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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#46129 Posted on 2016-06-10 08:57:10

Crimson was completely unaware that there had been other lionesses there and kept chasing after Tunar, finding this game of "Keep Away" quite amusing and fun. With a small grin she seemed to disappear from behind Tunar, she ducked off to the side using the darkness in an attempt to get even closer, though her quiet giggling practically gave away her position.

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#46157 Posted on 2016-06-10 09:50:30

Where can i sign up for this?

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#46163 Posted on 2016-06-10 10:31:12

( here)

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#46179 Posted on 2016-06-10 12:12:20

(Hope you can join us Justhorses!!!)

Tunar saw that Crimson had appeared to be swallowed up into the night, though he could hear her rustling the grass, and her quiet giggles. He got down low, stopped moving so recklessly, and sneaked up on her. Spying her, her back to him, he got down even lower, sneaked even closer, stopped, shoulders twitched, his body began to feel weird, his heart began to beat even faster, for his love was overcoming him, and he wanted to have some intimate time with his mate. So he pounced, but instead of landing on her, he landed beside her, rolled over onto his side, and purred. "Have you seen my mate? I really want to spend some quality and intimate time with her." His voice brimming with love and humor.

Last edited on 2016-06-10 at 12:14:22 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#47510 Posted on 2016-06-16 19:56:42

-----------------Leaving this open for Kittan to answer-------------------

The night passed by quickly and when the sun rose the next morning; both King Kunar and Queen Kali stepped onto the ledge that overlooked the Savanna. The entire pride gathered, eagerly waiting for their King to roar before going about their daily lives, however, once he had, Kunar and Kali looked back at the pride, they looked at them with pricked ears, for it was obvious the rulers had an important announcement. "Cali, come forth." Kali called to her daughter, who pricked her ears, and stepped out of the crowd towards her mother and uncle. "Kacy, I need to talk to you." Kunar said, his daughter practically bounced out of the crowd with a huge smile, and the pride murmured with smiles. They dearly loved their Rulers and their Princesses, liked to see the Royal Family interact with each other, and would die before letting anything happen to them. "Yes Father?" "Yes Mother?" The two princesses asked after bowing to their respective parents. "We have talked with the Elder and he has decreed that you two are ready to take your place in the Great Circle of Life." Cali bowed her head, a little frightened, but smiled slightly, while Kacy squealed with delight, and skipped. "However........" Kunar growled, causing Cali to look up with alarm at the seriousness in his voice, and Kacy stopped mid-skip to stare at him. "The Law clearly states, that no Prince OR Princess can rule without a mate at their side. Therefore, neither one of you are eligible to the throne of our great ancestor, King Herex. You must find a mate and we have already sent out invitations to the Prince's of the Serengeti and beyond. Zuza's children have already left with our invitation last night before the sun went down." Kunar finished saying, Kali nodded in agreement, and the two princesses looked at each other with alarm. The pride murmured, all concerned, for their rulers were getting older, and the lionesses needed to work harder at hunting to make sure they all stayed strong to protect their way of life. Cali sighed, but nodded, for she knew that it was the Law, while Kacy glared at her father, who looked at her with a stern look. "Are you freaking crazy?! No way!!! I refuse to have an arranged marriage father!! That's what you are going to do. I can rule without a mate." Kunar glared at his defiant daughter and stood up. "Kacy, that is the Law. You cannot rule without a mate. Your grandfather did not step down from his throne until I had married your mother." Kacy snarled, "Well, I guess I don't want to be Queen!!! Let Tunar be King, 'sides, he's got Crimson." "Kacy!!! He doesn't want to be King, YOU are my heir, and you WILL get married." Kunar yelled, his voice rising into a roar, and all was quiet after his roar. Kacy trembled with anger, for she wanted to marry for love, not for the throne. "That is the Law. Very well. I shall find a mate of my own. Let Cali have an arranged marriage. I will not claim the throne until I find the male I love." She raised her head high and walked through the midst of the pride with a proud; yet if you looked closely, you could see tears in her eyes, and a hurt expression on her face. Once she had walked down the path and got into the grass; she raced off, feeling like her heart would break, and sobbing like crazy. She jumped into a tree that lay just on the border of the Savanna and the Nomad's Land and climbed up to her favorite branch. "How am I going to find a mate? I only have rogues to choose from, whom refuse to accept my family's rule, and want to take over the Savanna. Who would be out there for me?"

