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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#43310 Posted on 2016-06-01 20:31:35

"What's wrong Tunar? Why couldn't you be polite to that nice lioness?" His aunt demanded, to which he just looked at Kali, shook his head, and trotted ahead to take point. This was the most dangerous section of the border patrol, for the Nomad's Land took a sharp curve into the Savanna, and if you weren't careful, you would walk out of the lush grass, fall down a super steep incline, and land in the dusty and dry grass of the Nomad's Land. There was a 1/4 mile dangerous hike to get back to the Savanna, as the incline/cliff ran along for a short distance. The rogues often waited in ambush for any unsuspecting animals that would fall over the cliff and attack them. One thing is for sure, would they LOVE to get their claws into the some of the Royals, to give themselves a better chance of taking over Kunar's kingdom.

Last edited on 2016-06-01 at 20:33:42 by Feathered Gold

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#43314 Posted on 2016-06-01 20:48:45

Crimson got back up after resting under the tree, and she started walking calmly back towards where her 'Home' was, of course she knew how to get to it safely, others? Not so much. She looked up at the sky, It'll probably be dark by the time i get back, enless i hurry that is, which means i can hide from the stupid ambush parties of Rouges. I dont really see why they bother doing what they do, but who am i to question it? She looked back towards the ground, she would have to watch her step, the Nomad's Land was pratically filled with traps and the liking.

Last edited on 2016-06-01 at 20:58:12 by Kittan

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#43325 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:04:20

Tunar continued to walk, easily avoided the dangerous curve, and walked on the edge. Kali did the same thing, following his paw-prints, and they both walked above the Nomad's Land. Suddenly, a trembling was felt under their paws, Tunar and Kali looked at each other, then bolted. But, the earthquake was just getting started. Rocks were beginning to crumble from under their paws, boulders were rolling from the Savanna down into the Nomad's Land, and all the animals in the area fled as fast as they could. Tunar and Kali ran as fast as they could, leaping from rock to rock, barely escaping the crumbling earth, but it was too little too late. The ground in front of them suddenly split into a wide crack, about 30' wide, and went into the Savanna for about 1 mile. Tunar gasped, growled, sped up, and took a huge leap. He just cleared it, turned around, and called out, "C'mon Aunt Kali!!!!" She ran, got ready to make the leap, but the ground gave one more good lurch, causing her to lose her balance, and falling into the deep crack. She hit the rocks and landed onto the ground rolling over and over again. By the time the dust cleared, she was seen trapped under several large rocks, and not moving. "Aunt Kali!? Are you okay?!" Tunar cried out in fright, but then she moved, groaning in pain, and finding that she couldn't move. "Tunar! I'm stuck!!! Get help fast!!!" She looked around with nervousness. Unfortunately, she saw two gazelles, and a young cape water buffalo had gotten trapped down below the Savanna, and were desperately crying for their families. The gazelles had bolted in fright, but the cape water buffalo herd were crowding the edge of the ledge, almost pushing Prince Tunar over, though they backed off, and gave him space when he snarled and slashed at them.

The rogues who lived in that part of the Nomad's Land cautiously came back, sniffing the air, and checking to see if any animals had gotten caught by the earthquake. They immediately saw the spoils of the earthquake, grinned, but before they attacked, they saw something even better. "The Queen of the Savanna!!! What luck!" The four rogues grinned, licking their chops at a royal feast, and for a the chance to have a lioness to themselves.

*Uh oh, Kali is in trouble!!!*

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#43328 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:11:08

Crimson felt the tremur and heard the ground split, she broke into a dead run, taking her path down quickly. Thats when her eyes caught onto the Queen, one of the two lions she had met earlier that day, and...she was surrounded by rouges! They ain't touching THAT Lioness! Without another thought Crimson jumped down, onto the one that had spoken, her claws unstealthed and digging into the Rouge's shoulders. "NOT Today you stupid rouges!" she threw the insult at them, hoping to take their attention off of Kali long enough for Tunar to maybe get an idea on how to move those rocks off of Kali.

