur color, and then smiled. She collapsed, her last breath used to twitch her wings, to which her smiling face showed in the clouds.

Tarzan wept with Marrana, Tarnic, and all his siblings, except for Kunar and Lumvi. How they all missed them, though Lumvi was still in reach. Tarzan's facial fur was streaked with tears. He didn't know how he would go on. Maua and Marzipan had just opened their eyes, and were amazed at the scene. The clouds were wonderful. Tarzan watched as Malka left, carefully creeping out of the den.

Malka ran straight to Julie's den, to find her sobbing in the corner. He walked in and wrapped himself around her. "It's ok baby." She smiled. "I love you Malka." The two stayed in her den for a little while, and then fell asleep curled up together.

(When are Assassin and Aussie going to get together? ;D)

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#53201 Posted on 2016-07-16 11:14:49

Gently Alina crawled out of Areli's arms, being extremely careful not to wake her. She padded out of the bedroom and out the den, running into the forest to find food. Alina wanted to find her mother something to eat before she awoke. It didn't take her long to catch a wild hare, which she immediately brought back to the den. Alina hummed as she tore the meat in half, setting it on leaves for Areli.

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#53207 Posted on 2016-07-16 11:27:12

Areli continued to sleep, for she was exhausted both physically and emotionally. She didn't even wake when the delicious smell of the freshly caught hare came into her nostrils, just fell into a deeper sleep, and her dreams began. She saw wild things, of animals revolting, determined to overthrow the lions, leaving the land forever, and the Savanna Pride starving to death for the lack of food.

(@ Mystic - Sometime soon. ;))

The night passed, oh how long it seemed to be, but finally, the sun arose, and all the herds heard the roaring of mourning and of joy. For dear Kacy was taking her place in the Circle of Life, roaring to let everyone know that she was there for them, and would do her very best to protect them all. Then, growling, she roared for Tarzan, and the Lion Guard; for she wanted to talk to her uncle and needed to set him straight. Cali was not yet Queen, for Kali still had a lot of strength in her, and would not step down just yet. Cali was satisfied with that reasoning and learned from her mother by walking beside her. Kopa had woken up, forced his tired body to go talk to Kali, and waited for the proper time. The rest of the pride waited behind their rulers, heads up, trying to hide their sadness, and waiting for their orders for the day.

Jarkia heard the roaring and knew that it was time; for the crowns and necklace began to glow, filling the cave with their colors, and she took them. She walked through the Forest, through the tall grass, and when she reached the edge of the shorter grass in front of the Great Rock; she took a deep breath and walked up the path. Sully started when he saw his daughter, wearing such lovely jewelry, and everyone stared at her. "What?! Where did you get those crowns and necklaces?!" Kopa demanded, for he immediately saw his grandfather and grandmother's names engraved on them, and she stared at him with such a determined look on her face that she forced Kopa to look away. "I found them, in the Golden City. I wanted them for myself, but realized soon after looking at them, and discovering the engraved names of each one that they had belonged to the Great King Herex and his Queens Isa and Kalina." Everyone gasped, then she went on, "Furthermore, these pieces of power have spoken, and has named the Cheetah who is to rule. His name, is Kane, of the Lion Guard!!!!" All the pride stared with shock, but before anyone could speak, a lovely parrot flew straight from the trees, and landed on Zala's shoulder. "Sire!!! The Golden.... City...... has..... rebuilt itself!!!!" The parrot squawked out with a gasp, everyone's eyes opened really wide, and then suddenly, as if by magic or something, the words of the Prophecy was spoken once more, by a cloudy image of King Herex, and said, "When the Royal comes, the city will rebuild. Be as it once was before, when the power was roared, all throughout Africa. It is said, that a Princess, descendant of the King of the Earth, when she steps foot into the valley, the city shall rise, awaiting its ruler with anticipation. The cheetah with a mark on his shoulder, a mark of power, shall rule first. The cheetah is the key to unlocking the gate to the throne, for the throne-less King of Africa must wait till the cheetah dies, and becomes the grass to take his place of power. But woe to the throne, for if the cheetah dares to refuse its fate, a hundred years must pass before the city receives its rightful ruler. Then and only then, shall the King of Africa rule once more." Everyone stared at Herex, who nodded to Kacy, and disappeared into the sunny day. Everything seemed to be brighter, even the very colors of the landscape, the animals, and the sky itself! "The Royal has come among us again!!!! Long live the King!!!!" Everyone, even Kopa bowed to little Jarkia, who stared around with puzzlement and bewilderment, wondering why on earth did everyone bow to her?

