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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

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Rulers of the Savanna pt. 2 RP

#35459 Posted on 2016-04-30 20:57:07

(I believe she was)

Keldeo sat watching her only cub, Yurcombe, play with Shawari's tail. The dark red lioness flicked it too and fro, as the redish tan cub pounced back and forth. She giggled as her Aunt flicked her in the nose.

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#35467 Posted on 2016-04-30 21:23:38

Kunar limped out of his den, happy to feel the wind blowing through his mane once more, and laid down just above Keldeo. "Hey, how's Yurcombe?" He called down with a big smile.

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#35503 Posted on 2016-05-01 05:39:47

Startled, Keldeo jumped. "Oh!" She said. "Kunar! You scared me!" The pale lioness licked her chest fur down, and the six month old cub scampered under her mother. "I'm fine." Yurcombe told him. Shwari chuckled, she was now fine and healthy, just thin.

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#35510 Posted on 2016-05-01 06:15:35

Kunar chuckled, carefully made his way down the trail, and laid down once more. He was still very shaky, but was determined to make a full recovery. At he didn't have to worry about Toki tackling him, for she already had greeted him with such joy back in the den. Kacy and Tunar knew that their dad was perfectly fine, but would need a lot of rest, and relaxation to make a full recovery. He had been ordered by the doctor to stay in and near his den for the next week; which would be very hard for him to do since he was a very active lion, loved being out and around his subjects, and loved to keep his land safe.

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#37508 Posted on 2016-05-10 18:28:55

Yurcumbi squealed, whipping around and pawing at her mother, for Tarzan had appeared out of no where, and the large lion always frightened her. "Hush baby," Keldeo soothed. "It's just my little brother." Confused, the cub looked at Tarzan, and then at her pale mother. "How is he your little brother?" She squeaked. "He's almost as large as Kunar!" The golden lion laughed, rolling on the floor.

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#37512 Posted on 2016-05-10 18:42:27

Kunar smiled at his sister, brother, and niece interacting. He loved his family. :) But, then he looked around, and felt a little worried. "Chumvi should've been back from patrol by now. With that rogue nearby, I don't like him being alone."

Chumvi meanwhile, was about five miles away, near the border, and was busy marking the territory; with spraying, clawing, and roaring. He was very alert, for he didn't have Kunar to help him, but knew that he would die before he let anyone take over his family's land. That rogue, the one who had injured Kunar very badly, was watching Chumvi claim the land, but didn't care, and got ready to attack the lone male. "With Kunar injured and Tarzan nowhere nearby; I can get rid of him easily." He snuck up on Chumvi, got down low, growled, teeth bared, claws out, and got ready to pounce. Alas, Chumvi was totally unaware of his attacker, and the tension began to build with the ways the animals acted.

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#38611 Posted on 2016-05-16 10:30:28

Tarzan over heard his eldest brother, "Would you like me to bring the guard down there?" He asked, worried.

Meanwhile, Ava and Tarnic had gotten extremely close, nad had finally decided to announce themselves as mates. Ava rubbed her head over the blind male's before getting up to go find Kunar. "KUnar!"

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#38716 Posted on 2016-05-16 16:46:07

"I suppose so, but give him a few more minutes." Kunar said to Tarzan, when he heard Ava calling for him excitedly. "Over with Keldeo, Ava!!!"

Chumvi continued to roar territorially, moving along the border, while the rogue followed closely, unaware that he was being followed. Another male, another rogue, but who was different, who had left his father's kingdom far to the west, to find the legendary King Kunar, and to offer his services to the great king. His father had given him his blessing and told him to make his family proud as a warrior of the legendary King Kunar. The young male had swore that he was die before he allowed anyone of the royal family to be hurt by those who wanted to take over the Mystical Savanna. He heard a male roaring territorially, assumed it was Kunar, and trotted eagerly to meet him. But then, he smelled a scent that had harm to it, sneaked through the grass, and spied the rogue who was getting ready to attack the male defining the Savanna's border. He quickly recognized the dark brown male marking the territory as Prince Chumvi, realized that the rogue just in front, and to the right of him meant to kill Chumvi; to which he growled and got ready to spring his own ambush. This new male, he was a mixture of a dark brown, light tan, with a silvery brown mane, silver tips on the ends of all his fur all over his body, with a dark brown tail tuft, and bright green eyes.

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#38796 Posted on 2016-05-17 04:06:05

Tarzan nodded, and stood. He shook his fur out and trotted away, waving his tail at Kunar. He sat at the edge of the Great Rock.

Ava found her sister, and gave her a friendly nuzzle. She gave her niece an affectionate ear lick before turning to Kunar. She beconed for her brother to come down, for she wanted it to be a secret, but she wanted her sister to know.

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#38936 Posted on 2016-05-17 13:02:20

"Yes? You have something sweet to tell me, considering how you are acting." Kunar looked at Ava with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in his eyes.

The rogue was ready to pounce, but suddenly roared in pain, as the other male who was searching for King Kunar quickly leapt onto him, and startled him out of his wits. Chumvi gasped, turned fast, snarled, and stared in shock when the other male dragged out the rogue. "This male was going to kill you sire, I caught him before he pounced." The silvery brown male told Chumvi, who stared at him, then at the rogue, who growled with rage at his plan being foiled. "You!!!!" Chumvi angrily yelled, slashed him across his face, ordered the other male to let him go, to which he tried to get onto Chumvi, but Chumvi easily evaded his poorly executed attack, and leapt onto him. They got into a nasty fight, to which the strange silvery brown male quickly leapt to Chumvi's aid when he saw that he was having a hard time getting the rogue pinned, and between the two of them; the rogue who had injured Kunar was killed. When the dust cleared, both Chumvi and the other male were covered with new scars, blood, and panting heavily; all the while staring at each other. "Thank you, but... who are you?" Prince Chumvi asked, to which the silvery brown male looked at him, bowed, and said, "I am Brutus and I have come to serve King Kunar."

