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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#41815 Posted on 2016-05-28 15:25:43

(I know. She has a crush type thing on him.)

Sally showed him where the Lion Guard trained, the watering hole, the out skirts of the land, and finally the dens, "You'll probably stay in one of the smaller dens for now, and once you have a mate or family, you'll live in the larger dens with their family."

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#41851 Posted on 2016-05-28 16:27:41

Brutus blushed, for he quickly realized that Princess Sally had a crush on him. He liked her, but wanted to get to know her more as a friend, and gain approval from King Kunar before he got serious about Sally; as he wasn't sure if Kunar would approve him as his brother-in-law. He nodded pleasantly to her, looked around, and liked what he saw.

Koki, who was still in the Nomad's Land with Cariole and Ciardi, decided that they couldn't wait much longer. He quietly roared, Aussie and Tori heard him, as they had been out hunting nearby, and the lions secretly met. Kacy and Tunar followed at a safe distance and watched this meeting within earshot. "I am getting tired of waiting Aussie. You haven't gotten one of those prince or princesses to trust you yet, so I am putting Tori in charge. Do you understand me?" Koki growled, Aussie angrily protested, and Tori smiled smugly. "Forget it Aussie, you never had a chance to be my queen. I was never interested in you, I have always liked Tori. Now, you get back to your kill, while I spend some time with my Queen." Aussie snarled, but listened, and Koki began to do his male thing with a purring Tori; while Kacy and Tunar quickly slipped away.

Twenty minutes later, Koki, and Tori both panting, stopped their intimacy, and nuzzled before she went back to a disgruntled Aussie. Tori ignored her angry glare, picked up the wildebeest they had caught, and took it back to the den. The pride all swarmed around the kill, growls, roars, snarls, and cries of pain were soon heard; while Aussie slinked away to sulk in the den. Kacy decided that Tori was the better leader for that new group of lionesses and determined to use her to get Koki in.

Cariole and Ciardi teased Koki for his being intimate with Tori, though he just ignored them, and told them to go get the gazelle that Tori and Aussie had delivered for them; which he had dropped just as he was leaping to rest above them on his ledge. Ciardi rolled her eyes, but ripped a large piece off the gazelle, and gave it to Koki, and she and Cariole ate on the remaining gazelle.

Tori and the three other lionesses regrouped with Aussie in their den, and began to plot their next move. They had proven themselves as good huntresses, so Tori said that she would convince Princess Kacy to go hunting with them the very next day, and get Koki in. First, Aussie had to get the attention of a couple mean rogues, to which she fiercely protested about that, as she didn't want to do it, but she was outvoted on the issue, and she grudgingly agreed to do it.

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#41864 Posted on 2016-05-28 17:05:28

Sally nodded and waved her tail, " I hope to see you around tonight!" She called as she went back to resume hunting.

(Imma skip tot he next day so the Koki thing will happen and Kalina will wake)

That night, with the moon at its highest, only Keno noticed his sister's breathing change. "Awaken sister." He whispered. " Pride miss much." And indeed, her coma was over, and she was awaken to power,

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#41868 Posted on 2016-05-28 17:34:34

-----------------------------The Next Morning------------------------------

Tori sent Aussie on ahead, who cautiously headed into the Nomad's Land, found two fierce rogues, who were preparing to invade Kunar's territory, and she began to shadow the two who boldly strode into the Savanna. Before they could head towards the Great Rock, Aussie stepped in front of them, gave them a determined look, and said, "I know where the Princess, the heiress to Kunar's Savanna is going to be soon. Follow me and you'll get the lioness of your dream!" They grinned and eagerly followed Aussie. Meanwhile, Tori and her lionesses met up with Kacy, who was going to go to the watering hole, they asked if they could join her, she smiled, and said, "Of course!" After the five lionesses finished their drink, Tori spied the two rogues, that Aussie was leading straight towards them, but the rogues got super eager, and charged. All the lionesses snarled, slapping at the males to protect Kacy, but they easily swatted them aside, to which the lionesses pretended to be knocked out, while Tori quickly gave the signal. Koki, Cariole, and Ciardi raced in and swiftly killed the males; who had gotten Kacy pinned down to take advantage of her. Kacy panted, thanked the male whose mane had covered his face, he looked at her, and nodded. When Kacy got a look at his face, her heart skipped a beat, but she didn't let it show. She simply said, "Come back to the Great Rock and my father will reward you and your lionesses for saving our lives." He nodded, Ciardi and Cariole also nodded, and all followed the Princess back to the Great Rock.

