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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#49775 Posted on 2016-06-28 10:21:47

Kunar sucked in his breath sharply, for he loved old Sky, and knew what it was like to lose your father. He still missed his own father everyday.

Moyo and Scar took up residence in the small cave just above the grass, which is where Kunar told them they could sleep, as he felt like they would be the best defense against any possible attack. Moyo chose his ledge, while Scar decided to sleep on the floor, and then they sat in the shade of the cave while looking around. "This land is gorgeous. I'm glad to be away from Rip and Terror." Moyo sighed, Scar looked at him, and nodded with agreement; but knew that those two were nothing but trouble. He never had liked them and hoped they wouldn't jeopardize the newfound trust that Kunar had given them. Scar vowed to himself to keep a sharp eye on those two, then thought perhaps let Tarzan know where they were after he found their hideout, and let the Lion Guard deal with Rip and Terror. However, he knew his two brothers better than anyone else, so he made himself a promise, to protect the king and his family at all costs, even if it meant giving up his life.

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#50151 Posted on 2016-06-29 18:55:19

River sighed and followed her mate home.

Assassin gathered his siblings together. "Star wants to leave." He began. Julie gasped. "I understand," she said, licked the navy blue lions ear, "you feel left out." Star nodded. "Father already knows and has approved. Now for Kunar's approval." Assassin told him. Star sucked in his breath and padded up to Kunar's cave. He sat outside, waiting for his major domo.

Sally was lain on her side, teasingly play fighting with her niece, Yurcombie. Shawari sat next to her, obviously bored. The tan lioness whipped the smaller with her tail, and the brown lioness sat up. "You need a mate," Sally spoke. At that moment she wondered where Brutus was.

Marrana laid on her pelts. She could feel the cubs coming. "Ughhh." She grunted. "Helppp"

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#50155 Posted on 2016-06-29 19:22:40

Kunar was sitting just in front of his den, thinking deeply, just as Zuza and her children came back, and announced that the kings of the lands beyond the Serengeti were sending their sons to court the Princesses. He nodded with approval, though he was thinking deeply as they flew to the large tree to rest from their long flight about his two new warriors. "I shall receive these Prince's to come, but the way Moyo is looking at my daughter............ well, if they want to become mates, he is a fine male, and I certainly don't disapprove." He chuckled to himself with a smile.

Meanwhile, under distant supervision of their mothers, Moyo and Scar were talking with the princesses. Kacy was completely infatuated with Moyo and vise versa. While Scar was a little distant, respectful, but didn't want to open up to Cali, and he refused to share any of his past with her.. The two cousins just couldn't understand why they couldn't find out anything about their background, as Moyo simply didn't know, and Scar would not open up at all. Nor tell her anything about their two brothers, as she knew that there were two, but he would not tell her anything. Cali knew that he was hiding something, something he was not proud of, and something dangerous. Scar, realizing she was suspicious, made an excuse, and left to go find what those two troublemakers were up too.

Rip and Terror were poaching, sneaking up on a zebra herd, which was Ginelly's family, and was forbidden for all to hunt as the herd was considered to be sacred as she was part of the Lion Guard. They sneaked up on the herd, ready to attack, when Scar spied them, and scared the herd away by charging into their midst. The herd brayed in fright and raced away fast. Rip and Terror, not recognizing their older brother, angrily attacked the male, but Scar easily pinned them both. They snarled but shut up when they saw it was Scar. He angrily snarled at them, "How dare you trespass and poach again!!!! How many times do I have to tell you to not do that?! I swear, if I catch you again, you'll regret it, or perhaps I'll tell Tarzan about you, and let him deal with you........." The two brothers blanched, for they were terrified of Tarzan, and knew that the Lion Guard could easily outmaneuver, out run, were a lot stronger, and out-roar them. They began to tremble, he got up, and they bolted straight for the Nomad's Land.

Last edited on 2016-06-29 at 19:25:52 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#50257 Posted on 2016-06-30 07:06:42

Sally stood and stretched. Yawning, she padded out of the den, in search of Brutus. "Brutus?" She called.