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#43336 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:22:24

Rawr!!!!!!! The angry rogue that Crimson had landed on roared, trying to get her off, while three of his friends slashed at her, and the other three went after Kali. "Ah!!!! Get away from me you filth!!!" Kali angrily slashed at them, all grinned, while one grabbed onto her loose fur at the back of her neck to pull, and the other two began to kick the rocks off her. Within a minute, they had her clear, and dragged a struggling and snarling Kali away. The other three lions slapped Crimson off, sending her flying against the wall, knocking her out, then going to grab the two gazelles, the young cape water buffalo calf, easily killing them, and joining their three friends who waited with a furious Queen Kali. Tunar angrily jumped down, trying to stop them, but one waved his paw, smoke enveloped them, and when the smoke dissipated, and all had disappeared into the Nomad's Land, like they had never been there. "No!!!!!!!!!!!" Tunar roared. There was no signs of them at all and he wondered what kind of magic was this.

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#43339 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:28:38

Crimson groaned, that throw had really hurt! She slowly started to regain her vision and such, when she could see the first this she saw was that Kali was gone, and that put her on edge. She glanced over at Tunar with a worried look, but said nothing, as she still had a very bad headache from that throw.

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#43351 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:41:17

"Crimson? Are you okay?" Tunar asked with fright, for she had been thrown really hard, but then ran a little distance into the Nomad's Land to find his aunt, but could find no sign nor scent of them. "I NEED TO GET BACK HOME TO GET HELP!!!!" He gasped, starting to climb the wall, but hesitating, when he heard Crimson groan, thought quickly, jumped down, quickly put Crimson on his back, and raced along the cliff to where the path led back up to the Savanna. He climbed back up and raced straight towards the Great Rock; stopping at Areli's cave to give the injured Crimson over to the Healer. "Areli will take care of you, just knock on the door." He told her, gently laying her down, gasped out, and then raced ahead towards the huge mass of rock. "DAD!!!!! UNCLE CHUMVI!!! AUNT KALI HAS BEEN TAKEN BY 7 ROGUES!!!!" He cried out as he ran. The entire pride was instantly on the alert, snarling, and getting ready to fight. Kunar roared with anger and all raced to the Queen's aid.

Meanwhile, "Let me go you idiots!!!" Kali angrily tried to struggle loose, but they had her tied up to a pole, using their magic, and carried her to an underground lair. When they arrived, they untied her, but used a human-made chain to bind her, and leered at her. She growled but knew that even she couldn't get loose from a metal chain. So, she sat down, and glared at the rogues who were tearing into their meal.

Bacardi grinned, for she had several years ago, discovered a dark magic that could cause natural events to be overemphasized, and sent it to happen at the cliff above the Nomad's Land. She decided to use it to get rid of some of the Royals, since Koki hadn't quite done what he was trained to do.

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#43359 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:51:07

Crimson sat up and rubbed her head. Dang those stupid Rouges.. then she looked around at where she was at before lightly knocking on the door asshe was told, but she was determind to find a way to help Tunar get Kali back. They were, afterall, one of the first lions she had met that didnt try to go after her...(//stupid male rouges bein' pains in the past!//) she felt as though she should be one of the ones helping.
"Hello?" She called out gently.

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#43360 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:53:19

Areli immediately opened the door, smiled at her, and helped her in. "Lay down there.... um, what is your name?" She asked, as she began to get all her herbal medicines, and creams together after quickly seeing what was wrong with her. She laid her stuff down, opened a couple bottles that smelled wonderful, and gently began to wash her scratches with clean rose water.

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#43362 Posted on 2016-06-01 21:59:36

Crimson smiled, "My name is Crimson, i'm guessing your Areli?" she replied, sniffing the air. She always did like the smell of Flowers, and this whole place smelled absolutely wonderful to Crimson!