While she was sobbing, a rogue walked by, with his oldest brother beside him, and the other two a distance behind. "Be careful my brothers. You are right on the border line that separates us from King Kunar." Scar said, though Rip and Terror grinned as they purposely stepped into the Savanna. "Whatever you say, Valido." Moyo gasped, quickly backed off from a frozen Scar, who whirled around, growling deeply, and his green eyes flashing. Rip and Terror suddenly turned pale and ran fast. He roared, Kacy looked up from she was laying, narrowed her eyes at the two trespassing males, and ambushed them. Rip and Terror yelled, for she totally caught them off guard, and they bolted back into the Nomad's Land. "You two are idiots!!!!! Stay out of my sight for the rest of the day!!!" Scar hissed, Moyo cautiously came out from where he was hiding, looked at his now calm brother, Scar nodded to Kacy, and walked off; while Moyo just stood there, staring at the lovely Princess Kacy, who simply smiled with a proud look. "Moyo!!! Leave the Princess alone." Scar called back, Moyo made his legs move, though he looked back once more to give her a sweet smile. Kacy cocked her head, smiled, and walked back to the Great Rock thinking about the two handsome males. "The younger one is cute. The older one is rugged, tough, and not one to trifle with. Hmmmmmm...... I do believe I have solved our problem. Cali needs a mate and so do I. Those two respect my family's rule, so I need to get Cali, and we need to meet them."

Last edited on 2016-06-16 at 19:59:55 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#48186 Posted on 2016-06-19 19:37:52

Tarzan awoke to his plump mate cuddling him. He sighed and gave her a lick on the ear. She opened her bright amber eyes and nuzzled him. The golden mass stood and trotted out of the den, roaring for the guard. They gathered, and took off towards the border where Kacy was lain.

As they lumbered closer, Lilly called "Wait!" They paused, Tarzan gazing up at the tall, spotted female. Then he smelt them. "Rogues." He muttered. The golden lion snapped his head to Ginelly, a young zebra mare. "Check the perimeter." The striped equine nodded, and rushed off. "The rest of you stay here, wait for my signal. "

Tarzan crouched. He carefully crawled through the tall grass, and soon caught tan fur in his sight. But it was only Kane. "I saw two," the cheetah whispered. "A young one, and little younger than you. " They made their way to where the rogues scent was strong. "And one a lot older. " Tarzan nodded. They could see the lean bodies moving. "Now!" Tarzan snarled and threw himself atop the older, as did Kane to the younger. The two easily pinned the rogues. "What are you doing so close to King Kunar's land?!" Tarzan snarled in the large male's face.

Malka stretched his aching legs. He let out a long yawn and licked his chops. "Kunar?" He asked as he sat by his older brother. "I think I like someone." He looked down at his tan paws. "But, she likes Tunar..."

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#48189 Posted on 2016-06-19 20:02:15

"Easy now. We don't mean any harm. I am called Scar, though if you promise not to tease me, I will allow you to call me by my real name. I and my brother Moyo are looking to talk to King Kunar. We have heard about King Kunar and have high regards for him. Please believe me. I have no desire to take over anyone's land. Also, if you want to pounce on someone, go after my two stupid brothers. They are somewhere behind us." Scar, although furious for letting himself get jumped, kept his cool, and told Tarzan what they were doing so close to King Kunar's Land. Moyo trembled with fear, even though he could easily get the Cheetah off him, he had seen the mark on their shoulders, and knew that they were dealing with the Lion Guard. He began to whimper with fear, but when he caught Scar's reassuring look, he calmed down, and sighed. "Like Scar said, I am Moyo. We simply want to ask for his permission to become one of his warriors. I only desire a mate to call my own and to be one of his loyal warriors." Scar nodded solemnly and hoped they believed them. For, they both had hearts of gold, and were telling the truth.