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#41875 Posted on 2016-05-28 18:07:23

Kalina awoke, breathless, the scars she earned while sleeping gone. "Malka. Keno. Kunar. Tarzan. Sally. Keldeo. Ava. Aalia. Lumvi." She whispered. "Kunar!! Kunar!" She yelled. "I'm awake!" The young lioness threw herself out of the den, panting. "Koki..." She glanced around, hoping to see the familiar face. None. She could see him though, and all his actions.

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#41876 Posted on 2016-05-28 18:21:07

Kunar and the pride all woke up, some of them had been born AFTER Kalina had gone into her coma, but all loved the sound of the musical tone to her voice. "Kalina?!" Kunar cried out in delight, grabbing his baby sister, and giving her a big bear hug.

Then, Kacy came up, with Tori, Aussie, the three lionesses, and three new lions. Tunar growled, slightly, getting his sister away from them, and whispering into her ear.

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#41925 Posted on 2016-05-29 04:35:18

"Kunar," she breathed, burying her head in his mane. "I missed you!" Tears welled from her beautiful eyes. "Oh, and I saw mother, and father, and was able to meet with Lumvi and Aalia and their mates, Sassy and Orbit!"

Meanwhile, Keno felt uneasy, the new lionesses had cruelty and hate in their eyes. He went to Kunar and whispered to him, "No trust lionesses. Dive out. " then Kalina spoke, "I know where Koki is."

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#41940 Posted on 2016-05-29 07:15:04

Kunar didn't hear what Keno or Kalina said, for he was far too excited about Kalina waking up, and Kacy whispered into Keno's ear, "I know that they have hate and cruelty in their hearts, but you have to remember that all of them, including Koki, have been trained by Bacardi. We need to get Koki by himself and talk to him. Also, that lioness who is leading the new ones, she is his mate, and she is actually kinda nice."

