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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#52611 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:32:05

Kacy gasped, to see her Aunt nuzzling the lioness, and realized that meant Utamu/Alina was her cousin. "I love you too baby. I won't let anyone take you away from me again. Never."

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#52612 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:35:28

Alina pulled away from her mother, a smile on her face and eyes teary. "You don't know how much I've wanted to know who I really am." she spoke while tear droplets slipped down her silken cheek, leaving a trail behind the tear. I turned to Kacy and explained to her happily, "This is my mother."

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#52614 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:40:55

"I am so happy for you!!! That means we are cousins!!!! My great grandfather was also your great grandfather, King Herex of Africa. But, are you going to stay with Utamu, or go by your birth name?" Kacy asked, cocking her head to the side.

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#52615 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:44:54

"I want to go by Alina, I do not want to remember the horrors Utamu once knew. I am, Alina." she replied with bright smile. Alina turned to her mother, nuzzling her cheek and looking at her with smiling eyes. "I wish I could have met my grandfather, despite what he did." I whispered to my mother.

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#52616 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:49:38

"He was kind lion, his name was Raoul, and he was the best magician that anyone in all of Africa knew." Areli said with a smile.

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#52617 Posted on 2016-07-12 22:57:34

"He sounds like a good lion. Mother, I do not wish to cause you pain but...what was my father's name?" I asked her carefully, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Alina wanted to know everything about her relatives, though that could wait for later. She was so excited she didn't know what to do with herself.

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#52618 Posted on 2016-07-12 23:08:28

"He was a rogue, but wanted to start his own pride, with me. His name was......." Here Areli gulped, for it was a very painful memory, especially since she had seen her father kill him, in hiding of course, but that's why she begged so hard to keep Alina. She sighed, "His name was Mojo Nguvu, which translates to The Strong One. He was strong, extremely strong for his age, as he was only 3, but not strong enough to withstand my father's vicious ambush. He had been exiled by my Uncle, King Kalumvi just months before, but Kalumvi made some horrible mistakes, as the example with Scar is a clear example. My father thought he was only trying to use me to get to the throne. Mojo Nguvu had no desire for the throne, only wanted to live in peace with me. We were going to leave, together, later that night. I said goodbye for now, trotted away happily, then a few minutes later, heard him roar, heard my father's roar, raced back, to see father killing him. I tried to save him but I was too late. Mojo Nguvu was dead and I couldn't get that horrible picture out of my mind for weeks. When you were born, I felt my hurt healing, but then father took you away, and I was ordered to bury my sadness and my memories of anything to do with Mojo Nguvu and you away for years; until you suddenly show back up in my life. You are the perfect mixture between your father and myself."

Last edited on 2016-07-12 at 23:12:44 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52619 Posted on 2016-07-12 23:16:06

Alina 'hugged' her mother, squeezing her a little tighter to comfort her. "I believe Grandfather just wanted to keep you safe." she whispered before pulling away gently. "Well now, let's celebrate our reuniting. What would you like to do mother?" I asked her jollily, hiding the tears behind her eyes. Alina turned to Kacy and asked her something "Would you like to join us, an your mate?" I had already begun to like my new cousins, and of course my mother.

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#52620 Posted on 2016-07-12 23:24:53

Kacy smiled and sighed. She was going to say yes, when she noticed that the sun was starting to touch the horizon. "Not yet. My father and his warriors must go out on patrol before we go anywhere or do anything." Toki just then joined them with Kali and smiled. "When the males are back, would you care to join us in a moonlit hunt? It will be a lovely night to stalk some water buffalo." Kacy eagerly nodded, Moyo yawned, nuzzled her, and went to join the group heading out with Kunar to scout out the borders.