Star waited outside Kunar's den, waiting for the major domo to show.

Marrana's belly rippled, and she moaned again. Shawari saw what was happening and screamed for Tarzan, who came rushing in. He laid by his mate after getting Malka. Soon, three beautiful cubs laid by her side, two males, and one female. "Baby, look." Tarzan cooed. The female looked just like her mom, dark golden brown. She had large paws, and eventually would grow like her father. The two males were light carmel-lay brown, and had black tail tufts, with scattered golden strands. Marrana beamed as the groomed them, and the three set out to nurse.

(Do you want to be one of the male cubs?)

Last edited on 2016-06-30 at 07:07:19 by Mystic {MML} πŸ‘Œ

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#50314 Posted on 2016-06-30 13:17:39

Brutus was busy patrolling the border between the Nomad's Land and the Savanna and snarled when he saw two rogues race out of the Savanna back into the Nomad's Land. He then spied another "rogue", growled, and crept up on him. However, Scar sensed the male, and was ready when Brutus attacked. A vicious fight broke out, both males believing the other was a threat to King Kunar, and word of the fight between the two warriors reached Kunar's ear within minutes of it starting........

Kunar snarled and raced with Chumvi and Moyo to break up the fight. The two warriors continued to fight, both very strong, equally smart, and very clever in how they fought. However, Chumvi and Moyo quickly leapt onto the two, pinning them, and forcing them to calm down. "Stop it you two!!!! Brutus, you weren't here when I accepted Scar and his brother as two of my warriors. This is Scar and his brother Moyo. They are joining you as my warriors to help protect the Savanna and my family." Kunar snapped, Brutus blanched, and backed off fast with a pale look. "I am sooooo sorry my king!!!! I didn't know, but I saw two rogues racing back into the Nomad's Land, then saw him." Kunar quickly look at Scar, who dropped his head, and didn't say a word. But when Kunar demanded to know what was going on, he looked up, and looked at him straight in the eye. "Those two rogues are my brothers and I caught them poaching a zebra herd. I scared the herd off, pinned them both, and chased them away." Kunar grunted, looked into the Nomad's Land, as he spied the two watching from where they were hiding, glared, and roared. The two growled but went the other direction, as Kunar was too well guarded for them to attack. "Come, but I wish you'd told me Scar." He ordered his co-ruler and warriors to follow him back home. Rip and Terror trembled slightly when they actually saw Kunar, for he was larger than all the lions he was standing with, including their brother Scar, and wondered if they could possibly take him on. Even Princess Kacy who had chased them away just a few days ago was just as big as they were.

Kacy and Cali smiled when they saw their Uncle Tarzan had his first litter of cubs with Marrana and smiled with glee. The two cousins wanted to have cubs so badly, but didn't have a mate yet, and hoped their parents approved of Scar and Moyo.

Later that evening, a new roar reached Kunar's ears, he listened, and when he didn't recognized it; he sent Zuza to find out who was roaring and she returned soon with the news of one of the royal prince's was coming through the Nomad's Land to court Princess Cali. Kunar rolled his eyes and said, "He's dumb to roar in the Nomad's Land. He should've waited until he got into the Savanna to let me know he was coming. Whatever, go escort him in please Zuza." She bowed and flew to the handsome prince, just as he bolted into the Savanna, barely escaping the claws and fangs of Rip and Terror. "Come here princely boy. Let us look at you....." He sniffed in disgust, shook out fur, and walked off with his nose in the air. "Sir! Please follow me, for King Kunar sent me to escort you." The haughty prince looked around to see who was talking to him, didn't see those rogues, who had left when he ignored them, and only saw a purple bird fluttering just above his head. He ignored the bird, for she was annoying, and continued on his way. She grumbled and swooped down to land on a rock in front of him. Held up a wing and said once more, "Sir! I am King Kunar's Major-Domo and he has sent me to escort you to the Great Rock." She had barely finished before she had to take off fast, when he tried to grab her with his mouth, and she squawked in anger. "How dare you!!!! Fine then, you can find the Great Rock by yourself." She humphed loudly, as she was very offended, and flew off; with the prince following her, as he loved to eat Hornbills, and was determined to catch her. However, when he reached the shorter grass, and the Great Rock loomed above him; he gasped and quickly composed himself. Zuza angrily told the king what the Prince had tried to do to her, Kunar rolled his eyes, gave her leave to not have to do anything for him, and waited for the Prince to come up.