Last edited on 2016-07-16 at 13:53:35 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#53244 Posted on 2016-07-16 14:02:50

I decided to go out for a bath while Areli continued to sleep, being very quiet as I slipped out into the sunshine. Alina pranced over to the waterfall, letting her coat completely soak as she stepped further into the water. I wondered if I should stay here with Areli or go back to the pride.

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#53246 Posted on 2016-07-16 14:14:27

Areli began to toss and turn, her dreams taking a wild turn, where the water buffalo began this rebellion, hating that they were the lions favorite prey, and claiming it was because they weren't respecting the Circle of Life like they claimed their did. She woke up, gasping, trotting out of her room, eating the hare quickly, and racing towards where the water buffalo liked to graze beside the swampy part of the river. She sneaked up, hid in the thick grass, and listened to the herd talking. "I swear, no one will respect us like King Kunar did. Kacy is nothing like her father and will bring disaster to the Savanna. We should get rid of them while they are weak!!!" The entire herd yelled in agreement, but the herd's leader snorted, and used his horns on the troublemakers. "Be quiet all of you!!! Kunar was the best King we have ever had since King Herex, but you are judging Kacy when she had barely begun to rule. I won't have mutiny in my herd. You are going to keep your mouths shut and if I hear of any trouble from any of you; I will personally drive you to your death in either the Nomad's Land, or into Crocodile River Bend, or into the Pride's claws." The herd shut up with their complaining, for their leader was serious, but some were determined to rebel against the lions, and would start with the little ones when they were playing. Areli was quite alarmed by this, sneaked off, and listened to all the herds all throughout the day. What she heard what about the same, though only the water buffalo were the only ones who were wanting to kill. She came back to the den, hungry, and wondering what to make of all this.

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#53252 Posted on 2016-07-16 14:56:06

While Alina was bathing, a rather muscular lion with a baskets thrown over his back. He was relieved when he came upon a den, wishing to rest for the night. "Hello?" he called out weakly, hoping his voice echoed through the den as he stood before it. The lion looked like he had been in a fight, several claw marks on his back and one long scar on his right eye. He panted constantly as he waited, the baskets seemingly growing heavier after every second.

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#53253 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:04:03

Areli rested inside her den, hungry, but then remembered that she had some dried meat stored away in her storage room. She went in, grabbed it, ate it fast, and then walked into her lab to make up more herbal medicines. Then, she heard the voice of a male lion, growled, stalked outside, grabbed her daughter, and dragged her inside. "I will deal with this. Stay inside." She walked back out, closed her door, and eyed the male cautiously. "Who are you and what is your business here?" She asked him and ignoring the quickened pumping of her heart at the sight of the handsome male. She had vowed that she would NEVER fall in love again after loosing Mojo Nguvu and just recently getting their daughter back.

Last edited on 2016-07-16 at 15:06:33 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#53255 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:12:25

Sengo took in a shallow breath before explaining himself, "My name is Sengo, I just need a place to rest for the night, would you be so kind to let me sleep in your den. I assure you I won't...I can't harm you. Or at least show me where I may rest for the night?" He was indeed very weak, she should be able to see his weakness, Sengo would not harm the lioness.

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#53259 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:37:39

Areli relaxed, "Okay. You can stay in the main room." She indeed could clearly see that the male was weak, too weak to be able to defend himself, or even harm her and her precious daughter. She stood aside and let him in. "Get food Alina, but be careful. The animals are getting antsy." She warned Alina after giving her an order.

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#53262 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:41:43

Alina nodded to her mother's order, running off to the water buffalo herd. Sengo went inside, falling to his feet after lifting the baskets off of his back. He mumbled to himself angrily, trying to stand back up on his four feet. "Thank you for allowing me to stay." he thanked her sincerely, noticing how beautiful she was when he turned around to face her.

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#53265 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:50:53

Areli quickly turned her head, practically ran into her lab, closed the door, and leaned against it; gasping for breath. "I CANNOT be falling for him. There is no way. I swore I would never love another on my mate's deathbed." She shook her head and began to mix up batches of medicine to help heal his wounds and give him strength.

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#53266 Posted on 2016-07-16 15:55:12

Sengo was disappointed that she left the room, but simply assumed she still thought he might try to force himself on her. He dug around one of his baskets, pulling out a beautiful but simple, golden necklace. He walked over to her door, knocking on it lightly with his paw and hiding the necklace inside his huge paw.

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