Koki looked at the Savanna Pride, knew exactly who Kunar was, could tell who were the royals, and who wasn't; but something didn't feel right, like he knew these lions and lionesses, and told Tori this in their den. Aussie just snorted, while the others looked at him, and Tori said, "How on earth could you know them? Sure, maybe you're as big, and look like Kunar; but that don't mean you're related!!!!" Tori said, the other lionesses laughed, while Koki shook his head, walked out of the den, and into the sunset covered Savanna to think deeply, "Related? Me to my enemy? Ha! Yet, why does he look just like me?" He came up to the edge of the watering hole and asked himself this as he stared at his reflection in the water. "Even from training, how on earth could I be this size? I mean, how is that son of his, Tunar just as big as me? And, why is my name a mixture of King Kunar, and Princess Toki?" He just didn't know what to think, while the breeze blew all around, Kacy and Tunar watched from a distance, and waited for their chance to talk to him. Suddenly, Koki growled, looked up at the trees, and glared at the moving shadowy figure above him. "Why are you so disturbed young one?" A hooting voice called out, landing behind him, startling Koki, and he turned to face a grinning mandrill. "Ah, just what I needed, a monkey." Koki rolled his eyes, turning to leave, but the mandrill blocked him. "Ah, ah, ah! Did ol' Rafiki say you could leave? I don't think so!" Koki rolled his eyes again, but sat down. "Good, now, you are questioning who you are, no? Well, I can tell you this, I know who you are......" He mysteriously said, to which Koki stared at him, "You do? I know who I am, I am the son of King Cole and Queen Bacardi is what!" Rafiki laughed, "You?! The son of the witch!Oh no, no, no, no!!!! (As Rafiki was saying this he hit Koki on the head with his stick, like he did with Simba, and Koki moaned, rubbing his head.) You are deeply confused. She has your mind boy! No!!!! You are the son of the mighty King Kunar and Princess Toki!!! Princess Kacy and Prince Tunar are your brother and sister!!!!" Rafiki crowed, to which Koki gasped, stared at his reflection again, and when he looked back at Rafiki, he was a distance away. "Bye!" "Hey wait!!!!!" Koki took off after him, but he had disappeared, and Koki ran smack into Kacy and Tunar. "Wha!!! You two!!! But, wha? Who? Who the heck was that crazy monkey?!" He cried out with shock, Kacy and Tunar looked at each other, then up at the clouds, where they could see Mufasa and Rafiki resting, and smiled at each other. "That crazy monkey was Rafiki, who has been dead for years, but his spirit can still come and go as he pleases. You are our brother, do you not recognize me? I was the one who pinned you last year when you were poaching our game." Kacy proudly stood before him, Koki recognized her immediately, and her words came back to him, '"I am your sister Kacy and you are my brother. I've missed you, please come home."' Breathing heavily, he looked for the first time, at his reflection, and saw all the hatred, bitterness, and cruelty had left; what remained was a handsome, strong, and kind-hearted young lion who looked just like his two siblings around the faces. "I am a son of King Kunar? Then that means............ Oh!!! I'm gonna kill Bacardi!!!! She trained me to kill my own family!!!" When that realization came over Koki, he was shocked, then furious, and slapped his reflection; drenching the siblings and causing them all to laugh. "Can you help us? Get your gang to turn against Bacardi and help us get rid of her once and for all?" Kacy asked, Koki looked at her with love in his eyes, and nodded determinedly. Tunar was excited to have his brother back and tackled him. They happily got into a wrestling match and Kacy rolled her eyes at her brothers. Mufasa and Rafiki watched with happiness from above, looked at each other, nodded, and disappeared into the stars.

(Koki has turned!!! His gang will too, beginning with Tori, and soon Bacardi's reign of terror will be crushed!!!).

Last edited on 2016-05-29 at 07:21:04 by Feathered Gold

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#41983 Posted on 2016-05-29 10:43:28

Tarzan heard excited noises near by, and heard his nephew. His nephew! "Koki!" He bellowed, and tackled his two friends. Laughing, he stood, shaking out his golden fluff. The young lion was just taller than Koki, and almost as buff as his father. "I missed you!" He pulled the lion into a tight hug, almost suffocating him in fur.

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#42022 Posted on 2016-05-29 12:58:42

Koki purred, "It is good to be home. I've missed you Uncle Tarzan." He allowed himself to be hugged tightly, smiling widely, and enjoying the hugs from Tarzan, Kacy, and Tunar. Then, he wiggled loose, they let him go, and he said, "I need to talk to Tori and the others. I may have to kill Aussie if she refuses to turn, but we can't have her betraying my betrayal to Bacardi." Kacy nodded, he held his head high, and trotted determinedly back to the Great Rock. Before he entered the den, he breathed in deeply, shook his mane, and walked in with pride. The seven lionesses looked at him with surprise when he growled, looked at each one with determination, as he seemed different, and appeared to be completely in charge. Right after he finished telling them that the plan was off, Bacardi had lied to him, and he would not kill Kunar. Neither would he allow them to do it either. Sure enough, just as he told Kacy, Aussie snarled with disgust, and refused to turn against Bacardi. "Are you crazy?! You have allowed yourself to be mixed up by that stupid princess. She used your puzzlement against you." The other six lionesses were thinking deeply, not sure what to think, while Tori thought back to the past few weeks, how he did indeed look just like Kunar, more so than even Cole, and how he wasn't confused. But, then Kacy, and Tunar came in, Aussie tried to attack them, but Koki easily pinned her. When she got a good look at Kacy, Tunar, and Koki's faces together, even she had to admit that he was their brother. Aussie closed her eyes in pain and whispered, "Bacardi, how on earth could she do this? I didn't think she was this bad." A little louder, she said, "I didn't want to believe it, but she did steal me from my family, and killed my mother when she tried to stop her. She did use her hatred, but I thought it was justified. Please let me up, I won't tell her, and I'll help you get rid of her." Koki believed her, let Aussie up, and she bowed to the royals. All seven lionesses bowed, though Koki said, "Tori, you don't have too. For, when we get rid of Bacardi, you will be my Queen, for I will be the King of the Snowy Kingdom. Bacardi doesn't know this, but Cole has been with four of the lionesses, and they are pregnant. So, I bet he won't stay around much longer, as Bacardi doesn't want to have any competition for cubs."

