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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#52373 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:41:27

"Well, Utamu," Ava replied, "I'll bring you to him,just follow me." As she led the lioness to the Great Rock, she decided to start up a conversation. "Um, how well can you hunt? Or fight?" She asked, her gaze flickering back to the soft looking lioness.

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#52374 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:48:23

"I can hunt well, and I have protected myself from rouges in the past so I believe I can fight." she replied in a sure tone. The lioness followed Ava, wondering what the king would be like. Utamu finally got up the courage to ask her a question that was nagging her, "Are there any rouges around here?" Throughout her youth she has had bad memories of rouges, always having to defend herself.

Last edited on 2016-07-11 at 16:48:37 by Eηcнαηтε∂

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#52375 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:49:03

"Infertile? Well, we can fix that problem easily. There are two cubs up in the Snowy Kingdom who need a mother. Their mother is gone for good and I am sure that Koki will be willing to fetch them for you." Toki said, calling for her son, who came quickly, nodded, and raced away. He came back just an hour later, to Toki's surprise, carrying the two hungry cubs, who needed some milk. "I caught that stupid vulture, Mingzingo trying to toss them into the ravine. Apparently, Bacardi gave him some order that if she doesn't come back, he was to throw them into the ravine, so no Savanna lioness could nurse them, and raise them to know that their mother was evil. I grabbed him before he could drop these two, put the cubs away from the edge, pulled a bunch of his feathers out so he couldn't fly, and dropped him over the edge. Only because he refused to accept that I was the rightful ruler. I doubt we will see that stupid vulture again." Toki nodded, gently taking the two little ones, licking them, to which they meowed, and opened their little blue eyes. Both had their mothers bright blue eyes, while one had a goldish white pelt, the other one was the whitest white you could imagine. One was a little girl and the other one was a little boy. "Would you like to mother these two orphans Shawari? Areli can help you with making up milk and feeding them." "They need a mother and soon." Koki emphasized.

"It'd be better to get it over with, instead of letting him get more worked up over it Orbas." Ora whispered to his brother, stepping aside, and laying down so Orbas couldn't hide behind him again.

Scar looked in at the exhausted Cali, feeling bad for her, and walking up to join a glaring Chumvi who was staring over the Savanna towards where that stupid prince had been banished. "Nobody will ever touch my daughter again. Nobody, except for the one that I approve of. You." Scar looked at Chumvi with surprise. "Me?" "Yes you. I approve of you. Kali does too. Wait until she has calmed down, but if Cali says yes, I want you two to spend some time together, to make sure that it works, and then if it does; you two are free to be mates. I approve of you, Valido." Scar/Valido smiled, a genuine smile, and nodded, lowering his head, and feeling amazed at the grace that Chumvi was showing a rogue.

Moyo heard the good news and hoped desperately that Kunar and Toki would approve of him for Kacy. He loved her with all his heart and knew that she felt the same way.

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#52378 Posted on 2016-07-11 17:01:41

Ava swished her tail. "Every once and a while." She spoke. "But we have the Lion Guard and a good number of lions in our pride to deal with them." She winked at her, smiling.

Shawari's eyes widened at the two beautiful cubs. "The girl." She whispered. "Her name is Maua." She gazed up at Koki. "You name the male."

Orbit was getting even angrier. "Boys!!!" He roared. "All of you. Come here." He huffed. "Now!"

Orbas squealed and flew straight to his father. His eyes wide as he saw the expression on his dad's face. He was just hoping Momma wouldn't come and tell what he and his other two brothers were doing while he was gone.

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#52380 Posted on 2016-07-11 17:05:11

Utamu let out a sigh of relief "I've had too many bad experiences with rouges, that's why I asked. " The thought of a safe place made her smile, somewhere peaceful, and no rouge could hurt her again.

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#52404 Posted on 2016-07-11 19:24:02

"I think he should be called Cobar. He will never know the evil his mother possessed as you will keep him from all evil. Never tell him about the Witch Bacardi, what she was like, and what she had plotted. Never tell him that she was his mother, nor his sister, for they need to be away from all memories of her evil reign." Koki said, thinking deeply, and wanting to forget even the memory of that evil lioness.

Tutankhamum snarled, as he stalked along the border of the Savanna and the Nomad's Land, plotting his revenge, and how to claim his prize. He stopped suddenly, listening, a evil look came across his freshly scarred face, and he ran straight towards the roars. He sneaked up, saw who made the roars, listened to their plot, and then took a leap right into their midst; startling Rip and Terror. "Oh look, if it isn't Princey. What do you want with the likes of us rogues?" The two brothers jeered at him, but Tutankhamun's glare made them shut up. "I know that you want to kill King Kunar, I heard you two plotting, and I can help. For a price." Rip and Terror looked at him with suspicion, "What is the price for Kunar?" "Simple, you deliver Princess Cali to me before sundown, unharmed and untouched by either of you two males, you shall have the King. I know how to draw his guard away so you can do with him as you please. Besides, I've been banished, so I will be a big target for his warriors." Rip and Terror walked a short distance away, mulling over this tempting offer, and liking it; decided to try it out. They accepted his offer, he nodded, and trotted off. However, if he lied to them, and they got ambushed; he would pay dearly with his life.

