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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#52889 Posted on 2016-07-14 19:36:08

Alina raced back after burying Tutankhamum, finally realizing as she ran that she had injured her paw. Once I saw everyone smiling on top of the Great Rock I knew everything was alright and that I could tend to my paw. She walked over to a nearby tree, laying under it and licking her wounded paw. Blood trickled down her leg from a deep, puncture wound in the center of her paw.

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#52892 Posted on 2016-07-14 20:00:02

Areli continued to administer her medicines, cleaning Kunar's wounds, then gently rubbing the herbal medicine into the wounds to help them to heal, and bandaging the worst wounds up. She had finished administering everything and they were going to help Kunar back into his den; but he refused. "No, I wish to rest on my ledge, where I can overlook the Savanna, and the animals can look upon me if they so wish." Everyone was concerned when he said that, but no one dared to question the stern look on his face, and several lionesses were sent to retrieve soft pelts to lay on the hard ledge. Once his bed was made ready, they helped him onto the ledge, laid him down, so he could see his beautiful Savanna, and watch the sunset go down. Zuza and her children were quickly sent to alert the animals of the Savanna and the nearby Kings of Kunar's injuries. By the time the sun began to set, there was a crowd in front of the Great Rock, anxiously looking up at their injured King, and Solo, Chula and their cubs, Zala, Sully were all by Kunar's side, anxious to get last minute advice, for even though all refused to believe that their King was dying, somewhere in the backs of their minds, they knew that he was on his last leg. He first called for Kacy and Moyo, gave them his blessing, Kacy was crying, hugging her Daddy, Moyo thanking him over and over again for giving him the chance to prove himself, and for saving his life. Tunar and Koki both cried with each other, the two brothers both upset, Tori nuzzled Koki, while the other lionesses shed tears for the kindness he had shown to them. Lastly, he called for his beloved mate, Toki, who could barely keep herself from breaking down, and gave her such an affectionate hug that everyone said, "Awwwww!!!" She then backed away, everyone did, to Kunar's orders, except for Kacy and Moyo, who stood just behind him, and all waited for something to happen. The sunset began, but as sun began to disappear below the horizon, the life Kunar had also seemed to disappear out of his eyes, but he then called for Kacy and Moyo, who quickly came to his side, and leaned in. He then painfully stood to his feet, with Kacy, and Moyo's help, as they steadied him on either side, and addressed the gathered mob. "My dear subjects, it is with great pleasure, that I introduce your new Queen and her Prince." The herds and pride began to rejoice, thinking that's all that was going to happen, but Kunar waved a paw painfully, to which all the cheering ended quickly, and a hushed silence began. "However, my life is at an end, but not without seeing our families grow, many enemies destroyed, my beautiful Savanna flourishing with your herds, and the Circle of Life shall continue on as long as there are a few loyal ones, such as yourself, to respect it, and each other. May you live long and prosper!" Just as he finished speaking, the sun disappeared completely, and as did Kunar's last breath. He sank down onto the furs, his eyes closing with the rays of his last Savanna sunset, and there were cries of mourning heard from all the animals. Kacy landed on her father's body, crying her eyes out, while Moyo lay beside him, and sobbed. Toki, Koki, and Tunar also laid on Kunar's body, crying with their family, and the entire pride cried out with mourning roars.

(Oh, why did I have to write such a sad bit?! *cries and I shall miss playing Kunar*)

Last edited on 2016-07-14 at 20:03:30 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52904 Posted on 2016-07-14 20:40:26

Alina let a single tear trickle down her cheek before she stormed off in the direction of the water buffalo. As she ran she let out a roar of mourning, for the loss of her king, but also a roar of welcome to the heavens. She had only met Kunar once, but at that one meeting he had been so kind in letting me into his pride. A slight part of my heart ached with the other lions for the loss of our king. A small frown gleamed on my face as I thought of my father and grandfather, the only person I really had was my mother.

Last edited on 2016-07-14 at 20:41:36 by EΞ·cΠ½Ξ±Ξ·Ρ‚Ξ΅βˆ‚

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#52905 Posted on 2016-07-14 20:50:26

Toki began to sing a mournful song:

Madi ao [Spilled blood]
Leka sebete chia ho oele sebatha [Try courage so the beasts may fall]
Mo leka qeme o tsaba hoa [Those who defy mountains are, in truth, cowards]
Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha [Even in anger, you do not speak against wrong...]
Lebo haleng ha o bue ka le ha

Oh, oh

Then the pride began to chant along with her:

Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
Halala humba hela hela hela
Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
Halala humba hela hela hela

Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
Halala humba hela hela hela
Halala humba heh heh heya heeyahee
Halala humba hela hela hela

Wild crying and weeping commenced, as all mourned the death of King Kunar.

Kali happily told Kopa all about Kunar, how kind he was, and how much he was going to like him when she heard the mournful song and weeping from the Great Rock. "Oh no......... something is wrong!!!!" She took off, Cali, Valido, Brutus, Kopa, Ruby, and Garnet racing to keep up with her; carrying two young cubs nonetheless.