Up in the Snowy Kingdom, Bacardi was getting impatient. She paced her ledge overlooking the Savanna, waiting for any news of Koki's success. She growled, called for her vulture, who flew down, and landed before her on a rock. "Go find out what is going on. I want to take over the Elephant Graveyard and Grasslands and need Kunar out of the way first to get rid of that usurper Solo." The vulture widened his eyes and bowed, "Yes my Queen, but you have a little problem in your own land. I think you need to focus on it, but I shall do what you ask." But, before he could fly off, she swatted her paw down on his tail feathers, and wouldn't let him fly off. "What trouble in my land? What are you talking about?!" The vulture gulped but quickly told her. "I just flew over a small valley and saw King Cole with four of your lionesses. They all appear to have some cubs with them, newborns from what I can tell." Bacardi's eyes began to flash, for had suspected he had been unfaithful to her, but didn't know to what extent. "No wonder he wasn't as excited about my telling him I am expecting his cubs any day now. Well, I shall take care of those little illegible cubs real soon." She snarled, stalking off, and the vulture gulped at the vicious look in her eyes. He didn't doubt that she would kill those cubs, for she was bloodthirsty, but had no idea what exactly she had in mind. Within a few minutes, she had entered the small valley, the lionesses all gasped, trying to hide the cubs, and Cole stammered. "How dare you be unfaithful to me. Get back to the den." Cole slinked back to the den, she glared at the lionesses, and stalked back to deal with her mate. He tried to explain, but she interrupted. "I will forgive you, this time." He sighed with relief, but not for long, as he stiffened when her eyes narrowed. "Only, only if you kill those illegible cubs. Then, I will forgive you, and we can forget that this ever happened." Cole sucked in his breath sharply, for he didn't want to kill his cubs, but wanted to stay with Bacardi. He sighed, lowered his head, nodded, and walked out in defeat. Bacardi watched him go with a mean and smug look on her face, knowing that she had won once more. However, when he arrived back where the cubs were hidden, he suddenly growled, got determined, walked up, nuzzled his lionesses, told them what Bacardi had ordered him to do, and said he wouldn't. "I will not, we shall leave. Come, get those cubs out through the secret tunnel, and wait for me on the trail to the desert. I shall join you later tonight after spending the night with her. I'll give her up for the true loves of my life." They smiled with glee, picked up their cubs, he opened the tunnel, they went in, he closed it up after them, and then grabbed a goat that had been startled when he closed the tunnel up again; to get blood all over him, to fool Bacardi into thinking he had done what she had ordered him to do. He went back into her, she purred, and they spent some intimate time together. But, when the new moon was at its highest, he sneaked out, met up with the lionesses, and they left the Snowy Kingdom forever. Bacardi was furious when she woke up, to find him gone, the lionesses gone, and no scent of them to be found.

Last edited on 2016-05-30 at 08:59:17 by Feathered Gold

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#42186 Posted on 2016-05-29 22:11:07

(pls ignore this, as i accidently put the wrong post here XD stupid tablet..and me)

Last edited on 2016-05-29 at 22:22:36 by Kittan

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#42245 Posted on 2016-05-30 06:11:34

Tarzan nodded and watched as he took off. "He'll be a good King," Tarzan told his niece and nephew, "and a good father." Perking his ears he said, "speaking of which, Marrana is expecting!!" The golden lion bounced on his toes and tore away to Pride Rock, and told Kunar. "Isn't it exciting!!" He asked.

