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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#43494 Posted on 2016-06-02 09:35:16

"They are dead. But, right now, we are all in danger. That witch Bacardi has done something and the family is gone. Except for Koki and the others." Kunar said, suddenly on his guard, as they had started chortling, grinning, and growling; surrounding them all. Koki grinned, though inside, his heart was breaking, for he didn't want to kill his own dad. "Gotcha alone at last. Back off Tarzan, you too Lumvi, this isn't between you and me." But, when he snarled that, he winked at his dad, for while he was circling, he spied the invisible Bacardi, as her tail had twitched, though she was wearing King Samu's Cloak of Invisibility, which she had stolen somehow. He continued to circle, Kunar angrily began to circle him, but both were in reality, getting ready to pounce on Bacardi. However, two angry roars came from the sky, and landed with a bright flash on the silhouette of Bacardi; who moaned, fell down towards Koki and Kunar, who bolted before they got hit, and all became visible when they landed. A furious King Samu and a very angry Princess Sassy. "How DARE you steal my Cloak of Invisibility!!!!! You are not worthy to rule over ANYTHING!!!!" King Suma snarled, slashing her across her face, while Sassy grabbed the Cloak off her, and neatly folded it up to put it in the basket she had carried with her. Bacardi struggled like crazy, but just couldn't get this powerful lion off her, who was as white her, had the bright blue eyes like her, and the black tips as her; however, that is where their similarities ended, as he was good, purely good, while she was evil to the core. "Koki, ATTACK!!!!" She screamed, but Koki looked at her with a frown, "No. I will not kill my own father. You lied to me. You do not deserve to live, but I will not kill you. Father, what shall we do with her?" Kunar growled, "I have an idea. Samu, anyway to get the Magic to lift for a few minutes?" Samu smiled at him, "No, unless you want it to never return. No, take her to the desert, and leave her there. She will be visible there. You all will be there, but first...." He breathed onto her, got off, but when Bacardi tried to get to her feet, she found herself chained, her legs, neck, body, and even her tail was chained to the ground. "What?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS OUTRAGE!?" She screamed, but they ignored her, and Samu roared; revealing the 7 males, opening a wide black hole, that began to suck them in, and they cried out for mercy. "No mercy for the demon's of the bottomless black pit. Go back to where you belong and you are exiled to there forever!!!!" They struggled but couldn't fight the suction and disappeared into the hole; which closed up after them.

Then, the ground began to shake again, but the rocks didn't touch them, and except for the poor dead gazelles and cape water buffalo calf, everything was restored as it were, before the black magic caused the earthquake. Everyone was returned, the entire pride, the Royals, and the land was back the way it was before the earthquake happened. "Oh wow, so what exactly do we do with her????" Kunar asked, indicating towards a furious Bacardi, who glared at him with a snarl. Kali, Kacy, Cali, Chumvi, Tunar, and Toki stood beside their King and Mate, proud, and making Bacardi believe all the more that they were stuck up. "She shall be a prisoner, like she made all of you, but, not in the same way. I shall deliver her to the place of her capture, but first, you need to be present." He breathed on each of the pride in turn, though most of the lionesses insisted on going back to the Great Rock, for they had enough of flying for the day. Kunar smiled and nodded, to which they all bolted, and raced back to their stable dens. Then, Samu breathed onto each of the Royal's shoulders, temporary wings appeared, including the ability to fly, as it was not a permanent fixture, he and Sassy grabbed hold of the chained Bacardi, and all flew towards the desert. They arrived just a mere fifteen minutes later, but flew over the desert, and decided to leave her at the bottom of the forbidden pass; trapped in some rocks, then Samu stiffened, for he heard voices, quickly threw his cloak of invisibility over the entire Royal host, just in the nick of time too, for the poachers had arrived to check out the forbidden pass to set some traps to capture any lions or lionesses that came down from the pass. "Hey, what's that?!" One of them said, pointing to a struggling white something. "Are you kidding me? I don't believe it, but it's true. A wild white lioness!!! Quick! Bring the truck with the cage!!!" The men immediately began to do what their boss ordered, one grabbing the tranquilizer dart gun, several others getting the truck with the cage into position, and others ready to lasso Bacardi. She began to cry, realizing what kind of cruel punishment the Royal's had given her, for she knew that if she was captured, she would never be able to get away. "No, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!! Anything but this!! Oh please have mercy!!!" She screamed to the invisible lions, who set themselves against her pleas, and watched the men tranquilize the evil Bacardi. Within 20 minutes, they had her tranquilized, pulled out of the rocks, and loaded onto the truck. They gathered their equipment, loaded up, and drove off laughing with glee at the their good fortune.