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#43366 Posted on 2016-06-01 22:07:42

Ten minutes later, with a bandage wrapped around her head, Areli smiled, and led her to a small room. "You may rest in here. You are not well enough to help the pride find our missing queen." She gently said, closing her door firmly, and shooing her to the bed.

Kunar and the rest of the pride sniffed around where Kali had been, though all they could find was bits of the smoke, but nothing else.

Kali struggled once more, but just couldn't break these chains. She laid down, ready to accept her fate as being used for a tool, when a flash of smoke (like what had been used for them to disappear) appeared. When it cleared, an evil looking white lioness was grinning at her, and Kali snarled in recognition. "Now that you are a prisoner, you will never see your beloved Savanna again!!!" The lioness leered at her and stalked over the males. "Alright you seven, now that captured the Queen, I want you to capture the other royals, minus Kunar. That duty is for Koki only. I brought you from the bottomless pit of doom, to do this, and all you do is eat!!!" Bacardi snarled, the males quickly snapped too, saluted, got together, and disappeared in a flash of smoke. Bacardi also left the same way she came, leaving Kali alone, and horrified at what the witch had found.

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#43369 Posted on 2016-06-01 22:12:11

Crimson sighed "I have a feeling something bad might happen...But, i will not disobey the direct order." Crimson was alittle upset she couldn't go and help, but she also wasn't going to disobey the lion that just helped her too. ..No one has ever really done much for why have they..? she wondered, as she layed her head down on her paws, closing her eyes to get some rest. She just had to hope Tunar would make it back ok with his pride.

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#43377 Posted on 2016-06-01 22:18:22

*Hold up! Changing my post a little bit. :)*

The seven rogues, who were invisible, grinned as they watched the frantic search for the Queen continue. They waited, then, one-by-one, grabbed one of the Royals, beginning with Princess Toki, then Prince Chumvi, Princess Cali, Princess Kacy, and even a struggling Prince Tunar. Then, began to grab all of the regular lionesses leaving only a confused Kunar, Koki, and the outsider lionesses behind. Kunar couldn't understand it, his entire family, including the the pride themselves, were gone. "Wha? Where did they go?" He stared in shock, while Aussie and the others realized, by listening closely, heard Bacardi laughing, and realized with horror that she had done this to force them to get rid of Kunar. How on earth were they going to get out of this jam?

--------To Be Continued In The Morning; Feather is going to bed--------

Last edited on 2016-06-01 at 22:23:37 by Feathered Gold

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#43378 Posted on 2016-06-01 22:19:18

(alrighty, night Feather!)

Crimson finally couldn't take it, she HAD to help! Silent as a mouse she snuck up to the door and quietly opened it and went out, shutting the door behind her. She took of as fast as she could, following where the pride went (mainly by Tunar's smell). When she arrivied she had a sudden look of horror as she caught one of that evil "Queen's" faint laughs. "She didn't...Did she?..." Crimson said breathlessly, and she looked quite worried, as the last time she had tracked the lions taking someone to that horrid place...she narrowly got out if the Royals were there, she knew they were in trouble. Crimson's eyes locked onto Kunar, hoping he might tell her what just happened..

Last edited on 2016-06-01 at 22:40:42 by Kittan

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#43425 Posted on 2016-06-02 04:24:08

Tarzan roared, for two of the rogues were clinging to his shoulders, trying to draw him down. The large male roared again, and slammed his back down on the ground, breaking their front paws. As they recovered, he ran, and ran. "Kunar!" He snarled. "Kunar!" He puffed as he slammed into his brother. "I saw something! In the sky!!"

And true to his word, there he was, Lumvi! "Kunar!" The winged lion landed in front of his brother. He wrapped his wings around him and gave a huge hug. He defiantly wasn't as buff or muscled as Kunar, but was as tall. Lumvi was lean, from flying and running through the Enchanted Jungle with his mate Sassy. "Who's this big fella?" Lumvi asked. Tarzan cocked his head, his mane ruffling. "I'm Kunar's younger brother." Limvi's mouth gaped open. "Then where's Momma? And Dad??"

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