Keno and Kalina had been exploring the territory, Keno completely confused with what had happened. "Ear gone. Now here?" Kalina shrugged. "Well at least I saved your puny little butt!" She challenged and ran, Keno kept good pace with her, but he could tell she had more endurance than probably any other lion, maybe not Kunar. You could see that muscles pounding as she tore up the grassland, almost keeping pace with a herd of gazelle! Keno finally was able to catch her, soaking from perspiration, but his tan sister had barely broke a sweat.

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#42269 Posted on 2016-05-30 08:57:52

Kunar happily smiled, but before he could offer his congradulations, Kacy, Tunar, Koki, and the seven lionesses came up. "What is this? What's the meaning of this uncalled for meeting Kacy?" Kunar growled, for he saw something in the male that made him very alarmed, yet appeared to be familiar, and gave him a sudden and violent hope in his soul. "Father, we have the key to getting rid of Bacardi, at last, for the lost one has come home. Koki is alive, Keno has been right all these years, for Bacardi had stolen him during that avalanche, and trained him for her own personal use." Kacy told her father, to which he stared at the young male, who looked just like Tunar, just a darker brown, but with a wilder expression on his face because of where he had grown up. "Father, it is I, Koki." The dark brown male had barely choked out before Kunar grabbed him in a big bear hug, then Toki leapt into the hug, crying her eyes out, and then Kacy and Tunar joined in. The entire pride wept to see their long lost prince returned to them, Tori and the five other lionesses smiled with tears in their eyes, while Aussie acted like nothing could soften her, but if one looked closely, you could see her eyes twinkling with sparkles, and a few tears rolling down her cheeks before she turned away from the emotional scene so nobody could see her crying.

Bacardi angrily paced her ledge, for she was furious that Cole had lied, been unfaithful, and then snuck away with the lionesses. "He must've tricked me, for why else would he'd have left with those lionesses? He wouldn't have left if those cubs were dead. I shall have my revenge on him, but first, must pay a visit to my strong paw in the Savanna. He shall have my paw on his butt if he doesn't get rid of those Royals real soon." Before she left, she called for her loyal vulture, who came, and she sent on ahead to find out what was going on. He bowed and took off towards the Great Rock.

Most of the time, nobody thought of anything whenever one saw a vulture circling over the Great Rock, for there often were scraps of meat on bones that the vultures often risked life and limb to grab. However, this particular time, it was an alarm; for Aussie. She immediately recognized the vulture, growled, and slinked down to alert Koki. "Koki, Mingzingo is flying overhead, and I don't know what he'll tell Bacardi if he sees you hugging the King." Koki immediately got loose, looked at the lionesses, and they all hid, while Mingzingo flew overhead, searching for any news. He happened to hear a quickly concocted conversation, where Koki said with a bow, "King Kunar, it would honor me if you would show me around the Savanna, without the Lion Guard. I am most eager to learn from the best and you are the best there ever was." Kunar quickly replied, for he knew that it was for the vulture's ears. "Of course I shall. We shall meet at the river by sunrise and there you will receive the best training there is." The two lions parted, with Kunar walking back to his den, while Koki slinked away into the grass, to his disgust, could still see Mingzingo following him, so he said to himself, loud enough for Mingzingo to here. "Tomorrow morning shall be the end of King Kunar's reign and the beginning to mine!!!" He laughed with malice, Aussie, Tori, and the other five all came out the grass to laugh with him, and they saw out of the corner of their eyes that Mingzingo flying back to the Snowy Mountains as fast as his wings could carry him. "He's gone." Aussie whispered and they all sighed with relief. "I no longer feel excited to do what Bacardi trained us to do. There is no glory in killing one's family." Aussie admitted, to which they looked at her with surprise, as she had been the one most eager to do their duty. "Honestly, I can't wait to get this over with, this Bacardi business anyway, so we can get back home, and feel at peace at last." They all nodded and slinked back to the Great Rock; where Kunar congratulated Koki on a very well done act.