The Royal's smiled at each other, waited until the men were out of sight, came out from under the Cloak, and flew back home to the Savanna. "Now that she is out of the way, who shall rule the Snowy Kingdom?" Samu seriously asked, to which they all looked at each other, then all looked, especially Tori, at Koki, who cleared his throat, and stepped forward. "I am the only one, even though she had also trained me to be a killer, trained to be king. Therefore, I shall take my place in the Circle of Life, as the rightful ruler of the Snowy Kingdom. And furthermore, I take upon myself, Tori as my Queen, for she is already my mate. But, we will stay with my family for a short time longer, to reconnect, before we return." Kunar nodded to him in approval and all smiled. "Very well, but know this, your cousin King Solo is in desperate need of more lionesses. So, you may have to go home with only your Queen. I know that you have 10 more back in the Snowy Mountains." Samu said mysteriously, suddenly disappearing, as did the wings off the shoulders of the Royal's.

Last edited on 2016-06-02 at 09:43:14 by Feathered Gold

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#43530 Posted on 2016-06-02 11:24:52

Tarzan walked back to Great Rock, exhausted. Marrana greeted him, her belly round with their unborne cubs. They groomed each others fur before cuddling up. The two fell asleep quickly.

Star had returned to his den and retold the news to Julie. "Oh," she said. "I guess I do like him a little more." The light blue lioness stretched her wings. "He's not as buff, and I guess I like that." Star and Assassin laughed. The three laid in their nests, talking, for River and Sky were visiting Orbit and Aalia. Soon, one by one, they each fell asleep.

Kalina curled up with Malka and Keno, her brothers, and they fell asleep in a mix of tan and black.

Keldeo, Darjara, their cub, and Shawari, fell fast asleep in a pile, with Yurcombie snoozing comfortably on top.

Lumvi returned home with his mate, "Sassy?" He asked. He gazed at his beautiful mate, his eyes full of love. "Can I ask you a question?"

Ava came up to Kunar and flicked him in the face with her golden tail. She whispered, "I'm expecting," before joining Tarnic in their nest.

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#43552 Posted on 2016-06-02 12:00:40

"Yes dear? Why don't we talk on the way to the Enchanted Jungle? It'd be fun and private." She blushed but wanted to talk with him about something.

"Really? Good." Kunar nodded with approval, then he heard Koki roar with glee. Tori was watching him with a twinkle in her eye and smiled sweetly.

Bacardi woke up with a jerk, then moaned, for she was rather sore, and she felt very dizzy. She wondered what happened, then another jerk, and a steady vibration began. Suddenly, it came back to her, she looked around with alarm, and saw that she was in a cage. The truck that she had been on was parked next to her, both the cage and the truck were chained firmly down. She gasped, to see through the small window, that they were off the ground. "Those men are taking me away from my home!!!" Bacardi began to cry, feeling horrible for all the wrong and evil things she had committed, but there was nothing she could do to fix it. Twelve hours later, laying on the floor of the cage in dejection, the plane groaned, landed with a jerk, and rolled to a stop. She looked around with shock at the sudden silence, then cargo bay door opened, letting in sunshine, the men came in, unhooked the truck, drove it out, then came back in carrying a hook connected to a huge crane of some sort, latched it onto the cage, barely escaping any slashes from Bacardi, and dragged the cage forward. They unhooked the chain, after poking Bacardi back with a sharp stick, and put the hook onto the top of the cage; which lifted it up, out of the plane, and put it onto the truck bed. She roared, running around the interior, desperate to get free, but the cage was firmly strapped onto the truck after covering it with a huge tarp, the men jumped in, and they drove off towards the man who wanted a white lioness.