Last edited on 2016-06-30 at 13:34:23 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#51845 Posted on 2016-07-09 03:55:47

(Feathered, want to be one of the male cubs? I also need help naming him. πŸ˜…)

Tarzan and Marrana decided to name the little female Bahari. Little Bahari suckled next to her brothers, one of which was named Kifo. He squeaked and kneaded his mother's soft belly, his eyes tightly shut. The last remained unnamed, for Tarzan wanted his older brother to name him. The golden male licked his Cubs before walking out of the den. He tore through the grass, scenting his brother. Going too fast, he bumped straight into Kunar when he tried to stop. "Kunar! Sorry!" He laughed. "Marrana. She. Had. My. Cubs." He heaved out of breath.

Shawari gazed at the beautiful cubs. "You did good Marrana." She whispered. She wished she could have cubs of her own. Tears pricked at her eyes. That would never happen. She stood and passed over to Toki's den. "Um, Toki?" She called. "May I speak with you?"

(We need some action with Orbit and Aalia!)

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#51872 Posted on 2016-07-09 08:52:16

(Sure. :D This day is just getting better and better for lil' ol' Feather)

Kunar roared, got ready to fight, for Tarzan had surprised him, but got himself under control quickly when he realized it was his youngest brother, and smiled when he heard his exciting news. "Wonderful!!! You will be a wonderful father. Do you think one of your cubs will be the next leader of the Lion Guard?" For, there was nothing in the law that said the leader of the Lion Guard had to be only a male, it could also have a female as their leader, depending on the circumstances, and whom the Great Kings and Queens of the past chose to bless with the Roar of the Elders. He trotted to the den, smiled at his niece and nephews, looked at he unnamed male, and suggested, "Marzipan. It has a nice ring to it and has your two names mixed into it to make it up."

Toki looked up with a sweet smile and nodded. "How can I help you Shawari?"

A roar sounded out, shaking the clouds, and then three little giggles coming from three young cubs flew everywhere; with a very annoyed black lioness trying to fly after all three at the same time. "Come back here!!!! Oh!!!! When your father hears about your not listening to me again...... Mufasa, why was I blessed and cursed with three males as stubborn as their father?!" Aalia growled, before trying to grab one that had jumped off the clouds, and started flying over the wide open space above the Savanna/Lake Kingdom. "You are not ready yet Ora!!!!! Get back here before you............." The cub in question had stuck his tongue out at his mom, started flying away, when a huge wind blew sharply from the north, knocked him off balance, then while he was trying to regain his balance a large flock of egrets flew into him, and down, down, down he went with a pitiful cry of fright. "Fall. Oh........ You two get over here and stay there while I get your brother!! Mommy's coming Ora!!!!!" She took off, flew down, down, down, heading for Ora, who was heading straight for the water, and the wide open jaws of a drooling Gustave. "Yum........ a cub from heaven." Ora screamed with fright, fell right in his mouth, about to go down his esophagus but Aalia flew through his wide-open jaws, and grabbed Ora; getting out of there just before Gustave slammed his jaws shut. "Oh nuts!!!!" He growled when he realized that he didn't have Ora, but didn't bother giving chase, and disappeared under the water. Aalia could feel Ora trembling in her grasp as she flew back up to the thick clouds, so she began to purr, calming him down, and landing on the clouds; hugged him, then letting him down, and looking at her boys sternly. "I will not scold you, hard, but that is the perfect reason why to listen to your mother, and to not leave the safety of the clouds until you are pronounced ready by your father and mother." Ora sheepishly promised he would never do anything that foolhardy again and the others apologized; though within minutes, Aalia was chasing them all over the clouds again, however, they stayed well away from the edge, she noticed with pleased relief.