"Oh, my head....." Cali groaned, just coming too, and finding herself stuck in a deep hole that was too tight for her to turn around in with ease. "What? Where am I????" She gasped, trying to get out, but to no avail. "Excellent. You two shall have your reward, after I claim what is rightfully mine." A sinister voice that made Cali's fur stand up on end and growl deeply. "Calm yourself Cali, this will only take a minute." A light colored lion she knew all to well said as he climbed down and landed on her back. "GET OFF ME YOU BEAST!!!!" She roared with rage, trying to get him off, and get him down under her so she could maul him. But, with the tight corners, she was forced to accept his unwanted attentions, and soon was left sobbing in the hole as he climbed back out. "I shall return for you. But only after we get rid of your precious rogue and the other males." Tutankhamum laughed, racing off with Rip, and Terror. "Oh...... why did I not accept Valido earlier? Will he want me now, now that I've been used, and abused?????" Cali sobbed, laying down, and trying to get his disgusting scent off her by rubbing her back into the dirt of the hole.

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#52622 Posted on 2016-07-12 23:52:17

I looked over at Areli, hoping she'd be up to it, if not she would still go so she could bring back her mother meat. "Sounds like fun." she thought to herself. Alina turned to Kacy and asked her "So, what is the hunt like here?" When she was just a cub she had to learn quickly how to hunt for her food. That was how she survived, teaching herself everything she needed to know. The only thing she wasn't taught was love, to her it was a complex word, something she'd think about later in life.

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#52708 Posted on 2016-07-13 14:27:01

"It can be difficult sometimes, but not always. Most of the time, we come home with something, but it is not a guarantee." Toki gently told her, then Kacy said. "Especially when we hunt the Cape Water Buffalo. Those beasts are the meanest ever, know how to stay together in a tight formation, and don't hesitate to trample one of us if given the chance. You have to be quick on your feet and follow a strict hunting routine. If one doesn't follow the hunting routine, something always happens, and someone gets hurt or even killed."

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#52709 Posted on 2016-07-13 14:30:44

Alina nodded, not at all shaken by the frightening words. "Sounds like a challenging prey, I like that." she spoke with a grin. I liked hunting, it wasn't just a 'game' it was a battle, between the prey and the predator. "Do we have a limit on how many buffalo we can kill?" I asked Toki, wanting to make sure I would not break any of their rules for hunting.

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#52711 Posted on 2016-07-13 14:39:11

"First, one large buffalo is enough to feed our pride. Unless we are going after the young ones, we are going to go after an old or injured buffalo. Second, no hunting is allowed around the waterholes. They are the safe havens for the animals to drink from without worry of attack. Lastly, you must follow the Lead Lioness, who is Princess Cali, and do whatever she tells you to do." Toki told Alina and then Kali exclaimed, "Wait, where is my daughter?" The lionesses all looked around and didn't see her. "She said that she was going to go swimming after spending some time with Valido. Have you see her Kacy?" Kacy looked at her aunt with wide eyes, "No Aunt Kali! I haven't seen her for quite awhile." Kali grew concerned, wondering where she would've gone off too, and suddenly had a horrible fear for her honor. Kali raced off, Toki crying out that she needed to wait for Kunar to come back, but she ignored her, her motherly instinct going at high speed, and feeling very protective of her baby girl.

Last edited on 2016-07-13 at 14:57:29 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52714 Posted on 2016-07-13 15:24:16

Alina immediately chased after the queen, letting out a roar so loud that she couldn't ignore. "Wait my Queen!" I called out, my paws allowing me to go faster after every step. I hadn't had a good run in a while, it gave me more energy so I wasn't complaining. One of my paws ran over a thorn, leaving a stinging pain in my paw and some droplets of blood following behind me.

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#52715 Posted on 2016-07-13 15:26:15

Kali slowed down, but didn't stop. "We must find my baby girl!!! She has been captured by that good for nothing Tutankhamun!!!" She suddenly smelled something in the wind, growled, and looked at Alina. "I smell Kunar nearby!!! Perhaps Valido can help us! Cali is his mate after all." She took off again, heading towards the scent, and getting more protective by the minute.

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