"I know who you are talking about. However, it is too late. Kali just informed me that last night, Crimson, and Tunar became mates." Kunar told him, feeling sorry for his brother.

Aussie watched this interaction closely between the two brothers from where she lay under the shade of a ledge, and smiled happily. "Good, for I like that sweet Malka. He's cute......"

Last edited on 2016-06-19 at 20:04:44 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#48193 Posted on 2016-06-19 20:18:25

Tarzan clenched his jaw. "Very well," he flicked his tail, and the two hopped off of the lions. Tarzan let out a small roar, and the rest of the Guard, Lily, Bamar, and Ginelly, emerged from the grass. "Kane, inform my brother, Kunar." The slim cat nodded and whizzed off.

"No," Malka whispered, "Not her." he sighed, "Princess Julie." He slid his claws in and out in boredom.

Assassin strolled out of his den, stretching his dark wings. He padded around, before sitting, intently watching the horizon. Soon, he spotted a HUGE cloud of dust, with a dark dot in the middle. Kane soon sped by, and leaped up onto the Rock Kunar and Malka sat atop. "Sire," he bowed. "Tarzan and the Guard is on their way, with two rogues who wish to serve you."

(Aussie noooooo!)

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#48195 Posted on 2016-06-19 20:30:21

(And why not???? ;D)

"Thank you. Please believe us. We want to be two of his loyal warriors." Moyo got more bold after he was let up and Scar looked at him with surprise; then smiled. They both stood next to each other and waited for Tarzan to take them to the Great Rock to meet King Kunar.

Rip and Terror angrily watched as Scar and Moyo walked into the Savanna with the leader of the Lion Guard. "Geez, as if we would ever get escorted straight to Kunar like that. Let's just wait until he comes around here on patrol and jump him." The two brothers agreed and made their temporary home near the Savanna border.

"Oh, sorry brother. Now, about Princess Julie..... wait, what? Okay, bring them here, but be on your alert. Ladies, be on your guard." He called to the lionesses, who grudgingly got up from where they were resting under the shade, and sat down in the glaring noonday sun to wait for the rogues.

Kacy had come back home, heard Kane say something about two rogues wanting to serve her father, and felt her heart skip a beat. She smiled secretly, found Cali, told her about the two handsome rogues who appeared to actually respect their family's rule, and Cali's eyes lit up. The two princesses joined their mothers and waited.

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#48199 Posted on 2016-06-19 20:46:26

(-pokes- cuz Assassin)

Tarzan strolled back to the Great Rock. His tail twitched, and Bamar and Lily surrounded the rogues at the sides, and Ginelly in back. "Any you catch me with a claw and I'll bust your skull." The zebra hissed.

Malka sighed and laid down, his small head resting on his nimble paws. He was one of the smallest lions in the pride, even though he was almost full grown. How could that be when his grandfather was the powerful Herex and all his siblings were huge??

Assassin caught sight of the beautiful Aussie. He flounced around in front of her, his wings half tucked above his dappled back. His spots shine in the sunlight, and he sat down a teasing distance from her. The black male began to groom his very silky coat.

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#48201 Posted on 2016-06-19 21:07:43

Aussie saw that Assassin was flirting with her, decided to ignore him, but kinda thought he was cute.

Scar knew that Ginelly meant it and kept his claws to himself. Moyo sucked in his breath when he caught sight of the Great Rock and the number of lions on it.