Last edited on 2016-07-09 at 08:54:17 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52045 Posted on 2016-07-10 05:09:20

"Marzipan," Marrana whispered into the cub's ear. "Thank you Kunar." Tarzan thanked him also. "Hmmm, maybe." He thought aloud. "We'll have to see when they're a year."

Shawari padded slowly into her den, flopping down pitifully. "I want cubs of my own so bad." She told Toki, a sob coming up her throat. "But I can't." She bawled.

(I'll be one of Orbit and Aalia's)

Orbit had just finished getting dinner for his family when one of his cubs bumped into him, causing him to drop the water bison he had been carrying. He and Orbas watched the bison fall through the clouds, for it had not been 'blessed' yet. Orbit let out a slight growl before angling his wings and rocketing after it. He snatched the falling buffalo by its tail and flew the limp animal home.

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#52116 Posted on 2016-07-10 14:06:23

"Yikes!!!!" Ora said, his eyes huge, when he saw that his brother had accidentally knocked the water buffalo off the cloud, and knew that when their dad got back; he'd be scolded bad.................. However, he refused to run away, as wanted to be there to give moral support to his brother, and stayed seated where he had stopped.

"And why could you not have cubs? You simply need to find a mate is all." Toki looked at Shawari with puzzlement.

Kunar nodded to Tarzan and went out, just as the haughty prince walked up, bowed to Kunar, and said to one of the lionesses rather snooty, "I have come to court the Princess Cali. Please tell me where she is." Kunar looked at him sharply, then Kali came up, growling, and stared the haughty prince down. "I am the Queen, Kali the Valiant. Princess Cali is my daughter, come I shall introduce you to her, however, you need to treat our lionesses with more respect. They are loyal to us, we respect them, they respect us. You have no right to treat the ladies in that way." The prince sneered, "Well, where I come from, the lionesses either listen to the King and his heir, or they are punished by forced seduction. That is my pride's custom, and as such, I shall treat the lionesses however I please." Kunar growled deeply, "Fine, then you can leave. I will not tolerate this." The haughty prince forced himself to be polite, "Very well, I shall respect your *stupid* customs." Kali nodded forcefully and led him to meet the Princess Cali who was swimming in the pool below the waterfall with Kacy, Aussie, while Tori rested on a rock next to a watchful Koki, very pregnant, and other lionesses relaxed on the rocks near the waterfall, enjoying misty breeze. The haughty prince stared with surprise at the royals, who were acting like monkeys instead of like proud lions, and was rather amused at the idea of lions loving to swim. Kali roared to alert the happy young lions, who quickly got out of the water, shook, Princess Cali quickly went into the bushes, while Princess Kacy, Koki, and his lionesses came up, looked at the haughty looking prince, and didn't like what he saw. The haughty prince waited impatiently, but realized that it was a good thing that he had to wait, as when Princess Cali came out to greet him, she was wearing a lovely hibiscus behind her left ear, and had a sweet and shy expression on her face. "Princess Cali, this is..... um, what is your name?" Kali suddenly realized that the male had never introduced himself, and was not very happy. He sniffed and said very haughtily, "I am Prince Tutankhamun, future King of the Nile Valley, and son of the Great King Ra." Kali nodded, but not quite liking his haughty attitude towards everyone but to herself and her daughter. He acted like King Koki, Queen Tori, and Princess Kacy were just plain lions and as such, ignored them completely. "Ahem, this is King Koki, Princess Kacy, and Queen Tori, my nephew and nieces. The fine lionesses are their loyal guard, led by Aussie, and are not to trifle with." Aussie and the other lionesses grumbled among themselves, not liking to have their rulers nor themselves treated that way. Kacy glared the prince and stuck her nose in the air in disgust; stalking back to the pool, followed closely by the others, but Kali stopped Cali, and told her to spend some time with Tutankhamun, who made a face for not having his title spoken with his name. Cali laid down on her favorite rock, Prince Tutankhamun lay beside her, and a very awkward conversation commenced.