Mingzingo arrived back to the Snowy Mountains, flew down to the whiter than white blob that waited on a dark gray rocky ledge, and told her Koki's "plan" to kill Kunar the very next morning. She laughed with malice and turned her eyes onto the Savanna with an envious look. "Soon, I shall rule over all, and not even Koki can stop me. He shall be King in name only." Mingzingo bowed, then she changed subjects. "I am seriously getting annoyed by those humans who are always flying overhead with those planes of theirs." She said, glaring up, and at the distant mountains. Meanwhile, the plane that Bacardi was referring too had just reappeared from where she was glaring, and continued to fly overhead back towards the Serengeti. There were five men inside, a pilot, and four others; who were professional poachers. These men were the best, for they had the trust of a local tribe, who happened to be despised by all those who lived in the Serengeti, as they often tried to capture the legendary King Kunar of the Sacred Savanna. The poachers were hired by the 10 richest men in the world, to capture lions and lionesses for their own private zoos. However, the requirements they had been given had narrowed down the list by over 90%, as they only wanted lions who were pure white or dark brown, almost black. This are the most uncommon colors in lions, which is why the poachers had been forced to concentrate on finding the elusive Savanna. However, the Savanna was sacred, protected by a Magic that had been laid down the very day that King Herex died. Only if the Royal Family were ever dethroned, would the Magic be destroyed, and the Sacred Savanna would never again be the same. Unfortunately for Bacardi, if her plan worked, she would soon be captured, and be on exhibit in a person's private zoo; for she was the type of lioness the poachers were searching for.

Last edited on 2016-05-30 at 16:55:03 by Feathered Gold

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#42964 Posted on 2016-06-01 04:33:45

(Keno too, :o )

Keldeo followed Koki after the stupid bird had left. She carried Yurcombie down, her paw wrapped, and set her in the grass. She limped up to Koki and began to play with his mane, like a kitten. She stopped when fur went up her nose, and she sneezed.

Kalina gazed over the horizon, shivering. She was scared, she didn't know why. Something was going to happen, to her...

(Remember Sky, River, Assassin, Star, and Julie?)

Assassin wrestled Star out of their parents den, Star flailing. The poor lion couldn't fight. "Mom told you to train with the Guard yesterday, but you didn't!" He yowled. Star glared at him, pawing at his stomach while he was pinned. Assassin flexed his wings and held the navy lion's paws in place. "Quit, either the Guard or Kunar." Star sighed, "Kunar." The black lion moved out of the way while the navy male stretched his limbs. He coiled his wings over his back and trotted to the Great Rock.

Julie came out of her den, puzzled. "Where's he going?" Assassin looked away, "To train." Julie snorted, the butts out laughing, her wings vibrating. "Ha! Training!" She hooted, "That's hilarious." She wiped tears from her green eyes with her light blue paws. "Too funny..."

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#43037 Posted on 2016-06-01 10:19:37

Kunar raised his head, sniffed the air, and listened. Then, the source of what he heard, and smelled came into sight. "Humans. Poachers to be exact. Thankfully that Magic protects us." He growled, glaring at the plane that flew directly overhead.

Koki sat beside his Aunt Keldeo, watching his cousin Yurcombi play, and smiled. Then, he spied a dark brown lion with a silvery brown mane walk up, and eagerly going to talk with his Aunt Sally. Koki growled protectively, "Who is that male Aunt Keldeo? Why is he going to talk with Aunt Sally?"

Brutus ignored everyone around him, though when he walked past King Kunar, he bowed deeply, and then slipped past. All he had eyes for was Princess Sally, for she had clearly expressed her interest in him, and as it had been three weeks since he joined the pride; he felt he had gained Kunar's approval and it would be proper to court the Princess. He cautiously walked up, smiled, and bowed to her. "Good morning to you Princess Sally! It is a lovely day, no? A lovely day for a courtship?" When he said that, Brutus blushed, but stood before her, and hoping she wouldn't turn him down.

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