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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#43689 Posted on 2016-06-02 20:00:03

Crimson's smile faltered, her first friend and he likes her..but someone else having feelings for her, when she didn't even know them, most likely...Well, she wasn't too sure how she felt about that one. " guess." she muttered quietly, as she chose to ignore the winged-lion(s?) and got up. She decided she needed to think. ...He's cute, but i wont force anything on anyone. It's..not my place- or rank- to do so. she thought. She was very away of being stared at, she just had no interest in either the lion or lioness. For once the strange sight didn't even make her curious, as her mind was a bit of a whirl from Tunar's last sentance. Though she could understand it, she also at the same time did not. It left her feeling a bit confused. So she just started padding over to a small area of rocks, somewhere she could think, but still watch the Pride.

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#43691 Posted on 2016-06-02 20:04:48

Tunar knew that he had hurt her, but didn't want to take the chance of breaking his family apart. So, watching from the tree, he suddenly had an inspiration, said something to Zuza, who flew down, and whispered into her ear. "Prince Tunar requests that you meet him tonight, under the full moon, by the watering hole, to formally apologize, and to talk more about his feelings for you."

(Oh my goodness that is so cute!!!)

Sassy purred, resting on her soft cloud-like bed, and relaxed; feeling the cubs kick inside her womb and enjoying the moment.

Last edited on 2016-06-02 at 20:05:40 by Feathered Gold

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#43694 Posted on 2016-06-02 20:09:09

(I know, right?!)

Crimson nodded, "Alright. Could you tell him i will be there..." she trailed off, not knowing the birds name. "Um, i dont believe i know your name..?" It came out more of a question rather than a quiet statement. She was being careful to keep her voice low, she was keeping a eye on those winged lions and did not care for them to overhear her.

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#43696 Posted on 2016-06-02 20:23:58

(Julie is the only winged one πŸ˜„)

Malka sighed. He'd never get a lioness. He was too dorky and small. He slowly dragged himself back up to his den.

Julie, heartbroken, flew into a tall tree and sobbed, the whole tree shaking.

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#43698 Posted on 2016-06-02 20:28:01

The pride began to settle down, though there was a feeling of unrest, and concern for Koki's little cousins.

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#43973 Posted on 2016-06-03 21:55:04

(Find the hidden pun...I dare Ya.. XD)

Crimson noticed the winged lion fly off, along with the other male leaving, and she relaxed a little. For some reason those two made her uncomfortable. Crimson glanced at the sky, it was some time after noon, but she wasn't too sure, as from her spot she couldn't see the sun too well. Might as well make my way to the Watering Hole. I prefur to be early. She got to her paws and began to make her way there, keeping low to the ground to hopefully blend in more because her pelt was black though, she found difficulty in doing so. After about five minutes she gave up entirely on trying to be stealthy in the long savannah grass and just padded along normally.

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#44046 Posted on 2016-06-04 07:31:03

Tunar continued to rest in the tree, thinking of what he would say to Crimson, and determined that if he had to leave the Pride; he would with Crimson, though he sure would miss his family. He waited until the moon nearly was overhead, then leapt down quietly, and slinked down the trail. The rest of the pride were fast asleep in the dens, light snoring could be heard, while he sneaked down the trail, stepped onto the grass, and began to trot quietly through the long grass towards the Watering Hole.

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#44312 Posted on 2016-06-04 21:16:34

Upon reaching the Watering Hole, Crimson jumped up onto a small nearby rock, and looked up at the stars. It was one of the things she enjoyed doing on a night like this, the moonlight casted a light "glow" effect on her black pelt, not that she noticed. She wasn't quite sure what to be prepared for, so, she decided to simply cross whatever bridge to speak. Her ears flicked slightly, the crickets nearby had once again started chirping. A soft breeze blew threw her dark fur, it had the smell of flowers drifting with it. All in all, she was enjoying the sounds, smell and sights of the night in this area, and for once, she wasn't afraid of anyone coming up and attacking her.

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#44425 Posted on 2016-06-05 07:17:21

"It is a peaceful evening, isn't it?" A voice came out of the darkness, startling some birds who were feeding in the water just below the rock. They flew only a short distance away, landing more towards the middle of the water hole, just as the owner of the voice and a shape separated itself from the night, as Tunar climbed onto the rock, to sit next to Crimson. He sighed, then spoke again. "Let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars, the Great King and Queens of the Past, look down on us from those stars. So whenever you feel alone, just remember, that those Kings and Queens will always be there to guide you, and so will I. Crimson, I... I love you. I am sorry for what I said earlier, but I didn't want to hurt my Uncle Malka. If you never want to speak to me again, it is okay. But please, let me be at peace with myself. I never meant to hurt you." Tunar looked at her, the stars shining in his eyes, and looking far wiser and more solemn than his age; like his father Kunar.