"So, um, you are from the Nile Valley?" Cali asked uncertainly, to which he smiled with a proud smile, and said; looking down at her from his nose. "Yes, I hail from the Nile Valley. We are the true Royals of Africa. My family has lived there for generations. We were around when the Pharaohs of Egypt were in power, served them, hunted for them, sometimes were hunted, were wore by the nobles, and ruled beside them. It is my proud heritage and I have the blood of royals flowing throughout my entire lineage." "Wow, that is impressive." Cali said with a sweet and wondrous look in her eyes. "Now, dear princess, tell me about YOUR family lineage." He said, almost like a dare, and Cali looked at him with suspicion. "My family is directly related to the Pridelanders, to the Great King Mufasa, and his family. My great grandfather, King Herex of Africa, came to the Savanna with my step grandmother Queen Isa, and also married Queen Kalina of Africa. She was the daughter of the King and Queen of Africa at that time and had my great uncle and grandmother, King Kalumvi and Queen Kalex of the Savanna. King Kalumvi married the beautiful Princess Lunar and my grandmother married Prince Storm. The two happy couples had the current rulers, my uncle King Kunar and my mother Queen Kali. They in turn married two lions of fine stature, Prince Chumvi, and Princess Toki of the Desert. They in turn had Princess Kacy, Prince Tunar, and King Koki while I have two siblings, Queen Chula, my exiled brother Cole. That is my lineage and I am proud of it." She herself took on a haughty look. But, it was short lived, for the prince smirked, "Prince Chumvi? Of what? You never said from whence he came." Cali tightened her lips, "Nobody knows, for he was washed downstream with his brother many years ago when they were only little cubs, and he cannot remember." The haughty Prince Tutankhamun snorted, "A rogue, interesting, I am courting the daughter of a rogue. Hmmmmm, well no matter, that will not ruin my image. Come, we must be off." Cali looked at him with a hurt look that he ignored, and walked towards the Great Rock. She obediently followed him, not quite liking him, however, no other prince had expressed interest, for she was the daughter of a rogue. Kunar and Kali looked with surprise at the two, then with shock, including Cali, when Prince Tutankhamum made his announcement. "I claim Princess Cali as my Mate and queen...." But was interrupted by Kali, "Whoa! Wait jut a minu......" "Furthermore, we shall leave at first light for my kingdom. Come, we must rest for the long journey ahead of us." Everyone was speechless, all the lionesses, Queen Kali, Prince Chumvi, Princess Cali, even King Kunar stared at him in shock. The silence was broken by an indignant Princess Cali, "ARE. YOU. CRAZY?! I don't even know you and you are claiming me as your MATE?! I don't think so, buddy. Listen here, after you insulting my family, do you seriously think I want to marry YOU??? Forget it, I'm going back to the waterfall mother." Cali stiffly said, stalking past Prince Tutankhamum, throwing the hibiscus blossom at his face, and then whipping his nose with her tail tuft so hard that it stung. "Well! I never." He snorted, trying to get the tail tuft hairs out of his nostrils, while the lionesses quietly giggled in the background. Kunar, Kali, and Chumvi quickly got over their shock and looked at Tuntankhamum. "You just claimed one of the most stubborn Princesses in the history of our family." Kali and Kunar warned him while Chumvi glared at him. "So what if I was a rogue? I have proven myself over and over. I am loyal to the monarchy of King Herex's lineage and that is what matter's; not ones bloodline nor where he or she came from. I for one do not approve of you for my daughter." Tutankhamum ignored the "rogue", for he had seen several others join the group, and laughed. "I for one would never trust rogues, they are unpredictable, and can turn on you at any moment." Before Kunar could put him in his place, Prince Tutankhamum walked off laughing, and disappeared into the den that had been made ready for him. "The nerve!" Kali snarled, Kunar nodded, while Chumvi continued to glare at the den that darn prince went into, and didn't move from that spot for hours.

Last edited on 2016-07-10 at 14:13:36 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#52323 Posted on 2016-07-11 12:30:55

(Sorry to interrupt but does a lion still have to ask the leader of the pride for permission to stay in the pride?)