The man waited impatiently, for he was paying over $5,000,000 for this white lioness, and she had better be worth every penny of it. He had every single endangered animal you could think of, four Panda's, two Siberian Tigers for example. However, he had just recently gotten his hands on a rare white lion, who had been used in a circus, and abused. The local zoo in his city had rescued the poor creature, but didn't have the room to nurse it back to health, so they contacted the man, who was known for his partnership with zoos all over the world to help the endangered animals. He had his own good small private zoo and breeding program, which the babies would be taken when they were old enough, to be prepared to be released back into the wild. However, he had hired some poachers to get him a wild white lioness from the wild, to pair up with his now healed white lion, in order to breed cubs, even though it was illegal to take wild animals away from their home unless they were deemed they couldn't survive out there.

So, Bacardi arrived, frightened, angry, and all over; not a very nice lioness at all. The man was delighted when he saw her, for she was absolutely gorgeous, and perfect for his breeding program. Her cage was set down in the entrance of the enclosure, the male having been firmly separated on the other half of the enclosure, and let her loose. She ran, trying to get loose, but couldn't find any means of escape. The men watched from above, to see her tearing around, and she saw that they were exchanging something green. "Hey, calm down there. You'll like it here. It's nice. We got a 20 acre plot to ourselves, food three times a day, and all the shade trees we could ever want." The male, whose name is Blizzard, said, and smiled at her. She ignored him and continued her frantic search for a way out.

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#43576 Posted on 2016-06-02 12:50:18

Lumvi licked her ear and began. "I love you," he purred, "but you already know that. But I've been waiting a long time to ask this," he paused, sucked in his breath, and let it all out, "Do you want to have cubs?!"

(Imma bring Star out in the morning (in the RP) and see if Aussie is interested. ;))

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#43579 Posted on 2016-06-02 12:54:51

"Oh my dear, you know I do. But, we can't start now!!!!" Sassy giggled, swatted his butt, and flew off to hide in the clouds.

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#43585 Posted on 2016-06-02 13:12:50

"Hey!" He squealed, and flew after her. He snatched her and laid her on a cloud. He cuddled up next to her and soon fell asleep.

next morning

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#43589 Posted on 2016-06-02 13:17:51

"Darling, wake up. I want to tell you something." Sassy whispered sweetly into his ear, using one of her wings to tickle his nose, and getting ready to tell him the most important news of their lives.

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#43602 Posted on 2016-06-02 13:38:55

Lumvi sneezed and yawned, stretching his wings and legs. "Morning baby." He groaned as he stood. He quickly fixed his bed head and waited for her news.

Julie had been up for a while, and began to see the Pride wake. "Imma go talk to Kunar now!" She yowled to her parents, before flying to the Freat Rock. She called for ZuZu.

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#43608 Posted on 2016-06-02 13:42:08

"This. We cannot try for cubs at this time. The reason? Simple. I am already expecting your cubs." Sassy proudly and sassily told him before flying off fast.

Zuza twittered in delight, for her King had once more triumphed over evil, and her little ones would now be able to serve the kings of the area in peace. She heard a lioness call for her, looked up, and tweeted in fright. Flew away and hid with her little ones in their nest. *she didn't expect to be talking to a daughter of Sky is all, caught her off guard*

Last edited on 2016-06-02 at 13:43:57 by Feathered Gold

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#43664 Posted on 2016-06-02 18:05:55

Crimson watched the pride, she smiled. It never fail, the Pride(s) drew her attention and spike her curiosity. She happened to, at this very moment, be sitting off to the side out of the way, and if it wasn't for her black pelt she would blend in quite well. I've always wondered why lions group together...Maybe for protection, or company.. she gave a shrug to herself. Who knows why.

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#43668 Posted on 2016-06-02 18:17:56

Tunar was all smiles, but noticed Crimson sitting alone, felt a little bad for abandoning her at Areli's earlier, so he went over. "Hey. How are you feeling?"

*watching a movie with mom, be on later.*

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#43672 Posted on 2016-06-02 18:54:57


She glanced Tunar with a smile. Hey, i'm feeling better, thank you for helping me. She was refering to when she got thrown at the wall and Tunar brought her to Areli's to get her help.