Tunar In The Starlit Night

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#44529 Posted on 2016-06-05 12:30:29

Crimson looked at Tunar with a small smile. "Now, why would I never want to speak with you again? In truth, I believe I have the very same feelings for you. I can understand why you said what you did, now." Her small smile is genuine, and her body language says she's quite comfortable around Tunar. The they shine in his makes him look so handsome.. Crimson moved her tail to where it layer next to Tunar's, a soft look in her eyes.

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#44544 Posted on 2016-06-05 12:58:57

He smiled again, this time with more love than ever before, and gently (carefully too) placed his left front paw on her right front paw. "Will you be my mate? I cannot promise you that we will rule, for my sister Kacy, and cousin Cali are the heirs; but we will live in peace, happiness, and with a family who loves and protects each other." He continued to stare into her eyes, his star filled eyes looking more solemn, and more wise with love brimming out in the very center than ever before. The breeze began to blow, small little flowers, leaves, and pollen in it and circling around the two young lions.

Last edited on 2016-06-05 at 13:00:27 by Feathered Gold

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#44736 Posted on 2016-06-05 23:33:09

Crimson nods. "Of course I will be your mate. I'm fine with not ruling, to be with you is enough for me." Crimson's eyes are soft, her feelings for Tunar obvious through her eyes; she loves him for himself.

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#45035 Posted on 2016-06-06 15:55:53

Beginning to purr, he smiled, nuzzled her, then leapt off the rock, landed just on the other shore of the watering hole, looked back with shining eyes, and raced off into the deep grass laughing and leaping.

(Like Kovu did with Kiara after the song "Love Will Find A Way.")

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#45893 Posted on 2016-06-09 10:11:54

Crimson laughed quietly before jumping after him. A soft purr coming from her as she chased after him in the grass.

(If I don't respond much in the coming week, it's because of a surprise trip)

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#45903 Posted on 2016-06-09 10:38:08

He happily played "Keep Away" with Crimson, allowing her to get super close, then bolting to the right or to the left, always moving, showing off his muscles when he was a distance away, and overall having a good time. Kacy was walking with her Aunt Kali, both enjoying the moonlight, when they heard giggling and laughter, they looked at each other, and slipped through the grass. What they saw made them both smile, for it was obvious from the way Tunar and Crimson were interacting with each other, that they had decided to be mates. Kali smiled with happiness, for she had seen how attracted he had been to her from the beginning, though Kacy sighed quietly. She had yet to find a mate, her two brothers both had mates, but she herself was still single. Kali looked at her niece, knowing what she was thinking, gently touched her with her tail, and both walked off.

Meanwhile, in the Nomad's Land, four males entered from the desert in a hurry, and panting heavily. They had narrowly escaped the sharp claws and dagger-like fangs of King Mohatu, who was pacing the border, growling deeply, and glaring at the rogues. Two of the rogues laughed, shook their butts at Mohatu, and stuck their tongues out. The youngest male, who had just really started getting his mane, trembled next to the oldest male (about 6 years old), who glared with one eye closed from a recent wound (courtesy of Mohatu), at his two brothers who were teasing Mohatu. "Leave him alone, he had every right to defend his land. Now, let's move on. NOW!!!!" He roared this last word, the two rogues growled, but obeyed. The youngest male kept real close to the scarred older male, as far away from the two other males, who hated the young one with a passion, but their reasons were unknown. The oldest male was called Scar, though he had a real name, it was never uttered, for he would go into a fit of rage. The two squabbling rogues who had been teasing Mohatu were named Rip and Terror, as that was their specialty, to rip and terriorize those who crossed their path. The youngest male, whose story is a mystery, is called Moyo. He was only about 4 years old and fiercely protected by Scar. Moyo one day dreamed of having of pride to call his own. He knew and heard about King Kunar, didn't want to overthrow him, and simply wanted to have his permission to have a few of his lionesses to start his own pride. Rip and Terror on the other hand, planned on taking Kunar down, and taking over his kingdom. Scar agreed with Moyo and planned on helping him with their own pride.

Last edited on 2016-06-09 at 10:40:41 by β™₯ Feathered Gold β™₯

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