Ora quickly walked up to his father and sat before him; cautiously looking at his father's stern face.

Kunar looked over the Savanna, sensing something in the wind, sniffing deeply, and growling. "I must take my evening border patrol more seriously tonight, for there is something on the wind, the smell of an ambush. Be ready my warriors." Brutus, Valido (as he decided to forgo his nickname), and Moyo all nodded seriously. They too sensed the danger and vowed to protect the King with their very lives. Kunar dismissed his warriors, but before Moyo could walk off, Princess Kacy raced up, whispered something into her father's ear, who smiled and nodded, then walked past Moyo, stopped, cleared his throat, indicated towards Kacy, and left a very puzzled Moyo staring after him. "What? What on earth was he trying to indicate to me?" Valido and Brutus laughed out loud and Brutus gasped out, "You are such a moron Moyo!!!! The King has granted you permission to become his son-in-law." "Son-in-law?! For who..........................." Giggles erupted from a certain princess and Moyo instantly understood. "Oh, I am an idiot. Princess Kacy, will you be my mate and Queen?" Kacy giggled even more, shyly walked up to him, and nuzzled under his strong chin. "Of course Moyo, I have loved you since I first saw you." Brutus and Valido walked away to give the new pair some privacy. "What about you lover boy? I know you love Princess Cali." Brutus teased him, who smiled, "Chumvi and Kali have both approved of me, so when she wakes up, I shall ask her after we spend some time at the waterfall together." "How romantic. I would love to spend some time with you, but rather spend the rest of my life with you Valido." Valido and Brutus jumped when Princess Cali came out of the shadows with a coy smile. "Good morning to you Princess!!!" The two warriors said, bowing to her, with polite smiles. "Come Valido, my father has told me about their decision. We must make sure, but I love you." Valido eagerly followed Cali, leaving Brutus alone. "Oh well, love is in the air. I guess I'll go see what Sally is up too." He trotted off towards his den to look for his own mate.

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#52417 Posted on 2016-07-11 19:52:18

Syrup the tawny colored lioness rolled over with her 5 month old cubs that laid beside her in the den. Taking a paw she pulled them in close to her and purred as she wrapped her tail around them pulling them close to her belly. Giving a purr she rolled closer to all three cubs. Rakia one of Sully's sons was sleeping beside his mother and purring beside Jarkia that was also purring.

A dark colored lioness with a limp on her front paw moved through the Savannah with one little cub dangling from her mouth. Jewl took a moment and dropped her 9 week old cub on the ground softly taking a breath "I must keep moving for little Sulu or else they will kill him" she said picking her little one back up and moving on as fast as her limp could take her.

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#52432 Posted on 2016-07-11 20:44:56

Sully patrolled his territory with seriousness, growling, and keeping a sharp eye for rogues. He spied an injured lioness a short distance out, roared for her, and encouraging her to come walk through the Forest (before the Jungle) for safety. "Hello there, you are free to walk through my Forest to stay safe if you want."

Jarkia woke up slightly, still purring, and decided to go exploring. She sneaked away from her mother, slipping through the thick underbrush of the jungle, easily avoiding a watchful Zala, watching the bright colored birds and parrots calling out to each other, the monkey's hooting and hollering as she walked along, and hiding when she saw a leopard walking along a branch of a nearby tree. When the leopard had left, she cautiously walked out, saw where the brush gathered thickly along the edge of a ridge, and when she poked her head through; saw a destroyed city, full of interesting colors, shapes, and glittery stones throughout the rubble. "Wow!!!!" She walked along the ridge, found a road down, that was broken in places, but still was fairly well kept, and walked down among the rubble. She saw that the glittery stones scattered here and there were actually exquisite and unique pieces of jewelry made from the finest gold and gems. "Oh, this crown would look beautiful on mommy's head. And this necklace, around my handsome daddy's neck. I'll keep this little crown for myself." She picked the three pieces up, putting the smaller crown on her head, the larger one around her neck, and the necklace as well, not realizing that they had once belonged to King Herex and his Queens.

As Jarkia left, the land suddenly began to move slightly, not all at once, but the cracks coming back together, the ruins rebuilding themselves, and everything being as it once was before; glorious and ready for its new ruler. For, there was a prophecy spoken by the Elders after Queen Kalina died and her will was read for all to hear. It is said, "When the Royal comes, the city will rebuild. Be as it once was before, when the power was roared, all throughout Africa. It is said, that a Princess, descendant of the King of the Earth, when she steps foot into the valley, the city shall rise, awaiting its ruler with anticipation. The cheetah with a mark on his shoulder, a mark of power, shall rule first. The cheetah is the key to unlocking the gate to the throne, for the throne-less King of Africa must wait till the cheetah dies, and becomes the grass to take his place of power. But woe to the throne, for if the cheetah dares to refuse its fate, a hundred years must pass before the city receives its rightful ruler. Then and only then, shall the King of Africa rule once more."

