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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#34967 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:24:31

(She's been in a coma since Linar and Kalumvi died. A little more than 4 years)

Tarzan stumbled into the den, yawning. Marrana helped him into their nest.

(Ok, so. I'm gonna call Keldeo's mate Daraja, and he now loves with them, and his younger sister, Shwari.)

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#34971 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:32:16

Kunar, before he fell asleep, looked up real fast when he saw Tarzan and Marrana going to sleep together. He smile secretly and said to himself, "She must've agreed to be his mate. Good. He needs someone to keep him in line." He smiled again and curled up with Toki.

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#34973 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:36:31

Kunar, before he fell asleep, looked up real fast when he saw Tarzan and Marrana going to sleep together. He smile secretly and said to himself, "She must've agreed to be his mate. Good. He needs someone to keep him in line." He smiled again and curled up with Toki.

--------NEXT MORNING---------

The pride woke up to loud moaning and Toki screaming, "Areli!!!!!!!!" Areli woke up immediately, raced to their cave, and growled out some words that the entire pride could hear. "I told you should've let me clean your wounds, but no........ Now they're infected and you are herby required to not move until they are healed. No!!!! I don't care if you have patrol, or have to watch the Lion Guard train, or any excuses. If you move, the poison will spread, and you will DIE." Kunar got quiet, sighed dramatically, and grumbled. "Besides, how could you do that? You are paralyzed." Areli said, before coming out of the den, going into the one she stayed in, came out with her medicines and herbs, and going back into the King's den to administer to his wounds. Within a couple minutes, Toki, Kacy, and Tunar were shooed out, and Kunar began to roar in pain. "Ouch!!!! That hurts Areli!!!!"

Last edited on 2016-04-28 at 19:44:32 by Feathered Gold

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#34975 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:44:09

Keno whimpered at the sight of a cross slash on Kalina's flank. Malka had cleaned it, and was starting to groom his sister. Keno began to help.

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#34978 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:47:20

Toki trotted into the den, "How's Kalina? Kunar is a bit paralyzed from his battle wounds from yesterday, so don't expect him to be moving around for awhile boys."

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#34980 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:50:49

Keno looked up at her. "Cut." Malka explained all her wounds. Her missing ear, scar down her back, flank, and belly. "No one knows how. Keno believes she's fighting some dark force in the outer verse. " he shrugged.

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#34982 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:54:14

"Whatever is going on, if and when she wakes up, you two are going to have to take responsibility for her, and help her gain her strength back to be part of the hunting party. She may be strong in the spiritual sense, but very weak in the physical sense." Toki firmly said.

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#34983 Posted on 2016-04-28 19:55:42

The two nodded. Malka excused himself and skittered to kunar's den. "May I help?" He asked.

(Done for the night. Sorry!)

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#34984 Posted on 2016-04-28 20:00:16

(Ah poo! :()

"Malka, go get some more mint leaves, and fire wood. I need to make some minty water up and heat it to apply to your foolish brother's wounds." Areli said, before washing the wounds out with tea tree oil again, to which Kunar made a face, and growled for the stuff was very strong and burned his tender skin.

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#35146 Posted on 2016-04-29 14:20:18

Malka ran out to the little arch of herbs he had planted in the shade, and plucked a mouthful of mint. Carefully securing them in his jaw, he rushed back. He spat them at Areli's feet. "Can I help treat him?"

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#35147 Posted on 2016-04-29 14:43:13

"Start a fire. We need to get those leaves boiled in water, then let it cool for a few minutes before you gently wash his wounds out. But, be careful. He has been trying to bite me." Areli said, throwing some herbs in a bottle of spring water, and shaking it violently.

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#35149 Posted on 2016-04-29 14:46:01

Malka nodded, and quickly gathered some dry grass and twigs. Using and old piece of flint, a fire burned. He loped out, to come back with the bottle holder. Carefully sliding the bottle into it, he pushed it over the fire. Malka gazed at Aerli. "What happens if neither of them make it?"

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#35150 Posted on 2016-04-29 14:48:26

"Then, Kacy is the rightful Queen. But, she is NOT yet ready. Even she had said so herself." Areli said, "As for Kalina, I am not sure at all. Keno is positive that she will wake up, but I can't convince him that there's always the chance of her not making it."

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#35154 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:01:01

Malka nodded. "Well, he is the seer..." he murmured. He turned to look at his wiser brother and sleeping sister.

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#35155 Posted on 2016-04-29 15:10:52

"It does not matter whether he is the Seer or not, you need to look at both sides of the coin." Areli said, gently encouraging the paralyzed king to drink the herb water.

Bacardi heard from her vulture spy, the King was paralyzed, and smiled with glee. "Perfect. Get Koki into the den. I need to talk to him...." Within five minutes, Koki, and his gang had gathered in the main den. He sat down on the high rock where the King or Queen of the Snowy Pride sat to talk to the pride. She began to circle him, chuckling with menace, "You are ready! Nice, very nice..." She chuckled once more, "Now, what is your destiny?" Koki growled, "I will avenge father, take his place in the Savanna." "Yes. What have I taught you?" Koki began to growl deeper, "Kunar and all his family are the enemy." Bacardi stopped and stared at him with a dangerous gleam in her eye. "And, what must you do?" Koki snarled, "I must, kill them!" His gang all roared, she laughed with menace, and pointed out the entrance. "Go! Do your duty and do not return to me until you have completed your mission." They all growled and raced down the trail, Koki in the lead, and slipped around on the borders of the Savanna. Once near the Great Rock, Koki looked at them, "All of you, except for my sisters and myself, are to get yourselves into the pride. When you have gotten yourself comfortable in the pride, we will use one of the young prince's or princesses to get myself and my sisters in." The five young lionesses all nodded and trotted boldly into the Savanna while Koki, Cariole, and Ciardi slipped into the dangerous Nomad's Land to live for awhile.

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