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#52343 Posted on 2016-07-11 13:57:43

(Eh, not really)

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#52365 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:14:29

Utamu pranced to the pride's main area, the sun shining against her silken white coat and her blue eyes glistening. She looked around for someone to introduce herself to, she really didn't want to interrupt someone's conversation but she didn't want to just stand there either. I wondered who was it I was supposed to talk to, just any lion or was there a specific lion. My heart fluttered with excitement, I hadn't interacted with any other lions since I was cub.

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#52367 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:31:18

Later that night, while everyone slept deeply, after a hard day both physically and emotionally, a loud roar woke up Chumvi and Kali, and then there was shouting. "Get off of me you jerk!!!!" A roar of pain, Chumvi looked to where Cali had been sleeping, realized that she wasn't there, Kali was already out of the den, and both parents could see in the moonlight that Tutankhamum was by the watering hole and standing on top of Cali; trying to force himself on her while she struggled, slashing her claws, roaring for help, and trying to crawl out from under him. Chumvi couldn't see nor hear anything or anyone, Kali was trying to get his attention as his eyes began to flash, he roared with fury, and charged that male; easily knocking him off Cali and pinning him hard on the ground. "How DARE you try to molest my daughter!!!!! You are no prince......." Chumvi snarled, Tuntankhamun gulped when he realized that he was in mortal danger, but before Chumvi could deliver the fatal blow, a soft paw was laid on his front right leg, and Cali said with a strain in her voice, "Let him go. Do not kill him father." Tutankhamum smiled menacingly when Chumvi let up but then was knocked down again by a very strong paw swipe to the face from Cali. He got up again, head feeling very woozy, felt something dripping down his face, licked it, realized it was his blood, and could see in the watering hole that his whole face had been split wide open where you could just see the bone of his skull. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME YOU LITTLE WITCH?!" He cried out with horror, to which she laughed, an eerie laugh that made his fur stand up on end. "You pitiful little fool!!!!! You seriously think I would change my mind after I completely rejected you? You do not know who the great granddaughter of the Great King Herex of Africa is!!!!!" She walked off laughing, with him trying to take a step towards her, but her parents, Queen Kali and Prince Chumvi blocked his path, and forced him out of the Savanna. "You have not heard the last of Prince Tutankhamum!!!!! Cali will be my mate, she belongs to me, and I will claim my prize!!!!!!" Tutankhamum roared with fury and stalked away. Kali and Chumvi raced back to their den, to find Cali crying hysterically, and both held her in a tender and loving hug. "Oh father and mother!!!!! I was so scared, I have never been so scared in my life, please tell me this was just a horrible nightmare." She sobbed in their ears, they hugged her closer, and Chumvi whispered, "It was not a nightmare, my dear daughter, sadly, it was real, but I am so proud of how you handled yourself." "We both are Cali. You are a strong, determined, stubborn, and beautiful lioness. We are proud to call you our daughter." Kali whispered, giving her a lick, Chumvi nuzzled them both, and the family continued to hug; falling asleep soon afterwards still huddled together.

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#52368 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:33:27

When Orbit returned, he was furious. "Orbas!" He roared, shaking the clouds. Orbas squeaked, and his behind Ora. "I don't want to go see daddy!" He whispered, fluttering behind his brother, his black and blue patched fur all fluffed up.

(I swear they had a daughter that was born a couple years before the three boys)

Keno huffed at the rude prince. He could never be with Cali. He knew who the Queens's mates would be.

Shawari gazed up at Toki from her tears. "No," she whimpered. "Not even a mate will help. " She sighed. "I'm infertile."

Ava noticed a lioness out on the land, she hadn't met her before. "I'll be right back, Tarnic." She whispered, giving her blind, sleeping mate a lick on the ear before trotting out to meet her. She approached the lioness calmly. "Hello, I'm Ava." She began. "Welcome to the Savannah. My brother is King Kunar. Are you here to meet him?"

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#52371 Posted on 2016-07-11 16:37:31

Utamu bowed, realizing if the king was her brother she must be a princess. "Hello, my name is Utamu." she spoke before standing back up, and looking at the lioness briefly. "Yes, I was hoping there might be a place for me in his pride? I would tell you what pride I come from, but I do not know." I answered her question thoroughly.

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