(Okay Mystic)

Last edited on 2016-06-20 at 10:34:57 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#48231 Posted on 2016-06-20 05:22:58

(I'm going to be at camp for the next week and then I'm moving on Friday is I'm going to pause this until then. )


Last edited on 2016-06-27 at 20:40:34 by MysticMemories{Lilac}

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#49662 Posted on 2016-06-27 21:06:29

Assassin spread his wings, stretching, as his brother and sister passed out of the den. Star came and sat by his brother. The two were in deep conversation. Julie on the other paw went straight to Malka. "Hi." Malka looked up, startled. "Um, hey?" He returned, blushing. Julie sat next to him, as the lean male looked away. "I like you," she whispered. "I do too." The tan male murmured. The two looked into each other's eyes, and for the first time, Malka noticed her two color orbs , one brown and one blue. The new couple went into a private cave, and were there for a while.

As Tarzan led them nearer, his three older sisters came, chasing the Guard away. They then rounded around them, Keldeo and Sally on the sides, and the lightly pregnant Ava behind. Tarzan growled at his eldest, "You should be resting." The dark tan lioness snapped back, "I don't tell you what to do." Sally and Keldeo suppressed giggles.

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#49680 Posted on 2016-06-27 21:41:17

Cali and Kacy eagerly waited with their mothers, who did notice how excited their daughters were, the rest of the pride sat proudly just behind them, while their father/uncle/king sat in front of them, the breeze lightly blowing his mane everywhere, and looking very fearsome indeed.

Scar and Moyo sucked in their breath, when they saw him, and both gulped. They walked up onto the wide rock ledge that was below the ledge that overlooked the Savanna, bowed to him deeply, and waited for him to speak.

"Rise, tell us your names, and why you have come to my kingdom." Kunar said, not sounding mean at all, but fair, and just. "Sire," Scar stood up and looked at Kunar. "I am called Scar, though my true name is Valido. This is my younger brother Moyo and we have come to hopefully become two of your royal warriors." He bowed down again while Kunar thought this over. He looked at Kali, Toki, and Chumvi, who came over, and they conversed among themselves. Kacy and Cali chewed on their lips, nervous, and hoping desperately that the handsome males would be allowed to stay. Then, the moment of truth came, the rulers looked up, breathing deeply, Kunar stepped back to the edge, and roared. "Rise and hear our decision!" Scar and Moyo looked up with fright and looked at the stern king. His frown was apparent of his disapproval, but just when it seemed their hopes were dashed, Kunar began to grin, and nodded. "For now I reserve judgement, though I can tell you both have pure hearts. Welcome to our family. But be warned, I shall administrate swift, and painful judgement if you betray our trust in anyway." Scar and Moyo looked at each other with shock, the two princesses grinned ear to ear, and the lionesses sighed with happiness; for they had two more males to help their beloved king AND could finally get out from the hot sun. Kunar came down with Toki, Kali, Chumvi, and their daughters, Kacy and Cali. Moyo's eyes lit up at the sight of Kacy, who blushed, and giggled. Cali couldn't stop staring at Scar, who smiled shyly at the lovely princess, but quickly turned his attention to Kunar; who did NOT miss their smiles, lowered his head so his mane covered his face, and grinned. He certainly did NOT disapprove of Moyo's obvious obsession with his daughter.

Last edited on 2016-06-27 at 21:43:12 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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#49773 Posted on 2016-06-28 09:55:16

Assassin turned his neck as the two new lions were welcomed. The hybrid stood, and padded over to them, his brother behind him. "Welcome." He told them, "I'm Assassin," he gestured towards his brother with his wing, "This is my brother Star." Julie made her way down to meet her brothers. "And my sister Julie." Julie nodded, "Welcome to the pride!"

Many others, including Kalina, Tarzan, and Ava, welcomed the new lions. The last one to say hello, was old Sky. "Welcome to the Savannah." The old lion/leopard hybrid spread his wings, and soared back to his private cave. His mate, River, sighed. She passed by Kunar and whispered, "Sky's on his last limb, and I don't know how Orbit will take it...."

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