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#38948 Posted on 2016-05-17 13:45:43

Ava smiled. "Tarnic and I have gotten close," she purred. "And have decided to become mates." She coiled her tail and the blind make came up from behind and liked her in between the ears, as Lunar had once done.

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#39128 Posted on 2016-05-18 09:46:21

"That is wonderful!!!!!" Kunar grinned with glee and then got a super soft look in his eyes when he saw Tarnic lick Ava like their mother had often done to their father.

Chumvi looked the new male, Brutus, up and down for a few minutes, then nodded, began trotting towards the Great Rock, and signaled for Brutus to follow him. The silvery brown male trotted respectfully right behind the Prince, his head low, and thinking. "I sure hope Kunar trusts me. I've heard what he has done to those who have tricked and deceived him. I am nothing of the sort." He was a little frightened, for Kunar was larger than any lion alive, and was still in the prime of life.

Chumvi roared, letting Kunar know that he was coming, and also letting him know that he was bringing a new lion with him. Kunar heard, pricked his ears, and decided to meet this lion on the same level; instead of above as usual, for he wanted to make sure about this new male's intentions personally. "Tarzan, come with me. But, do not do anything unless I tell you too. I want to see about this male personally. You are there to help guard the way back up to the den, to keep him from trying to get to any of the cubs, or the princesses." Without waiting for an answer, Kunar began to make his descent. Brutus looked down at the rocky ground, to see the little pebbles bouncing on the ground, felt the ground rumble under his feet, looked up, and trembled when he saw Kunar leap down from his staircase ledges, and stood before him. Brutus himself was a rather good sized, but he felt tiny compared to Kunar, like comparing a St. Bernard to a tiny kitten.

Last edited on 2016-05-23 at 14:58:24 by Feathered Gold

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#40439 Posted on 2016-05-23 19:32:30

Tarzan nodded and roared, calling the guard to him. Kane arrived first, of course. Then Ginelly, who was panting, her striped coat sweating. Then came Lilly, who almost knocked her self out when she hit her head. And last but not least, Bamar. He waited out side the dens, so he wouldn't trample any lions. Lilly kept an eye out while the rest were near cubs, the hurt, of expectants.

(Should their fifth birthday be soon ?πŸ˜‰)

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#40450 Posted on 2016-05-23 20:04:32


Brutus trembled, when the two huge lions stood before him. He was pretty good sized, about 850 lbs., Prince Chumvi was about 900 lbs, but King Kunar was almost 1500 lbs. He was huge and clearly was the dominant male. His younger brother, Prince Tarzan, was just as big, as he was nearly full grown, and was extremely fierce; as he was the leader of the Lion Guard.

"State your name." Kunar ordered, Brutus gulped, but quickly told him his story. He bowed down low and said, "King Kunar, I am Prince Brutus, son of the fierce Balto of the Okavango Delta, and have come to offer you my services as a loyal warrior. I was my father's heir, but was captured by humans when I was very young, and kept as a pet of the chief's children. They treated me well, I liked them, but missed my family very much. Many a night, I'd be sitting beside my little humans, allowing them to pet me, and listen to the elders of the village tell about a sacred Savanna, hidden deep in yonder mountains, and ruled by a powerful lion named Kunar. How the Savanna was magical, no man had ever seen it, for it was protected by magic, and many a white man had flown over the mountains only to see rocky peaks. I grew fascinated by the legends, for other stories were told about how this King protected the animals that lived in this sacred Savanna, and ruled over all. We knew that there was a desert up there, at the top of the pass, for strange lions would come down, and disappear in the Serengeti, while the rogues of the Serengeti would climb the forbidden pass, and never return. When I was older, I was trained to hunt for my humans, which suited me fine, but once I heard some of these young rogues from the forbidden pass talk about the great King Kunar, and wished they could serve him; but knew they needed to pass their genes along in the Serengeti and beyond. I realized that the legends were true and determined that one day I would meet the great King Kunar. I waited, for I needed to grow stronger to take on any hostile rogues I would be sure to meet, and to learn more from the legends. Three years went by, I learned much, grew a lot, and was set free by my humans; for their father said that I was far to big to keep in the village, even though I was good with people, and should be allowed to be my own free self. Though they were upset, they listened to wisdom of their father, and took me to the forbidden pass. I didn't want to leave them, but nuzzled them goodbye, climbed the pass, looked back, roared to thank them for their kindness, and ran into the desert at the top after crossing the river to find the legendary King Kunar. That is my story sire and I now leave it up to your judgement." Brutus bowed once more and lay down at Kunar's feet. Kunar looked at Chumvi with eyebrows raised, who smiled slightly, and then Kunar looked at Tarzan for his opinion.

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#40453 Posted on 2016-05-23 20:18:38

Tarzan stepped forward and glanced at the smaller male. "Ill do accept him." He whispered. "As long as he can work with Keldeo to hunt and spar. " Keldeo was a tough opponent, and she was slim, and quick. She was a hard target, even with her color. Tarzan flicked his tail and Bamar came bustling over, and stared down the unknown male while Tarzan bounced off to grab his older sister.

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