Last edited on 2016-07-11 at 20:57:49 by ♥ Feathered Gold ♥

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#52477 Posted on 2016-07-12 07:18:15

(What about the other male of the three?)

Orbit stared down all three of his boys. "I've heard what you have done while I was gone." He paused, sucking in his breath. "I'm so proud of you!" He pulled his cubs into a hug. "You're just like me, you little stinks!" He chuckled. "Just watch where your going and stay above the clouds." Orbas gasped, for he was NOT expecting this!

"Cobar and Maua." She looked up at Koki. "It's perfect. And I won't." Shawari replied with wide eyes. She bowed and picked up the pale cubs, hoping to find Areli. She passed out of the den, and Tarnic accepted to watch them while she found Areli.

As Ava padded along, she roared for her brother. "Kunar!" She bellowed, her slightly deeper voice sounded just like her beautiful mother's.

(AHHHH, prophecy! -flails-)

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#52537 Posted on 2016-07-12 13:13:15

(You like the prophecy I came up with? I love how it sounds when you read with emotion. :) And what other male of the three?)

Aalia heard Orbit scolding the boys, smiled, but then had a look of shock on her face when he said that he was proud of them. However, she decided to not say anything, and walked away in a huff.

Jarkia made it back home without ever being noticed that she was gone, hid her treasures, and slipped back to pretend like she had never left.

Areli already knew that Shawari would come, so she began to take the dried milk she had out of its container, crushed it up in a bowl, and then boiled some water over the fire; mixing them together and pouring it into two bottles for the cubs to eat.

Kunar sighed, walked down, and waited for Ava to come. He was tired and wanted to rest.

Last edited on 2016-07-12 at 13:14:23 by ♥ Feathered Gold ♥

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#52542 Posted on 2016-07-12 13:46:42

Mystic you can be Meeku if you'd like to :)

Syrup just rolled over again just sleeping and snoring away as she pulled her cubs closer to her warm body and purred. Rakia purred nuzzling close to his mom since he was in fact a momma's boy.

Jewl nodded limping with her little cub dangling from her jaws as she stopped in front of Sully and dropped her cub "Take him to safety please she looked back or take him to his uncle Solo..." she looked back at the two male lions running her way as she looked to sully and ran past him with the two hot in pursuit.

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#52545 Posted on 2016-07-12 14:58:54

Sully quickly hid the little male and knocked the two rogues down with one swipe of his powerful paw. "Run Jewl!!!!" He raced away, grabbed the cub, and raced towards the ridges at the far end of the Savanna.

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#52584 Posted on 2016-07-12 20:41:17

Utamu continued to follow Ava, stopped when she did to call her brother. What a loud roar, I thought to myself. Part of me felt bad for having to wake any lions, especially if I had woke the king himself. I had never met royalty before, my whole life was just wandering around the land, looking for where I belonged and to find out who I was. Utamu knew not where she came from, nor who bore her, the earliest memory she could remember was waking up in the middle of a forest, dead lions surrounding my small body, it was a frightening scene.

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#52586 Posted on 2016-07-12 20:43:29

Kunar trotted to greet Ava, nuzzled her, and then looked at the new lioness. "I am King Kunar of the Savanna. Welcome to my kingdom." He nodded to her pleasantly with a polite smile.

Valido and Cali spent a long time together on her favorite rock in front of the waterfall and pool; talking. They found they had a lot in common, liking each other more than ever, finding that the liking was strengthening their love for each other, and purred quite a bit as they nuzzled. He may have had a lot of scars all over his body and his right eye closed from a nasty scar (courtesy of Mohatu), he still was a very handsome lion, dark brown with a silvery brown mane, and bright green eyes. Cali was super excited her parents had approved of him and even though she was slightly nervous; Valido told her that he would not claim his male right until she wanted him too. Cali relaxed and whispered into his ear, "Thank you." He lipped her ear affectionately, said that he had to go get ready for a hard patrol with Kunar later that evening, and had to rest up. Cali nodded, understanding, and stayed on her rock for several hours after he left. She sighed with happiness, not seeing two lions sneaking up on her, who quickly knocked out out with a hard paw, put her on one of their backs, and slipped away before anyone was aware that they had ever been there.

Last edited on 2016-07-12 at 20:49:38 by ♥ Feathered Gold ♥

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#52588 Posted on 2016-07-12 20:48:10

Utamu bowed, keeping her head down low as she did so, "It is an honor to meet you, your highness." Slowly she dared look up at him, her star blue eyes glistening up at him for a split second before she lowered her head again. "I came to ask your permission to join your pride, and to serve you loyally." she asked respectfully and kindly.

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