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#52908 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:06:57

Alina ignored the weeping so she could focus on killing a water buffalo. Once she spied an old buffalo, practically by himself, she disappeared into the tall grass. She prowled closer to him, purring happily but quietly. "!" she mentally counted to herself before pouncing onto the buffalo and clutching onto his back. Quickly before the buffalo became too distressed she cut him by the jugular vein, killing him instantly Carefully I lifted the dead cadaver onto my back, his dead weight begging my legs to fall, but I pushed through, carrying him back to the pride. I knew they wouldn't hear my roar amongst the singing so I just carried him all the way to the pride.

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#52911 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:18:49

The pride continued to weep, as did all the animals, but a roar of power caused them to look up, and they all saw Kacy roaring with powerful determination. "I promise you that I will do my best to walk in my father's paw prints and will be fair like he was." The animals, though tears were still streaming down their faces, all cheered for their new Queen. "Long live Queen Kacy!!!!!!!!!" After their cheer died down, the herds left to go their own separate ways, and the pride commenced to burying Kunar under the ledge. "Come, we must eat to help combat our mourning so we do not get weak. We must be strong." Kacy said with determination, after they buried Kunar. Just then, Kali, and the others arrived back. "Oh no!!!! Kunar is dead?!" Kali, Cali, Valido, and Brutus all cried out in horror. Kopa and his family lowered their heads in respect, sad, and knew that they were hurting.

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#52912 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:23:01

Alina had just arrived with the water buffalo when she noticed the search party crying out in terror. Quietly she laid the meat onto the ground, near the center so everyone could have a bite. She didn't want to interrupt so she began skinning the buffalo, making sure not to leave any skin. The skins would be used to make furs to keep the pride warm, and the bones could be used to make some jewelry for the poorer ones.

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#52915 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:26:08

Areli sadly walked up to Alina and nuzzled her. "Come daughter, we must be going home. My work, sadly, is done here for the time being." She walked away, head down low, and carrying her heavy baskets. She felt like she was a failure and wondered if she even was meant to be a healer; even though she knew that Kunar had been to badly injured to survive the night.

Last edited on 2016-07-14 at 21:30:48 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52918 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:30:18

I sensed right away how she was feeling, making me feel a little down as well. "Mother, everything will be alright, it was his time." she whispered in her Mother's ear while walking beside her. Gently she took all of Areli's baskets off of her back, placing them on my own back. After carrying that heavy buffalo the baskets felt like air. I knew my mother was feeling down, and I would do everything I could to make her feel better.

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#52919 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:34:48

Areli entered her den, washed herself quickly in the little waterfall she used as a shower, shook herself off, opened the door to a comfortable room, and entered another room next door. Closing the door behind her, she collapsed on her bed, and cried her heart out. She had grown up in Kunar's shadow, he had cared for her like a second father, after her own father had passed away, and had helped her through her grief. Now, more than ever, was she glad her daughter had come home, for she knew that she would never had been able to get through the pain of losing her second father without sweet Alina there to comfort her.

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#52921 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:41:10

I wished to go and comfort her, but since she shut the door behind her I decided against it and let her be alone. Alina set the baskets on the ground, looking around the room with her eyes. "Home.." she whispered to herself, happy to be finally able to call a place 'home'. I quietly went outside, looking around and my smile brightening at every glance. I giggled, but then I felt guilty for being happy, the king of the savannah just died and I'm happy. Alina looked down at the ground, her smile fading as she continued to mentally scold herself.

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#52927 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:52:46

A giraffe and her calf ate from the acacia trees growing just above Areli's cave. They looked down at the struggling lioness and sighed. "Are you Areli's daughter? No one has lived with her since her dear father died." Jojoba the mother said. The calf, whose name was Obaju, gave her a wobbly smile, "Kunar found me out in the Savanna beside my dead mother. I would've been killed by several rogues who were circling us for sure if he hadn't come along, and chased them off. He got Areli, who fixed my broken leg, and then they were able to find me a new mother." He happily looked at Jojoba and she smiled with affection at him. "Yes. Unfortunately, I had just lost my own calf to those same rogues just the other day, and was causing a lot of trouble. Kunar told me I had to get my emotions under control otherwise I would have to be put into a cage until I did. I tried, I really did, but before I could, I'm afraid I went crazy, caused a huge stampede with the water buffalo, which caused a few animals to get trampled, and was placed into the cage. A couple days later, they took me out, and introduced me to Ojabu here, a long splint on his left leg, and orphaned. They tried us together and we've gotten along ever since. He needed a mother and I needed someone to protect."

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#52929 Posted on 2016-07-14 21:59:28

Alina looked up and listened to their story, a touching story indeed. "Kunar was a kind king, and my mother is a kind lioness. I've never had anyone to love, I am not sure I am showing my love enough for my mother. I do not even understand the word 'love'. Do you have any advice on how I should comfort my mother?" she asked them, hoping they'd be able to give her advice. My heart ached at the thought of my mother being in pain, I could not let that happen.

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#52930 Posted on 2016-07-14 22:06:34

"Other than being there for her, I have no other advice to give. Actions speak louder than words my dear. Come Ojabu, we must be off. It is time to go have a drink and eat the delicious fruit beside the mountain fed watering hole." The two giraffes walked off gracefully and disappeared into the cool night.

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#52931 Posted on 2016-07-14 22:11:00

"Actions are louder than words..." I whispered to myself, strolling back into the house and to Areli's door. "Mother?" Alina called out softly while opening the door, she padded over to her, placing her paw gently on top of Areli's back. Carefully I patted her back, trying to comfort her as best as I knew how.

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