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#43676 Posted on 2016-06-02 19:32:15

"Tunar!" Julie squealed/whispered, so only she could here. She casually walked over, and fretted them, bowing to Tunar. "Good morning." She said. "And welcome to the Savannah." As she said the last sentence, she turned in a circle, spreading a wing, gesturing to their home.

Lumvi squeaked. "Really!?" He dove down from the cloud and quickly found her and scooped her up, licking her beautiful face. "Oh I love you my sweet baby!"

Malka awoke, and careful not to wake his litter mates, made his way out of the den. Yawning, he came to sit by his nephew. "Hi guys." He said with another yawn, and then blushed at the sight of Crimson. No, he told himself, I don't have feelings for her! His eyes adverted back to the beautiful black lioness's face and he sighed. He looked away and shoved a brown paw in his mouth, aware of a blue lioness staring.

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#43680 Posted on 2016-06-02 19:41:09

"Yeah, sorry I was rude yesterday afternoon, I just didn't know what to think of my feelings at the time. I felt like.......... like I was in.............. love...... with you... at.... at.... first sight." He finally managed to get out with nervousness, but he didn't know what his father would say, as he didn't even know the lioness, nor what her personality was like, other than she had tried to help get Queen Kali back. However, he felt that he was being watched, looked, and saw Julie, the daughter of Sky staring at her. He moaned quietly, for he also saw that his Uncle Malka also was staring at Crimson, and didn't want to put her in the middle of a love triangle. A love triangle would most likely destroy the delicate thread that held the family together, so he looked at Crimson, sighed, and said, "However, I believe there may be someone else who has feelings for you. So, I shall go." He nodded to her politely and climbed up into the tree to think. "Great, now Malka likes Crimson, and Julie clearly has feelings for me. What now? I'm not interested in Julie and I don't want to tear our family apart. What do I do?"

Kunar knew exactly what Koki was feeling, he had the same feeling when Toki told him they were going to have their first litter of cubs (Kacy, Koki, and Tunar), but sadly hadn't had any other cubs after them. The two they'd adopted had sadly passed away soon after being kidnapped by Bacardi, for they had been extremely young, and being exposed to the super cold snow had taken a toll on their sensitive immune systems. Kali and Chumvi had been blessed with another litter of three little princesses, but they had left soon after they turned 3 years old, for they didn't want to get in their older sister's way of being Queen. The two rulers and their mates were older, about 10 years old now, and would most likely step down soon. Though, knowing Kunar, he wouldn't step down peacefully. He would die fighting, protecting his throne to the end, from any rogues who dared to try challenging him.

"I am due any day. Surprised you haven't noticed yet." Sassy sassily told him, giving him a quick lick, and flying towards the Enchanted Jungle.

Mingzingo and the rest of the Snowy Pride were concerned when their Queen didn't return, not because they actually liked her being their ruler, except for Mingzingo, but because of her newborn cubs who were crying out for milk, as they were really hungry. Mingzingo flew towards the Savanna, searching for his beloved Queen, but couldn't find her. He saw a white lioness, flew down towards her, mistaking her for Bacardi, but by the time he realized his mistake, it was too late, for Aussie leapt, and knocked him down; quickly pinning him. "Auk!!!! Let me go!!! I must find the Queen!!!" He angrily pecked at the paw that held him down, but used her other one to pin his beak shut. "No. Now tell me, Mingzingo, why are you around here?" She let his beak go, he glared at her with narrowed eyes, but said, "I came to find her majesty, Queen Bacardi, for the little Prince and Princess are hungry." Aussie stared at him, "What?! She has cubs from Cole?! Oh those poor cubs. But, unfortunately, Bacardi has been exiled forever. So, we shall find a nursemaid for the cubs." Mingzingo shook his head, "Nope, she plainly said that if something happened to her, that no one from the Savanna Pride was to nurse them, for they would......... Mmmmmm!!!!" Before he could finish his speech, Aussie shoved his face down in the dirt, and left him eating it to find Koki.

Last edited on 2016-06-02 at 19:54:37 by Feathered Gold

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#43688 Posted on 2016-06-02 19:59:14

Lumvi brought her back to their home, and nuzzled her face, he wa Sao happy!

(I got carried away:

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